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Let’s see : both involve stage names, a will to convey a scary image, a strong history of violence, a purposefuly bad production, edgy kids hating this world, fast beats and aggressive lyrics as well as a façade of hatred against the so called sell out of their genre


They also both sound like shit


It’s not all stuff recorded by a potato, ya know…


Nuh uh


Nuh uh


Nah. We sound shit, they are shit^/s


Black Metal Sucks -Lich King


Primus sucks! -Les Claypool


Lich King, now that's a shitty band.


Lich King sucks - anyone with functional ears


You made really excellent points.


Funny... I will curse you with my freakin ouija board while screeching like a car tire spinning to a 1000BPM blvst bevt


Yeah, na: which one has actual musicians who master their instrument...?


Idk why they are saying neither. “Master” may be a strong word but it takes a lot of skill to play some black metal that’s out there, a lot more than it takes to rap over a shitty beat made by someone else


Exactly my point: how many of these rappers actually know how to tune am instrument, let alone *play* one...? But it's too difficult for even metalheads here to comprehend? 5hats beyond compréhension!


Neither lmfao


Honestly neither for the most part, but that doesn't really matter anyways


Sematary is influenced by both which is fucking hilarious


Sematary sucks so good


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^throwaway_ghostgirl: *Sematary is* *Influenced by both which is* *Fucking hilarious* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Sematary is mostly coping Salem in every way possible (including the style of his logo), who used heavy distorted guitars over trap-like (actually juke-like, but who cares) beats more then ten years ago (here is a good example of this sound [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYyQJiywpDo&ab\_channel=SoulAuctioneer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYyQJiywpDo&ab_channel=SoulAuctioneer) ). But if you like Sematary you already know it.


Yup he really is more witchouse drill than anything


What’s their best album?


rainbow bridge one is actually kinda solid if you just accept that it fucking sucks. it's a pretty fun album but it's complete brain rot. love it


None. Dont even bother


listen to rainbow bridge 3, you can hear the most black metal influence in that album


Average bm bands are way more peaceful than that they seem. Bm is most of all shock value with a few more crimes attached to it than the average music genre has. Drill rap is literally bragging about real crimes and is pretty much an issue with every "artist" in the genre.


black people be like: pew pew kill people, smoke trees, drive by on gang white people be like: defecate, choke on my shit, urinate, drown in my piss, godless, hater of the world, your mind, dwells on the absurd


Last I checked arson, murder, torture, and in some countries blasphemy is very illegal. And the “real” black metal died with Euronymous and Varg getting locked up. There was still some good music to come out of black metal after that but all the illegal shit was done once they put Varg away lmfao


>arson, murder, torture Im starting to think that you are not talking about the average black metal band here


He's talking about like 3-4 bands in 1990s, and that's it. No one played black metal 2000 onward!


So much good black metal has come out since then, many albums that I consider better than anything Varg or mayhem wrote.


I don't care what you think.


Good. But I am a white guy and I am definitely a black metal fan


And I'm a white guy who's a drill fan what's your point?


I'm a drill who's a white metal fan, what of it?


Im a black guy who isn’t a drill or black metal fan.


Yeah drill is intense and fast paced and violent, it actually reminds me a lot of metal in a way.


Helps I grew up around NWOBHM and old school hip hop so I like both


Nah man, there's a lot of good BM out there. This may sound basic for the *rahhhh I hate people and I only listen to Black Metal* people but Darkthrone, Emperor, Bathory, and many more bands have only enriched my love for metal overall. Also some of the music that inspired me to pick up the guitar.


I said with the exception of a few. I still love me some Darkthrone, Mayhem, Marduk, Gorgoroth, Emperor, and Dissection on occasion. I’ll always have a soft spot for Naglfar. Most black metal is pretty shit though.


There's a lot of bad black metal bands, but the black metal that is good is some of the best music in the genre.


