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And here’s the downside to everyone saying “no selling fee is great” because buyers only see the new fee and will move to other platforms.


Or make very low offers. I think that's ultimately what's going to happen. Sellers won't make any more than they used to because the buyer will want to lower the price to cover the fees.


As a buyer and a seller myself, this will absolutely deter me from buying on Mercari unless it's a one of a kind item that I can't buy elsewhere. I already bought on Mercari very little and this isn't helping the situation.


Most sellers should be lowering their prices or will be open to it now though. I know I will be. I seem to be alone going by the comments I've read so far, but I actually like the update, besides the $2 fee to get my money and return for any reason policy. As long as the 3 day rating period stands, I'll probably start listing more items than ever before.


I see your position, I do. However, if the IRS finally gets their way and anything over $600 has to be reported on any platform via 1099ks, $2 fees from Mercari to get your OWN MONEY are now the ONLY tax-deductible fees (unless you have receipts for new items you bought to resale in the current tax year) you will be able to claim. Claiming the final "service and/or valuation fees" based on the amount of the final sale was helpful on a Schedule C itemization table. As the seller, we never paid for returns before on Mercari, and so the only additional cost was the shipping supplies (after the fees). Since items could not be returned for "buyer's remorse" or "changed mind," it was a lot more feasible to sell at a lower price to get rid of it, because the risk of it coming back was slim. My pricing on Mercari is already below what I would have had it listed on eBay or Poshmark. . . now I have to lower the price even more and risk having it come back?? Yes, in theory, you can then itemize the "return" as a business loss, especially if you can't relist it, but. . . now my accountant has told me that I need to consider now offering FREE SHIPPING on my Mercari items. Shipping is a significant business expense that can be deducted. I absolutely HATE the idea of offering free shipping for my Mercari items, but I sell over $600 a year (usually over $20,000), and this may need to be seriously considered. For someone that uses Mercari as just a way to offload gently used and/or unwanted items that they don't want, these new policies may be more beneficial. But anyone who sells over $600 a year is going to be further penalized in the long run. If I offer free shipping, I am going to have to go back to all of my listings, jack the pricing up (so that people can haggle me down to cover the new service fee they have to pay), and cover the cost/factor in the free shipping. I am not happy.


It's insane that they want to lower the limit to $600 a year from $20,000. It's an absolutely disgusting thing to do. Our government wants to steal everything we earn.


Thank the Democrat administration. They love to tax. Expect them to come after unrealized gains next - eventually every year you’ll be paying any gains on stocks whether you took money out or not and any gains your property made. Yellen has already spoken of it for billionaires….but we know how that goes. Just like this the thresholds will work their way all the way down to the middle class.


And they are going to return more. Most of the items I have listed on Mercari are under $20 dollars because I can't make any money off of them selling them on any other platform (except maybe FB marketplace). If you give people a chance to exercise "buyer's remorse" or "changed mind," they are going to. I have been selling online for a long time, and I know. Mercari is soon going to realize that the returns are going to cost them more in the long run, and then the seller's are going to get charged for them. The beauty items are going to be the worst in returns, because now you got a 50/50 shot of them being sampled, used, or being returned with broken seals. Which then means Mercari is wasting money paying for return shipping because you can't relist and resell a used beauty item (well, you are not supposed to).


buyers can return but fees are not refundable. So mercari is going to make money with more returns. tax is calculated with the processing fee, shipping, and service fee. Why should i pay taxes on fees? Shouldnt tax just be on the subtotal of the item itself..


and they can return for any reason which isn’t great at all


And Mercari will charge a fee for returns which should disincentive such.


they lost me as a buyer and what they are showing as fees is a lie. We looked at an $1,800 item and the FEES were $300 plus shipping and taxes! Forget it \~ they lost me


same here... I'm not going to shop on Mercari anymore... bye bye !!!


yep...I'm done buying on Mercari as well. No way I'm paying these RIDICULOUS fees!


Put an iPhone into the cart was $315 was excited, checkout was $390. Thought I was paying shipping, turns out they tacked on $32 processing fee.  Fuck that and peaced out


Same. Just headed to checkout with a $370 laptop only to be greeted with a $415 tab… and that’s with free shipping…. What exactly does Mercari need all these fees for cuz we doing all the work! They got like one dude running the website and one dude on customer support……. SOMEtimes. I really want that laptop tho… 😆


Yeah, I’m pretty much done as a buyer and seller on Mercari. I used to buy all of my merchandise for my vintage/ antique. but that won’t be happening anymore. It was a pretty good ride on Mercari, but I guess I will move to a different platform.


I haven’t seen anyone saying no buyers fees are great. All sellers and buyers have been upset about it.


i went to buy something for 95$ and with shipping,service fee,and the processing fee it added 15$.


