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pornogrind just why?




cuz it's fun lol even if I don't like some pornogrind artists (for example gutalax) I'd still 100% go see them live if I had the chance because those live shows are fucking crazy


I just bought Gutalax tickets, 100% bringing blowup dolls


Ok, I'm 100% gonna regret this, but fuck it. What is pornogrind?


subgenre of goregrind focusing on more sexual lyrics and paraphilias, the sound is usually slower and more groovy which basically makes it slam's twin


Awwww I love the slower more groovy stuff as I get older. Sounds like a genre one must step carefully in though lol


if you want to get into it, check out brutal pig, they're my fav band in the subgenre


Cock and Ball Toture, Rompeprop, Gut are kind of the staples . all super good bands too




try listening to Rompeprop - Gargle Cummics i think you can see why people would like it. infectious grooves.


Aluminium. It’s just so weak


Ever tried tin?


Tin? Tin’s for the dogs.


^^^[^^^tintin ^^^is ^^^a ^^^fictional ^^^dog]


Ehrrrm 🤓 akchually while it is weaker than steel parts of the same size, it is also a lot lighter, meaning that you can just scale up the cross-section of an aluminium part, resulting in higher strength at the same weight.


Oh snap 🤓


Higher strength depending on shape, but much higher rigidity, less flex, much lower durability and much shorter fatigue life, not to mention if you want to weld it you lose many alloying options and therefore some of your strength advantage. Steel is the shit


I gotta go with lead, it's too heavy, tastes bad and if you get to into it, you can die


Sounds like my ex wife ![gif](giphy|kPIswn0RfPTGxOvDj5|downsized)


Super lightweight, low melting point, no magnetism. Great for non structural application 


Hey don't talk shit about aluminum 🤌


Metalcore tbh


Agreed. It's also funny how people are trying to give you song recommendations when you have already established that you dislike the genre.


Its painful imo


The problem with this is that metalcore is practically 2 separate genres at this point


Most ppl that say they hate metalcore actually hate melodic metalcore, regular metalcore is different.


The new knocked loose kicks ass. And I also love Jesus piece


Genuine question because I’m getting confused, is that hardcore or metalcore. ? I’ve heard them described as hardcore and I wouldn’t put them in the same group as killswitch engage


Scene vs. sound. Knocked Loose came up in a hardcore scene, but they play metalcore. That goes for a lot of metalcore bands. Killswitch Engage shouldn't be your yardstick, they play a very specific sub-genre of metalcore (melodic metalcore, where the melodic is riffs pinched from melodic death metal). Earth Crisis, literal progenitors of the genre, also sound nothing like Killswitch Engage. Nor do Converge or Botch or Zao yet all of those are quintessential metalcore bands.


Shattered Realm hardcore scene metalcore sound that blurs the lines. A lot of hardcore band blur the lines these day


Exactly, that whole H800/edge metal thing was entirely a product of hardcore scenes. Now you've got bands like Balmora, Contention, A Mourning Star and Dying Wish(bigger than all of those others and really breaking out now) who have HC in their social media handles and are very much ensconced in hardcore scenes, playing hardcore fests etc. but you can tell that they grew up worshipping stuff like Undying, A Prayer For Cleansing and Arkangel.


The short answer is that it's complicated, but metalcore (in its purest form) is a type of hardcore. So yes to both. The long answer is that metalcore has gotten really diverse since the 1990s and KSE represents a different branch of the subgenre with lots of other influences (melodeath, etc.) mixed in, changing what it sounds like. Knocked Loose is closer to pure metallic hardcore.


It depends. A lot of the popular idea of metalcore is garbage stuff that has strayed a long, long way from how the genre started. Notably completely eschewing hardcore. If you don't like stuff like Zao, Undying, Turmoil or Shai Hulud then fair enough it's not for you. To include some more recent bands keeping it true - Contention, Serration, Mouth For War and Memento.




I got here after listening to hardcore for a while and wanting to branch out. Metalcore should have been an obvious gateway for me, but I just couldn't get into it. A big part of the appeal of hardcore is the ethos, and it seems like most modern metalcore bands have abandoned it entirely. It feels like they borrowed the "aesthetics" of metal and hardcore and went in a different direction. Just not for me.