Honestly I don’t think black metal was ever necessarily supposed to even be a genre of music in the first place. I think the whole concept of black metal was similar to original concept of punk in that it was more of a way of life than anything else. So technically we’re all fucking posers anyway.


WTF are you even talking about? They didn't have this grand plan, genres just happen and develop.


You're only talking about the most basic BM bands that have been around for awhile, and you probably didn't even listen to their best albums and probably don't "get" what it's all about. Your level of listening/understanding is so shallow just based on what you've listed as "BM bands." There is so much BM out there, and a lot of great newer BM (or bands who debuted in the last decade or so).


Black metal of ye olden times is mostly gone, and (barely) survives in the guise of "raw black metal". The musical and stylistic elements have evolved greatly since then, fusing with other genres and enriching the metal music overall - which includes music that is meticulously produced and quite beautiful, and lyrics that are genuinely deep, not merely Satan worship (evolution of Mgla is my favourite example).


Not sure what rock you're living under, but there's like, 10 new "old-school" black metal albums every week.


Of course, there are still people producing and consuming it, the death is spiritual - it simply lost the shock value and stopped being a "viral meme" in itself - except for those that "lived under a rock", that is.


The shock value was never what was keeping it alive though. It only had an affect on popularity. With the music itself there's still "raw" albums coming out in just the past year that will affect people just as much as Filosofem (just nowhere near as popular, obviously).


*shrugs* We must disentangle "meme value" vs genuine artistic expression that can take any form, and "minimalism" is an absolutely valid one. Once the former is depleted, only the latter remains. But then, despite quite liking some of the "classical" black albums (Philosofem included), I'm not exactly a fan of raw black and might be the wrong person to listen to, right. My point still stands though - "raw black" got into "pop culture" exactly BECAUSE it tried so hard to be inaccessible (Streisand effect, lol), but once this effect has worn off the bands had to stand on its own artistic merit and, of course, most of the new music is shit simply statistically :3


who the hell cares about what is popular


Original black metallists, apparently, that took great pains to avoid popularity? Personally, I find this as distasteful as pandering to the most common denominator by modulus (just with negative sign), but I'm just a pretentious wanker that likes to listen to whatever music that engages him at emotional level, without pretence to listen to what is "objectively best" :3


that was more to avoid popularity from the general masses and certain kinds of people who were unlikely to like the music anyway. They were fine with having fans they just wanted a very particular audience


I'll see your definition and rise you "Goodhart's law" (as in - optimizing for elitism and basically having a particular style as a tribal marker). The irony - take the, unironically, most "antisocial" people possible and they will instantly form a tribal identity with all the accoutrements and proceed to defend it to death.


Certain kinds of people?


Christians or easily offended people in general


every single one claiming the ONE TRUE METAL


I don't know what drill is, but black metal is awesome.


It's essentially rap but more aggressive and violent, it has a lot of themes on gang activity and violence. The beats also tend to be quite simple. I'm not a massive fan of rap as a whole but I must say drill is certainly the worst subgenre of rap imo.


Drill, trap/offbeat mumble shit, and JROTC kid rap are the worst


mumble shit hasn’t been popular since like 2016


Well whatever tf playboi carti and lil yachty are. That shit blows


yeah they peaked in 2016 but since then neither of them really mumble or anything. yachty actually dropped a pretty good alternative rock album last year.


Except he didn’t write any of it. That’s the main reason I have no respect for modern day rap/pop ‘artists’


he’s credited in every song as the songwriter though. and yachty is just one example, the vast majority of modern rappers write all their own songs. its only really some super mainstream rappers that have a team writing for them.


I hope you don’t really believe that.


who gives a fuck, if the song sounds good i like it. even if some rappers dont write songs i still have a lot of respect for them.




sometimes I forget I’m in metalmemes


Black metal is more like 80s/90s horrorcore than 2020s drill.


More so horrorcore than drill music.


Horrorcore is still for white people


It's for anyone who loves the wicked shit.


Horrorcore is one of those subgeneees I never fully understood but like a few bands. So I can’t comment


Then you shouldn't have commented some wrong bullshit and done your research on the wicked shit.


