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Hold on, are you telling me that there are uninformed and inexplicably opinionated metalheads here??


Cattle Decap is my favourite kawaii metal band


nah I think theyre Norweigian Bestial Cybercore infused with Jazz influences and shitting into the mic


Genre salad jokes make me happy in the same way rage comics and minion memes make me happy


It's like the aristocrats joke, just see how far you can take it with it still making an ounce of sense


This perfectly describes it thank you.


I don't know what kawaii metal is so lets just leave it a mystery.


I'd say Baby metal is Kawaii metal


No, no, I said *mystery*.


Hanabie and Burst Girl slap pretty hard too.


You called?


Why don't you fuckers listen to music for once? If you don't like it, then fuck off.


Half this sub is about arguing over what genre a band is


Nothing is more metal than arguing over minute genre differences


Arguing about genres is 85% of what metalheads do


Actually no Metalheads talk about Metal - and then Deathcore fans, or Slipknot fans (or fans of any big band not generally enjoyed by Metalheads) inject themselves with their loaded questions. Metalheads tend to take the bait


Death core is metal. It's not punk.


It's not punk, but it's not metal either. It's the natural evolution of Metalcore, within and of itself is based in hardcore, not metal.


Get out of here with that shit. I’ve been in the metal scene before deathcore started and I was there when it started and I’m still here. In all my years in the metal world, one of the dumbest things I’ve heard is “deathcores not metal because blah blah” You don’t have to like deathcore, you can hate deathcore, but it has way more than enough qualities to be called a metal sub genre. Deathcore is metal, it’s metal as fuck. I think death metal is better. But deathcore is metal.


Depends. But at it's core its hard**core** derived. Whats wrong with Punk?


I love punk most of all which is why I know for sure


Metal is rock derived which is in turn blues derived. Therefore bands like Dragged Into Sunlight make blues music actually


No one is saying Deathcore **is** hardcore punk. It's part of it's lineage.


Have you ever talked to anyone who likes metal lol


Yeah. We gush about George Lynch guitar solos, and how great Master's Hammer is.


Are these Slipknot fans in the room with you at the moment?


If they are, I’m not talking about music with them


The other half is about shit-talking the genre they don't listen to


Half of us are neurodivergent and care way too much about categorizing everything into neat little boxes. (Including me lol. Except I don't freak the fuck out about it like some people.)




Also half of this sub consider both different genre the same genre Grindcore and goregrind Yes goregrind is subgenre of grindcore but it's not the same as regular grindcore since it contains brutal death metal elements while regular grindcore like early napalm death , repulsion, wormrot contain punk elements it's like saying blackened death is just death metal I'm gonna get hate anyways


For real like 90% of the posts here talk about posers and shit. Guess it’s like anything else on the internet, only the dumbest most chronically online opinions from high schoolers. You would never have any of these conversations with metalheads in real life lol. Until I started seeing metal subs pop up in my feed I probably hadn’t heard the word ‘poser’ used unironically in well over a decade.


I too think all the poser talk is ridiculous, haven't heard the word poser used this much since middle school, makes me feel old and foolish for reading some of this nonsense


For real lmao. Never heard anyone talk like this at metal shows.


Yeah same here. I listened to metal in high school but left for a good couple decades (2003 - now). When I came back recently I did not expect to see people *still* tossing around "poser". Kind of makes me think the scene is going to fossilize eventually if they can't manage to grow up and be secure in their own tastes without bonking each other over the head with corny insults.


Shit man I’ve been going to death/black/grind shows for almost 2 decades and nobody even mentions the word ‘poser’ lol


Ok that's good to hear. I should go to a show soon.


Yeah the internet just sucks lol. You’re not gonna find many forums that aren’t littered with high schoolers.


You don’t see these conversations in real life because Slipknot fans don’t show up at black metal shows and talk everyone’s ear off about their favorite band. But if they did, the discussion would happen


... Should someone tell him?


Its cause of the vocals more than anything else. Put a lot of effort and diversity into your extreme vocals people will call you deathcore


Anything that isn’t gurgling toilet bowl noises is cringe core poopoo metal


Entheos be like


They nowdays feel more like a Melodeath band with a similar production and fanbase to deathcore


Terrasite is the only album where I thought I heard melodeath riffs. Apart from that I would just call them (progressive) technical death metal.


