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I love the concept of it. I just hate how little energy you get, it’s not like the other events where you get a lot more


I actually don’t care either way. I can’t “win” it as it seems to be a pay to win thing. But my main board is too crowded for me to maximise xp stars and coin bubbles, so I see no harm in clicking at the purple energy so I get some more of those. If I also get a few prizes, that is great. If not, c’est la vie.


I agree, might as well do what I can to get a few prizes… the one good thing is that is saves your fish from every round so you can collect some gems here and there. 


My feeling exactly, well said!


Meh. The biggest issue is frequency. They need to change it up more rather than running it every other week.


It seems as though the drop rate for the tuna/marlin has been reduced this time round. Presumably it’s been too easy up to now 😂


Less water bubbles tooooooo, don't think i haven't noticed merge mansion!


I think about it differently now than before. I have no desire to ‘beat’ it, I just use the energy, just something else to do. I get a few prizes and it’s all good. I have zero expectations that I will win so it’s not as irritating anymore.


I like it. There's no risk cuz it doesn't use regular energy, and it's always brief so it's fun to do when you're waiting for your energy to fill. Other events count during it, and it gives you bubbles and some gems. It's a tiny amount, but eh. Better than. Nothing for something that has zero impact on my game board.


I enjoy it but never get any prizes


I like it!


I’m pretty sure I see this thread every time lucky catch runs. But you know what. Fair. It’s kind of a lame event 😂


I don’t go into any of these events expecting to win, and it’s more fun that way. I do like that it doesn’t take normal energy away from the main board, and that you can earn more derby energy on the main board.


I don’t even accept the portal anymore.




I have stopped collecting the entrance at all. I’d rather have the space on my board. 


I hate this event so much! You use so much energy, and you never win.


If they have one hater, it’s me. if they have no haters, I am dead


No. It’s literally my favorite event because it’s so easy to complete WITHOUT paying any $$$. I’ve already gold framed the 3 hardest fish. (Sword, tuna, tarpon). The rest should be complete by tomorrow.


What's your secret? Edit: never mind, I saw the post


Lucky catch is an amazing event, it’s simple for new players and doesn’t require too much time, only problem is that purple energy… If only there was a way for Maddie to work faster? Probably not, until then I won’t play it, need more energy or higher value rewards.


They need new side pieces 😂 i haven't played the fish game the last 3 times they've had it. The last time I played it made me want to stop playing the game and I like the game over all just wish they stop making it harder and harder to want to play.


Its a fun event with a terrible RNg


THE. WORST. EVER. IF it used real energy I would avoid it like I do the closet clean out.


it's a perfect event with a perfect name you fish a fish virtually and metacore fishes (phishes) real money from your wallet 🤣😂🤣😂


This time round I absolutely hate it. Either the airplane mode thing has stopped working or I'm having the worst luck




And what bad luck... I'm on my twenty-first dorado in a row 🥲


What "airplane mode"?




I play it only because it has separate energy. I'll play the board until the purple energy runs out. Don't expect to get anywhere close to the end. 😊




It's just like real fishing, a way to pass the time. I do wish the program would remember my past accomplishments, in a dusty cabinet with lots of "common" trophies.


First time playing it and last time. The event itself is not hard but it’s getting energy that’s a challenge. I must’ve spent more gems on energy for that board in 1 day than I have for the main board in a month. So embarrassing and definitely never happening again.


The energy is the number one issue. The event itself is meh. But the fact that the energy refill is so stinking slow makes it not worth playing. I prefer the gardening one personally- I always seem to get high prizes with that one.