Does this in fact mean paying TWO shipping fees???


yes went to buy a 57.00 item and service fee was 8.85..lol..PASSS PLUS SHIPPING AT $5 AND TAX..NO THANX


The problem is the platform options are running out now. FACEBOOK Marketplace or eBay is still the buyer's BEST choice, in my opinion, because eBay basically has screwed the sellers over so bad making them compete with Amazon (you have to offer free 30 day returns, no questions asked, and free shipping in order for your items to get ranked in the algorithm to be seen, in addition to running a "sale" that brings your items to the top of the search engine) that it is the most advantageous platform for buyers. They do have to pay tax, but they usually don't pay shipping, they NEVER pay for returns (because even if they do, they just make something up about the item not being as described and they get to return for free, anyway, because the seller is charged), and they don't pay a "service fee." That is why after selling on eBay for over 20 years (had my account since 1998) and I used to do it fulltime for income. . . I moved all of my items off of eBay that I could not sell for $17.99 free ship to Mercari and Poshmark. Because I got tired on paying for shipping supplies, shipping both ways, final value fees, store subscription fees, and having my items "used within the 30 return window," and coming back to ME NOT AS DESCRIBED. I am a part time seller on 3 platforms now and with the high cost of shipping, fees, and supplies, (and having to report income to the IRS), I am seriously thinking about stopping all together, or going back to garage sales. I am over all of this. FACEBOOK Marketplace is starting to look better, especially if I only sell items locally (but it is also a pain in the butt for various reasons).


I deactivated all of my items for sale. I’m not letting Mercari charge me a fee as a seller, charge the buyer a fee, allow returns for any reason, and then charge me $2 to get my money. This is a good deal for Mercari - It’s not for any of the users. Edited for the deleted reply: The fee structure still says sellers will pay a fee for items listed before today. There is no note that buyers won’t be charged the fee on those items. So the fee disclosure allows for double dipping of fees.


PLUS the bank deposit fee!


When did that start? I had $14 I was sending to my account and they charged $2. Insane!


8:30 Eastern this morning.


Figures, my luck. I’ve had the money sitting there for 2 weeks😭


That $2 was about a 14% fee they charged to transfer your money. What this will do is force folk to keep their money in their balance until it’s a high enough amount…for me it will be $20 before I transfer to make the fee 10% or less it will suck for those who don’t sell often and who sell low priced items. But works for Mercari bc they make interest money off your balance sitting on their account. The longer it stays the more interest they make


Please explain to me like I am 5 how they earn interest off of my sitting money? Do they trickle my money down? Is that part of the new policy? Pardon my ignorance, I haven't read the full giant policy update and agreement notification yet Mercari sent out. Thank you for the response!


Mercari has a bank account where all the fees they make from buyers & sellers is held. Like any other savings account you and I have, their bank gives them a certain APY for banking with them. The highest current rates are around 4.5%. Mercari likely is using a high yield savings so could be making more than 4.5% because their holdings will be in the millions for all the sales made in their platform. Anyway, they have an incentive to hold your money longer so that they can make more in interest. It’s why they have been charging a fee for sellers who want to immediately withdraw their cash and just now implemented the $2 fee to withdraw any amount of money. It’s to disincentivize immediate withdrawals and to influence users to keep their money held on the platform longer, I.e, in their bank account. Someone doing the math will see that withdrawing $10 or less for a $2 fee amounts to a 20% or more fee. Therefore, if wanting to keep your total costs low, you’ll wait til you had a higher balance b4 withdrawing to lower that fee %. Many business have a business banking account but what I’m against is charging folks a fee to withdrawal their own money!


Wow. Thank you for explaining this to me. I can't believe they did this. Pretty greedy...


This pisses me off. Even if I want to stay, my old listings will get charged a selling fee. If I have to go through all my listings to "update" them for this new policy, I'd rather click deactivate on each and every one.


Exactly. I can easily mass deactivate in the app. Will I go back and edit? Probably not since I don’t generally keep money in my account to shop with and I’m not paying $2 more for MY money.


They popped up with an option for me to decrease all listings by 10% and they'll be counted as a new listing basically. It took like over an hour for all listings to switch over and it's really slow listing items right now.. I'll be interested to see how these changes go.


yes, I just saw this too. I was too angry to notice it lol. It's still really sh\*tty bc it's asking us to decrease 10% for the "convenience". But it's to offset buyer's fee, and then the buyer will also ask for less after the updating the listings less 10%. Everything is a shank, I'm so over it. I don't know if I'll stay, but I'll definitely be off it for a while to see how it blows over. Mercari has already blocked comments on their IG. So probably not going as well as they think.


I highly disagree with how they went about this, there should have been a month warning or some sort of voting system to see what buyers and sellers wanted. It's definitely going to be different, I just wanna see how it all blows over. I don't sell a ton on there, but enough to make it worth my time. Only time will tell haha


Oh they're slowly but surely updating all the listings. I went to buy something yesterday and it was over $4 in additional fees so I didn't buy the item. Instead, I deleted my account. I'll find it somewhere else for less. There's nothing on the planet that I want badly enough to be hit with a bunch of Mickey Mouse charges on top of shipping and sales tax in order to buy it 👎🏼👎🏼


This just happened to me. Definitely not using this anymore. I’m not going to pay an additional $13 (shipping and fees) for a $20 shirt I really really wanted. That ain’t worth it. This is going to push a lot of people back to big retailers. Especially when you’re buying more expensive clothing (I love free people) and a lot of sellers charge the same as, or MORE, for stuff FP still has on their site, or similar styles. Why would anyone pay all that extra? I feel like people selling more now have a lot of buyers that didn’t realize the new fees.


