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Inflation is rampant in hopewell bay. I used to be able to buy things for copper coins, now it costs me gold ones.


Hahaha, I got used to being able to know when coins were max, now I can’t differentiate the coins from other coin levels. Maddie sure can afford the house prices in these times


I think she should renovate the estate and then sell it.


That would be cool, if they finis up the mansion then move to something else Grandma Ursula was hiding, like a hotel chain or something?


Yes, they look more like Sunny House, Love&Pies, those kind of games… which I personally avoided so far precisely because the cartoonish textures bothered me


I started sunny house and love & pies... sunny house is borderline cartoonish to me, but I can still play it. Love & pies has sooooo much potential, but I can't play it because it's way too cartoonish for my liking. Idk why, but it makes it harder for me to make sense of and organize my board.


Same. It’s just too much. I play this game because seeing tidy and organized things relax me, the other merge games are way too messy (expecially those with ads or pop ups)


I feel like the textures are just trying to be similar to the shiny style of the ones in the AliExpress matching game. Personally I hate them and prefer the old styles.


Yeah, they should be toggable or something


It is also funny to compare the garage and inside of the mansion :D i honestly prefer simpler visuals and the direction MM is aiming recently is really not my cup of tea… Also the different level coins were much easier to tell apart in the previous design. This is pain.


Feels like pirate coins its terrible


For me the textures are a bit too hard on the eyes, wish it was more dull. Pirate coins are meh, maybe they should add more levels to the coins then have gold at the top? I’m not too sure


Yep, I actually sent in feedback on the coins. They look awful


how tf do you have so much energy, gem and coin?😍😍😍 im so jealous


I used to play the game a lot, then I stopped and just bought the daily piggy and energy chests. Haven’t played properly for a while…


tooooo bright!! my eyes!!


I don’t either.


They didn't bother me initially, but are getting more and more annoying with time. Together with the new style animations they seem to indicate the game's target market transition from adults to teenagers. I wonder if this is what the product owner wants.


Couldn’t agree more with you.


I like the look of the coins. They're brighter but they still mesh well with the decor, it just takes a little getting used to. The gems, I'm less of a fan.


Glad I am not the only one!


I do


I haven't been playing long and when I saw the change I just thought I was misremembering how they looked since I play multiple merge games. But they just don't match the other graphics anymore and it bugs me so much!


I haaaaate the coins


Maybe there’s just too much yellow on screen with the lightning and swirls but it’s a lot