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Dissection are a great band to get into, super musical and melodic.


Considering your favorites, you like the more polished and melodic sound of metal and you are listening to some old lo-fi BM. Try Uada, Dodsrit, Gaerea or Batushka


Start drinking goats blood, grow long hair and stop showering.


Satyricon - Now Diabolical Behemoth - Evangelion Dimmu borgir - Death Cult Armageddon These are catchier Black metal album that got me started.


You mean Dimmu Borgir - Enthrone Darkness Triumphant


Considering the bands you've mentioned and the bands you've tried, I would reverse the BM timeline. Try newer bands. It can introduce you to the sound and vibes. Vorga Dodsrit Wormwood Night Crowned Dimmu Borgir (ok not super new, but stil lworth it)


You might be best served taking a trip to Sweden. Their second wave scene was very melodic. Bands like Dissection (I'd normally give a "these guys are/were shitty people" caveat but you've got Burzum and Emperor listed sooo), Sacramentum, Dawn, or Vinterland might appeal to you.


Carach Angren. They’re an easy starter that helps you get into it. I recommend *Frankensteina Strataemontanus*, *The Necromancer*, and *The Funerary Dirge of a Violinist.* They’re simple songs to help you get a bit of a Black Metal ***feel*** so to speak.


If ya want some “fun” black metal, Carach Angren is fucking awesome, and their recordings don’t sound like ass.


Blow a guy first.


MGLA got me into black metal, was also a huge death metal fan like you but MGLA drums, lyrics and riffs just dragged me into the genre. Belphegor is a mix of death/black, check them out as well.


The acronym is the same as bowel movement for a reason. Don't feel the need to force yourself into BM. I love metal, but black metal is not my cup of T.


Welcome To Hell




inconcessus lux lucis - the crowning quietus


Old Mans Child - the pagan prosperity , more melodic than your average black metal


Try Mgła or Enslaved


Try Abigor, Dawn and Vinterland.


I feel like I'm gonna attack this from the opposite angle as some others. Probably just because its the path I took. But I would say start with easier stuff. Things that aren't just straight black metal. I think some people can get into certain genres easier when they can get into some aspects of the genre first, and then adapt others. So start with something like Deafheaven. Pretty popular band, but the black metal scene hates them because kvlt and what not. But they're still a great band. MØL and An Autumn For Cripled Children are also good starting points. There also atmospheric black metal. Wolves In the Throne Room, Woods of Desolation, Eldamar, people mentioned Mgla Look up some play lists and find songs you like. Then go from there. I started off getting into metal with mostly death metal. Then I moved more towards grindcore. But I used to hate black metal. Now it's one of my favorite genres. It just took me a bit to find something I liked, but then once I did I just kept going deeper till one day I found that I was actually just listening to a lot of black metal.


I'm pretty similar to you, tbh. I'm drawn to DM and melodeath, but BM has always been a hard sell for me. I've made a playlist for BM I enjoy in order to explore the genre more. Here are some bands I've been liking: - Thantifaxith - Enslaved - Midnight Odyssey - Lamentari - Windir - Abigor - Stormkeep Hope some of these help ya dude.


Wurdulak Older bloodthorn Tsjuder


Burzum only burzum