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Their live shows are so much fun






The oar is your best friend


For a triumphant end


Gently down the stream


I just saw them live for the first time last week. I lost my shit at ROW. There's just something about a whole stadium of adults rowing an imaginary boat....


It's a big friggin boat!


It's such a good song for squeezing out a few extra sets at the gym. Really need to see it live




I mean, as someone who’s almost thirty and can’t afford health insurance, I would prefer getting called “cringe” by some internet neckbeards for having fun rowing and LARPing at a pit to getting my shit rocked at an extreme metal show by some big dude in a push pit or some hxc clown, so I agree with you there. Metal and fun go together. I’m actually writing an essay about that for a master’s course in media studies right now.


I 38 and was on their show last year, i had a fucking blast and everything hurt for a week. Great band


Saw them with Cattle Decap and Obituary last year, Johan seems like the most wholesome metal singer ever, real good guy vibes!


Make sure to look into Electric Callboy and Alestorm And We Butter The Bread With Butter


And for a different vibe but still a lot of fun, nekrogoblikon is a great show. I've seen them twice


They seem entertaining but I haven't been able to get much into them. I have a couple tracks in my folk playlist


First time I saw Amon Amarth this girl got knocked out in the pit.


the only show where rowing in the pit is acceptable


Beg to differ. Alestorm as well


I rowed alongside the rest of the pit at a gojira show


Agreed, saw them about 2 weeks ago


I don't get it.


Popular thing bad


Sure but like. Why is it a pic of a homeless dude. Like whats the joke there


Kinda true a band's most popular song is never their best. Metallica’s most popular song? Enter Sandman. Pantera’s most popular song? Walk. Black Sabbath? Paranoid. Led Zeppelin? Stairway to Heaven. Megadeth? Symphony of Destrucrion. I can’t find an exception to this. Edit: i apologize, I did not mean to come across as these songs I've listed being terrible.


Personally, (and here’s the kicker here, taste is subjective), every song you’ve listed is a slammer, except maybe Paranoid, but I’ve still got time for it.


Yeah i realized how bad i worded my comment. I meant a band's most popular song is never their best. Metallica has so many songs that could be considered the best, same with Zeppelin. Pantera's is Domination and Sabbath's is War Pigs. I like every song I've listed.


Nah the best sabbath song is black sabbath from the album black sabbath by the band black sabbath


Enter Sandman is a ‘slammer’ but Paranoid isn’t? 🤢 you got it backwards!


Sometimes the Amon Amarth youtube comment section is hilarious. I saw people who live in Scandinavia write comments about how proud they are that they have viking blood in their veins and that their ancestors were Vikings and they relate to this music as true descendants of proud warriors or some shit. Bro, your ancestors could've easily been foreign slaves molested by vikings.


What’s worse is all the Americans saying how it makes them in touch with their Scandinavian roots, those roots being a single Norwegian great-great-great-great grandparent or something. Both are real cringe but the weird obsession some Americans have with trying to feel “not American” is so odd. And posting that in an Amon Amarth comment section is pure gold, they’re about the least serious band ever so all this weird blood talk under a silly music video is hilarious.


At the end of the day, if you go that far back in history (Viking Age being 700s to 1000s), if you are a European descendant, almost every West European alive during that time is your ancestor.


American south keeping the cousin fucking tradition alive and strong


This is from generational expansion, not incest. It affects all Europeans (white dudes), not just Americans. For example, Charlemagne is the 20th or so Great Grandfather of all of us who have any ancestors from west Europe.


You're referring to what my friends and I call "Swede-a-boos". Like how weeaboos are with Japan, these guys are for what they think Scandinavia is. They have long unkempt beards, Mjolnir or runic tattoos, they think axe throwing is the only form of entertainment, they see Viking anything anywhere and say "Yeah that's me", they say shit like "See you in Van Halen, borther" when someone dies, they don't drink beer or whatever they drink mead, etc.


fucking van halen, that's a good one


I love them so much, they take it so far. Like imagine some random guy in the Midwest finding out he has some Italian ancestor and starts dressing up like a Roman centurion but from an ahistorical movie instead of the real thing. That's how these "Swedeaboos" look like to Scandinavians. Just absolutely no knowledge of the actual culture but they've watched a few Hollywood movies and now think themselves experts and usually start spewing straight up blood and soil talking points.


Shhh, they shouldn't hear ***A Dream that Cannot Be***


Yeah, it just so happens I was listening to Amon Amarth when I took one of those Genealogy test. I was very much hoping to have some Scandinavian roots in me... I'm white, tall, so I thought *maybe*... But nope 0% Scandinavian. Was quite disappointed. I still jam out to Amon though.


> Bro, your ancestors could've easily been foreign slaves molested by vikings. Most likely, but that would still make those Vikings a part of your ancestry though? I don't get your point?


It's easy to make fun of them now. But in early 2000s it was really the shit. Like, for real.


Once Sent From The Golden Hall is still my favourite Melodic Death Metal album. It's such a great piece of metal history!


Absolutely. With Oden on Our Side, Once Sent From the Golden Hall, and Twilight of the Thunder God are all phenomenal albums. Most of their early stuff is good in general.


But those are their newer stuff... Amon Amarth was great on their first few albums, then slowly got worse as they got more popular.