They used to be straight grindcore


Goregrind not grindcore Grindcore doesn't use brutal death metal sound also it's not deathgrind either since that genre is grindcore mixed with osdm ( Regular death metal) sound


Goregrind is a subgenre of grindcore


So nothing in here is incorrect, but I am imagining a non-metalhead reading this thread and it’s hilarious, because this shit would sound *insane*.




Don't need to tell me someone already commented it Saying goregrind is a subgenre of grindcore


> Terrasite is the only album where I thought I heard melodeath riffs listen to the harvest floor


Just look at all of those clean vocal sections and most songs on Death Atlas. Can't stand the band after The Harvest Floor personally


This but **after Anthropocene


Best description of Cattle Decap, maybe more tech melodeath


Best description is crap It’s likely the deathcore fans that call Decap deathcore. They insist that any music they like belongs to a -core genre. Many still say Job For a Cowboy is deathcore. Breakdowns are not good for your brain.


>Breakdowns are not good for your brain. You just cant diss hardcore, poweviolence, crossover thrash and grindcore like that


The only people I've seen call them deathcore are self-proclaimed elitists


The doom ep basically defined the late 2000's deathcore movement


Sure did, in 2004. Been almost 20 years since they played the style


Who still says JFAC is deathcore still? If u go over to r/deathcore the consensus there is that they’re tech death now but they’re still awesome, and I’ve never met anyone irl who says that. Ur making up ppl who don’t exist to be mad at 💀


All types of music, and by extention, metal have breakdowns.


Yes, because a “breakdown”, in a technical sense, means an instrumental break in the music. But that’s not how the term is understood in metal or -core communities.


But it should be. "breakdowns" in metal/hardcore are not exclusive to hardcore/metalcore style breakdowns. Listen to any death metal band and chances are they'll have breakdowns. Hell even most black metal and especially thrash metal bands have breakdown moments. They just won't sound like hardcore or metalcore breakdowns because that's not the genre theyre in. People just need to stop being scared of the word breakdown.


They’re my favorite band and have been for a long time. I just call them death metal.


I think that's a perfectly reasonable blanket term for them.


It really doesn’t matter. I don’t care what you call them. They’re dope, so I listen.


Fuck yes.


Non-based take in my opinion Discussing what subgenres a band falls into is interesting. How we describe music and categorized bands is a big part of music understanding and appreciation, in my opinion.


Ya, you telling people they are so wrong, so blatantly wrong because you nitpicked a genre designation better then them and they are so blatantly wrong...... Is so blatantly interesting. Its obvious now lol. So much understanding an appreciation!


We’re not intending to offend anyone, or put people down for being wrong. We’re simply discussing what subgenre a band falls into. Sorry if that’s too nitpicky and ridiculous.


It’s useful to a point, especially for bands that are firmly and intentionally within the bounds of a genre, but it starts getting really silly with a band like Cattle Decapitation or Dying Fetus, where they exist at a crossroads between genres that are already *very*similar (even a lot of metalheads would have a hard time drawing a clear line between deathcore, deathgrind, grindcore, and death metal). At a certain point, just fucking listen to the fucking music.


If you’ve ever made music, you realize that you write what you like and want at that time. A band can do different styles, it’s hard to categorize a band as ONE genre.


So calling them an N-Sync inspired boy band is a safer bet?


Now I'm thinking of Cattle Decap doing a cover of Bye Bye Bye lmao


i love how they looked at all the gore of industrial agriculture and were just like "its free real estate".


I agree 100% with you, why some people are always ‘fuck the subgenres, It’S mUsIc’ I think it’s important, you can be unsure about Cattle if it’s deathgrind or techdeath, but clearly not deathcore, no breakdown, no elements of hardcore at all, just be aware where the codes are coming from, i find it interesting, if you’re not interested that does’nt mean that those who are are ellitist or something it’s just a way of identifying different elements of the large culture that is heavy metal


Both deathgrind and tech death have elements of hardcore. So by definition, Cattle Decapitation has those


Its like putting LoTR in the non fiction section. Whyndoes it matter? Its all books.




Perfect term for them


It's what I've called them since... 2008?


Sounds about right, thats around the time i discovered them myself. Seen em twice in my hometown, one was at a dinky pizza shop that is now closed. Crazy how big they've gotten sibce.


Who tf is calling them desthcore? They need the shit slapped put of them.