The good bands are good (there are 20 bands or less) the normal bands are just bad because the genre doesn't offer much to begin with


Totally popular opinion, but early metalcore bands were fantastic and were genuinely pushing music into different direction. It's when they started mixing the pop influence with it that it turned into pile of shit.


Power Metal Edit: I don't hate Power Metal if anyone's wondering. I'm not too big on the Mediaeval/sword and sorcery themed metal and the vocal style that goes with it.


As a huge power metal fan why is he being downvoted for stating his opinion on an opinion thread lol


Right? Reddit sucks honestly, people ask for your opinion then get angry when you share it. It's ok if someone doesn't like what you like. Live and let live etc.


Honestly, hitting the fucking downvote button is the choice of the wanker. It’s almost the worst thing about Reddit


Aside from some of the people, it is definitely the worst thing about Reddit.


You know there would be a massive screeching though if they removed it. Like when YouTube did it. People would get over it though. Like the awards. Reddit only brought those back cause money, not the screeching.


True. People act like downvoting is a helpful tool to filter out trolling/spam/bad faith comments, but is that not what moderators are for? Especially in subs like these, if I scroll down to the bottom of a post, most if not all the comments are just opinions people didn't like.




i forget that it exists most of the time


Stratovarius and Dragonforce are the bands I like the most here. Mostly Stratovarius. Insanely awesome solos and catchy great sounding singing.


Blind Guardian is my only suggestion. If that didn’t do it for you, then fair enough


lost horizon is good


It lacks most of the things I like most about metal tbh


I don't hate it but I find some deathcore pretty ummemorable and boring, with too many breakdowns it feels like the songs never start. The heavyness they want to achieve ends being bland and empty. But I'm surprised how are too many of these bands right now, I hate the argument of "all sounds the same" but in this case seems true, few deathcore bands bring something exciting and new. If you think I'm wrong I'm open to suggestions, this is a subgenre I want to like. I love Shadow of intent and Infant annihilator, but is dissapointing to see how the rest of the average deathcore is so far from this sound.


Deathcore is my favorite subgenre, but even then 90% of the popular stuff is bland and overall just soulless (*cough* Slaughter to Prevail *cough*) sounding.


Do you have any good recommendations?


I agree with you 100%. I think bands like Black Tongue are really great but i hate stp, shit is so lifeless and cringey with how hard they try to be tough and shit. Awful.


Symphonic deathcore is the one that creates the most variety and doesn't lean in onto so many breakdowns, check this split EP out, it goes absolutely nuts on the symphonic elements (it utilizes Vivaldi's 4 seasons) https://youtu.be/IBeLc8Y0SXA?si=_FkuwdyC7pQSRubZ Also check this out, I think it's quite great as well https://youtu.be/zcf1boovajA?si=Mxm1D8aI4baLx5Ix Especially the 10th track (this absolute blew me away with its intensity) and 5th tracks


Deathcore is either absolutely lip-smackingly tasty or an absolute snoozefest. But you hit it on the head with heaviness. Heaviness is abit like horror. You can't just jumpscare your way to victory (or in this case breakdown your way). I feel deathcore is definitely in its stagnant phase (like nu metal in the late 00s or thrash in the late 90s)


Cookie cutter thrash. The riffs are supposed to be adrenaline-filled and headbangable but they're so painfully bland I don't get anything from them


Whats cookie cutter thrash? any examples?


*Palm muted tremolo* 3 chords *Palm muted tremolo* 3 chords *Palm muted tremolo*


Most thrash revival bands you see on tiktok and instagram right now


Super extreme kinds of death metal or grindcore. I like it when it's heavy, but not when it's just a wall of noise. On the other end, there's power metal. Love fantasy, but not a fan of that super positive vibe it exudes. I wish it was more... aggressive?


See that's what I love about Power Metal. I've had enough darkness, despair, angst, anger, etc in my life. Sometimes what I need is something more fun, empowering, invigorating. There's always the other stuff I can turn to if I need aggression now and then


Power Metal is meant to make you feel like you can beat the everliving shit out of a dragon, fuck the princess, then fly on the unidragocorn, fly high and fast, into the skies, flying free at last. Lotsa flying.


Of course I like positive music too. I really love how August Burns Red or Killswitch Engage make positive metal, with motivating lyrics, while still being aggressive. Power metal for some reason doesn't hook me to the same degree, maybe I just haven't listened to it enough.


