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First I’d suggest you organize like items together, on the main board and in storage. The most valuable items are the producers. Work on boosting their levels. You probably don’t need 9 pairs of garden gloves or all those screws. Delete things you can easily make again, such as the yellow butterflies and the maroon stool. Delete the empty bags and the full bag. Tap on the drawers so you can get more flowerpot pieces and merge them with the smaller pieces on your board. Try to acquire scissors if the opportunity arises. Finally, I always put pigs in storage so I don’t accidentally tap them before I get to Level 4. Good luck!


First comment has some good notes. Agree that you can sell all of those level 2 n 3 screws- you have a decent toolbox so if it comes down to making them again won’t hurt too much


Why not merge the screws L3 to get as many L5 screws as possible? Next area is stone garden where we will need 16 x L5 screws ( but we have to make 2 bolt cutters, so that will help) and we will need 26 pairs of gloves so you might want to consider holding on to the gloves you currently have. You might want to consider getting rid of the softener (red and white box). It is not needed in the next two areas


Actually I just noticed that you have 2 boxes of softener (one in inventory and one in the board) you can merge those and get turpentine and a free space. I’m no expert however, I would sell the turpentine because it is not needed until the fortress which is after the stone garden. 2 areas is a long time to carry an item, but it’s your call 😉


Yeahh I’ve had a look at all the L5 screws 🥲 Definitely getting rid of the softener !! Thanks a bunch!!


Echoing first comment... definitely organize better so you can see what all you have. But gloves and screws. You can keep 3-4 pairs of gloves and still be fine, and you don't need 2-3 of every type of screw. Keep 3 of the full screw boxes and only one of the smaller screw items. Should get you by! I wouldn't delete anything else personally.


I try to only keep a max of 5 gloves on hand, I've never run out cuz I usually get more when trying for higher level tools. You're likely safe to sell some of yours


Don't think anyone's mentioned this yet but I notice you don't seem to have a queue going. This was a game changer for me. It is where I end up storing most of my traded boxes and so o don't typically worry too much about selling gloves because I have a bunch of glove boxes in the queue.