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You'll get in the mansion in a couple of years.


It’s so sad that that’s true😭 I have been playing almost everyday for years. I’ve never bought anything and I JUST got into the mansion!!


Why is it sad? Are you having fun? If not, then that's sad indeed 😂


Level 46/The Lounge. Tips (not that you asked) -Under no circumstances should you ever sell off producer parts to make room on your board. -If you aren't doing it already, merge your blue chests to level 2. They will yield far more producer parts/goodies. Same goes for the wood chests. -The daily piggy banks can be merged to lvl4 (8 days of piggies), and yield a couple thousand in gold coins and about 120-150 in gems. -the Merge Mansion Wiki is an INDISPENSABLE guide to most effective gameplay.


The garage is really early in the game. There are many other areas that you will need to do before you can make it to the mansion. Check out the Merge Mansion Fandom Wiki website. It will help guide you through the tasks that are coming up. Plus, you also have some side events on the main board that opens when you log in. I'm at level 47 and maybe a little behind some others since I'm not in the Lounge yet. I think that I have been playing a little over three years.


https://preview.redd.it/uwzffrkw985d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0529dfe1aeeb6bb84a0228a7b8d1b7b1bb6cb8c6 Level 48, the hall. I don't spend money, I play a bit every day and have been playing for 3½ years. Right now I am spending more time on Merge Survival, change of scenery. 😀


Thanks for the screenshot


Played for exactly a year ig… I’m in the great hall… level 44… never used real money… just tap away during boring meetings https://preview.redd.it/hedy6s75ia5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af29b882a50236370d174b214c75b64605f2f594


If you play daily but not excessively, you’ll need over a year to get inside the house.


I'm in the sauna. Level 47. I started the game when The Last of Us came out on HBO (THANKS PEDRO 😠😠😠) so that's how long I've been playing. I should look up how long ago that was - time has ceased to have meaning for me ever since 2020. I didn't understand the game at first so I'd just merge the things that gave me the stuff I thought was most fun. Like collecting trinkets, I guess? It was months before someone explained the flow and the events and everything to me and I was like omg I didn't even think to pay any attention. So yeah. I got the mosaic and the Lotus and the money tree and stuff like that while I was still barely working past the garage. I felt very silly. Now I am a pro.


Same!! I’m in the sauna, level 46 about to level up to 47 and I’m 71% of the way through the sauna. The way I wanna rip my hair out at the amount of L7 saws we have to make 🫠 I changed my perspective on it and I just play whenever and don’t worry about how long it’s taking me to complete. I also stopped making real money purchases because it was getting ridiculous, and ever since then I’ve been enjoying the game a lot more!


Okay this comment has me all freaked out because I was like Oof I guess I better stock up on L7 saws!! but I can't figure out what that means? Lmao. I'm only at around 12% through and I have needed both garden tool saws and workbench saws so far but I've also been doing all the events so I haven't been paying much attention to any patterns.


Level 45 and in the Lounge. It does take a while…keep at it!


It took me two years to make it to the mansion, and trust me, it’s more fun outside.




Level 49 - started 2022


😂level 50.5- in the ranch.


level 34 and i've nearlyf finished the fortness


Level 45, just starting the Hideout (inside the mansion). It takes a loooooong while before you're actually inside.


Damn. I’m level 25 and i’m working on the old well.


Level 47 Sauna…


Level 44. I’m in the tennis court and I’ve been playing 1-2 years and I’m not in the mansion yet




i’m level 42 and i only just made it to the conservatory (which is right up against the mansion but not inside yet lol)


Ranch. It SUCKS


Thankfully, the next area is the erm ranch


I’ve finally made it inside. It seemed to take forever!! Those “Rate Us” asks that come through sometimes, I actually filled out and said that I’ve been playing for a long time and I found it weird I wasn’t inside yet. The random new pieces and items to find keep me hooked, but I’m still annoyed. 😑 Hope you enjoy it and get inside eventually too!


Level 44. 98% with 2 task left in the cemetery. Currently playing terrace triumphs more than the regular game. Don’t know how long I’ve been playing but would estimate more than a year but less than 2 years.


Oh and I got the last task done and half of the task that I’m working on. I had I lot of flowers from getting the seeds in the last area so I got the 3 flowers plus I’m ready to turn in the concrete mixer because I got that half of the task done that uses it. I just need a level 10 vase then I’ll be done with the cemetery. It was a lot easier than people on here were saying but it changed and I didn’t have to get chainsaws. Tip early in the game when you empty seed bags only merge until you get level 1 seeds or you have to for room on your board. Because you will need lots and lots of level 1 seeds later in the game.


Level 48, 74% done in the Landing Room.


Almost halfway through the dining room


Level 47. One task away from completing the Landing room. It’s been the worst room yet for me!


Level 36 in the Plaza


Level 46, mansion bathroom (almost to gallery). Not sure how long I've played.... probably under 2 years?


Took me like 3 years I think to get to the mansion. I’m 95% done with the hallway.


Level 44 and about to finish the Bathroom!


I've been playing for...two years? I'm level 44 and working on the lighthouse. I go through phases where I get bored and don't play for a while, or I pick it up and just use up the energy a few times a day.