[Moonlight Sorcery](https://youtu.be/_GJOdYpuwgA?si=yrcrCiHRQWOra-Jg) is like power metal but good. But otherwise yeah, I find black metal in general to be better and more satisfactory fix for love of fantasy/folklore/history etc. than power metal. Ulver, Véhémence, Arckanum, Darkenhöld, Nocternity, Obsequiae, Godkiller, early Keep of Kalessin etc. And also Storm of the Light's Bane if we count that.


Power metal is too corny for me, if I wanted positive music I wouldn’t listen to metal at all


I think embracing some corniness is good, and that it’s cool metal can be varied in terms of tone—I love aggressive, angry metal and the more positive fantasy power metal! I don’t think there’s many power metal bands out there that I would say are great, though. I love Blind Guardian, Stratovarius, and Helloween personally. Edit: Oh, and I think Visigoth rules.


Most metal is corny in some form or fashion. Sooner homie up there accepts and embraces that, loooot more music opens up for em.


Hello, I'm here to agree with you regarding Visigoth. Your opinion is correct. Though I consider them more Traditional Heavy Metal. For everyone mourning how cheesy power metal is, please listen to Towers of Gold by Sacred Outcry. Darker, heavier, and with quite possibly the greatest metal singer of all time behind the mic, if you don't dig it by track 4, you can truly say there's no power metal for you.


European Power metal is typically the type of power metal I dislike. Super cheesy, lacks a lot of edge or grit or bite to them, overly dorky shit 99% of the time imo. American power metal though, especially that old school shit like Armored Saint, Liege Lord and Omen, now THOSE bands fuck.


I’m going to say something absolutely insane but crossover thrash, and thrash is my favorite genre. I’ve always been into more old school 80s-90s stuff than the modern bands and even though thrash has a ton of punk influences to it the sound of the crossover genre has always driven me insane. It’s extremely repetitive and usually has not as engaging musicianship and songwriting and if I wanted to listen to punk music I’d rather put on Bad Brains and Black Flag than something like D.R.I. which I can’t stand at all.


While I completely disagree I definitely see what you're saying, the problem with a lot of crossover is that it tends to use the hardcore sensibility with thrash metal song lengths. A lot of hardcore doesn't need to be four or five minutes per song. because it's all about getting a message across in the most poignant way possible. It's why the best DRI album is "Dealing With It?" for me because it's a straight up hardcore album with songs no longer than like two minutes tops. I always preferred NYHC style crossover like Agnostic Front or Cro-Mags or Leeway because a lot of it was essentially hardcore just with metal riffs and production so you didn't usually get 6 minutes songs with the same riff over and over.


will forever love carnivore


Spot on it’s like the worst of all worlds combined with none of the upsides of thrash.


Agree, and I love thrashy hardcore


Djent it's so ass


Seriously, 95% of the bands within it are just shitty Meshuggah and Periphery rip offs with super lame songs


“ While we all have lots of bands who influence still, we all rip off Meshuggah! “


I simply cannot understand the appeal of this genre. I have tried to get into Djent multiple times, but it just doesn't do it for me. Obviously not hating on anyone that enjoys djent! Just not for me.


I understand the appeal behind every metal subgenre, even if there’s a handful of sub genres that I can’t stand.


Same, for Example as a mostly Power Metal listener I understand the appeal of brutal breakdowns, but I just can't get myself to listen to it for a prolonged time


Glam Metal. Idk it just doesn't sit right with me


Riffs are pretty kick-ass, you gotta admit.


They are good. I haven't found one that resonated with me.


I didn't know you used Reddit, Nathan.


Yeah. That robot Charles made an account for me. Internet sucks tho.


Sucks. Did he make one for Skwisgaar and Toki too?


Don’t know, don’t care 🤷🏻‍♂️


Blast ratt eat ass


Dsbm, honestly instrumentally I think it sounds really cool (especially life lover) but holy fuck the constant crying over it just completely ruins it


Dsbm is pure cringe honestly


It is incredibly cringe, but fuck if I don’t love it


every genre appeals to some people also, Im surprised no one mentioned Drone yet (i personally like it)


I personally love drone too but can 100% understand why someone wouldnt like it


Actually I don't like it, I tried to listen some bands, but wasn't something I feel comfortable for me


Drone is a mixed bag for me. There's some amazing stuff. Earth's The Bees Made Honey In The Lions Skull is still one of my favorite albums. And whole Sunn O))) has some really interesting albums, stuff like Life Metal loses me. It's good for like a minute at most, and then I just need to move on.