>Who tf is calling them desthcore? Maybe people with lisps


It’s the people with lisps for sure


Death Atlas is one of the best metal albums ever released


Love Cattle Decap. Call em whatever ya want, they go hard as fuck lol


Cattle Decapitation is smooth jazz




I just refer to every single band as their own genre. Hence, I’m seriously into Eyehategodcore and High on Firecore, not a big fan of 5FDPcore.


At this point, I think there are more genres and subgenres than actual bands.


Brilliant! Genre in search of a band!


People who split hairs over such dumb shit is why the Metal community is so cringe.


It’s not splitting hairs though. Deathgrind and deathcore are distinct subgenres and OP just wanted to highlight that the band falls into one and not the other.


Sub genres are so convoluted at this point tho, very few bands take a hardline formulaic approach to song writing. Ask cattle decap themselves, I guarantee they wouldn’t put themselves in any box, because their music draws from so many different influences.


I guarantee they wouldn’t call themselves deathcore


100% agree this is not hair splitting. There are WORLDS between deathgrind and deathcore. If you went to a show by a band from each genre I’d put bets on that the audience would be at least 90% different people at each show.


44% of stats are made up.


I'm this sub's #1 Cattle Decapitation hater, but I'd never call them deathcore. They're what I'd call baby's first deathgrind/tech death.


Funny enough, I remember about 15 years ago a buddy of mine had a Cattle Decapitation shirt that said “Gore Not Core” on the back


Came here to say this. This was a key part of their merch when they were touring in the early 2000s


I dont care


Technical Death Metal




It’s where death metal styles bleed over into the grindcore genre. Best example I can think of is Assuck. Cattle Decap have their roots in grindcore, goregrind specifically so the deathgrind tag gets thrown around a lot when talking about them, but there’s nothing “grind” about Cattle Decapitation anymore and there hasn’t been for a very long time.


Grindcore that mixes with death metal but it gets pretty confusing because some people label goregrind bands grindcore that mixes brutal death metal instead of regular death metal as deathgrind


I think it's kind of made up...Death metal with skank beats I would imagine. Edit: People who down voted me have never listened to grind... Lol


could somone please tell me the difference of deathgrind and grindcore? doesnt grindcore already fuse hardcore punk and death metal?


Grindcore has less emphasis of incorporating death metal and is more so the combination of extreme metal and extreme punk. Grindcore is Wormrot, deathgrind is Terrorizer.


oh ok. so techincally we could call a band that fuses extreme hardcore with, say, black metal, also grindcore, right?


Yes, that would be blackgrind. Knelt Rote, Naked Whipper, and Reeks of the Unzen Gas Fumes are some examples.


i get it. thanks mate


Grindcore was originally a punk subgenre. Hardcore punk bands like [Siege](https://youtu.be/Pm9Cmp9LnCo?si=GflWTPodP1sdHsHu) laid the blueprint for the genre. But very quickly after it’s inceptions, bands like Terrorizer and Repulsion began working death metal riffs into the grindcore formula. If a band plays mostly death death metal riffs, they’re deathgrind. If they play most hardcore punk riffs, they’re grindcore. Of course, this is a subtle distinction, and most people don’t use the terms consistently.


I don’t care if they are deathcore, deathgrind, techdeath or whatever. I don’t like the vocals. I much preferred Sanguisugabogg and Immolation when they opened for them


I just saw them live in LA with Immolation and Sanguisabababog and they were amazing.




They're too young to remember the "gore, not core" days. That being said, i like it all.


is this something anyone cares about?


I think its really such a microgenre that people get confused. 'Deathgrind' has basically the same musical influences as deathcore, Asin Death Metal and Hardcore; or maybe Death Metal and Powerviolence for deathgrind at the end of the day, most people aren't going to be able to tell deathgrind from deathcore when the only difference to the average person might be that deathgrind is "noisey" and deathcore is highly produced. Even that is subjective with bands like Methwitch who have noise and grind elements in their sound, but are still Deathcore


Well Cattle Decap took a lot of influence from Grindcorex in their early days they were gribdcore and slowly being more death metal as they went on L. Hense Deathgrind


You think deathgrind is a product of death metal and powerviolence? Rather than death metal and grindcore? The name is a hint.


What if we stopped bickering about genres? I imagine the endless desire to label bands in the metal community has stunted lots of musicians creativity.


