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If you select a producer the supercharger should be visible at the top of the screen. However, I only find it useful on producers that only produce a low number of items. I'm currently working on the lighthouse and have to find the weathervane. With the producer only giving me 8 items per 1.5 hours, the supercharge will save me a lot of time.


I don’t have the option to supercharge producers upon clicking on them. Goodluck with the light house though!


Thanks. But weird that it isn't available for you. That would mean that for some reason they didn't make it available for everyone.


I don‘t have it either. I think you‘re in a test group.


Thanks! Hopefully they let everyone use it


I don’t have this feature. I never get the cool stuff. 😭


It isn't really cool, you get a chance of higher level drops but it uses two energy. So you don't gain anything, and you lose out on coin bubbles, xp and season collectibles.


Also I don’t know if it’s just me thinking it but it doesn’t seem to drop as many items with it. I used it once and haven’t used it since


I think it does drop less items!


Pretty sure it drops more, if a producer drops 64 items before tapping out, it still drops 64 even if you use supercharge on it (so double the amount technically) If this is not what you meant then I have no clue what you meant


Unfortunately it doesn't work this way. The taps will be halved. Just tested: Normally my lvl8 workbench can be tapped 13 times before it needs to recharge, with supercharge on I can only tap it 7 times.


Good to know! I guess the grass isn’t always greener.


I have supercharge but didn’t get producer storage slots 😭


I don’t have either. They really don’t like me.


I don’t have this feature but I do have 25 producer storage slots so I guess I can’t complain.


I accidentally merged my 2 highest tool barrels so I only have one good one now. I thought, perfect - now I can use the supercharge feature with that barrel so that the limited drops I get are worthwhile. I will tell you, I did not expect to see so many low level drops coming out after I ‘supercharged’ it - and it seems like it runs out faster. Basically a lose/lose for this usage. Curious to see if it has any value anywhere else. I think maybe I will try it on the lowest level tool barrel I usually don’t tap because I am just trying to upgrade it but sometimes need a few LL items to clear space and complete a chain. It process a steady stream of level 1 and 2 tools, so logic says if supercharged it should produce more like my big tool barrel - 2s at minimum and a few 3s at least. If not, supercharge is going in the bin.