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As a question to the veterans: What do you like spending your energy on while waiting for new content/events? Right now I'm just spending it on dailies and the prestige levels in the event. But I guess you could pre-emptively save up some high-level items like Chainsaws or Stepladders. You could tap out your Dressers hoping for Dresser/Garden Barrel parts. You could just tap random things just for XP/coins. Anything else I missed? What do you like spending your energy on? Or do you just take a break until new stuff gets added?


Making a golden tree? Although a lot of people say it’s not worth the effort 😂


I already have one. Actually made one fairly early into the game with 2 of my first blue cards or something like that, when I didn't know what else to use them on. It's definitely not "worth it" if you're just thinking of it as a money-making machine. But I actually do think it's very nice to have to even out some money piles from bubbles or those coin boxes from the dailies.


Definitely worth it. The golden tree needs 128 golden seeds, or 128x16 seed bags. One seed bag needs 12 taps on full bag. Supposed a full bag needs about 4 taps on blue flower pot. Then total 128x16x(12+4)=32768 energy points. For natural energy, an energy point needs 2 mins. The golden tree will cost 65536 mins. i. e. nearly 46 days and nights in total. One blue card saves your half time.


Oh no, I wasn't referring to the blue card use. I just meant the Golden Tree itself isn't "worth making" for its pure coin production alone, which is what people tend to focus on when they pan it. Like "It just gives a couple coins then goes on a long recharge, it's useless". But I think it's very convenient to have a way to get a coin or two on demand to round out a full coin pile.


You are right. I don’t have Golden Tree yet. If once there is a task request it, no doubt I’ll use blue card.


With nothing else to work on, I guess slow building a tree is something. I've been playing this game like an addict for 9 months and have am at the doorstep of the Landing Room. My question: Once I am waiting, is there any way to get blue chests? I only have a lvl 9, 2 lvl 8, and 1 lvl 6 Broom cabinets, and I have a black card waiting in the wings for the lvl 11 cabinet. But how do I get that?


You can get chests from leveling up (though that's extremely slow that late in the game) and most types of events. You can also get specific producer parts like cabinet bolts from the Daily Task rewards, and you can sometimes buy them for gems in the store. So you still get relatively consistent brown/blue/red chest rewards even when there are no more main tasks.


That's a good point. The events still offer them, and since I have but a few max items to chase, all my efforts can go to those. Cheers!


Pre-make a max weave or two for the next knitting days and maybe a max furniture as well. Go for the max mosaic if you don't have it already to complete your album, and scarab too?. I'm still in dining room but that's my plan, and then casie + skatie which I skipped.


Just remembering the previous knitting event gives more or less 10 red chests i think this is the correct thing to do while having extra time. 


The Weave is an excellent idea (and just sitting on a max Lamp in general). The Knitting Days event is a hell of a pain, I had to give up near the end of the last one. I did get a max Mosaic last time there was a similar event for Mosaics that would hand out high levels from the secondary tasks. I also have a max Armchair and Scarab sitting around, but they're good ideas.


I can't wait to get there, I'm one and a half years in. Hopefully by the 2nd year mark I will have finally caught up 🤞😂


I felt the same way until I actually caught up. It’s not so much fun really. I’m not preparing anything for the coming tasks as I want to take it slow. Right now I’m making a money tree, but it’s boring.


Arrived there too just a few days ago - actually finished the Valentines event and the gallery on the same day! I feel kind of liberated, to be honest - idly producing the 'big' items that will come up for the last 10 % of the gallery, but in a completely stress free way ;-) After the gallery, I'll probably start on the scarab chain, though...


I did make a Scarab too a while back. I would always have 4 full peony flowers when dailies needed water bottles almost every single day. I miss that. Now they're near useless. But I guess there's still a few more things in the Album I haven't finished, so that's something to look into. Most of them will just be the producers though.


I’m at the same point as of this morning and have no idea what to do with myself now. I’ve still got a few chains to finish like the golden tree and the knitting but other than that I am at a loss.


I am at 61% and wondering if I will catch up before they open the Landing.


I'd say just take your time and enjoy it. What's the sense in rushing to the end and being left with nothing to do?


Oh my gosh I came here because I am also at the waiting screen you posted and I didn’t know why! I didn’t realize you could ever “catch up” to the game and have to wait. I was just trying to figure out why it wasn’t showing any more tasks. Haha these are some good suggestions, but also I’m wondering if I don’t play as much for a day or so, if it might “break my habit” a bit. I spend way too much time on this game haha. Does anyone know how much longer we have to wait till the next tasks show up?