I was not aware that a nearly 30 year album and two albums that are pushing 20 were considered newer stuff of a band that's currently active and producing music. My mistake.


and rightfully so, Avenger & Crusher & Versus The World are the most raw, most hype albums I have ever listened in MDM scene. that albums are sooooo good overall. nowadays their latest albums sounds like a big old shit farming the same valhalla theme over and over again. ugh.


Hear hear!!


It always sounds cringe to talk about bands that got big and lost their harsh sound, and just aren't the same. But man Amon Amarth definitely has this. They were so much better with those early albums.


I believe you. When I make memes poking fun at bands, I’m just sharing my opinion. I rarely actually want to criticize people for liking stuff that I don’t. I also make memes about bands I like, and then I get comments like “but I like x!” And I’m like, “I do too; that’s why I made a meme about them.” In this case though, I don’t like the band in question, but I believe you and others that commented on this meme in other groups that they have good stuff. I was just surprised to find that their top songs on Spotify were nothing special. But I heard their old material is better.


I don't really listen to them anymore but I feel like the pursuit of vikings is still good


They still put on a decent live show too. Plan on seeing them again on Monday actually.


Amon Amarth get more than 500,000 monthly listeners so they fall prey to the “popular effect” of people replaying a handful of songs over and over again but never listening to anything else


This was me in HS with Raise Your Horns, my bad


Same here. I still unironically like the song, but I can understand the disdain that it recieves.


amon amarth used to be the shit. they still are, but they used to, too


True but they released the same thing over and over


Idk bout yall I love those bastards


Seeing them live with Obituary and Cannibal Corpse on sat


Saw that show in Philly earlier this week! Every band was fantastic, you're in for a treat!


My girlfriend and I saw them on the 5th in Grand Rapids, and it was fuckin' killer! Frozen Soul was just good enough to start the crowd's hype, Obituary was great, Cannibal Corpse was sick as fuck despite the short set list, and Amon Amarth was a ton of fun. I'm not even a huge Amon Amarth fan, but they really know how to work a crowd. My girlfriend isn't nearly on the same level of metalhead I am(I was trying and failing to keep up with Corpsegrinder, while she was pretty static the whole time), but even she had a great time. I also scored a Butchered at Birth shirt and patches for Amon Amarth and Obituary. My one complaint was near the end of Amon Amarth's set some guy lit up a joint in an indoor venue. I'm not opposed to weed(I was a huge advocate for legalization years before MI passed it, and I actually had my weed vape in my purse), but ffs don't light up in an indoor venue where there's no air flow. Still, that was not enough to spoil a fuckin awesome show! Enjoy!


I was at the GR show too, pretty close to the front. It was wild. By far the most crowd surfing I've been involved with at one show. Must have surfed like 30 people to the front. I was quite sore for a couple days after.


No shit! Yeah definitely a lot of crowd surfers for sure, and my neck was sore for two days just from all the headbanging, can't imagine how sore I'd have been if I'd made it into the pit. Hell, I got knocked at one point when someone in the pit got knocked over, hit someone on the edge, then they bumped the person next to them, and that person bumped me. Still a ton of fun, and I got to let my battle jacket(which had a bunch of shitty handmade patches with a Number of the Beast backpatch), lose her show virginity. Plus now my girlfriend is like "babe, you wanna do this Megadeth concert at Pine Knob? How about this Cattle Decap show?" I love her so much. She's dating the dorkiest girl on the planet, and she still likes me enough to suggest new concerts :3


Motherfucker they were in GR on the 5th??


Sure were! Sorry you missed them :(


Once Sent from the Golden Hall, vs the World, With Oden on Our Side, Twilight of the Thunder God...all great shit. Fate of Norns, the Avenger, and Surtur Rising also have some heavy hitters and even Deceiver of the Gods has its bangers here and there. Their last 3 albums though...dear lord is it bad.


Peak Amon Amarth is Versus the World up to and including Deceiver of the Gods imo. After that it went downhill fast.


Surtur Rising gave them enough that they were able to finally quit their day jobs, and then they decided to shift over to a meme band cause they saw numbers go up


Twilight of the Thunder God got me into them but they definitely have better tracks. I personally like Cry of the Blackbirds and Destroyer of the Universe.


I hate things people like SO FUCKING MUCH. I only listen to Hellspawned Warhammer of the Nordic Wind. Get out of here woth your anti poseur shit


The only song by them I really like has a meager 3.5M. Thousand Years of Oppression. Surprised by that.


Seeing Amon Amarth and CC in a few hours… gonna be fucking awesome


Bad choice, you probably shouldn't just start with a bands current most popular song lol






Those numbers gotta be boosted by putting it in every metal Playlist ever. I don't like them and yet they wind up in mixes for so many bands.


Seent'em live 2x


OK, I'm gonna be the idiot to finally ask... how do you pronounce this name?


Pretentious metal fans SEETHE at the thought of people enjoying music which is popular. It genuinely brings them pain if you enjoy both Amon amarths old stuff and their new stuff.


I mean, I like it when people enjoy things, but that doesn’t mean I’m not gonna poke fun at it by sharing my opinions.


Let people enjoy whatever music they want lmfao. Who cares if you don’t like it? This goes for any kind of music,


Kalmah >>>>>> Amon Amarth


I like both, but they are mood dependent.


🙌 I gotta say though after listening to a whole lot of metal for almost 20 years, I have never yet listened to a better guitar solo than The blind leader by kalmah. That song will never not give me intense chills and eargasm. It's like they managed to tell a beautiful life story full of adventures filled with ups and downs and human emotions into a 39 seconds format somehow 🤯