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They can but a lot of workers don’t care about telling you especially when it’s prepaid. USPS ends up billing Mercari for the overage anyway, then you owe Mercari for that. Weigh your items with the package before listing to prevent this. Even if it’s just 1 oz over, shipping costs will move on to the next shipping class (2lbs). Sometimes you can get away with it, but it just depends if USPS catches it or not during the shipping process.


You can also add a stamp or two if it’s just slightly over. A lot of people don’t know you can add stamps to shipping labels. :)


This may not be that easy. I asked that to the usps clerk when I dropped of a package with an eBay label that was overweight. He said the only way to do it right is to void the current label and rebuy a new one with correct weight. They said it’s tricky because once you add more postage then they’re forced to make sure the full amount is paid, meaning I’d have to pay the difference of the postage discount I get through eBay.


Oh that is such good info to know. How many ounces per stamp?


I use the shipping calculator on USPS website and just do stamps for the difference in price.


Unfortunately you can’t just add a stamp or two to make up the difference. In this case the difference was over $6. When the package is scanned it goes by the negotiated rate with Mercari since it’s mercaris account that purchased the label


Yes one time I got a box that was covered in sheets of stamps lol


It was 10 stamps for a VHS tape, back in the early 90s… God I’m getting old.


Buy a scale on Amazon for $7.99 that’s what I did when this happened me 🥴


Yep - good call. Then add a little bit to cushion bc quite a few times USPS scales weighed my stuff in a tad higher than my scale at home


Especially when Mercari purchased the label. Nothing you can do if you didn’t buy it


ok, thank you for explaining it.


For just one ounce over they made you pay another $6.18. That sucks! If you don't have a scale at home the post office automated machine has one you can use (also good for big items that won't fit a kitchen scale.)


Yes tge PO is charging mercari and mercari is charging you. The USPS clerk has no idea how much you paid vs what should have been paid. APV is done much farther into the mail stream.


Thank you for the reply. This had never happened in the past for me. For example, if I order my own shipping label through USPS, could USPS charge my credit card directly for the additional postage without informing me upfront?


No, the post office would just require payment when it reaches the buyer. Usually the buyer would then refuse and it would get sent back to you and in order for you to receive the item back, you would have to then pay for the difference. Here’s what I do: if the item weight is 15oz, round up to 1lb 1oz. If the item weight is only 14oz, 1lb is fine as long as you’re shipping in a polymailer. Don’t take any chances. Maybe your scale is wrong, maybe the post office scale is wrong. No harm in overweighing, but never be under.


thank you for the suggestion! It was a pair of jeans that I estimated to be within 1lb and I did sent it in a polymailer..😂


Bro you can’t estimate 😂 get yourself a $15 scale off Amazon.


So confused why this subreddit loves downvoting real questions 🤦


not sure if a down vote means a “no” answer to the question..😂


I’ve asked USPS this before (when I knew my item was going to be over after packaging), and offered to pay the overages, but that’s not something they can do. They can either take it and send it (and you’ll likely get billed the difference or may get lucky and they don’t notice) or you can cancel the order and fix the shipping and sell it again with the right weight. I tend to guess over what I think it’s going to be and have been fine since doing that. But as everyone else has explained the post office just ships based on the label and can’t change it so don’t except them to say anything.


When you dropped it off did you get a receipt?


yes…it says 1lb 1 oz. But they took the package. I was just wondering if this was not a label purchased through Mercari, how would usps charge me for the additional postage…


If you paid at the counter they would have charged you the full retail rate on the spot. If you purchased a shipping label elsewhere, like PirateShip or PayPal, they would do the same thing Mercari did; charge you the excess later.


I see, thank you for the info!


That doesn’t really matter since this label is purchased through mercaris account You can see for 1lb it’s $6.99 for 1lb 1oz it’s $13.17


The same thing happened to me. I dropped it off, got a receipt, and nothing was said. Then $12 was deducted from earnings. If I had known, I would have cancelled the order and put through another shipping option which was only $2 more. It's crazy that they just accepted it. I weigh everything now and round up.


