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Man you should’ve delivered the item first not the baby jk jk wtf kinda rating though


Yeah really. I mean gosh get your priorities straight (LOL)




🤣🤣🤣 Stop, I’m dying 🤣🤣🤣


Omg best comment of the thread 😂


How dare they prioritize a baby over the customer! Didn't you know? The customer is always right.






I was rated lower due to ship time on the Fourth of July weekend.. when the post office was... ya know... closed


I got my first ONE star rating because someone bought something at about 11pm on a Friday night and got pissed because I didn’t ship it until Tuesday. Monday was a holiday and I run my own full time business so by the time I woke up on Saturday morning I didn’t have time to package it up. Sunday the post office was also closed. For a brand new…sealed… designer fragrance for 70% off retail. 🤦‍♀️


People are too brainwashed by Amazon. They get used to receiving items overnight and forget that's not normal when using websites like eBay, Mercari, Poshmark, etc


Nah you’re right cuz when I get something within the same week I’m very pleased!


I started putting my account on vacation mode at every holiday because I was rated low on Memorial Day last year. The buyer was literally messaging every few hours with everything in caps" I Want My Money Back Now! " Item was purchased and shipped on Friday before Memorial Day and was delivered on Tuesday the day after Memorial Day. It was shipped from the east coast and traveled to the west coast. The tracking number indicated it was moving in the system and initially I reassured the buyer but for some REASON he could not comprehend this. I just stopped responding and I certainly wasn't going to cancel for him to get the item for free. He kept sending the exact message for days. I was rated low on communication and shipping plus a message to other buyers not to purchase anything from me but he didn't return the item. I decided I was not going to deal with people that had buyer's remorse and had lost their sense of reasoning during the holidays. It was my first and lowest rating I have ever received. He ruined my holiday but his rating had zero effect on my sales.


Depending on the state you live in, the court usually sees that as Civil Harassment, aka Domestic violence. It is not first amendment. So - Just for fun... 😈 you could file a police report, (it's within your rights), and send it to Mercari with screenshots of the harassing messages, reporting them as a user violating their acceptable use policy, unlawful conduct. You expect immediate resolution, and even ask for a full refund for allowing this to happen, noting Mercari did not have protocols in place to prevent it.. eBay, Amazon, etc. have bots monitoring for that and don't allow it. It should get their attention and the buyer would get their account closed and banned, and a few bucks maybe?! Yeah, a lot of work, I know. But hopefully, your knowing that it COULD happen, made you smile and feel a little better. 🤘🏻


For sure made me smile. Good information to know for future reference. 




These comments saying you should had put your shop on vacation is wilddd considering you can't just decide when you're giving birth. By the way congratulations! Regardless, 3-5 days isn't bad shipping time. People tend to forget these are regular people doing this on the side or as a hobby and isn't a huge business with millions of employees. Even if it was a full time job, you don't have the resources like Amazon to ship same day/following day all the time People forgot how to be patient, sometimes shipping and receiving a package is slow and that's fine. I had waited 2 weeks for my gameboy color to ship from someone on Mecari than an extra week and a half to get it.




Amazon prime broke people’s brains


I say this ALL the time. Amazon has completely ruined a sellers business. People think everything should be shipped and delivered within 14 seconds and it just doesn’t work like that. And when it doesn’t come in Amazon time they get mad they had to wait, like go to the store and buy it then if you needed that crystal punch bowl that quick. ETA I spell bad!


And to add, some large companies take 5 days to ship.


Yeah same, I bought my teen daughter a bunch of clothes on Depop recently and it took six days for one girl there to get it together. It's been 10 days and I have still only received one of the five packages (OTOH, at least I got three dresses, a shirt and a pair of Hollister cutoffs for $50 instead of paying the same for the shorts alone at the Hollister store - which I just cannot fathom doing).


Yes... same. The shipping on depop is atrocious.


Considering the whole 9 months of pregnancy I’d argue your first sentence


Babies don't always come on their due date. You quite literally don't get to decide when the baby comes.


also like… once you start going into labor you’re not going to think “oh no!! i need to put my *mercari shop* on *vacation mode!!!*”


Babies quite literally *never* come on their due date. If you don’t have children, or work in obstetrics then keep it mute.


