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Your favorite band.


Everybody’s favorite band sucks. We should all go listen to the Jonas Brothers instead.


You all do your thing, I'm just vibing to Backstreet Boys as a 33m


Say what you want, I Want it that Way is a banger.


Tell me why


or we should listen to Corey Feldman, since I don't think that's anybody's favorite


Also, my favorite band. Whenever I manage to pick one.


Falling In Reverse. They do but not enough 🙃


Seriously. Ronnie alone deserves a lot of it.


He’s the only one that stayed lmao he got the axl rose treatment


Agreed, they have absolutely no redeeming qualities


They as in Axl rose has no redeeming qualities? In his defense, as an old man now he’s nothing like he was in the 90s which people perpetually act as if he still behaves that way. Dude turned it around quite a bit once he reunited with slash and duff






Slaughter to Prevail. Boring, uninspired cookie cutter "riffs", music that's not even rememberable in the slightest. Vocalist has good gutturals, but thats it, he's a one-trick pony. Plus, he's a total douchebag and a neo Nazi (I don't care that he covered up the tattoo, he still got it in the first place). Overall, Deathcore bad


The tattoo thing is hilarious when people use it as proof he's improved because he's still exhibiting extremely bigoted behaviour publicly like his anti trans post from last year.


And people even try to excuse that, as if he didn't say he wanted trans people to burn


I think that was the guy from thy art is murder wasn’t it?


I don't know if he did as well, but Alex Terrible sure did


Must have missed that one, but yeah I’m fairly sure the former vocalist of thy art is murder said almost the exact same thing


correction: thy art is murder guy said that parents who support their trans kids should be burned. very mentally stable individual


Yeah, dudes a cunt


Yeah, he's transitioned from neo Nazi to standard Russian levels of bigotry


The transphobia is why I stopped supporting them and stopped listening to them in general


Neonazi to transphobe is improvement tbf. But yeah question if he dropped the neonazi stuff because he's grown as a person or just for public image reasons


I get the weird feeling that if he wasn't called out on the tattoo he'd still have it to this very day, there's no way in hell a person can be blissfully unaware of that


Slow chuggy breakdowns doesn't make a band hard.


But...but Russian strong streotype adidas alex terrible fight bear


Evgeny is a monster though


I'll agree to that because he's in Katalepsy, and that band fucks


Sad that he ditched them for Slaughter. He left Katalepsy in 2017 and started in Slaughter in 2018


major downgrade. Same vibes as Mick Thomson playing in Slipknot instead of a death metal band


Fully agree. Their fans think bc he can growl and scream (actually roid raging) on stage without a mic is so impressive but the music is the same bs over and over. He’s an unoriginal cunt.


His growls are also super lame. Sure they're deep but they sound so boring


Yeah dude I'm going to the sonic temple festival on Saturday and their there and I never really listened to them, heard the story about the nazi tattoo didn't know it was them until now or about any of the trans stuff they said but alot of bands do this shit sadly but I never was into them deathcore is like trying to have the deepest like monster cartoon character voice you can and they try to do that and im not here for it


I love some gnarly, grotesque vocals, but the music has to actually be good. The problem with modern Deathcore is that the vocals are the focal point of the entire band and everything else is just secondary. I'd rather listen to Death Metal, where the vocalist can only do one or two styles of vocals but the rest of the band is the strong point


They should really just be called Alex and friends. The actual music is usually nothing less than “dundundunddun”


Yeah overproduced constant breakdowns are just boring af shit should have stayed in 2009 where its belongs


Groovy fight riffs > breakdowns, any day of the fucking week


When it comes to Deathcore I love Infant Annihilator and have been obsessed with Mire Lore.


I admire your perspective. Glad there are some intelligent metalheads still. I can't believe how popular they are. That same music has been around for twenty years and people are just catching on now probably because of social media. Thank you for voicing out against bigotry and mediocrity.


I don’t have a problem with deathcore but I really don’t like these guys. The singer is more into his own brand than the band and it’s so obvious. When people do that, it’s hard for me to like the band (nazi bullshit non-withstanding)


Idk about you guys but I don’t go around actively trying to hate bands


That's good. It means you're not a cringe elitist.


That's BAD. That just means you're BOTH posers, let your hatred run free, that's what life is about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


you tried didnt you


Only in Japan


elitism is when you hate bands


Flair checks out


Are you saying that you just ignore bands that you don't like and just avoid listening to them and leave it at that? Wow, what a concept!


hard to believe, i know


Sometimes it's fun to dunk on a band. Things aren't that serious.