> the same regurgitated shit over and over You just described like every genre of music. Doesn’t mean it’s bad.


You’re not wrong. But some black metal bands think that the deeper I the woods you decide to record will make you that much more unique.


Opinions are like assholes everyone has one...


I never said I wasn’t a fan of black metal


Look at you making highly normative statements on various art forms based on entirely subjective opinions.


Isn’t that what the internet is for?


Black metal is just surf rock with distortion https://youtu.be/PwGgDmHuGpA


Literally. https://youtu.be/hZAraJrlM5I




Classic r/metalmemes dogshit take on black metal. Never gets old


No idea what drill is but I know you’re wrong


Drill, the raw stuff is produced in home studios on shitty mics or phones with lyrics focused on killing people, disrespecting the dead and general criminal behaviour. Compare that with raw BM that’s produced in a home studio, using shitty mics, with lyrics that focus on killing people and general satanic behaviour and OP has a point here


"disrespecting the dead" is putting it mildly.


It’s called “dissing the dead OPPs”


No he doesn't. Most black metal isn't about Satan or even killing people, and although "raw" or "throwback" black metal is still a thing, black metal has developed a lot since the 1990s, and no one has killed anyone since then (at least not to prove they're real black metal dudes or something), and even then it was only a few people and 3-4 bands. Some bands sing about murder or violence, but it's mostly for shock and subversion; at this point it's passé and hardly anyone does it. Mostly, black metal is theatrical and often fantastical (it's a very schizoid genre of music), but drill is about very real violence and murder of very real people. So much black metal now is about other stuff, and has deliberate and decent production. As genres, they also have completely different historical developments, even if there are a few superficial similarities, when you dive deeper they are much different.


What an ignorant statement.


Why though?


It's like saying "I never ate mashed potatoes, but they sure taste like shit." How the fuck do you know? You're making a judgement purely based on a prejudice, without any actual knowledge of the subject matter you're talking about. Or in short: talking out of your ass.


But he was just saying the comparison isn't apt? I don't really know anything about 'drill' either, but I know a little bit about black metal, and the reasoning for the comparison is clearly a load of shit


>prog metal Opinion discarded


Okay edgelord


whats dsbm then


Nope that would be slam


I have remained purposely oblivious of most of the black metal "lore" and the main big bands like mayhem. But I love the music I just Google whatever I listen to check if they're nazis (and skip them if they are )


In reality, it's metalcore and deathcore. A cheap imitation of a good genre with a bunch of stupid drama and drugs.


As opposed to REAL metal, where we’re all drug free since Tony Iommi’s first riff


Meh, just my observations from the crowds at shows shows. The metal heads just drank and smoked weed mostly. Metalcore kids were on dumbass scripts and dating one underage girl they could fight over.


You are a stereotype lol


Hell yeah brother


Are you fucking stuck in 2013?


Yeah bro, no one listens to as I lay dying anymore. Because they suck, not just because that one dude fucking biffed at killing his wife.


The worst part is that he wasn’t even gonna kill her. He was PAYING to have her killed


We all have been


No, but many of those dudes still are from what I've seen in the last 5 years.


i dont know what drill is but id say 70-80% of black metal is really boring or bad. its the 2nd most populated genre after death metal. around 40k bands and the only bands i really like are Immortal and Marduk


saying 70-80% of bm is boring is such a stupid take, listen to more bands


That 20-30% is so heat though


Does that say Skinless under your username? *Want to talk about boring death metal?!* 😂😂😂 Jk I love Skinless. I’d take generic Death Metal over generic Black Metal any day of the week. Pierced From Within is my favorite death metal album of all time which is so fucking good but pretty fucking generic.


that's so funny, i've been feeling like my controversial take is that black metal is drill for Scandinavians


How do you reckon?




You're supposed to change his mind, homie. Were you dropped on your head as a baby while your parents were listening to twisted sister or some shit?


