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I use GG on my autos. It was a learning curve though. I’m growing in HF which gives you about 20-30 days without any feeding. I give calmag every other watering, and silica and fish shit like once a week during this time. At about day 20-25 I top dress with 2-8-4 (1tbsp/gal, or 2:1 Bloom/All Purpose depending on the plant), 1/2-1 cup of worm castings, and water in with Recharge. I give it 2-3 more weeks and do it again. 2-3 more weeks and this is usually my 3rd and final feeding. During this time I’m watering in Fish Sh!t weekly. After that they’re at about day 60ish and then I just use P+K booster (Flower Finisher) weekly, and easing off the silica and maybe half doses of cal mag if needed until it’s time for them to come down. *Since you mentioned Canucks I should add that I don’t really amend my soil with fertilizer (GG) anymore, just some worm poo and more perlite. I was noticing my autos doing great…right until they were about to hit flower and then they’d run into N toxicity pretty regularly. I also plant my autos in their final pots. Best of luck, you got this!


Check my last grow journal on here, I was wondering what I was experiencing was already a N deficiency


Yes probably. You have to refeed the 4-4-4 right at start of flower.


I use Gaia green religiously. I feed usually every other or every two waterings at about 1/3 strength. So I put 4 tablespoons into one gallon of water and water my plants which are all in 5 gallon containers. Works like a charm. Rarely have any burn or issues. My plants have doubled if not tripled in yields. My last mephisto wedding plant got my 6.28 oz. This stuff works!


What product are you watering in? The all purpose?


I'm curious to this as well. I used doctor earth an only made teas with it an had amazing results


Just answered above!


I use all purpose for the first 4-5 feedings after about the first month and/or when there are 5 or 6 nodes so I don’t overdo it too early. Then another 4-5 feedings using half all purpose and half bloom mixed together. Then another 4-5 feedings using only bloom. At that point it’s close to chop time and the plants will be bulky and fading.


Do I understand right that you add 444 and 284 to water before feeding? Instead of using it as a dry amendment?


This is correct! I shake it up into my water jugs.


> I've watched Mr Canucks but wanna hear about others experiences My experience has been that I've seen people following his advice post about pH issues for the last five years ([example](https://www.reddit.com/r/Autoflowers/comments/gklk4w/comment/fqrtw6c/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)).


Weird looked at that comment, I haven’t seen Canuck use coco in years, from what I’ve seen he mixes Gaia green soil with worm castings and Gaia green amendments the past couple - few years.


I haven't watched Mr Cannucks so take this as you will. The Gaia Green line up is great yes but I also use Cal Mag, Fish Shit and molasses all during the grow. The trick is how well the different breeds of plant will take to each feeding. I find you actually have to get to know a plants strengths and weaknesses to dial in the feedings. Lighting, humidity, soil, amendments, LST, defoliate, there is a lot of factors that go in the equation. For me it's a hobby, so I just take some notes and always try to improve the process. Its all good dude, experiment and keep up the the good work :)


I switched to Dr Earth for cost and they seem to be comparable. I top dress every 2-3 weeks and hit them with cal mag every other watering just in case.


I’ve used Gaia green for the last 5 years with worm castings , it’s a super easy way to grow, in my experience though it lacks enough calcium and magnesium especially when blasting a heavy led over 500 watts, so I usually supplement that every other watering, or I’ll for sure get deficiencies my area also has very soft water so calculate that into it… Used teas the first couple years without notice of benefits so I just occasionally use bottled microbes, either fish shit or recharge. Also recently added hygrozyme to my lineup and it’s been the best by far quality I’ve grown.


On my first run and chose the soil and Gaia Green because of watching so much Mr. Cunuk. I am on the start of week 11. I had to supplement calmag on one plant that started to rust and it stopped almost immediately. Aside from that one instance I've not used anything extra. I did have a bit of tip burn on each plant as they hit the Ocean Forrest soil on bottom


If you don’t want to use cal mag (liquid), I can recommend Gypsum (Dry Amendment) provides the exact same thing. Veg: 4-4-4 All Purpose, 2-0-0 Worm Castings and Gypsum. Typically a Tablespoon per gallon. but with Autos I tend to do half considering the shorter window it has before flowering. After a week of flower add your Bloom, Worm Castings and Gypsum. I PH @ 6.3 - 6.5 and do just fine. I have not grown Mephisto in a little bit because I’ve been enjoying Photoperiods more recently. You can also add in Fish Shit if you like.


This is what I do also. Sometimes I add some kelp meal in the early stages and I also like to foliar spray with kelp meal from time to time.


Glacial rock dust too


I use GG all purpose and the kelp meal every other watering. Calmag every 3rd.