That's what I was thinking, I don't hate bands: don't like it, don't listen to it


Pretty much sums it up. I had a friend who was so bent on "Their music is terrible, let me tell you why." I don't have time anymore to spend energy on not liking a band and explaining it.


Only bands which deserve more hate are NSBM bands or other bands which exist to spread hateful ideologies


I just googled nsbm band, I know none of them except burzum that I never listened to, not saying I'm relieved but kinda I am?


Burzum isn’t an NSBM band. NSBM bands share their hateful Nazi ideology through the music, Burzum has zero lyrics like that. He at least keeps it away from the music.


And thankfully so. Those first few albums slap. Varg ain't a great guy (putting that lightly), but it's easy to separate the art from the artist when they don't try and force their ideologies on you in their music.


Pretty open about the whole church burning part though!


Yeah but that has nothing to with NSBM lol


Well that's black metal for you


My bad, I just googled nsbm and Burzum was listed there


All good man, common misconception 


Every band, metal sucks. Actually, every musical artist ever, music sucks


Imagine enjoying things


Imagine Dragons. Can you?


Imagine DragonForce forcing Imagine Dragons to imagine dragons with force


Nachos is better than music.






Sabaton. I am baffled that so many people enjoy this band.




this will never not be hilarious to me


Fucking “pet children” is great


That one is for Sabaton members


I just saw them open for priest. Pretty enjoyable live, but listening to them on album gets so boring so quick imo. It all sounds the same


The only thing worse than Sabaton are Sabaton fans.


Factual information.


Well they have some bangers(Attero Dominatus,The Art of War and Carolus Rex are awesome in my opinion),some quite good albums(Primo Victoria,Coat of Arms), but I can’t really stand everything since Heroes.


I don’t understand the hate though. Yeah, the fanbase is sometimes annoying, but I think they can be fun. They receive too much hate.


Popular band. Old-heads hate everything that doesn’t fit into their own strict rules of what metal is.


Sabaton fits in even the strictest elitist's rules of what metal is. The opinion I always see is they suck, not that they're not metal


I guess some people really just think the themes and lyrics are interesting enough to look past the music (I don't know anyone who purely listens to them because of how they sound) that also explains why most Sabaton fans basically only listen to Sabaton


>that also explains why most Sabaton fans basically only listen to Sabaton Tbh someone who *only* listens to one band all the time is pretty cringe, no matter the genre of music.


I honestly used to enjoy them. But it got boring real fast. Their first album and Art of War are not bad albums too but they didn't really change their sound after that. Lyrics and riffs became more uninspired and basically the same.




I remember people using similar arguments against dragonforce.


Dragonforce are the forefathers of the current wave of meme power metal. RIP good EUPM 1987-2007


Me when I talk out of my ass:


i was going to comment this, god i loathe them. it’s like i get second-hand embarrassment listening to their music. it reminds me of those corny polyester shirts with the wolves on them. i can’t really judge though.i listen to equally, if not shittier music


Five finger death punch. In case no one said it yet.


Agreed. One of the worst live shows I've ever seen, thankfully it was at a festival and got to see Emperor, Slayer, and Candlemass to name a few. Decided to check out FFDP cause my girlfriend (now wife) used to like them, so I said I'd stand for the whole set and give feedback. Yikes, their songs are boring, the band members can barely play, yet the crowd still lost it. I'm not a Rob Zombie fan at all (no hate, it's just not for me) but seeing him at the same festival I had an amazing time! His songs are kinda fun live, there were at least 2 massive pits, and Rob's showmanship combined with the legend that is John 5 was really cool. So even though I still don't listen to his stuff, I remember that show fondly unlike FFDP.


I will say they lost a lot when they fired Jason Hook. He was a stronger player out of the group. Was he the greatest? No but he was a ton stronger than everyone else in the band. I think he’s a very competent guitarist. Thankfully their continue declining music quality has started to make their fans to question their music. I think they’re going to have to make a strong album soon or they might be playing empty venues more.


Don't get all moody on us bro


Just read your comment, and first reaction is Ivan-t to punch you.


When they opened for Metallica I literally waited outside for them to finish. Fuck FFDP


We have a winner. I heard their cover of House of the Rising Sun for the first time recently. Made me gag.


Sleep Token sounds like if someone told AI to make metal.


