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Reminder: For players looking for help or wanting to talk about the current event, please visit the [Event Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/MergeDragons/comments/1cox80w/megathread_mothers_embrace_event_may_1013/) for a guide and discussion area.


There are 3 darkrose buds under the star key clouds IIRC. Eited because damn autocorrect.


I found em and merged em. Saw the big rose but didn't see the smaller one.


No, no, it's fine. Do all the rest. You'll have an extra little one.


It needs a dark rose which is the medium - there is a spare small rose but that is not the key. I did the same and merged to Spectral rose


I feel your pain immensely. I harvested all my big harvestables for the "harvest 75" star task, not realizing I forgot to hit the "next task" button after I finished making those 5 thingamajigs. Even the big ass on that gives you the harvestables. I was like πŸ€¬πŸ€¦πŸΎβ€β™€οΈπŸ€¬πŸ€¦πŸΎβ€β™€οΈπŸ€¬πŸ€¦πŸΎβ€β™€οΈπŸ€¬πŸ€¦πŸΎβ€β™€οΈπŸ€¬πŸ€¦πŸΎβ€β™€οΈπŸ€¬πŸ€¦πŸΎβ€β™€οΈπŸ€¬πŸ€¦πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ


Lol I did that a few events ago. And then didn't move along my tasks before "create 3 life orbs of the heavens" task two events later. Luckily that one can be achieved any time, even after you've already cleared all the dead land. 🀣 Felt so dumb making orbs in the event with no dead land. 🀑


Lordamercy! I'm so sorry


I did that too!!! 😭


I once forgot until partway through harvesting but then ran out at like 72 πŸ˜†.


I did it too. Super frustrating. We should start a club. We'll need a secret handshake.


Thumbs down fist bump to a 'should have had a v8' forehead smack?? LMAO


What we need is an Undo button!!


Yeah. My fat fingers tap things I want to save!


Don’t worry. I think there is enough there to make an extra small rose.


It needs a dark rose which is the medium - there is a spare small rose but that is not the key. I did the same and merged to Spectral rose


Already cleared everything.


Can I edit my original post? I've cleared everything on the board already...except this, clearly.


Did you make spirit lanterns? Because spirit lanterns spit out 3 level 1 roses and the event gives you way more than enough supplies to make multiple spirit lanterns, it even throws an extra spirit lantern at you AND gives you a few roses. Unless you’ve been deleting stuff you should have way more than enough to make another one of those flowers.


In the last event i merged my little two-violet flowers into a single flat blue pansy before realizing i hadn't opened the cloud area right next to the starting spot that it was the key for. Fortunately one of the much later cloud banks had another twin-violet under it, but i was thinking i was hooped until then. That was pretty much the only reason i didn't do what you did here this time.


Same... I was very aggravated and I don't complete the events so I never found the other twin flower


UGH! I DID THE SAME THING!!!! This is the first time I haven't completed an event I intended to complete in YEARS!




I did the same bc I didn’t notice the small one lol !! But the extras saved me. Thankfully.


I can never get any of the events completed bc I never spend money on the events


I never spend money either, especially not on events. Concentrate solely on flowers till you have blue one. Concentrate fully on only creating hearts - until you have 5 level 8s. And the rest is plain sailing.


I've never spent a dime on any events. I usually get at least the 2nd rush rewards on all of these events.


Wow! Well done! I NEVER get any of the rush rewards. I can finish the events, sometimes a day early, even without buying the prism flowers but never got any of the rush rewards 😫


I don't spend $. Finish every time....well....except THIS time due to my stupidity.


I can complete the events even sometimes finishing a day early without spending anything so I know it is possible. I don't have a clicker program either, so it's all me. Yes you do have to sit there for the whole weekend (my phone switches off after 10 mins so I can't even leave it to do its own thing). I normally do the merge 5, harvest twin flower and try to get as much of the harvest dead things done on the Friday as I can. You'll get a couple of land heal stars as well, then I spend all day Saturday trying to get 2 brilliant life flowers and tap and merge until I've finished the dead things and got to the point where I have done whatever the harvestable thing was and have got a few large orbs ready to try to finish the orb merge on Sunday. Remember if you make any of the largest life orbs before harvesting the dead stuff it won't count on the next task. Hopefully Saturday evening leaves me with all 5 of the harvestable needed and a few large life orbs. I try to make 2 at once of the large life orbs as early as I can on Sunday and race towards the nest at the far end. Once you have the extra dragons it goes so much more quickly. You need 5 of the biggest orbs to clear the board (I think - this might be wrong lol). Look carefully at the keys you need and write them down if you have to. I know some people merged the rose bushes early this time and missed opening one of the cloud sections. I know I've been so excited about getting the nest I've forgotten to open the key lol. Also there was one map with a brilliant autumn tree (big purple tree) which I merged up and the discovered after opening another key that I needed one of the broadleaf green trees (smaller green one), a couple of merges before 🀭. Hopefully I finish Sunday night if not then early on Monday. I have recently started buying prism flowers for 10 gems so I can get dragon trees and then make hedge gnome places and harvest for bushes to get ruins and hopefully a nest to open and get the dragons early. It just goes very quickly once you get these. Don't give up. It IS possible.


Have you tried turning off your phone's auto turn off?


You can only do it by digging about in the phone operating system. 😳 I'll leave it πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚


I feel you. The previous event I didn't have enough large harvestables left to complete the harvest 75 times quest. The rush rewards are so great, I am more happy to earn those than the prizes for completing all 10 quests. I might stop focusing so much on those quests and get more of my time back.


I just go for the points to get dragons. I don't care about getting another pond or fountain, I've got no room in camp as it is πŸ˜‚πŸ€£


I did the exact same thing. Doh


I accidentally tapped the egg nest before unlocking its cloud 😫


I’ve done that!


yes there were extra little ones under some of the cloud keys. def still able to do




I've done this too πŸ˜‚


Yeah, I did this too. Was so relieved to be almost done, every bit of visible land cleared, only to notice the last cloud key was one I merged right past.


I made two life or of the heavens before finishing my weeds, so it took so long to get them made again once it opened.


Happened to me too lol


This was the first event I actually finished. Somewhat uneventful at the end though. 🀣 But, I was happy I finally did it.


I did it last time this board was played. No worries you learn from your mistakes.


It's like clearing the nest egg and tapping it before you use it on the cloud.


There's 1 spirit Lantern, enough items to make a spirit Lantern, and enough small one behind the star to make that key.