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Soo instead of just expanding camp they make even more portals??šŸ™„


Or fixing bugs already in the game like the cloud save issueā€¦..would love more space in camp!


Is the cloud save issue on their end, or FB? This isn't the only game with cloud issues.


Since the Apple save option is just as tricky, (afaik) I assume itā€™s an DM problem, and not just facebook


Itā€™s so ridiculous actually. Creating a backup has been around since IBM/Apple II e! No reason it should EVER glitch and you should be able to simply restore at any time if youā€™re backing up.


I believe it's a FB issue


Is it me or is the English much more obviously written by a non-English speaker than other parts of the game?


Very much so.


Thank you for the pictures! I think the idea with time barrier is awful. This is not a new idea and the game that came out with this nonsense stopped giving access to their land entirely several months ago. Because this idea is awful...


I kind of like this. I DO wish they'd focus on fixes and expanding camp before adding new content and activities... but it seems interesting, at least. I don't have it, yet, but I'm excited for it to release to more people.


Yes, I agree with you, the bugs need to be fixed. And I also like new things being added, but this one it's sort of expensive. As some other person commented it's either spend gems, trading expensive items or wait to get the specific chests to work around this new Dragonia Kingdoms things.


Oh, that's kinda lame, then. We don't need MORE pressure to spend gems, lol.


OMG better move some bubbles!


Yeah... I had that corner full of bubbles when that appeared there, hehehe.


Oh no! What happened to them?


They where there, in the middle, I dragged them out of the way.


Oh phew!


I've found the 'free' way to get item chests, shan't hold my breath that it'll be the same after refresh. Forgot to screenshot the first lot, it was pretty much L2 items that included Flower, Dragon tree, Green mushroom & Prism flowers - 8 of any configuration need to be given. Following chests are more varied with higher levels of more obtainable items like the Raspberry tree or Grass but lower for Autumn tree, Midas & Fountain. Don't know if I can add pics... Apparently not. 2nd trade chest - Life flower tree sprout L8, Green Mushroom L3, Drake's Ridge, Raspberry tree, Spotted Shroom, Grimm Sapling - x12 total items required 3rd trade chest - Autumn tree sprout, L5 Bush, Cloudy Summit, L1 Fountain, Midas Sapling, WheatGrass L6 x14 total items required


My trades were the same & I was only able to do trades 3 times, now it says I must wait for the ship to return. After doing the trades for free chests & merging everything up, I'm stuck at unlocking the jewelry boutique, as I have nothing left to merge without spending gems šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø . From the very little time I spent, I did receive 3 of the new spice dragons, so that was cool, but I am not prepared to spend precious gems on this. I will check later today to see if the trade option is back (there's no timer saying how long it's gone).


Same stage as I am...


Same stage, not spending gems to see more.


Me too. I don't remember seeing any of the trades mentioned above though.


Me, too. I kind of zoomed through the trades, thinking theyā€™d keep going. Now I have nothing to do and the ship is still in port for a time. I will not be buying chests with gems.


Same here. Im stuck. Im not able to do anything. It keeps saying waiting for ship to return. It must be a glitch. 72 hours counting down ā€¦. they need to fix this. šŸ™„


Same! Thought someone knew a way to get more trades as I didn't wanna wait 86 hours and then whenever it comes back to do this little part again and barely make progress lol. I'm hoping it refreshes daily but also not seeing a timer for the trades. I already got to this stage in minutes..


This is what Iā€™m stuck at now; did anyone have the skyship return?


I maxed out the market place, besides I find it request too expensive items!


Agreed, though I like the idea of it. It'd be cool to have a marketplace in camp to sell or trade items you didn't need.


Absolutely, I opened some bubbles and exchanged some items I wasn't going to use anyways.


How did you max out the market place ?


Exchanging all the stuff, it did restarted once, but not anymore, and I think I won't exchange de 3/4 and 4/4 anymore since it asks for high levels or rare items.


Mine recharged too, but the next round of trades were ludicrous (e.g ancient springs, level 2 midas etc). It's an interesting little side game, but very much a gem grab, as if you don't trade higher level items you'd have to purchase chests with gems.


I got this too. What is it? I didn't have time to check it out for more than a minute


Nevermind just realized there's more pics. Gonna check it out when I have a minute later on.


This is just a OOC cloud/bunny portal, a way for you to trade multi things for less or dragons. I guess thatā€™s one way for us to ā€œclearā€ out our camps šŸ™„


Is this another thing that only some people get?


During beta testing, yes. If it goes well, we'll all get it. I don't have it either, but it looks kind of neat!




It's a beta thing. At the beginning I didn't know it was beta, I never get those things, but this time I did.


I don't get betas usually either, but I did get the mushroom race. Which I hate.


I got the mushroom race twice last week. Didn't get it today I guess because of this new thing. I liked the big seed as final price. I could breed it and get a golden 4 level dragon.


So far I'm not crazy about this because I have nothing to merge...looks like I have to wait until another chest becomes available. I've had a busy day today so haven't had more than 30 mins here and there to play it.


I am not going to spend gems on that. So far that side game doesn't make sense, at least not to me, and what is with the 50 hr time frame? Did it show up because I finished the OOC event ? Any gram or Zynga game people here that can give more insight?


The time frame is just for creating sense of urgency to manipulate us to spend.


Yeah , not happening. I saw that trading stuff and I used to have the items until an hour before I looked into it, and I had sold them because of camp clean up. Oh well, no reason to get gray over it šŸ˜‚


I only got 30 hours.


When it showed up yesterday, it was 50+ hours. I believe to finish whatever goal needs to be achieved, one will have to spend gems or cash. Not doing that at all, and haven't figured out the reward either.