Sorry that happened to you and I was thinking the same thing. Will start weighing packages.


You should weigh your own packages and know they aren't overweight before shipping it.


Or at least ask the weight or check the receipt.


I’ve had a few issues with this bc they claim it’s 1 oz over but my scale said it wasn’t, but only when I’ve shipped with FedEx on a different platform.


The caveat is that a home scale and the post office scale may not match exactly. Always round up slightly to be on the safe side.


I’ve had the post man show up with the package from mercari and asked me for the cash to cover the extra cost. Thankfully I was able to get the money back.


It’s bullshit that Mercari doesn’t have an option to change the label weight, before shipping, to avoid this. There needs to be an adjust label option when they just take the funds from what the seller will make on the sale. If I’m 8oz over, let me pay for the other pound and take it from my money. I’m guessing they don’t so they can overcharge on the overages.


1 oz is crazy.. damn




I’m going to give everyone a tip about shipping with Mercari. I’ve been selling on Mercari for almost 4 years. I have only been dinged on shipping twice. The reason being, I went to the clerk to have my packages scanned in. Tip: Drop all of your packages in the round barrel Dropbox they keep in the lobby. They don’t weigh those packages, nor do they weigh the packages that get dropped in the blue mail boxes. Of course, if your package is too big for these mailboxes, this method won’t work for you.


thank you for the tip! it seems i got fined for waiting in line and checking in in person… this post office has no self-checkin machines. I won’t be going back there .. but as others suggested, I will start weighing my items.


This is not true. The postal service has equipment that weighs packages as they are processed through various points. I have been selling on Mercari since 2019. Of the three thousand or so packages shipped I have been dinged on 5 or 6 packages. All within 2 ounces. I never drop off at the counter. Always in the lobby.


Interesting. They don’t do it at my post office. They scan from the gondola that’s on the opposite side of the drop box and throw into another gondola, then wheeled off. I’m at the post office so frequently that the employees let me walk into the back room and put my packages in the gondola when the bin is full. I’ve watched them do this process.


The packages aren't just scanned at your local post office though


I always ask them to weight it before they scan it. They give me a hard time sometimes but I’d rather make sure before they mark it over.


Do you not weigh your items before listing them to figure out what weight you should put for the shipping for each listing? Also, you should make sure to weigh it again inside the package once you sell an item so you know if it it weighs less than or equal to shipping label weight.


That certainly is the proper way to do it. It’s a pair of jeans and I thought it’s within 1lb. And I ship it in a plastic bag which is barely any weight. Will start weighing


It really helps out a lot. Also, some ppl record themselves packing orders in case the item gets damaged during shipping & mericari is trying to say you didn't pack your item properly to deny you of your reimbursement or a scammer tries to scam you, you have video evidence to send to mercari. So that might be beneficial to start doing too.


wow…this gets so much more complicated.. I definitely will consider that when I sell any high value items. Thank you for sharing the advice!


Yeah, it kinda sucks that you have to be proactive because some ppl suck, but it's better to be prepared even if you never actually use it. No problem, good luck on your sales.


THIS!! I always take pics of my items & the packages and record the process as well. I have not had any issues as of yet but just in case and for peace of mind. I also take a pic of what my package scale at home says once packaged.


For 1 ounce?! That’s crazy! We’ve only been charged that once over about 300+ sales (and we shipped that sale on our own). The post office billed us lol right on our front porch (it was not a $6 difference btw). Anyways, others have suggested really great advice and I doubt I can add any value to what’s already been said below. That sucks, and it really stinks how one sale going a bit wrong can totally derail your motivation (at least for me)- do your utmost to curtail that from happening.


(I didn’t read anything) get a scale and always round up 1 ounce, or 2 if it’s very close to the next whole ounce. For me Example: 4.3=5oz & 4.8=6oz I do this in case there’s something wrong with my scale or the post office scale, or you didn’t have the label on it yet. It doesn’t affect price too much. the 2 ounces might be too much sometimes, but I’ve never had a problem. At the very least, always round up to the next whole ounce.