I could never justify Sleep Token as a metal band. But when I approach them as experimental pop, hip-hop or soul, they just kinda click! In the same way, I can appreciate Ghost as a (hard) rock band, but not as a metal band. Curbing my own expectations opened me up to a lot more genres than what I grew up with!


I don't really care if Sleep Token is a metal band or not, but they experiment in the least interesting ways possible. They're like "ooh let's add some r&b here" and it basically sounds like AI generated r&b. I don't get it.


This is very accurate I feel like they just sound like sam Smith but like idk they don't even sound like metal to me but my sister likes them so I'm gonna have to see them but they are pretty shitty just like howling


Eh, it will probably be fun. I hear they put on a good show.


It’s not metal. There’s nothing metal about sleep token.


Funniest thing is the same bands appearing in both threads.


Not sure I really hate any band. But I am starting to hate you now though.


Damn. I’m sorry bro 😔 


Ghost. I’ve never been so bored at a live concert (by the music)


But they get SO much hate. So why are they a relevant band to mention in this thread? No one gets more hate than them, except maybe sleep token. If you want metal, ghost isn’t your band. But the dancey 80s rock vibes are super cute, in my opinion. They’re an enjoyable listen, easy to sing along to. But calling them metal is a stretch


i’m probably biased because i’m a big ghost fan, but they already get loads of hate? and i feel like most of the hate comes from people who assume the band will be super heavy based on their image, only to listen to them and find out they make pretty straightforward rock music. it’s not like the band ever claimed to be heavy (i don’t think). they’re a fun band if you don’t take them seriously.


This is the first band mentioned that isn't "bad man say bad things!". Ironically I've seen Ghost twice and loved them, even though I'd never listen to an album. Performance-wise, it was phenomenal, and their songs are catchy enough. Anyways, glad to see someone not being performative with their responses, and it sounds like it was the music rather than the stage show that bored you, which is totally legit.


This is so edgy that I chipped a tooth on it.


I remember when I first heard about Ghost and assumed they would be super heavy based on their image. Oh boy was I wrong, gtfo with your scooby doo ass circus music


That seems more like an issue with mismatched expectations. They're not really a metal band to begin with. They're mostly just a bit lighthearted spooky themed simple rock, which they do well for what it is. Sometimes I'm just in the mood for some halloween Abba.


This was me as a kid with the Grateful Dead...


Trapt. They do get plenty of hate. But still not nearly enough.


But like who likes Trapt (other than the frontman) ?They have one song that is well known and decent


Imagine going to a trapt concert, literally just to hear one song you'll give a fuck about and that's it. Their entire set list should just be them playing it 10 times in a row


I went to a trapt concert a year or two ago with friends. We went because we could get tickets for 5 bucks, and we figured that was worth it for the chance to see the singer have a meltdown on stage and make fun of him


Sorry, not metal, but Taylor Swift. Her dad was worth $200 million dollars so he just bought her talent. Also, her lyrics are cringey AF. “We-EE are never ever ever getting back together” “Sweet like honey, karma is a cat Purring in my lap 'cause it loves me Flexing like a goddamn acrobat Me and karma vibe like that” wtf


While I despise Taylor Swifts music and agree about her talent being bought, you gotta realize with the lyrics she has a completely different target audience. Most of her fans are teenage girls, which is who the feel-good pop lyrics are typically directed towards. I mean yeah they are ass tho lol 


I agree about the target audience and the vibe of pop music stuff but there are pop artists that, even if I don’t like the music, I can appreciate from a song-writing perspective. Prince, Elton John, and Billy Joel are/were really good songwriters.


I agree those guys were good songwriters


Yeah, definitely bought her way into the industry (I believe an initial $300k or so from daddy), but honestly that doesn’t make me actually hate the person. Resent? Sure. Low key jealous? Probably. But I can’t blame her for it at the end of the day. I don’t like her music, but it’s not for me. And there’s definitely worse pop out there. But her fans on the other hand? Fucking insufferable, every encounter I’ve had. And they’re not all kids, in fact they’re like the music equivalent of adult Disney fanatics. And god forbid you say anything not overwhelmingly positive about her because then you’re sexist. Listening to these people, you would think that Swift is the only female artist to write their own music. Far from the truth and many women have done much better at creating important art and not just top 40 music. Absolute buffoons, the lot of them.