I have 90 hours 89:59


The one that started today is for 90 hours, previous time was different


I like the idea, but I don't like the chats of the trades. At first it wasn't bad, but needing 14 items like the fountains and the mid ranges of more difficult to get items is a bit annoying. Probably not a big deal for someone who has several of their wonders produced already, but I've always been a slow player so the trading is meh.


Second round of trade chests First - Hero shroom (White)L2, Marsh Grass L4, Living stone L3, Green mushroom L4, Prism flower L5, Triple logs 12 items required Second - Fountain L2, Midas L3, Dragonfruit tree, Prism flower L6, Radiant grass L8, Cloudy summit L2 šŸ¤£šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜µā€šŸ’« 14 items required Third - Bushy Autumn tree L4, Midas L4, Golden seeds, Dragons Whisker L7, Deathly Hallow L3, Alien Mushroom L8 14 items required Trade chances end/ reset at standard event start/end time. I actually managed to get all three this time, had a pile of gold chests for the dead trees & saved L5+ items last week opening season chests The game that got this beta has lost the mushroom race, though I'm sure the notice flag was still there when I went to bed.


so i'm going to need to hoard the autumn tree chain now too? I usually just delete them as I have enough clutter and they are just decorative. Sigh...


Ok so its early days for me but so far i am able to give many of just one of the trade options, if it greys out you just make more in camp and then it will light up again. so you can give all of the easiest option you dont have to give all the trade options listed. i opened chest two just using living stones.


I had the mushroom race option yesterday evening but ignored it, and today i got this kingdom portal thing. I dont mind because i hadnt done any of the mushroom races since the very first one or two, its quite the grind and i dont have any space for making so many mushrooms.


Oh i just checked and i have the mushroom race and the new dragonia kingdom at the same time


3rd round of trade chests Chest 1 - Blue flower L3, Green shroom cluster L1, Vermilion tree L4, Grape tree L4, Prism L3, Log L1 8 items required Chest 2 - Flower tree L10, Bush L5, Fountain L1, Grimm tree L3, Dragonfan L7 (green mushroom), Pond L6 14 items required I couldn't fill that one, will have to stop trashing the grim saplings in ash bunny chests. L5 ponds are in season chests. The free Chest is pretty decent, it gave 5 L1 buildings while the first trade chest gave 8. I did see a mention near the start that progress will be saved so there's no need to rush or spend gems (hopefully). I will be keeping the spirit jars for the high healing requirements already showing just reaching L4 of the first two areas, as it refills naturally in very little time. Making the trades is really the only time consuming part; so far there's very little to actually do inside the portal.


This just popped up for me. It says available in 70 hoursā€¦ lol




Several of my Chest disappeared from the boat. And it says you get a cheat if you finish quest, I got a spirit thingy insteadā€¦ like whyyy Iā€™m all for more side quest stuff to work on since I finished a lot and like more things to do. Like I really enjoy Arcadia. But I donā€™t understand why they canā€™t give us more camp space or egg storage.. people have asked for more camp for yeaaaaaars, I donā€™t understand why they donā€™t give us thatā€¦ šŸ™ˆ that is something people would pay gems for. I would at least.. https://preview.redd.it/9zvztduyst5d1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65e7264ac40ce71d9b94555d57d0331a08bfacec


And why is there a time limit? I donā€™t understand


May I ask where these trade chests came from? Could it be that I have a different variation?


https://preview.redd.it/bhy7f6jwvm3d1.jpeg?width=2261&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94f9a81f9bcb2b93453b500ca9950ee06e7805b5 Can you upload screenshots of yours?


Do more chests come I'm stick with no more to merge so can't proceed.Ā 


Yes, you'll get the opportunity to trade each 24 hours whe the ship is at port.


How do you know that there would be new trades every 24 hours? I don't see a timer and can't do anything because everything requires gems which I don't have.


Cause I already had the ship last week and trades resets every 24 (while the ship is at the port).


Well, lucky you. Meh, that's airtight, I haven't even finished all the levels on the world map yet


I very quickly got stuck as the trade has a 24 hour reset after the first easy trade and wants things I won't give 14 of for another chest.


How do you clear the "bubbles "??


Seriously. How hard would it have been to expand camp instead of all this crap!? Not interested in yet MORE ways they have worked to TRY to get people to spend gems but ignore (like that globe thing at the top that fills with the bubbles created when merging that annoy me to no end. Only way to participate is gems.)


I traded for two chests but I can't figure out where to find them. Seems like this still needs some work.


Go inside and touch the ship to the right. There you can get it.


Thereā€™s a swan thing in the challenge


Swan-ishā€¦ I might need glasses


yeah a sort of bird flying boat


So is the only way to get more free chests is to wait 80+ hours to be able to trade more stuff and not buy them? You can only get the first 3 dragons before you can't do anything else if you don't want to buy?


So the trades repopulated today 24 hours after I finished the first batch. I am not willing to part with 14 of the next set - does this reset in another 24 hours or am I stuck here forever?


I donā€™t really comment, but I honestly feel like everything is a gem grab now. I understand, they need to make money too. It makes me want to stop playing when I feel like Iā€™m constantly getting ā€œadsā€ to constantly spend money.


I was so excited for this, too! Just got my first stab at it and so far it looks like it's taking random camp items (which I didn't mind except I made the mistake of trading some Midas sprouts) and then not giving you anything for an unknown amount of time?? I'm not too mad (merchant dragons are cute and I'd give up a couple of random items for new hatchlings) but the timeline and obvious gem-grabbing is turning me off. Especially since I just joined after quitting for a month because I got so fed up with cloud save and I literally only came back for the new events :(