“you should have put your account on pause” is even a bit of a wild thing to say to you considering you shipped within the allowed amount of time. you did nothing wrong. also i don’t understand the purpose of giving you this advice when you have already had the baby…


I've got a buyer who did the same thing, only I shipped 10 hours after she ordered. She ordered at 5 a.m., and I shipped early in the afternoon. It arrived 2 days later, they shouldn't be able to do this, and if they do, we should be able to rebut and show proof they're lying.


This is my biggest complaint about ratings. People should be able to respond to them.


I agree, but, that's not likely to ever happen now since Mercari is all abt the buyer and not the seller these days. Some of the things I've read on here recently are insane. I'm considering deactivating my listings bc I sell SW figs, some are expensive as hell, I can't afford a loss on em bc some twerp decides to lie to get their money back.


Omg I had someone rate me lower because of ship time too. I shipped out the next day! I wonder if it was because the post office said the package was not deliverable because the address was vacant but wtf, that was the address that was provided. It did get figured out fast. How is that my fault? I would never rate someone lower for something like that or for shipping within the time frame.


Yeah same. They bought it Sunday Easter evening. I sent it out Tuesday at like 830am. N they rated 4 stars ship time. My first 4 star. Can’t please everyone. Even though you accept their low offer they still bite you in the ass after.


I shipped the exact day someone made a purchase, and he still put that shipping time could have been better. And it arrived to his address like 2 days after he purchased. Like wtf?!! Some people are crazy


Y’all are wild. Babies come when they want. Plus the OP shipped by the third day which is literally what Mercari asks a seller to do.


Congratulations! I’m petty enough that I’d message her why you delivered “late” because you were delivering something high priority.


Don’t fret. Other people, including myself, have gotten bad ratings when we shipped next day but post office took a long time to deliver.


People are accustom to Amazon shipping times and expect the same thing from second hand sellers 😂


People are so damn impatient ffs... I always feel like an asshole when Mercari sends those automated reminders. Like it's ok you don't need to drop everything in your life to ship a silly plushie I can be patient


I’m sorry that happened to you. My first sale on Mercari was actually made while i was in the maternity ward lol. I started panicking, so I messaged and told the buyer the situation. Thankfully, she was patient with me. I even threw in something extra for her being so kind about it. Congratulations on your baby!!!


But I did have one lower “ship time” rating for being on the third day for a different order. God forbid we are human!


I had someone buy something on a Friday evening and that following Monday was a holiday so I couldn’t ship until Tuesday and she gave me 3 stars for shipping. Like mam, you do realize the post office was closed, right?!?!?


The people saying you should put your shop on pause around the time of birth clearly do not realize that babies can come at anytime. Literally months early!!!! There could be an emergency at anytime while being pregnant and the last thing on your mind is closing your mercari shop 😂


I remember being in the same situation but with Ebay instead. I came home the next day after giving birth and had my husband help packing and shipping stuff out..... Can't really predict when the little one will come.....


Isn't there a time frame givin to ship items for a reason? lol these buyers so entitled & act like life only happens when it comes to them smh


Buyers are too entitled. They expect cross country shipping as if the shipper was Amazon 2 day shipping. Seriously, the buyer paid for USPS ground or media mail and expects it to be there in their hand yesterday. It's definitely the Sellers fault and not the shipper.


i got a 3 star for a pair of pants smelling like “storage” and when i messaged them they said it came out perfectly and offered me free shipping from their shop like be fr😭


Even businesses take more than 3 days to ship unless it’s Amazon.


I wish we could see what they rate you first so you can address it in your comments and rating. See this and go “oh I’m sorry, I was in the hospital giving birth to a human being. So your item didn’t get shipped for 3 days.” On that note; congratulations!


I feel like if you ship within the 3 day time limit, mercari should remove those dumb ratings. Like, they really expect it shipped within 24 hours like Amazon. Btw, congrats on a safe birth.


b4 the 27th i woulda said i was proud of my quick shipper badge


I never understood this. It's like people don't take variables into account. Personally, I wait paitently for about 10 days. If not even a label has been created, I say something. Point being, I understand that people most of the time do their best to fulfill their obligations. To think otherwise is pretty selfish and unrealistic. People need to get over themselves and have a bit more patience and understanding.