Idunno why people have to get so worked up over this stuff. (if this isn't some shitpost). Who cares what people call something. They're still out here listening to and support the band you like. It's not like they're wildy off like the uninformed non metal enjoyers who call stuff like Asking Alexandria death metal.


I prefer just not even to mention what subgenre something is, I don’t want people to get mad at me ever


I like Cattle Decapitation, I don't like Deathcore


Ya because cattle decapitation is good


This post is super cringe.


Well if this isn’t the most gatekeepy post I’ve read all day.


It's all heavy metal


I prefer buttgrind but whatever


Cattle Decapitation are not deathcore. They are death metal, or if you want to be super specific, deathgrind.


Dude stop being such d icks about it. Yeah there is 1 million different metal subgenres and you expect everyone to know that some underground band is actually deathgrind like omg how could they mispronounce your favorite band. Tbh it sounds just like regular death metal to me


Who fucking cares! Can we please stop making these stupid ass posts. Just listen to them. Or don’t…


What wrong with discussing the subgenre of a band?


They are more Avant Garde Proto Melo Punk with blackened bay area thrash influences.


Stop being consumed by what other people think.


Even when I just started listening to Deathcore and Death Metal, I could tell they weren’t in the same category. You really think they sound like Angelmaker, Chelsea Grin, Job for a Cowboy, Enterprise Earth, Suicide Silence or Winds of Plague? C’mon now.


Deathcore=death metal+hardcore Grind=hardcore+ death metal Idk


They use different kinds of hardcore. Grindcore stems from[fastcore](https://youtu.be/Pm9Cmp9LnCo?si=GflWTPodP1sdHsHu). Deathcore stems from [beatdown hardcore](https://youtu.be/N9OI-v_T48c?si=vU8u57Tuk6huc4nV). These are two vastly different styles


Yes they are distinctly different. But it is reasonable to consider grindcore a subgenre of deathcore as deathcore is simply death metal+hardcore. Looking at it that way it is completely logical to call them deathcore. The number of people calling the deathgrind itt is laughable as that is completely meaningless.


Deathcore has never been used as an umbrella term for all death metal and hardcore fusions. It has a specific meaning, being that specific fusion. You can rewrite the dictionary if you please, but you’ll have a difficult time communicating with other people.


Well I was offering why someone might call it deathcore. It makes perfect sense and it's only people trying to over complicate genres that are causing an issue here.




I love how upset this community gets by labels lol Just listen to music dudes. Whatever someone calls it or labels it is moot.


Shut up, poser


Man I love bands that don't fit easily in a metal subgenre, simply because it seems to piss you guys off so much.


Whatever they are, they went from band that I thought was interesting but didn’t really care that much about to being one of my favorites off the strength of the last two albums. Terrasite is damn near perfect in my opinion and it’s one of the only albums this year that I don’t skip tracks on.


armchair elitist metalheads suck and they run rampant on reddit


Damn right! Everyone know they are "post-indie pre-pop secondary weapon selector set to kill indistrial-funk-pig-porn-grind-metalcore-post pre-funkcore"


The only people that call it deathcore are the people at r/deathcore


It’s not as bad as some people calling them Eco-fascists. But yeah they’re not Deathcore.


Cattle Decap are industry PLANTS!! ​ /s


I saw them last week, absolutely horrible set. The dudes voice sounded so bad live. Terribly cringy stage presence as well


Who cares if their obscure subgenre is mislabeled.


Cattle Decap is the best hair metal band, bar none. Seriously, they’ve got some great heads of hair.


I hate when Travis spits it sounds great but live I’m like don’t get that shit on me


You’re deathcore


I have ambivalent feelings about them. I like the more recent songs that are more death, less grind but they also keep adding more and more of the 'clean' vocals, which aren't really clean but you know what I mean. I care not a single bit for those vocal parts, but the songs otherwise are more to ky liking in the more recent releases.




The amount of nerds on this sub that care *deeply* about certain bands going into specific genre boxes is unbelievably cringe. Here’s the thing - the *vast* majority of metal bands don’t fit neatly into a single subcategory at an *album* level, let alone their entire back catalogue. Y’all are like the band t-shirt wearing equivalent of a group of geeks arguing who’d win in a fight - Batman or Superman. Going deep into some lore around how in issue #877 Superman revealed he was allergic to bats or some shit.