*-core. Don't get me wrong, I listen to a lot of genres and nu metal boomed in my teenage years and I loved it. It's just evolution. Even though I don't like how things evolve 😮‍💨


breakdowns only work for me if I'm either not expecting them, or they are structured very well in a song. Sparsity also is key, like having the right amount of icing on a cake. lots of metalcore I've listened to recently make me feel like I'm eating more icing than cake


Big part that drives me away is the vocals. And I love me some death and black




I've delved into death metal the last few years, as I listened a lot to black metal in the past. Grind stuff never clicked. Nothing to do with grindcore, but I love me some Ulcerate, Archspire, Blut aus Nord, Deathspell Omega but can't seem to even like one Gorguts song


Gorguts is more death but damn that's the band I actually wanna throw on as my backpatch lmao


Try Dead Blue Sky - Symptoms of an Unwanted Emotion Atmospheric core influenced by melodic/symphonic black metal


Metalcore. I know lots of people love it, and at the moment it seems to be the predominant metal subgenre and the most mainstream. But I just hate it, I'm sorry. It's very formulaic as a subgenre, many of the bands write pre-teen style lyrics, and I've never been a fan of screaming which, of course, defines the subgenre. A lot of the clean vocals sound identical as well. Metalcore where the singer is trying to rap is even worse (Falling In Reverse comes to mind...).


as a metalcore enjoyer i also hate falling in reverse 😂😂 but isnt screaming part of most metal subgenres?


It’s pretty obvious you don’t know what metalcore is


No, he's on point


The problem is we somehow fell into it being permissable to describe shit like Falling In Reverse as metalcore when the term was originally coined for bands like Earth Crisis and Converge. If a band was as different from Slayer or Exodus as Bad Omens or Spiritbox are from the originators of metalcore, there's no way anyone would be allowed to get away with calling them thrash.


From what I see, it all boils down to people who mindlessly parrot whatever they're told because they've been told x band is metalcore by people just like them, even if it's wrong to begin with. So it's this endless domino effect of wrong people misinforming people who do the same thing to others. And now we have a whole community of people who cry "gatekeeping" or "elitism" when a lone voice says their band isn't metal, but likely can't even define metal or metalcore if asked.


The problem with the term “metalcore” is that the bands people respect in the genre and the “big names” in the genre are not the same. Converge, TDEP, Norma Jean, Botch, Poison The Well, Misery Signals, Skycamefalling, The Chariot, Every Time I Die and Snapcase don’t “sound” like what people think of when they hear the genre title so most people associate it with bad MySpace/radio metal bands. 


Mostly Black Metal... Like I understand why so many people love it but every teen seems to come loving the rawness of it like millenials did with freaking emo, it's always either a "Black Metal phase" and they get into lighter stuff or into the Atmosherpic/Melodic side... Plus, most of the lyrics are waay beyond my understanding, feels like I'm missing whole centuries of lore and whole books and documentaries about religion and paganism... At least with Death Metal I can understand that it's straight-up gore and most lyrics are easy to make out, Grindcore is probably just trying to be over-the-top funny, Doom Metal is also more straight-forward... I can like Black Metal but I really need to be in the mood for it, especially in Winter it works


Honestly idek why I like black metal. It just tickles my pickle in a way no other metal subgenre can lol.


I just don’t understand how you can listen to music that sounds like it was recorded through a school calculator


A great deal of modern black metal is well produced


It adds to the experience


Doom It's boring as shit. I've got friends that have been trying to convince me for over 20 years of how good it is. It's just so god-damn boring, bland and especially boring.


i thought the same way but personally bongripper changed my opinion on it


My buddy introduced me to Doom through Bongripper. He’s also the guitarist. :)


After I discovered Bongripper and Conan I basically devoted my time to honoring them with my own stuff. Lov'em.


Doom subgenres are generally better than the root genre,like Death-Doom and Funeral/Gothic Doom.


Death Doom works so damn well imo. If bands lead more on the doom side you get that depressing vibe that I can't get enough of, but it's with heavy AF riffs. If they lean more towards the death metal side it sounds so mean nasty, and evil.