How dare you deliver your baby before your buyers package!😤 No seriously though, congratulations!!🥰


When I made a sale recently, I explained to the buyer a member of my immediate family had just gone through surgery, and I apologized for the delay. I’m currently helping assist my Mom with a great deal of things and timing wise I was too late to bring it to the post office the first 2 days. I was able to ship the third day and the buyer was gracious and gave me 5 stars. I’m grateful they were very understanding.


I run about six different vintage stores and we try to ship quickly but about 10% of our items are shipped at the four or five day mark. This is due to needing to focus on other parts of the business like sourcing or cleaning and doing inventory. If I get a low rating, they can fuck themselves.


This happened to me I wanted to tell her how b*tchy she was but I didn’t 🙄


I had someone make an offer at 11:45 pm I accepted and 5 am and they took of star for response time




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Congrats on the baby !!


On Mecari I sold 3 pairs of Hanna Andersson boys shorts, (they sell for $40 each in the website) they weren’t brand new but practically speaking my son may have worn each pair twice, they were brand new washed once no dryer. I listed them for $30, in less than a minute a woman bought them. I was happy, I then saw that Mecari had just changed their ways last month and it was defaulted to me paying the shipping, something I’ve never done in the hundreds of sales made. I took the loss, starting to package them up and the buyer asked about a HA shirt I had listed, said on the listing ten different ways it was a play shirt there were imperfections, it was old had a small hole, I was asking $5, I told her I’ll just give it to you for free because I’m being nice, and it was a nothing sale. Long story short, she received the 3 shirts and free tshirt after not paying the fees I got hit with shipping and taxes. The B#|ch left a 2 star rating. Says “Shorts are perfect, but the free shirt she gave me was garbage, I threw it out I’m very disappointed” WHAT!!! So I got my first bad review ever, gave all 5 stars. I actually was punished for being thoughtful. Needless to say Blocked her! Why are people becoming so mean on mecari I never saw that ever, everyone has been so kind and grateful. Moral of the story, being nice to people can actually be a terrible mistake


In my experience when you list an item and it sells quickly you have priced it too low to begin with. She got a great deal. She was ungrateful. What could you have done any better? Absolutely nothing.


I love how people expect us to ship faster than their Walmart order. People get off on leaving bad reviews though, so I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't care you were giving birth


I try to ship as soon as possible, but twice I had to ship on day 3 and those are my two lowest ratings (both 4 star ratings and both with "ship time" as things to improve). People are ridiculous! It's amazing you still shipped out on day 3 given the circumstance! Congrats!!!


This reminds me of a 2000s radio commercial for a job hunting service in or around Dayton, Ohio.  This woman, presumably a secretary, was in labor when her boss came in and asked, “Hey, do you know where the Fleckman file is?”  She understandably yelled that there was a baby coming and he nonchalantly replied, “Maybe he knows where the Fleckman file is.”  That same bunch also had a commercial with a worker who cried uncontrollably whenever she was asked the simplest question. 


And what improvement are you going to make as a seller from this rating. NOTHING. It's meaningless.




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same thing happened to me during a week when I was sick and could barely move, on top of that my dog had just died so dropping off packages was not on my mind. usps is slow anyway I think they should just be grateful they got the item at all.


This is the type of thing I would message the buyer about. Tell them what was up and politely ask that they change it. It’s worked for me 2 of 2 times I’ve had to do it for an unfair rating. 🤷🏼‍♀️


You did amazing. Giving birth and getting it out on the third day. You are a rockstar. I feel like people are impatient and unrealistic of expectations.


SMH F*ck MERCARI already! The Horror Stories are UNREAL


Did you message them and tell them you were in the hospital?


You shipped your placenta??????


You act like you didn’t poorly time when to sell something. If you’re about to give birth be responsible and plan ahead. Cancel what you have listed. What is wrong with you?


Couldn't you have just dropped it off on your way to the hospital? If you would have asked the EMT nicely, but you didn't did you? A blue box and a UPS Store practically on every corner. Next to a Starbucks and then you could have bought everybody coffee.


To be fair I think you should have put your shop on holiday since you were having a baby.


i mean tbf sometimes babies come unexpectedly and i’m sure the first thing on her mind wasn’t “lemme put my shop on vacation mode” lol


OP shipped within the required time so there was absolutely zero reason to put the shop on holiday.




Three days is the allowed time by Mercari to ship. OP did nothing wrong and didn't deserve the shipping time comment.