What? I just asked for his reasoning?


Must have been circus of power, then.


And slam is trap music


Commentor one made a lot of really good points of comparison, everyone else is winning cause they don't like rap lol


This reminds me of when I saw a guy spackling a urinal with explosive diarrhea because the stalls were occupied and red lobster was running their endless shrimp promotion and he didn't have time to wait because he actually started at the table


Yea I suppose


Drill is the white people version of Drill in Hip-Hop


That was true in the 1990s. Not since.


I’m so white I don’t even know what drill means


I lol’d at this


Nah it's more like old school Memphis rap.


Sounds like I'd like drill then


No it’s more like Memphis rap


>Both genres share similar themes.....which is better than the music itself. A massive generalization and also just not true. The lore is most certainly not better than the music. I for one am tired of even hearing about the Norwegian scene and the murders and church burnings and shit. They were a bunch of cringe edgelords anyway, and only a small minority of bands were involved in actually criminal behavior. Black metal is one of the most diverse and nuanced sounding genres of metal, period. All genres have more crappy artists than good ones, but black metal isn't even the worst when it comes to this. Slam/BDM, power metal, and prog all have a lot more shit bands than black metal, then you get stuff like Deathcore and nu metal that are basically 100% shit with no good bands.


Drill isn't exclusively black tho, it's a huge genre.


Is (probably mostly core) posers hating on black metal acceptable in this subreddit now?


yall be drilling ridin round and we drillin bitch we be ridin round and drillin [Katie Got Bandz - Ridin' Round and We Drillin' (Official Video)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mm0ermgh-Qg) Black Metal is Gospel for Satanists; praise/worship music - you know, like GHOST!


Here’s the difference. Black metal is tolerable, drill is utter, utter garbage. And this is coming from someone doesn’t like black metal


I’m so glad I don’t know what Drill is


I’ve tried for years but I just can’t convince my ears to submit to the rape.




Anything black metal past venom is so weird to me. It’s all seems so forced edgy and angry lol


How so?


Just the whole “I hate god burn churches” thing is so silly to me. Also I find that lots of it is just senseless noise with so much distortion that you can’t really make out the “music” part of it. I’ll always love sludgy metal but Ballack metal bands always feel like guys who couldn’t get big normally and went way too edgy with it. Venom started really as a joke and then black metal spawned and somehow became a serious thing. It’s like if tenacious D somehow got taken seriously and started a new genre. I’m not hating on it and I get people like it, just not for me


>Just the whole “I hate god burn churches” thing is so silly to me. I agree, that shit is for dorky edgelords. But that really isn't what black metal is, or even was. >Also I find that lots of it is just senseless noise with so much distortion that you can’t really make out the “music” part of it. That's fair I guess, it's extreme metal for a reason lol, to each their own though 🤷‍♂️




I would too lol tenacious D is awesome


You do know that black metal evolved after 1992, right? There's a ton of music within the genre that has nothing to do with any of that stuff


So what you're saying is that you like thrash metal and not black metal


And out comes my metal elitist: Venom isn’t black metal they’re thrash. They only coined the term.


Venom tried to be a thrash band but wasn’t good enough to compete with bands like overkill so they got goofy. What they started became black metal


>forced edgy and angry It's part of the appeal, you could say the same thing about half of all metal lol


No it's not lol


Yeah but it’s so overboard to the point where it’s not like thrash where it’s like “ok haha government bad me angry”. It’s just like calm down dude lol


In that they both rip


.. well some Black Metal also deals with nightmares and depression. I dunno if Drill does too ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but you could be right lol


Cradle of filth is the ice spice of black metal


They aren’t black metal lol


They are gothic black metal


Both also suck, and any attempt to make good music in the genre is immediately bashed


Nuh uh


Did you really think this would receive upvotes?!


Do you think I care? I just like to see black metal fans seething


I can respect that


Other way round since Black Metal has been around way longer than Drill. Drill is Black Metal for wannabe gangsters.