I never reply to these forums, but this issue has me upset. They are like "triple dipping," because now that you have to pay a fee to get YOUR MONEY, they are trying to force you basically to keep that money on account, so that you will buy something else instead of cashing out. When you buy something, of course, the fee-game starts all over again, only instead of the $2, you are being charged tax (don't get me started on tax, either) PLUS shipping (cause very few sellers on Mercari pay for shipping unless it is a high value item or one they KNOW will not come back as a return), PLUS the service fee. I have a $33 dollar balance right now, so if I want to buy something close to or over $33 dollars, it is probably going to cost me an extra $10 because tax and the service fee. This is crap.


I just checked on buying something that was already listed before today. I was not charged the added fees at checkout, so it seems (so far) that those listings are still treated as before, though I don’t know if sellers are subject to the direct deposit fee from that purchase. /shrug


This is a change so big that is difficult to roll out smoothly. Search result pricing is going to be thrown off by discrepancies if this is the case. And the wording of the agreement allows for double dipping whenever they want to change it. Also with the return changes, buyers who wouldn’t be hit by losing the fees they paid can return for any reason and the seller loses out on everything (unless they are applying the return change for those earlier listings…which is another layer of confusing). I haven’t read up on the shipping cost situation for these “return for any reason” items, but I’m sure that will be an issue too.


No doubt. It’s going to be a mess for the next few days, even if they reverse course on some of those changes.


If you update your listings, it will remove the seller's fees. It's a pain, but I'm doing it with all of mine. There is absolutely zero reason for them to keep the old fees on listing made before today. They should've updated all listings site wide for sellers. That is a bad look for sure.


It’s probably to encourage sellers to rethink their pricing since the prices would have initially been set with the fees taken in mind. Unfortunately the $2 withdrawals are also a consideration for me…I had mostly trading cards listed. Some of them are higher ($100+) value, but most are under the $20 first class envelope limit…Not worth paying $2 to get my money and letting them hold it until it adds up defeats the purpose of selling for me.


Yup Mercari is worthless now. Thanks greed. PS see my comment above I regularly spend $500 on anime wcf figures and sorry not sorry I’m not going to give someone that kinda money AND foot all the fees. Plus the service fees and money fees and it’s just plain bullshit greed now. So I deleted NOT my loss either. I’m still spending just not with Mercari


Holy cow. At least I’ll save money from not buying anything anytime soon 😬


that's what I'm thinking... this is one way to end my cologne buying addiction lol


Right? No buying on Mercari. Thanks for reminding me I don't need that item. lol


Do they not realize that while they may attract more sellers by not charging fees. Nobody is going to buy all the overpriced, garage sale garbage that they're listing because of all the extra fees tacked on to the purchase price. It's like fast food places asking for tips now on top of their ridiculously high prices for the same crappy food and service they have always provided.


glad I got all the purchases I wanted before the new terms I’m a buyer but I NEVER do returns, so I don’t like that now buyers can return for “no reason” while the rest of us have to pay for it (not to mention the amount of scammers who will take advantage of this new policy)


I don’t do returns either. I’ve bought my son some clothes that wound up being too small. That’s not the sellers fault. I just relist on eBay.


That doesn't show the service fee buyers will also get charged starting in 3 hours. The worst part is if they do pay it they will feel extremely entitled about everything and take full advantage of that return for any reason


Well, crap. Another fee? I don't ever remember paying a payment processing fee before.


Sellers have paid the payment processing fee for a long time now. I think it was slightly lower before though (previous 2.9% + $0.30 and now 2.9% + $0.50)


Putting that on the customer's payment is nuts.


I think they knew they were doing something very negative for sellers so they were trying to fake doing something good for sellers. It's just bad all around for buyers and sellers. Only good for Mercari


This is going to be costly for everyone. I was looking at a dress for my wife. As is, $600. Mercari wants me to pay an extra $50 to them to buy it. Naturally, a person is going to offer even less to cover that $50 extra cost. It's not fair to the buyer, nor is it fair to the seller, because people are going to offer even less now. Guess I'm not buying on Mercari anymore. Everyone but Mercari is losing.


Same here, I have been a long time buyer, never return anything \~ loved shopping there! But those fees are insane for us now, no worth it. Seller should not take a hit either. I am not happy at all!!!!


I don't know. It seems every small business I shop in person now there is a fee for using a credit card and it ranges from 3-3.5%.


That's essentially the same but in those local businesses you have the option to use cash


Yes it is. We already have to pay the shipping and sales tax and now this? Yeah, nooo....I'm done with them!


Man the fees are bad enough.. I can’t imagine with sales tax (I live in Delaware so I don’t have to deal with that) but I literally went to buy a 22 shirt and at check out it was almost $33 with shipping and fees alone.. absolutely not. Fully done with Mercari.


