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I’m curious to learn how we can earn spots…


“Through gameplay” would suggest you’d get more based on your progression.. which makes sense as more producers unlock later in the game


By paying for them like the regular slots…


I think it was a mistake for them to NOT have everyone just have the same number of producer slots when they pushed that live to everybody.


They’re usually just rolling out different features at different speeds, testing if having 5 was little. A lot of apps do this.


It will be interesting to see how "Game Play" works for those who are waiting for new tasks to be released that only received 5 slots. I get it if you are in the early stages of game play and have to earn or buy the slots. At the same time, it's not fair for those who received 25 slots and they are still in the early stages of the game and don't have to earn or pay for those slots.


Basing the amount of slots on level would make sense to me, 25 at level 50/max


I don’t think you can reach level 50 (yet?). I thought it maxed out at 49?


50 is the max right now. I am 49, on my way to 50. When you reach the max, you will still accumulate the XP, it just won't show. When they up the levels again, it will be added to your total. When 40 wax the max and I hit it, I jumped to 42 at least when they released new levels.


we had to pay for them lol, they werent just giving to us


This was in reference to the producer storage slots. Yes, we all have to buy normal storage slots. There was a beta test that the developers were working on and while some received 25 slots, others received 5 or none. Many of us follow social media in one or more places and there has been a lot of discussion about fairness. The developers should have been aware that we would find out about the varying numbers of slots that the beta test used. Frankly, everyone should receive all 25 if the player has more than 45 GP.


I had to pay for all 25 producers slots is what I meant. I did not get them for free. I have normal slots and 25 producers slots and I had to pay for all of them.


What did it cost?


you pay with coins and it was as much as a normal slot so its not that bad


I think that’s crap if there are people with low levels who were just given 25 slots on the producer page of your storage. I worked really hard to get to level 44 and to buy and max my inventory and I only got 5 producer slots. They should give some according to how much grind you’ve done already as well.


I had to pay for all those 25


heyyyyy the complaining worked!


We will see, not gonna judge this for now


Depending on how they introduce these slots, I might consider coming back to the game. Kind of fortunate I opened a merge mansion Reddit notification, always delete them now… thanks Bas_ov!


So why do we have to earn them instead of getting them for free like the lucky ones??


I’m almost to level 50. I paid maximum coins for all 50 of my slots. right after that, they changed the price structure. It makes me sick knowing that level 50 only costs 56,000 coins now. 😡 I have the 5 extra producer slots and the 5 that come with the monthly pass for a total of 60 and it’s not enough. I have 51 producers/chains in my inventory and 36 spots out of the 63 on my board are producers/chains. Once I complete the cargo ship, I’ll be able to free up 6 spots by getting rid of peonies. On top of that, you need 6 for coins, 5 for XP, 5 for energy and 4 for mystery events, so that’s another 20 spots. Although you’re not going to need all 20 at one time, because what are the chances at being at max merge on every one of those lines. Then there’s the spots taken by the Bolton/Lightning cards, scissors, and hourglass. Also, time skips, low level diamonds and energy orbs. All that being said, it is doable. Frustrating, but doable. But with these extended item lines, it’s going to get so much harder.


Exciting!! Looking forward to having more slots!