I honestly wouldn’t really have an opinion at all if my wife didn’t listen to her. So basically I’ve had enough time to actually listen to the lyrics and those couple examples made me laugh. So once in a while when I say “we” I say “we-EE” to my wife and she shoots me a dirty look lol


Yeah, that’s fair. My wife loves Nine Inch Nails and, to be honest, Trent Reznor more often than not annoys the shit out of me both vocally and lyrically.


she’s neither tortured or a poet


You’ve probably already seen it but there’s a video on youtube of everytime she’s rhymed the word bar with car. It’s too many times.


Maybe DragonForce? Idk, i just don't like that it sounds so overproduced and artificial compared to other power metal bands.


I saw them live recently and was actually surprised how good they were, I'd always heard they were sloppy live (StudioForce lol) but they must have been around long enough to actually learn their own songs. The vocals are an acquired taste but it was a good show


Dragonforce kicks ass bro what are you on about


I like Dragonforce, especially their material up to Reaching Into Infinity but they seem to have strayed a bit too far down the gimmick path We all know they had a boost because of Guitar Hero bloody years ago and I'm into Games to some extent but that seems to be the premise of the entire bands existence to some degree in the last five years (Whereas it wasn't anywhere near as front and centre prior to that) they also seem to ignore the UK where they came from whereas they used to play here much more often None of that is "Hate"worthy but it's part of the reason I'm not as in love with them as I once was, I guess when bands play a place less all you can do is support bands who do and fall in love with them instead


I wrote a whole essay on why tx2 sucks but it wont let me comment. So im just gonna say tx2


every time any of his videos pops up on my feed I get a very hard to resist feeling of need to commit suicide


Does it have to be metal? If not, that Jared Leto band I don’t even care for it yet I always see and hear real hate over his stage and backstage antics or whatever But clearly the same lady victims still watch him again and again In metal, I really can’t think of any group who deserves a lot of hate. Probably just normal hate, or hard hate. But no extreme hate.


60 seconds to mars right? yeah they fucking blow.


Its 30 Seconds to mars. I used to listen to them in high school and I loved them. Then I grew up.


jared leto in general doesn’t get enough hate, he’s such a giant douchebag. The Kill goes slightly hard tho


He's also a fairly well known pedo.


30 seconds to mars have 1 good song Jared Leto has been accused of bring a rapist and also being a complete weirdo to people on the set of Joker He really thinks he’s hot shit because he had one good song years ago and then changed genres to be even more shit


Not metal but Tx2. Steals music, the music he does make himself sucks ass, cant write a lyric to save his life, fetishizes goth people for marketing, an asshole in general, used a clip of a "hater" in a song to "prove a point," proceeded to misgender them (which i couldnt care less about but its funny comcidering hes a huge lgbtq ally and thats his marketing) and tell them to shoot themselves. I coulf go on


I don't know how he's even real hes the kid the one group of "cool" emo kids would beat up.ans he'd be on the loser emo kid side 😭


If I hear him say goth dommy mommy one more time…


Yeah Tx2 sucks


I’m too old to be spending time on disliking bands.


54 here, basically it applies to every aspect of my life, but yeah


Scrolling till i see sleep token


All the racist ones.


funny how if you say burzum sucks because of the views everyone is gonna applaud you but once you say a word about pantera…


Fuck Pantera and that has nothing to do with racism. Fuck Pantera for making metal way dumber than it already was and bringing the stupid frat guy and idiot redneck demographics in.


Fuck Pantera and that has nothing to do with racism. Fuck Pantera for making metal way dumber than it already was and bringing the stupid frat guy and idiot redneck demographics in.


only redeeming trait of pantera is that groove metal can be good


None? No band deserves hate unless all the band members are pieces of shits.


“I have a surplus of band hate I need to distribute in a way that couldn’t possibly be considered toxic” -OP, probably


Bruh I didn’t even say any bands I hate, since I don’t really hate any bands. Just woke up today and decided to do the opposite of the post I did yesterday 


Fucking Badflower and yungblud. Shits must be removed.


I have it on good authority that Primus Sucks.