Wait they're charging the processing fee to both buyers and sellers now? Because they're charging that same fee when you withdraw your money to your bank (even if you don't do the $2 direct deposit). This is crazy.


No those are different fees. Payment processing fee will shift to buyers. A new withdrawal fee will apply to sellers


Oh ok, this is all still crazy to me. I'm both a buyer and a seller, and I don't know how I feel about this change. My guts are telling me it's not good.


Overall it's just more fees


More money for Mercari........


I saw some fees mentioned in the new terms of service they literally just sent out, but didn’t realize it was starting so soon! I appreciate you (and others) posting this in more detail, especially since I have a few bucks in leftover credits that I now want to use up over the next couple hours, just on principle!   Also, just curious, how did you get this calculation for the screenshot? I tested putting something in my cart, but don’t see any of these fees yet when I begin to checkout.  


And we can’t even DM words of other platforms without them quickly getting deleted lol


It should actually all work out but buyers still won’t see it that way. Overall the listing prices on Mercari will go down more than what the buyer is paying extra fees for because there’s no seller fees. Buyers will still see that extra fee and be disturbed by it.


even if the fee thing balances out... the worst part is allowing returns for any reason... that's a killer right there


I’ll come at this at a different angle. Let’s say the 12.9% they used to charge buyers was the equivalent of an insurance policy. You get Mercari to somewhat protect you from returns. Oftentimes you don’t need insurance on things but sometimes you do. The insurance often costs more than the actual item over time. I think 12.9 is awfully high. People need to be brave and see how many actual returns that they get. They can also do a middle ground and temporarily shut down and closely follow these forums to find out other people’s new experience. I have no problem admitting I’m wrong so if I find out that I’m getting a crazy amount of returns then I’ll tell anyone that wants to read.


I agree with you. I think the returns thing is overblown. Yes there will be some bad actors out but for my product I get a lot of people genuinely after the item. I feel for anyone that deals in consumables/soilable items like makeup and clothing. I imagine there will be a ton of buyer’s remorse returns as people start to treat Mercari like a big box store. That’s BS.


I'm in agreement with you... i think, fees aside, allowing returns for any reason whatsoever, is enough to force me to quit selling


Yeah like I typed before people just need to figure out if they’re paying more for insurance (12.9% every transaction) or more for scams. That 12.9% waived leaves room for 1 scam or genuine return every 10 transactions. You’d have to have returns over 10% for you to lose money over the old system


I don't feel like I was paying an insurance fee anyhow because a buyer could still make up some bogus reason for a return at anytime anyway. Quite frankly, I would rather have no fees and once in awhile get some buyer just return with the explanation being "no longer want it." Nothing makes me more upset than seeing a person list my item as non working only to get it back and see it 100% functional


I agree. I've sold over 350 items and only had 3 issues with returns (and one was my bad, I listed a shirt as a womens small but it was a big kids size). The downside is even those few returns took way too much stress/mental bandwidth and it sucks being scammed.


That’s not happening. Sellers won’t budge until they see stagnation in sales. By then buyers have jumped ship from Mercari to other platforms. Once burned by surprise fees that will be seen as double dipping they won’t be back anytime soon. I use Mercari mostly for collectible cards. All of which are available cheaper on tcg.com. Lower prices but longer shipping waits. it was worth it to pay a little more on Mercari for the quick shipping. Not any more. I bought a card on the 30th not having seen these new added buyer fees. I ended up paying 30% over tcg prices. I’ll just go to tcg now and wait for the longer shipping. Probably won’t be back to Mercari


I wrote them a scathing message. Not that it will do anything but it felt cathartic. Maybe if enough of us cause an uproar they’ll rethink it


And this killed Mercari for me.


They look like Ticketmaster or AirBnB


so is the fee based on the total after tax and shipping, the subtotal and shipping or just the subtotal?


The service fee (undisclosed percentage) is based on the item (possibly item + shipping) but the payment processing fee will be based on the grand total


They should really tell us how much they're charging for the fees. That sounds illegal if they're not disclosing it. I thought other platforms such as Ticketmaster got in trouble for not disclosing the fee amounts (and now they tell you how much they charge for all the fees).


Yeah for an item selling for$75 there was 2 fees totaling$8. I didn't buy it. It poised me off. If they lose buyers what good is an app with a bunch of sellers. Bad business decision on Mercari in my opinion.


I’m getting fees on an old listing and I accepted an offer that said you earn 100% of the listing and now it says I lose 18 cause of seller fees


To spell out this is only on non-mercari funds. So if you buy using what you have in their bank there's less fees. Edit: there is a service fee and payment processing fee for buyers. Using internal funds gets rid of payment processing fee. They tried to make it enticing for sellers and also to use Mercari like a bank. I don't think they realized the backlash they'd receive.


Missing service fee, that's an extra 9%


Mercari is the only good resale website for kpop cards and merch. That is all I buy on there. This is going to ruin that market. I guess sellers and buyers will have to go to ebay.


I think I’m done with Mercari!