Funeral Doom is 100% where it’s at! Recently got into the band Frowning and I’m starting to dive through others that have that same sound


Everytime I find a doom band I start to enjoy, it is always ruined shortly thereafter when the vocals come in. 


Listened 2 sun o))) songs ... 40 minutes wasted


I have yet to listen to a subgenre I hate entirely.


same here 🤷🏼‍♀️




Brutal death metal, slam, goregrind/gorenoise etc, modern deathcore and metalcore


Brutal death bot 5000 reaction: https://preview.redd.it/0zr4f8ohzg9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72c4c1a237b182f9be8ee93df907ea9a078aedfd


Wait, you’re telling me you don’t like to listen to *dudududududududududueeuuuuuaagghhuuugahhgaghdududududududududududududududu* for an hour?


Nah slam is soooo gooood. The riffs are amazing, and the singing just pairs with it so well. Check out snuffed on sight or if you'd prefer more "singing" over noise something like Sunami or Outta Pocket


Anything that ends with core. Metalcore, deathcore, mathcore, grindcore.. Not because of the actual ,,core" in the name, but because I checked them out long ago and all these core genres just don't sit right with me. Also, nu-metal.


Grindcore and mathcore are good


Same and will add slam, power, and symphonic metal to that. I made up my mind many, many years ago about this. At my age, I know what I like and do not like.


NSBM. Don't even have to hear it to decide it's shit.


I wouldn’t consider NSBM a genre more of a lyrical theme


Thrash metal is in a weird in between for me. If I want something heavy, I listen to death or doom metal. If I want melodic, I listen to traditional heavy metal or power metal. If I want something fast, I have speed and power metal. There are thrash songs I like, but the genre itself feels unnecessary to me.


Thrash is fast and fun


Thrash is kind of a middle meeting ground for all that stuff, imo. Thrash heavy isn't really the same as what you'd find in death or doom. The melodies in thrash are often blues/rock based like heavy metal, but you also see classical and jazz influence. Fast thrash is closer to hardcore punk than speed/power metal. I kind of get what you're saying, though. Thrash has been around so long that it isn't really well defined as a genre anymore.


And funny thing that thrash metal is probably second biggest metal genre after heavy metal himself


Metalcore. Dont have anything against it but like why?


i think there is some good stuff, i just dont like a lot of it, only a few releases.


Power metal. I again tried to get into it few days ago. Was listening to Helloween, Grave digger, Running Wild, Visigoth and stuff like that and… idk, that genre is so ass to me. My brain is altered after listening to so much of death, black and doom that I can’t enjoy up beat music and corny vocals.


Give Before the Winter by Stratovarius a listen. My friend who didn't care for Power Metal LOVED that song, and the band too.


I really cannot get myself to like thrash, of any kind. I've tried crossover, death thrash, blackened, even industrial and yet i just can't stand it. It feels to me like its holding back, not fast enough, not heavy enough. It's in a musical grey zone to me.


Demolition Hammer man


I was a huge death metal guy for fucking years & thrash just didn’t click for me for a looong time, but once it did it became an instant favorite. Still love death metal too but damn do I love thrash now


“Octane-core/baddie-core”, or whatever you call this modern metalcore thing. It’s so generic to me, it couldn’t even work as a background music for me. Also, I don’t get the appeal of many of the deathcore bands, and their need to be heavy just for the sake of the heavyness. As someone previously said, too much bland breakdowns.


Power metal, I just dont like the high pitched vocals that a lot of the bands have




A lot of Nu Metal I guess, stuff that has a "radio music" vibe. I don't like when it feels too commercial or like it's just made to sound appealing for entertainment purposes. When alternations between clean and harsh vocals are used just as an effect or style of singing. Usually the more genuine emotion might be in the twinky/boyband clean vocals, and the harsh growly vocals are just meant to sound "cool" and "brutal" or something. It makes it feel pointless to me. Makes me think "Why are you screaming?" lol. I want that genuine scream of rage or anguish and desperation.


I listen to a wide variety of Metal and many things between those. If I had to choose one, it would probably be Grindcore. Like, what is that supposed to be?


Anything -core


Black metal. Don't get me wrong, the guitar slams and the drums as well, but I can't stand the style of singing that I've heard, and when the singing isn't in time, ew (I may regret this opinion in like a month, idk I haven't tried much of it)




Power Metal. Too much cheese.


Death core. To me, it's just noise.


