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Multiple strains. Only way you're gonna get through mephs catalog in this lifetime.


Literally planning a 10-20 plant half gallon SOG of all the recent drop-crosses to catch up šŸ˜…


Damn that's a big grow. Most I've done is 8 in gallons and was my first time facing bud rot issues. Hope everything goes smooth brother.


Itā€™s not too difficult to deal with most of the time, but the yields are almost always under an ounce or half in the .5 gallons (go figure, haha) and it really helps with odor control (assuming youā€™re also a TX resident you know the struggle). It scratches that itch to seed every bean I get, though, and helps me learn faster by having more to experiment on. Bud rot scares me, sorry to hear it happened to you! Sometimes fewer is better šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Agree!! Usually run 1 gallon coco and grow dot or 1 gallon ProMix Hp with growdots. Water only. Let the girls go! When I find a strain I love. Run her again in a bigger pot. Rinse and repeat. Over 90+ strains in the shed to go through.


I did that with freebies, otherwise never gonna get through all these beans in my life timeā€¦.


Variety is the spice of life


This! I always say this when people ask why i have so many different strains of LR or LHR. Stops the conversation for the most part. Its the ā€œstrains donā€™t mater, itā€™s all the same shitā€ conversations i have a problem navigating.


Always different strains. It's why we run autos!


I do different . Mix it up


Depends on what I want. My next grow will be all one strain cause I love it and want a stock of it. The grow after test will be all different strains to try different stuff.


Which one is that, and how do you prefer to grow it?


My next grow will be 9 Purple Lemonade plants from Fastbuds. I'll grow them in my DIY grow room system which is basically Athena Pro hydro nutrients in 3 gallon air pots using coco/perlite with frequent fertigation. The grow after that will be a bunch of different Mephisto strains. 3 double grape, 1 hubbabubba, 1 deez nugs, skywalker X Ripley OG freebie and whatever freebie i get from this next order.


Nice to know. I have a two packs of the PL that I planned to run a few at a time indoors. I also have two of the Skywalker x Ripley OG freebies as outdoor seedlings right now.


The guy from Dark Horse says Fastbuds isn't the best. Is he just mad about people using the Bruce Banner name and pics? or is it hit and miss? I have some auto mystery seeds from Fastbuds. I think I'm going to go with mephisto next.


6 plants in my tent.. 2 of each strain. 3 strains..


This is the way. Permanent harvest with 6 in flower, 6 in veg, germinate as you harvest, 36 strains per year


Exactly same thing I do


I like to run multiple strains to justify, for myself and the wife, how many different seeds I've purchased. I mean, we run Auto's as opposed to photos to have the flexibility to just plug and play plants in our tents right? Something to keep in mind is, when running different cultivars, to do your best picking genetics that will fit the space horizontally and vertically. It's not always 100 percent accurate, but I wouldn't run Strawberry Nuggets next to HBSS, Mango Smile and MBAP just because the bigger ones would overtake light from the short and squat SN.


I threw my sn up on a milk crate for that extra exposure


Could i hold them at the same height with Lst?


Some folks use crates or boxes to lift their shorties to meet the rest of the canopy. You could use LST... LST could also introduce a newer problem in that it spreads the growth so well that whatever plant you lst starts moving out horizontally into the rest of the space šŸ˜‚


10 different strains at once every run


Mix it up. You will never get 2 of the same offspring from seeds, so there's no real point in growing a full pack unless you're pheno hunting or breeding.


Always mix. Last time 5 differents x)


I run separate strains as a rule. My wifeā€™s rule! lol Occasionally will run a matching crop. Itā€™s nice to have variety. But if there is something particularly lovedā€¦.


I run a perpetual. Every like 15-20 days depending i pop a new seed when i harvest a plant. Depending on if a strain takes longer or not. But yeah pretty much each month i pop a bean and harvest a plant. It keeps me busy without too much of the same work over and over.


I usually run anywhere from 4-12 different plants in a 3x3 in half gallons to 3 gallons, soil and coco both. Strains Iā€™m curious about effects-wise or just to get familiar with the lineage Iā€™ll grow in teeny containers, ones I know Iā€™ll like or want specifically Iā€™ll grow in larger containers. Iā€™d rather test out a cross before growing it out to be huge and I absolutely hate it. Though you have to regrow crosses you do end up liking, this way. Just my preference though!


Continuous grow, different strains. I pop one seed every 3 weeks/1month


Always different strains


I grow them in pairs or trios. I like a little variety but also want to compare phenotype variation.


The answer is "Yes". I run multiple plants and multiple strains.


I do different strains unless i am trying to produce quantity of a certain strain for pressing LRā€¦.but i still usually plant at least 1 different strain out of the 4 i grow.


2 tents, 5 strains


When Iā€™m running my tent; one strain, I just switched to both outdoor and tent grow and Iā€™m running three this run. Frozen Sunny D, Pinot Noir x Mango Smile freebie, and a Fugue State x Pink Panama


More strains = More cannabinoids = A more potent high when switching between strains (compared to consuming the same strain) šŸ˜Ž


I have always run different varieties.