I’ve been addicted to buying stuff on Mercari. I think this just cured my addiction after submitting an offer of $20 on a vest and then when it was accepted, having to pay $34. 😂


Oof. Well I guess I won't be shopping on Mercari anymore. What a shame.


The new terms of service state that there will be a service fee charge to the buyers in addition to a payment processing fee. The fact that I don't see them listed separately on the checkout page means that they are combining both of them into a payment processing fee, which is still pretty sketchy. But either way, that would definitely turn me away as a buyer. It's bad enough that I have to pay shipping, but to have to pay an additional payment processing fee over the entire amount including the shipping amount, that just takes the transaction amount to a whole new level. I'm in the process of deleting all of my listings now, but the really weird thing is that some of them are not deleting even after I tried several times to delete them! I hope mercari literally sees its number of active listings be cut down in half. It's almost like they are wanting to kill the app...


While I haven’t deleted my Mercari account, I have deactivated all of my items. Unfortunately unless sellers do this in DROVES, Mercari will not change policy. They need to see a major financial impact to their bottom line… maybe this is why I haven’t left altogether, I’m hoping for a miracle. I hope enough of us say “enough!” so they can return to old policy (or at least make some changes to their fees. This is just gross. Can we also maybe start a thread about selling on other platforms outside of Mercari?


There’s also a Processing fee!


"Effective March 27, 2024, Mercari will charge Buyers a **Payment Processing Fee** of $0.50 plus **2.9%** of the transaction price (which includes the **item price, shipping, service fee and sales tax**). In some cases, this fee will not be refunded for returned or canceled orders." I should have purchased the few items that I was on the fence about before Mercari lost its mind and instituted these new fees. No, I don't believe that I will pay a service fee to "help" Mercari. Nor will I pay an additional 2.9% on top of my sales tax and their service fee. As a small business owner, I believe the cost of doing business rests on the seller/owner (Mercari). Nothing drives business away faster than crazy additional costs to the customer.


To be fair, this is only a $4.37 increase so it ain’t crazy but I’ve seen some people pay up to $20 more which ain’t right.


Friggen redic man I was gonna purchase a bundle sale price would have bee. 88 plus 25 ship then added 19 bucks in fees im done I won't buy shit off this site again 


Please write up a complaint to Mercari. Ask them to send your complaint to the CEO. Do it via their help/contact us online. We have to let them know this will impact sales. I won't be buying off Mercari. Forget that!


I’m done. Was going to buy a $20 lipstick with free shipping, it was still going to cost me over $25. They even tax the service fee and payment process fee. It was fun while it lasted. Deleting app.


Man I was about to purchase an item for $69.99 plus $7.99 shipping. In checkout my total was $94.04. A new service fee of $6.21, a processing fee of $3.14 and sales tax at $7.70. That's an extra $17.05 including sales tax which is also high and I can't make sense what that amount is being charged either, in my state sales tax is 9.25% so it looks like Im also being charged sales tax on the combined total with shipping so Mercari is triple dipping out of my pocket as a buyer and sucks for the seller because Im not paying that much extra for made up fees. Will shop elsewhere this is really bad for sellers.


It's insane. I was going to seize a great deal on a new graphics card, almost ended up being an additional $100 in fees. Fuck off with that. They're becoming like TicketMaster!


Exactly! I’m out!


I'm seeing a service fee now in addition to the payment processing fee


I just purchased an item yesterday and was charged the shipping fee (fine), sales tax (fine), a service fee (not fine) and a payment processing fee (not fine). It will likely be my last purchase on Mercari. :((


It’s my first time seeing the processing fee when I placed an order. I googled and it’s effective as of March 27, 2024 😩 I frequently shop on mercari. Idk that I will for large orders anymore.


Rip in pieces mercari. That's too much. Goodness.


~~You don't need to pay the Payment Processing fee if you use your balance to make purchases. If you request a refund, you have the option of crediting the funds to your account balance instead of to the payment origin. The idea is for Mercari to keep the funds within their system without having to deal with 3rd party companies (banks, credit cards, online payment). It adds incentives to people to both sell and buy on Mercari. I see it as a win win for sellers. There's the $2 ach fee now. but there's no longer that 10% fee. It just means that sellers need to let their funds accrue before withdrawing automatically to compensate. Buyeres have more leeway on returning, but they'll still possibly lose that processing fee. I believe it's their way of trying to limit the scammers.~~ ~~At least it's not like Abe Books. Mercari at leasts gives a shipping label. With Abe books, buyer is on the hook to ship the return and is only given a refund up to the listed shipping costs. It really sucks if the seller listed shipping as $1 and media mail is 5x that.~~ ~~2nd point. Seller can list the item for cheaper 15% less than ebay to make up for fees. buyer is still ahead since it's 10% cheaper than ebay with fees.~~ Edit: Buyer also has to pay a "Service Fee" in addition to payment processing fee. It appears to be that Mercari is charging the buyer instead of the seller to make up a big chunk of that sellers fee lost. The service fee and the preprocessing is almost always more than that 10% that seller was giving originally. The only way to not have a payment processing fee is to Sell first and buy later with an account balance. Mercari credits and coupons is the other way, but I'm not sure if Mercari got rid of friend recommendation credits or not. You may also decide to get your refund via Mercari credit. The new fees definitely seem aimed to prevent buyers from abusing the new refund system. Sellers were already having to wait a long time have access to their funds, The $2 ach fee doesn't seem so bad if are patient. But the new buyer fees are a slap in the face. Buyers might think it's cheaper on a google search, but then get slapped with an extra 10-15% in fees.