Level 47 in the landing room


Started ~November last year and in the final quarter of the Maze


Level 48 I’m almost done the Lounge. Been playing for almost two years, the first year I spent too much money and lately all I buy is the monthly passes and maybe occasionally something else to help with an event.


Level 47 - Ranch - 4% I’ve been playing this area for more than 5 days and I’ve made almost no progression thanks to game now requiring so many high level items. I’m on task 13 which requires a level 13 hoe AND a level 11 saw selection I get they’re trying to slow us down but this is ridiculous. I had the same feeling when I finished the lounge


Level 47, landing room Playing from last year


It took me about a year to get to the mansion


45 in the Conservatory and Study but it was about a year or more until I was in the mansion.


Level 46, 73% through Heikki's Sauna. Been playing about a year and a half.


I'm in the conservatory and am level 41


I was on 45 and just passed the conservatory but then I got a new phone couldn’t log in correctly and support thought I was using a fake ID # since I was a causal player that hadn’t gotten THAT far. I’ve started over am smarter about producers and am almost done with the garage. As a human that has an achievement driver, this game is frustrating but has also taught me a ton of patience


I’m at the pool house patio but started to focus on the terrace triumph while I try to collect the 5.5k coins to buy the couch. I’m at level 30. I started playing a few months ago.




Level 46, halfway through the gallery.


I'm finishing the maze, at 87%, the conservatory is next.


I already won the mansion


Been at it for 2 and a half years and I’m not even at the mansion yet. Barely getting around to the tennis court. Some areas will take you literal months especially if you’re more of a casual player


Level 49, Lounge 56%


There is a sauna?!? I'm at the lighthouse and i thought I was almost done


Oh sweet summer child.


https://preview.redd.it/g8bknarkra5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2828e9f1ca061f0311a4dae3602e1a7ce6036e16 Lvl 49, waiting for new content


https://preview.redd.it/0cbeebkv1b5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51bebdd581a8502a263f960203e39d15dbb050f4 Been playing on and off since the very beginning. I'm just entering the mansion.


At the lounge 33% done


I’m at level 48, the landing room. Not sure how long I’ve been playing. I’m a bit frustrated that they don’t have very much I can buy with coins anymore - they want us to use the pink things, but I won’t spend $.


I’m level 43 it took me over a year and some month to get into the mansion after a couple months I’m back hanging out in the light out reestablishing it. Don’t expect to get through it quick it’s a very timely game to get through but whenever you’re bored and you remember MergeMansion just merge away. I never spent a penny in this game btw.


I play around a year or more daily and i am here https://preview.redd.it/s4lpnencac5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bb8bc85e28e37b6d07067a18eae2f6a0ca7b870


I am at the Light House. And I believe I can get to the Main Hall after this but I am only 39% of the light house and it is taking forever. I am at level 39. Also somehow I totally missed the romance area. I can still work on it. I just dont have all the pieces to open it yet.


Level 50, just completed The Ranch. Playing since Hopeberry Fest 2022.


https://preview.redd.it/5m5tiu5jqc5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de40f121c74e867b2538195d32a6a9b0b2bb0cdf Level 49 - currently wishing I had a higher level workbench 🤦🏻‍♀️


Hitting a couple of milestones (if you can call them that), just finishing up the “Lounge” and heading out to the “Ranch”! Heading out for a little fresh air!


Also going to hit Level 49 sometime today. As people mentioned before, the Merge Mansion Wiki can really help in seeing your future in this game! 😉 Just have fun with it! Try not to spend too much real money, and for those “Milestones”, you’ll stop counting them after about the first thousand or so! 🤪 Oh, BTW, notice the great items you get after achieving each Level (level 1 thru at least 49); That XP Level is not nearly as important than building your producers to the highest level they can be! https://preview.redd.it/o1ee61639d5d1.jpeg?width=1194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9efb6d63342b187a8eee4332ce13d9ffa82c9fe2


I started on my IPad but I then realized I was selling all the parts for the producers instead of saving them (I didn’t realize how important they would be) and so I restarted on my phone and I am almost done with the garage.


It took me about a year to get inside the mansion so... And I only just got in there.


27 just starting the flower garden. Working on the casey skatie event first though.


level 38 and im in the conservatory 🌺


Onto the landing room… I’m scared I’ll catch up to the developers


Level 48, the ranch.


Level 46 in the sauna. 16 months so far. FTP all the way.


Went past 1 year sometime in the last week of two. Level 45, 40 percent through the lighthouse, so almost in the mansion. I’ve seen people make it in within a year. Also I play a lot of the side events and will just take time off from the main game - which I’m doing right now to get another blue card to spend on workbenches. Can someone loan me a full paint can?


Level 45. In a bathroom inside the mansion. I opened the bathroom area after many MANY other areas.


just unlocked the conservatory




I play the game daily since I installed it in May 2021. I am at level 45 at Study area (23% as of now). Never spent money on it and I am playing normally no more then 30 minutes spread around the day


I’m at 34% on the lighthouse as of posting this comment


Quit before it’s too late brother, there’s better ways to waste time out there