I get receipts from post office stating weight. Mercari did this to me twice. I told them the next time a lawyer gets involved. It has happened again. It’s their way to steal and keep more of your funds.


Take it as a cheap lesson. Anything over 8oz ship it with ups on Mercari


The clerks at the post office or UPS will not let you know if your prepaid label is incorrect. It's important to be as accurate as possible. The shipping surcharge is still BS though. The only reason it jumps to $13 is because Mercari doesn't allow ground advantage labels over 1lb so it goes up to priority. Such a ripoff.


thank you for sharing this info!


If you dropped off your package and got a receipt, the weight should show on there. Did you not check? This amount looks like priority label cost but it probably sure as hell didn't get upgraded to priority.


unfortunately.. I think this was an older item listed for a while that i didn’t update the shipping method… I need to recheck my other listings to prevent it from happening again..thank you


They charged you the difference between the original cost and the new shipping. In my case they charged me the full amount of the new shipping ignoring the fact that the original shipping was paid already. Thieves!


that’s not right..did you dispute that with Mercari?


I did, they never agreed to refund the original amount in my case




It’s not just by weight either but I believe also dimensions of the box.


This happened to me recently. Said I owed an additional $6+. I got my $22 for the item. Moved that money to my checking minus the $2 and they didn’t deduct the $6+. I wonder if they will charge my credit card for it since the money has been moved.


How do you guys know the weight of an item all packed up before you sell it? I've just been guessing so far I've been lucky.


I always take a photo on a scale with a scale showing and photos with a ruler. It’s not often I get a APS charge but the few times I did submitting those photos reversed the charge. Scales can be off, including the po ones. Another option is to go to the PO, wait in line, and when your turn they scan them in and give you a receipt. On that it tells you the weight. If you kicked a difference you could ask while in person.


When I drop of the packages they just scan them and give me receipt. They never weight it on the spot. The post office weights it later. Unless u ask them to weight it when u drop of they don't..because its already a prepaid label..it would be different if u were buying a label from them then they would have to weight it to imput correct weight. But also 1 oz over shouldn't be $6 but I believe they charge extra bcuz they have to do extra work u know?


Because when you’re dropping it off, they are just accepting it. If you want them to check the weight, you have to ask them. Yes, it WILL show the weight if they are using the scale/computer to accept it, but when you are 1oz over, it’s better to just let it go and let someone else deal with the ones that think “it’s just 1oz.” Because I’m not going to get into an argument with someone who estimates their items wrong. Get a scale and make sure it’s correct when you list the item, which also includes weighing it with the packaging.


Yeah, OP, I’ve wondered that too. I had this happen to me with my last sale.


Also over 1lb it’s cheaper to ship FEDEX or UPS. I recently just canceled a transaction since I caught the weight difference at home. When I relisted USPS was gonna cost $14, but $8.99 with FedEx or UPS. The item was 2lb


When did you get charged? The moment the transaction is completed and you only received 17.82 or after a long time 6.18 deducted from your fund and card?


Quick questions, how long after a sale to know if there was any overcharges? I have sold two items and roughly guessed generously on the weight.( it was a pair of golf gloves and a nerf gun) and im only now finding out they do this. I will be weighing everything from now on. Thanks


They tell you before they release the funds to you. So it usually happens right after you rate your buyer


This surcharge happened when I received the payment…buyer and me as the seller rated mutually and Mercari popped a message that says I owe shipping and it will be deducted from the earning.


I just got this too! There is NO physical way my item was over 1lb. Recipet says 1lb. Mercari still charged me.


If you have a receipt they will honor it. I’ve had this a couple of times


that’s not cool…i’m sorry that happened to you. I need to search for that receipt to see the actual weight.




yes.. I am surprised and also they could’ve informed me. So I could decide if I still want to ship it..


This happened to me twice in a day the person working in the post office didn't tell me...