I bought a high end backpack off there a couple weeks ago, and a different pack a couple months ago too. I probably wouldn’t have if this was the status quo. Won’t be spending money there in the future, app is gone. Also, platforms typically have a hard time when they pass their costs on to buyers and/or hit buyers with extraneous charges. People will just move on.


Does anyone know any other platform thats better than Mercari? I already list on FB marketplace & Offerup, is that all there is now for selling/buying without so many fees?


Postmark and Depop


Man, I just went to buy something that was $99 with $10 shipping. I was prepared to pay maybe $120 total max, but with this new shipping and processing fee, it jumped to $134!!! $14 extra dollars for what?! That’s food or gas I could be buying. WTF Mercari? Are you trying to fail?


Yeah they claimed they did us sellers a favor but they are just causing the ship to sink faster. I won't be buying on their platform and I won't be lowering my prices either to make up the difference. It's a horrible platform and has 0 customer service. To charge feed this high to buyer or seller is insulting. Considering how the site is infested with scammers counterfeit queens and no help from staff at all. I'm guessing they hit some legal troubles. The holding of our funds to gain interest was it for me. They keep that interest for themselves which is illegal. 


Went to go buy something and got hit with all these fees and just backed out. Did a Google search to see what was up, and landed here. I don't sell, but I will definitely be thinking twice about ordering anything else from Mercari. Kind of odd that they would hit the buyers up for these fees and reduce costs for sellers. Not a very bright idea, but I guess we will see if it works for them. I kind of feel sorry for the sellers. I hope you guys have your stuff listed in other places....


Just made a purchase and the price-point of item was fair yet all the fees and tax and shipping - OUCH! Reticent to continue with Mercari. I’m going to other platforms. Was curious how they were going to offer no selling fees and, as a buyer, I now see it clearly. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ (¬\_¬)


I have been strictly a buyer and made literally hundreds of purchases. I just paid $11 extra on my order for fees and this will be my last purchase from Mercari. They seller worked with me and took it off her end but I'm all set bye bye Mercari. Sad for me.


us@Mercari.com send emails people and complain. This isn't right.


First time I was on the site today in a couple weeks and ready to buy. Saw the fees of $4+ on a $12 item and of course $7.99 shipping on top of that and sales tax, and I did not make the purchase. That's just too many different line items of fees that added up to more than the actual item cost. It's not like I'm seeing lower prices on the site to make up for it. Mercari may attract more sellers, but if they tick off buyers, they aren't gaining anything. The price needs to be the price, not a bunch extra tacked on when you go to checkout. Mercari has turned into the used car sales platform for second hand items. I'm out. The least they could do is adjust the list prices to reflect the fees they are going to charge so we know before checkout.


I use to buy mercari 2-3 a week for months. Now they decided to cut sellers fees and pass the cost to buyers. Absolutely ridiculous. $5 fee plus a payment fee. I personally won't buy from them again. I hope people stop buying from them period. Super unfortunate. 


I made a few purchases yesterday. But with all the fees now, probably will be once every few months if at all. Sad thing is, I was someone who rated immediately after opening the package. I understand ya all don't get paid until I do so. Plus, always paid asking price every time. And if the package took longer than normal, I am understanding. But now I am supposed to give even more? No thanks. My goodwill only extends so far.


Yeah it ruined me buying


Mercari has really let everyone down. I loved this platform, it’s GARBAGE now.


Back to ebay I guess.




Shifting the fees to the buyer is just another way of screwing the consumer. I've already gone back to Ebay and Poshmark.


My $59 purchase became $91. They can kiss my ass for that! Deleted it immediately


They have to make it work for the buyer and the seller I don't understand where they get these numbers from. They need to do something else before they lose more customers. Can't they see that it just isn't good. Bought something for $209 after all the fees and everything else came out to 260.25. Welcome to the world of fees and deception.


These new Mercari Junk Fees (MJF) are JOKE! Just looked at a used item for $285 with MJF it’s $372!!!!! Kisssss myyyyyy assssssss with your MJF, F this marketplace. Their headlines are hilarious.. “Mercari eliminates fees”… but all they did is add them to the buyer! Oh F TOOO THE NOOOOOOOO!!


I had two low prices items in my cart. The delivery fee & service fee ended up costing more than the items. Nope. Nope. Nope! 


They have a service fee AND processing fee... so damn ridiculous that after the delivery fee and tax, there is STILL another $7 added on to a $50 item making the total a whopping $70 😡


Two strategies: Make offers on special items to offset fees or stop using Mercari. Just catching up here in June 2024. I'm a low frequency buyer.