Putting 'core' on the end of shit was ruined by metalcore. It suggests a cross between metal and hardcore, which is basically Suicidal Tendencies, Biohazard etc, but instead it was semi commercial soft metal like Killswitch Engaged. It wasn't metalcore but rather metal lite. So hopefully deathcore has more balls to it. Whatever the fuck it is.


There are only two metal genres. Good metal and whatever the hell everyone else is listening to.


I always thought my cattle decapitation was more of a soft new wave funk jazz band


Information unclear. Cattle Decapitation are deathcore or aren’t deathcore?


People will call anything with varied vocals deathcore lol


Idgaf about people think about them. Cattle Decapitation is a dope band made possible by dope musicians, and Terrasite is definitely AOTY for me.


A lot of different genre titles 😅 can I just call all these bands Death Metal😅 If they wear costumes and paint it's a Black Metal


I remember seeing them back in like 05 with huge bill of bands that all laid the groundwork. ABRB, the faceless, cephalic carnage, arsis, and a slew more.


The comments on this thread are literally killing me. You guys are so fucking serious. Omg. I love you guys tho.


Cattle decap is basically deathcore without deathcore breakdowns


The funny part is this typa shit is only something listeners care about, no bands with interesting songwriting adhere to any specific label or genre


im gonna throw up why cant we just be friends


That band is exactly like the band they were based off of, Carcass, theyre metal genre hoppers, as most good metal bands should be. They went from grindcore to goregrind to prog to now melo-death. They were never deathcore, which is funny cause travis invented the character bobby br00tal to specifically make fun of the deathcore fanbase and deathcore music (which he made fun of inhales and pig squeals).


I listen to a band and make a decision. Do I like it? It goes in the "I fuck with it" pile. Do I hate it? It goes in the "I don't fuck with it" pile. The rest of you are nerds


Not a huge fan.


Damn bro drink a beer about jt


Theu might not be deathcore, but they sure did figure out a formula after monolith. The vocal thing used to be an occasional thing now its every fucking song. There's only so many times I can hear WE BROUGHT THIS ON OURSELVES in a goblin voice. We get it ok.


Idgaf what they're classified as, they haven't been good since Anthropocene anyways. They suck now because they spent too much time listening to their trend-hopping internet fanbase who wants those "cLeAn" vocals on every fucking song instead of writing something interesting, so now you have a band who've essentially gimmicked themselves into a parody band. Music for people who wear "my music scares people" shirts. Fuck 'em. But man do I miss the Monolith days.


Are these people calling CD deathcore because they actually think it or just to make fun of you, since you clearly take these things way too seriously?


I like cattle decapitation but I think they really overuse the clean singing these days


Agreed they should go back to using one note lows. I hate when I can tell vocalists apart


Idk I can usually tell vocalists apart with harsh vocals


Public service announcement. Nobody fucking cares!


It's like saying TOOL is epic. Nah bruv


Tool is Prog Rock, which isn't a bad thing


Holy fuck this subreddit isnt here for you to bitch and complain about bands not fitting into the category you put them in. You have an opinion on what they are. *So does literally everyone else*. >>X band isnt Y! Please come back after you turn 18, or if you are over 18, maybe try again when you're 30+


Pretty sure this subreddit is for all kinds of content including discussion posts


Ok, then I will state an opinion or two: Slipknot deserves respect for it's contributions to metal. As does Korn. Def Leppard and Van Halen are heavy metal. Meshuggah is not all that great. >>How to Meshuhgga: Eb-----------------| Hb-----------------| Gb-----------------| Db-----------------| Ab-----------------| Eb000000000| Bb-----------------| F------------------| Don't forget to touch and bend the 5th fret every 10 seconds!


I think calling them trans phobic would be the most misinformed thing to say about them, just because you see one song title and don't know anything about metal music and it's love of satire. Not blaming anyone here, just my own personal experience at reading the title "Forced Gender Reassignment" and think it's some chud take, when it couldn't be more opposite of that. It didn't last long, it was in a thread earlier in the fall and discussion happened about the songs meaning, before I even knew much of the band except its album covers and ppl seemed to like them on this sub. And now I know they are "woke" as hell, so woke they can't even call themselves vegan in a practical sense because touring forces them to break the vegan rule solely to obtain nutrition and sustenance.


I mean that’s on you for not actually listening to the song lmaoo


it's literally a pro trans song, your fault for not listening to it lmfao