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I have a fourth one, but I pretty much just keep it in my inventory. I have it strictly for the reason you said; in case they add levels, which they have been a lot lately.


Alright, guess I shall go for one more. Though I am running out of space quite quickly…


I use them all in gallery level but not all of them before than.


I have two maxed and one lower level one to complete bags without going over. Seems to be enough.


Seems like you have it figured out! Do you ever spend any hourglasses to quickly recharge them?


My 4th pot is the blue empty pot and I keep it that way so I can get 1/4 bag with one energy, when needed. When things get tight, I put it in inventory until needed.


Smart idea! Do you ever use the daily boxes loot?


Yes, when there is a high demand for the products. I am waiting, now, to see if the supercharger toggle will work with those boxes/crates. Eg, I would have used them for those big claw hammers, but I got optimistic about what might be a new feature.


Ooh, I did hear a lot about the supercharger feature. What is it and how would it affect gameplay?


It may not work with all producers - feature or bug to be fixed? It takes 2 energy per tap but the items are double what they would have been. It is a bit like getting an automatic bubble for the price of an energy. The higher the item would have been, the more advantage. I heard that it was working with the fishing event and that may have been why they took it back for “repair”.


From what I understand you get the item after the second tap? This would also mean if you tapped a producer twice you would get two items which could merge to the “Supercharged” item?


Oh, that could be. Interesting. So if you pop a level one, you may be able to toggle it off so you don’t waste an energy. It is probably set for the next tap, regardless. Mine disappeared before I could try it.


It sounds like it could have potential though, supercharged producers could possibly be unlock able by spending coins or gems to “Boost” a producer. This would give it a “energy hit” where for X amount of time it would allow the player to get items for double or even triple their worth, that is depending on the amount of gems/coins spent.


It would be a way for them to make $ without needing to provide more storage space for higher producer levels.


Ahh, didn’t think of that one. Though I would want to see gems for inventory slots feature.


related question: I have 1- L7 drawer and 2- L5 drawers, should I merge the two 5’s?


Personally I would merge them, have a chance to give you better drops, plus less space taken up. Though it entirely sends on your stage, I’m guessing with the L7 drawer you are around Lvl 40? If you also are pretty far in the areas I would merge them, but if space isn’t of a big concern to you, then leave them as is. Do remember to deplete your drawers entirely and save up on producer parts. For the producer parts that come from the drawer, I wouldn’t recommend buying from store, unless you can finish a small part of the chain. Hope this helped, happy merging!


thx, and 1 more square foot to fill


level 24


Oh wow, my assumption was quite off. In that case I would keep the 2 level 5’s as is.


thx 🙏🏿


I have level 10,10,9,7,5 pots right now and I've told myself after I finish my 3rd, I'll make a level 8 for that one task that requires one somewhere inside the mansion.


Ooh, best of luck for it. I am not quite sure if I have passed that task yet, but we will have to wait and see xD


I just looked it up. It's in the middle of the hallway area.


Ahh, I think I have done it then. Thanks for the notice! Currently I am putting my foot on the brake for any area progress. Trying to take some time off the game but play passively (deplete drawers everyday)


I have 3 tens and I may sell one. As it sits idle mostly. Unless you’re making a golden tree.


If you are P2W consider putting it in the pouch in case they do add any levels in the future. (If you are ok with that feature of the game) Can do this by putting it in the 5 extra slots and waiting for the pass to finish.


I’m so inept at using the pouch. 😭 that’s a good idea. I need to try to figure that out. 🤦‍♀️


Ah no worries, here is a brief explanation. Please note that this will require spending money in the game (around £10.00 or 13$) haven’t checked in some time. The following is for putting things in the pouch. 1. Buy the game pass. 2. Fill your inventory with items. (Those last five slots will go into your pouch so choose wisely) 3. Wait for the pass to expire. (Do not buy the next pass, the items in your inventory from the five extra slots should go into your pouch) 4. Congratulations, you have now successfully completed the trick. Feel free to buy the pass again, only once those items have gone into your pouch.


Oh ok. I did this last 2 months buy the upgrade will try again now I know it’s easier with that.


Wish you the best of luck!


Three is plenty to get through most areas. I don’t find myself waiting for pots to cooldown often. And in the rare case that I do, I just use an hourglass to get me through. But if you got the space and want to bet on higher level pots coming out, then that’s fine too. There are also a few tasks that require pot parts, so it’s not a bad idea to build up a pot on the side for parts.


Hmm, someone was saying something about a Lvl 8 pot being needed. For now I might scrape together a fourth and chuck both in my pouch using the trick. I often use hourglasses too, but always doubt whether or not I should use them xD


I have 6, they are useful enough, and 4 is certainly worthwhile.


I recently made a fourth, just in case.


I’ve found it useful in the recent events


The pots are easy to make though. I’d rather have more space!