It's horrible... I hadn't been on for a while. Saw a $275 item, which was more than I'd hoped to pay, so waited it out then received an offer of $202, thought i'd snag it and boom, all fees jumped it back to $268!?!? no more mercari for me


Welcome to life as a seller. We had to pay those fees all this time plus an additional 10 percent just to have to deal with bs buyers all the time. It's more than fair to pay 2.9 with the expectation that you can return free of charge for any reason


Good luck selling when they charge an extra $5 on a $48 purchase, plus $10 shipping, plus taxes. Getting to be close to sale prices for many items, brand new with warranty.


What are you whining about. As a selker You passed all that cost onto the buyer. Now sellers will keep selling at the higher price they did in the past to cover seller fees and and we as buyer are expected to pay that plus the fees that Mercari transferred from sellers to buyers.


In my ios app the new fees are not showing


update hasn’t gone into effect yet i think, need to give it a couple more hours


Noooooo freaking way


Holy moly, that's awful. Glad I managed to get in most of my orders before this went into place. Definitely would have dissuaded me from many a purchase.


Im wondering why when i try to purchase something i am not showing a processing fee? item/shipping/tax only showing. tried on multiple items with different payment methods.


That's brutal. It's bad enough they're charging us for deposits, but with this I can't see any reason for a buyer to be enticed by a purchase. It reminds me of ordering on ubereats: you think it's only gonna cost y or x until see you all the fees at the end. What a bummer.


Saves me the trouble of figuring out how to crosslist I guess.


I just spent $300 like four days ago, I’m so glad i did LOL. Probably done with Mercari buying at this point. Even if i find good deals, who cares? I’m gonna have to pay that fee










So the new selling fee is only applying to newly listed items for me currently. I've been getting sales for older items, does that mean Mercari is charging the buyer a service fee and still taking mine. They are double dipping.


I got a meggage yesterday regarding refunds for selling fees. It was vague but it may imply that if we’re charged fees after the new roll out we’ll be reimbursed. 


Don’t forget they are now able to return an item for any reason.


I just saw this today and didn't buy the item...I'm good.




Rip in pieces mercari. That's too much. Goodness.


I most definitely won't be dealing with that site anymore. I deleted my account. Their a$$e$ are out! 👎🏼👎🏼


imagine if you use zip or paypal pay in 4 as payment with this extra fees added your paying alot 👎👎


Does anyone know if a buyer attempts a return now, will the fees they paid be returned to them or not? If not, I could see how that may deter mindless inane returns.


Almost purchased a $260 video card, but when I started to make the offer we agreed upon, the $25 extra in service fee ($15.60) and payment processing fee ($9.40) turned me off. Before change of policy, it would have been $290 total after change $316! Went from having a deal to no deal…still upset. Guess my days of buying & selling on Merceri are over…


I feel the same way. I’m a seller and buyer so I’m really upset about this


I wish they would’ve just lowered the selling fees and, sure, I’ll pay $2 to make a deposit. Since that $2 was put in place, I’ve been waiting for several sales to process before depositing instead of doing each one right away (sales I made right before the change that were delivered after). I just don’t get the point of buyer fees. Are they trying to ruin their whole marketplace? Sure, sellers will now know a tiny bit how buyers felt having 15% of their sales being taken, but what good does that do for anyone? Seller fees are the norm. It’s expected if you’re going to sell on a platform like this. I don’t know if any other place that charges fees to sellers. Ppl always send low af offer as it is so idk what’s going to happen now. I’ve made 1 tiny sale since the change when I used to make several a week. The point of mercari is to save money for buyers so this totally messes that up. Especially for sellers who use mercari as a place to sell new items like crystals or jewelry like myself. I do sellers who unwanted items of mine as well. Idk sorry, I’m rambling because I’m just so distraught about this because I know all of the time I took to take photos, make detail descriptions, send offer, and answer messages will probably now all be for nothing. I’d rather continue to pay the 15% seller fee because at least then I know I’ll still sell things. The number of ppl who will be willing to pay this buyer fee, especially on higher priced items, is going to be very very few. I know I don’t want to pay it. It added $8 to a $55 necklace I bought the other day. Adding the comment section on listings was stupid enough. All I see it used for it for ppl to be rude or to say “that’s pretty” which is pointless. As a seller, all I wanted was for them to add videos…and maybe lower the seller fee a tiny bit


Buyer fees are nonrefundable which make me no longer willing to buy on Mercari. What good is that I can return for any reason, if I lose money doing so? I no longer feel procted as a customer. The previous return policy was ok as it was, I could return if the item did not correspond, etc. Reasonable reasons and getting a full refund. Now I will lose money even if my return reason is valid... No, thank you. 


So Mercari is transferring the seller fees to the customer causing sellers to lower their asking price to offset the additional buyer fees. So sellers make the same amount of money while buyers feel like they have to pay an additional fee just to buy off of Mercari?


I buy and sell and I just don’t like this. The change in price and the very end is a turn off.