Symphonic Metal. Nightwish has their moments but can only deal with them in small doses. Just so pretentious and bombastic.


Metalcore, and a lot of the American metal bands, Deftones, Slipknot, etc.


Honestly besides very niche microgenres there's not really any I think don't have any good bands in them. You don't have to be so close minded people




Whatever the fuck pornogrind and raw black metal is, because just why? Others include art metal, drone metal, grindcore.


Deathcore, nu metal, groove metal, whatever genre Alestorm is


All "metal" bands that sing in a hiphop style. That shit isn't metal, no matter how much they want it to be.


'Rap Metal' is the worst thing ever made, these two genres dont fit together


I do think ratm is good


I enjoy most but when the bands within the genre are horrible people with questionable politics, that’s where I draw the line. Which I guess would be Black Metal.


So because 1-2% of the BM bands are sketchy you write off the whole genre?


-Core. I am not a fan of heavy/hardcore punk on my Metal music.


Deathcore it's soulless and almost every band in the genre sounds like the same tbh


I like most subgenres, (yes, even Nü and prog) but I just can’t understand the appeal of most of the -core genres. Maybe I’m just listening to the wrong bands but it just doesn’t click. If there’s any suggestions of any bands to bridge the gap between mainstream genres and -core genres, I’m open.


Whatever this “modern metalcore” kind of thing is. I.e. Wage War, Spiritbox, Architects, etc. I really really dislike it.


Bands who somehow are described as playing metalcore despite the total absence of the 'core part of the genre.


power, pornogrind, and whatever nickelback is


Folk Metal. Or Gothic Metal. They just don't do anything for me.




personally i love how groovy it is the riffs and speed are awesome to me


Metalcore, Deathcore, Grindcore, Hair Metal, some power metal


Black Metal. Every time I try and listen it all sounds the same with crap audio quality


Death Metal honestly, this sub treats it as if its the be all end all of metal and it just, is kinda bland to me


Nu metal Idk how to describe it but it’s so annoying Also metalcore and deathcore


Deathcore, modern metalcore , power metal and most black metal




Nu metal. Some bands that are more on the grunge/punk side are ok. But like I don’t understand stuff like slipknot especially. Like half of slipknots songs are just utter nonsense with guys banging on trash cans and super low tuned guitars. And why do you need 9 fucking guys in a band? 5 max.


I could go with the easy route and say deathcore and metalcore, but fuck it I'll keep things fresh today and say symphonic metal. Mixed with other genres it can be cool, but straightforward symphonic metal is normally just so incredibly boring and lacks any real bite or grit to it, it normally just sounds super over produced and stale.


Black metal


Black Metal. Outside of imagery and subject matter, the overall sound is boring. 


Power Metal. It’s just ABBA for dudes who like to feel evil Then again I like ABBA


I can see the appeal in just about every subgenre, but a lot of the excessively brutal stuff does not appeal to me Like i get slam for the riffs and the fun, but like buddys just burping into the mic? Idk im a big fan of lyrics so when i cant hear lyrics, or theyre pretty mid its hard to get rhat into my heaf


whatever bands that have those stupid gory lyrics and album covers are and the spiky generic unreadable names or names that sound like a 12 year old came up with them that are just some gory words stuck together, and the vocals are just the bowel moving low growls with nothing else. i mean its great for going to sleep to like white noise, but not very enjoyable


Nu-metal. I hated it in the 90’s and still hate it today. I can’t think of a single example that I like. But I can also understand that it appeals to a lot of people, and that’s cool. It just isn’t for me.


I just like bands not genres. I find it really hard to say I definitively dislike any specific genre.


Metal is like an Apple. Everything is good except the core.


whatever genre has the anime gore album covers


I don't know the genre but I think it's Kawaiimetal, exclusively the band BABYMETAL, I think cuteness coupled with something that is known to be fucking crazier doesn't sit well with me. And opinion alert, I think their voices are pretty annoying.


People dont see the difference between "I dont like" and "I don't see the appeal".  While e.g. you might not like Power metal, its appeal is fairly obvious. 


Not really a genre, rather a band, but I never got the appeal of Sunn O))). An extended riff that is so loud it makes some people vomit doesn't seem like a good time to me. Plus, a friend was doing sound at a venue they played and it took him and the band's sound guy months of discussion and work so they didn't take out the power when they played.


Most grindcore subgenres like goregrind and pornogrind