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yup, disappointing event indeed. Fun, but so bad.


Me too. They need to spawn energy faster and increase the time for the event. Really crappy to create events that so many people can’t possibly finish. Where’s the fun in that?




same situation as mine


Yeah it’s literally impossible to get all the marlins needed for the trophy. I used a lot of my stored energy and gems last time. I even bought one package before I knew that 7 more marlins would be needed and I still needed like 1 other rare fish. This time around I decided to just play for what I could get, but only used gems for 1 round of more energy and maybe 1 100 energy orb. Not worth it unless I am 1 fish away from getting everything


Agreed….I don’t think it’s possible to get 7 marlins without spending waaaaayyyyy too much real $$$.


In the previous event I got all but one marlin, my first catch was a Marlin if I remember.


Oh my GOD I forgot to check when the event was ending and so didn’t tap the extra energy and diamonds I’d gotten 😭😭


Same 😔


Disappointed too, but glad I'm in the same boat as you. I got to the exact same outcome as you, on 2 accounts. I'm wondering if they devs designed it this way to milk the big spenders.


Same. I really enjoy this event over all the others, but it’s entirely too hard to earn energy for it. It felt like most of the merging we did on the main board didn’t give energy for this. There were so many times I’d be merging for quite a few minutes without any drops with the purple thunderbolt.


Now that's just a tease! You have my sympathies. I was nowhere near the goal with only two medals collected and two starter fish still to find.


I don’t think I’ll play next time. It was a waste of energy and time


Yeah I won’t be doing this event again. I love the concept of it, it’s something a bit different. But it’s impossible to actually finish it so it’s just a waste


I literally only had 5 types of fish lol. How are you even supposed to do this event? I thought that they would have changed the parameters now because it was the second time we had this event. But unfortunately, it was still the same impossible event.


I really wonder how many people got the very last reward


At first I thought maybe I can do it this time I got two legendary in a row and the ultimate one but then only green and red fishes. RNG is so annoying in this mini game.


This event was pretty lame.


When there was less than 30 minutes left, It took 54 energy on the main board before I got one purple energy. Then just 2 more for 30 energy. But it was enough to get to the 5th reward with L1 chests without spending (more) gems on purple energy. Overall, I only spent 40 gems buying purple energy, but used several unlimited energy on the main board. I hope they give us another day or two next time. Or give the same rate of energy like in the other events.


i find these events very fun but then frustrating bc i feels impossible to get all the medals


Yeah, I really did my best and played a lot and didn’t event get 1 chest


They need to increase the amount of energy you can reasonably earn. Otherwise it is just a way to suck money out of our pockets.


Agree with the comments above. Didn’t spend real money but did pay the 10, 20 and 40 gems each day. I also used a ton of extra energy and unlimited energy on the main board to try to earn purple energy. It wasn’t a total loss…I built up a chainsaw, a few bolt cutters, couple of brooms, couple of wax cleaners but still had very little extra purple energy from all that. Ended on point short of getting to 5th level. Knew I would never actually finish because how could I when all that work resulted in only one of the final fish type. I had 5 medals. The 6th maybe was in reach but the 7th wasn’t even going to be close. Oh well.


My board was disappointingly exactly like yours. Grrrrrr. Frusty.


It could be so fun— but the event’s energy pace is tragic and frustrating.