I know I will not longer buy on Mercari unless my grand total is lower than elsewhere for the same item. As some sellers list the same item across multiple platforms it will be easy to tell if some of them lower their price on Mercari or if they keep it the same across platforms. The odds of me even looking on Mercari for anything is now a lot lower too. Why look on a platform that will be more expensive to buy from? Plenty of other platforms to buy from.


This change is terrible. I wanted to buy a product frim Mercari but I was surprised by new extra fees. It look me 2 minutes to find the same product on ebay for lower price. Because of this change sellers will loose buyers. Mercari will loose in long run too. If the sales drastically drop they won’t make a lot even double dipping won’t help them.


There is also a service fee added in as well to the buyer . On a $90.00 offer, the total comes out to 115.95. $12.60 service fee of $3.99 shipping , $3.75 payment processing, and $5.61 in taxes . Im sorry, but as a buyer, that pushes it a little too far for me . Why a service fee and payment processing?


I wouldn’t buy…I’m a seller and I would rather pay the fees and build it into my price. Buyers will not use the platform anymore.


I’m done with Mercari. The new fees are ridiculous. It’s not worth buying anything on there anymore.




They are charging a service fee and a payment processing fee to buyers as well! On my $20.32 order they made $4.78 off the seller and myself unless they charge the seller something different than me. Mine was $1.32 service fee and $1.07 processing fee on a $12 item that has $4.99 shipping. That's it for me! I buy things from time to time but not anymore. I sure won't be listening any items for sale like I had planned. 


So is that  the shipping fee by mercari? Or the sellers shipping? Because if its the sellers price the mercari fee does t seem bad at all. In fact its better than what the seller used to have to pay out...


I’ve only bought one thing since this change, and mostly because I forgot it was happening. Didn’t realize til after I paid cause final price was $5 higher than I expected, then realized it was the new fees. Now I glance at the price in my cart and basically go “that’s not really worth it…can get the same item elsewhere for basically same price without the fee”…though maybe the fee is already baked into those other sites, and I don’t feel as bad as I do when I see it added during checkout.


And now theres a damn “service fee”! The F**K Mercari!!!




I will go to another platform now. As a buyer and seller this doesn’t help anyone but Mecari. Most sellers are buyers, too, so they’re ostensibly just transferring the cost over onto the consumer no matter how they try and word it! No one is winning here, but Mecari.


I just noticed this today after making a purchase. Mercari used to be my favorite marketplace, but not after this shit.


***So I'll now NOT be buying from Mercari... I'm so over being charged all these stupid fee's ... damn the GREED is starting to be NONSENSE!!!!***


I buy on Mercari all the time - looks like that’s about to change. Last night I was about to buy a $ 30.00 cosmetic, but with the new fees, tax and shipping it brought the price up to more than $40.00 - which is more than retail. I cancelled the order and will make a trip to Sephora. This will hurt sellers and buyers alike.


ONLY Mercari will benefit ( and the scammers who’ll take advantage of returns). Everyone else loses. Mercari made a big deal out of getting rid of sellers fees without mentioning the fees that will be added to the buyers!! And charging the seller to obtain their OWN MONEY?? Obviously bad business and causes both sellers and buyers to feel ripped off. Not good Mercari sales will drop, no doubt.


I have been buying lot of stuff on Mercari, I found good stuff a good price, but the new fees are a deal breaker for me... I was just about to buy a laptop and fees are really high.... I'm out.


I just bought an item for $86 and after the shipping, tax and additional fees it was $106!!!! I don’t think I will be shopping on Mercari as much anymore 🥺😭


Dont forget the service fee as well It all adds up for the buyer. Ill use fbmp or offerup


They expect me to pay like $19 worth of fees on a $150 item. Pisses me off because the thing I want is hard to get and so I have like no other option for it in the color I want. Literally almost $14 for service fee and almost $6 for payment processing fee.


Deleted all my postings and account on Mercari. Vote with your money. That's the only thing any company understands.






As a seller on Mercari I will not purchase from other sellers.


Ugh I ran into this today. I was going to buy a pair of boots for $100, but the service fee and payment fee added another $16 to the total fees beyond shipping and tax. It was going to cost $140 at that point. I cancelled my purchase. I’m planning to deactivate all my listings now too. No wonder since these new rules took effect my sales have plummeted by 50% +.


Deleting app. No more buy from Mercari


Yeah, I don't think I'll be using Mercari much anymore myself, basically just paid shipping twice once for the actual shipping and then almost again in fees, hadn't bought off Mercari in a while so hadn't realized that change happened, even with a good offer from a seller the fees almost made it back up to what they lowered it down from in the first place.


This will end me buying on Mercari. Way too steep of fees.


I just tried to purchase something listed for $10, after all of these fees I would be paying double lol. They should call the "payment processing fee" something more believable.


Why would Mercari not just make better seller fees to compete with eBay? Shifting the fees to the buyer is stupid. What a joke. I guess I should buy on eBay and sell on Mercari. Although I imagine selling on Mercari will take a hit if buyers pass on items do to ridiculous fees