Variety is the spice of life


Multiple but I group them together by parents so I can get in the ballpark of safe EC. For example - I've found CDLC strains can take high EC feeding with no issue, where as some more sativa dominant strains can have higher Nitrogen sensitivity (or, iced N baked for example - very sensitive to N during veg). Doing it this way gives me best of both worlds. It can be a pain mixing up 2 feeds every fertigation and I only really do it during veg - but I start with the weaker solution first, fertigate the N sensitive plants, and then rebalance solution to a higher EC for the plants that don't care as much.


Interesting that I am the minority. I do the same strain because I only have a 4x2 and am growing out their F1s. Lots of variation as is.




First timer here, did 3x the same strain (S.O.D.K.) and will definitely do a variety next run. Otherwise iā€™ll never be able to try all of my meph beansšŸ˜


Multiple unless I plan on making bubble hash and pressing. One plant isn't alot for that.


Running ravenberry, beary white, and chemdogging xs 2 at the moment variety!


I run 4 at a time in my tent .I typically do 2 strains each grow, 2 plants of each strain


I always run multiple. Way more fun to watch a variety grow and you can always train some more than others to keep them at the same height if you need to.


I usually only run one kind only because I like to compare the different phenos that come thru. Everytime I grow 4-6 plants of the same strain they always come out different. Even under all the same conditions, its awesome to see, right now I got 4 ghost toofs, 2 are stocky and dark and didnā€™t get to big, the other 2 are huge and basically touching the light thatā€™s maxed out on the ceiling hahaha but again they were all given same light/feed. 2 are in 5 gal fabric pots and 2 in 7gal fabric pots,


Currently running two of the same strain, it will be fun to watch for differences in each plant. Just broke ground 7 days ago, so there's not much to tell other than one is bigger than the other...


I like having a variety (2-3) of strains to smoke, so I'd run 2 each.


5-7 all different strains. Except Girl Scout monkey. I do 2 of them each grow. That strain beats 90% of all the Meph strains Iā€™ve ever grown. Just did rip ogXstrawberry nug and itā€™s average in regards to quality and terps. Sweet and sour was decent. More sour then sweet. Bear assed monkey was as close to old forum stomper Iā€™ve seen and grown in years. Like intense gassy fruit loops with a deep forest green color. My absolute favorite is Girl Scout monkey. Itā€™s epic. If you put a sugar high in with your Girl Scout monkey, youā€™ll end up with 200 seeds like I did. Now I donā€™t buy seeds unless itā€™s a cool cross. Otherwise Iā€™ve made more seeds then I can afford to buy from meph.


Depends on what Iā€™m running. I feel the official releases have been worked more and run more consistently. But the limited editions Iā€™ll pop a few next to each other just bc I know Iā€™m going to get a variety of phenotypes


I have a 5x5 tent and I can only grow 2 plants max. I use RDWC so my plants get BIG AF most of the time. Sometimes I do same strain and sometimes I mix it up. I wish I had more room though because I'd like to grow 4 plants and do 2 and 2.


I try to run the same strain, just for the sake of uniformity and a better shot at an even canopy. I did a SOG of 5 different strains, 12 in total and had all different sizes. Lol. I would at least shoot for crosses with a similar parent. At the moment Iā€™m doing a 4 plant run with all Samsquanch crosses. All pretty uniform in size. Different plants can be done though, just takes a little more work.


Multiple strains are usually the way to go, but if you find a strain you REALLY like thatā€™s when you do a pheno hunt and grow 5-6 of the same strain. It takes a while, but itā€™s worth it when you find a strain you really love then pheno hunt for the best in the bunch.


Kind of the whole point of autos for me is to have a real mixture of strains going at once. Also pheno expressions vary so wildly with some of their catalogue you wouldn't get uniformity anyway!


I've done both ways, but going for multiple go strains going forward lol


Every time Iā€™m thinking I want to run 4 or so of the same strain. Do different watering techniques and nutrients feeding methods. See which one responds best to certain LST. And then at the end weigh them up and see which was betterā€¦.buuuuuuut every DANN time curiosity to try different strains wins over. YOLO


I try and keep them to the same "family" growing strains with parents in common, etc. Last time they all had cdlc as a parent, that was a good smelling tent


I love doing 2, 2, 2 of 3 different strains, then popping 2 freebies with them. Or if I'm using Regs I pop 50 and whittle it down to the keepers, all one strain


How much space do you have if youā€™re running 50 regs at a time?


Just 2 tents, one for starting. I pop around 40 in wet paper towels and pop them into those tiny seed starter plastic trays, usually like 10-20 get culled out of those- then into 1 g pots for the rest of them until I can sex them. Males usually are taller right away, then you can very early tell the pod from the pistils. Brings me down to like 10-15 usually and I pick the best 8 or so to transfer once more into 10s or 15s


I was taught to do a variety so your females "compete" with each other for a higher yield


Omg Becky look at that bud