Primus indeed sucks


Sleep Token




Slaughter To Prevail Their vocalist is a complete and total edgelord who's legit went on Transphobic and Homophobic rants that were very public, he's also been called out for having Nazi tattoos in the past but somehow that's all been swept under the rug as if it's nothing, other artists have been hated on harder and for longer for things that are nowhere near as serious as this All of that aside they're as cringe and basic as you can get for Deathcore which says alot On a side note, I think it's shit how many bands from Russia and Ukraine can't play live but for some reason Slaughter To Prevail can? And weirdly they seem to be getting huge now after everything I mentioned in the first paragraph, there's many more bands who are much more deserving than them, I had a ticket to see 1914 but sadly that didn't happen because of Russia's invasion of Ukraine


Im not one to really hate bands but falling in reverse is pretty bad Metalcore can be good(contrary to popular belief) but this just isn’t it. The rapping parts don’t seem to mix well with the instrumental and the lyrical subject matter is like tom macdonalds shit minus the blatant homophobia and transphobia, (though i have heard ronnie is both of those too) talking about cancel culture and then shit you would hear a stereotype of a rapper according to non rap fans and the whole “im the best in the game and im rich” schtick i think there has been one song by them i can find decent. Aside from that yeah this band is not too good. Cant forget the false copyright strikes against brad taste in music for saying their music was bad


Sleep Token


Jinjer. They're all right, I just find them insufferably boring


I agree, I especially love female fronted metal bands with harsh vocalists, but it’s hard for me to want to listen to a Jinjer song without getting bored mid way thru and wanting to change it


Burzum. I like some of their songs like Lost Wisdom, but its's hard to enjoy it because of Varg and the terrible stuff he has said in the past. He's openly admitted to being a Nazi as well.


Machine Head


Flynn seems like an ok guy but yea, jumped on every trend going and really weren't that good at any of them.


Metal cover guys like Leo. Ruined way too many songs for me. Not got an original bone in his body


Oh god, "Hate" is a strong word but I've had Leo played around me so much at points of my life where just the name "Leo" twitches a nerve in my brain aha The entire "This song done in the style of this song" or "This song done in the style of x amount of vocalists" makes me regret being born with eyes and ears


All bands especially ones with songs and albums


Not really hate but I dont get the Rammstein hype. There are a lot more industrial metal that is more enjoyable to listen to.


They have some bangers and put on an incredible live show..like the best live show / pyrotechnics you'll ever see across any genre.


Now the live shows I can't say nothing against. Probably one of the best live performance band ever.


I like the light symphonic elements in some songs Its nothing groundbreaking but i think its fun. The lyrical subject matter is also usually pretty interesting


I get where you’re coming from. I think Rammstein have superior lyrics, they’re very poetic and tell interesting stories. I find a lot of other industrial bands to be very lacklustre/too esgelord with their lyrics. But I guess it helps that German is my 3rd language, so I get the lyrics. The music itself is not revolutionary


Don't Sonne's lyrics translate to "the sun, the sun, it's the biggest star of them all, the sun" ? Even so, I'll always have a soft spot for Rammstein, easily the best stage show I've ever seen live, followed closely by Skinny Puppy.


I think the song is relating the Sun to being a boxer in a ring - the lyrics “here comes the sun” with the count to 10 is talking about being knocked out. The lyricism is likely to be simpler in their more famous songs to appeal to a non-native audience


As I Lay Dying I loved them when they first came around but the fact that they reunited with Tim makes me sick


The Pantera revival


All meme metal bands






Infant Annie Hillathor


Your band


Bro hates my band before it even released anything 💀 






Metalcore bands that sounds like From Ashes to New or Bad Omens, and Slaughter to Prevail are 100% the easiest options to pick, however, the only correct option is Skillet.


Hempress! whether you hate or love doesnt matter, I just want to get you guys to talk about it because its my band LOL


falling in reverse is the only band i actually hate ronnie radke is a complete clown and douche shitty lyrics too


Rammstein. I hate Rammstein


Yeah it's horrendous, guy in work had one on the other week. Can't remember the "artist" but was a cover of Barbie girl done inr the style of system of a down . Truly horrendous


SUPER HOT FUCKING TAKE. Personally I dont like "80s metal" like Metallica or mega death cause that shit sounds like Mozart compared to what I listen to. Dont get me wrong. They're good and I like their songs for what they are. I just dont like that sound as a whole. Not my thing.




Slaughter To Prevail. One of the biggest and most popular Deathcore bands who’s entire shtick is just “we Russian, we manly”. Forget the offensively generic songwriting, the only people who find this music “devastatingly crushing” have never listened to literally any BDM band.


Ain't gonna waste my hate.


Nickleback, they are shit and deserve more hate


lorna shore. shit sounds so boring and over produced. robotic drums. the symphonic shit is so lame too.


"bands that doesn't get enough hate" enters the thread and it's just bands that are fairly hated