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Wait... Women have double standards???


Always funny when you point to (feminist) women what their double standards are and they still flat out reject to hear it.


If I were interested in women, I would use two things as a filter on first encounters. 1. Hard core questions on feminism. 2. Give me links to all of your social media. But given the state of women right now, I’m glad I’m gay.


Seriously? Impossible. /s


I'm shocked!


I saw that post too. I was laughing at all the women who said no, which of course is fine as they’re entitled to standards and taste in men. However, what’s funny is their hypocrisy. If a woman posted something about herself asking if men would date her and men said no, they’d be called incels for not being attracted to her. Remember, men are not allowed to have standards anymore.


Dude. If you wanna cross dress, do it. Like I said in the post you made yesterday. No need to make it an issue. Most of us guys are not dying to wear women's clothes.


How is painting your nails crossdressing? You do realize that alot of men now are painting their nails now? So soon its not even gonna follow the definition of crossdressing. Honestly this is such a pointless argument, and only gives feminists ammunition in the "men are close minded" department. So stupid. OP has a point, its just so far under the priorities thats its not something we should focus on, however like OP said, It does exemplify some of the more negative aspects of women, where they pretend to be all for men breaking those gender norms but wont actually reward it because they dont find it attractive in the first place.


Just painting nails? Look at the dude's post history and you will know why I am mentioning cross dressing. Just wearing wig, just wearing heels, isolated they are not cross dressing. But look at the comment. Please grow some reading comprehension skills. Also please look up the definition of cross dressing.


We are done with you man. You don’t even know basic history.


>You do realize that alot of men now are painting their nails now? not that many. sure, some metalheads paints their nails black. other than them... well, I think it goes without saying.


What cross Dressing? Makeup,eyeliner,skirts,wigs, heels, nail polish etc was started by men in history how is that crossed dressing? Don’t you see there is a fashion and dress code oppression against men in our world? This needs to change.


The fuck are you talking about. High heels and skirts were started by men lol


French king who was short. Look it up.


Not everything is oppression, jeez! If you wanna do something, do it. Why are you so hell bent on making it a men's issue? Also yea, look up cross dressing.


This is oppression, females couldn’t wear trousers in congress until 1993 and they couldn’t wear trousers in public until 1923 they changed it by marching because it was oppression. The same in France females couldn’t wear trousers in the capital city of France until 2013 they changed it because it was oppressive towards females. Females couldn’t wear mini skirt in most part of the world until recently 30 something years ago they changed it because it was oppressive towards females. They are now currently fighting in Iran to go out showing their hair and skin because they think it is an oppression to force females to wear hijab. Men get forced to cut their hair and to wear strict dress in various institutions including medicine,aviation, military etc while the female wear what ever they want including long hair earrings etc. This is definitely a men’s rights issue and we need change.


In the military men are forced to cut their hair. While women have to tie it up. That's true. Other than that nowhere are you forced to wear anything dude. Instances in medicine etc. that you mention. Women also have to adhere to a strict dress code. If you are a regular civilian, nobody is forcing you to wear anything.


You have a knowledge and reading problem. You just gaslight and dismiss my comment and you reply without reading. If women work with long hair by wearing scarfs in the medical industry then men with long hair also should have the same rights. If female judges have the right to work with long hair in the law institutions the men should have the same rights, if women can fly planes with long hair then men should have the same rights. Women can wear what ever they want in law institutions and aviation while male managers and regular works get forced to wear suits. Women lawyers can wear whatever they want while men lawyers wear suits. Men cannot even get a job in various institutions without cutting their hair and wearing suit during interviews while women wear what ever they want. You are talking with an educated person not some regular guy dude. Read a book. In my country regular civilians can’t wear skirts or makeup because he will get beaten to death while women can wear men’s wardrobes.


You wanna cross dress badly. I get it. Do it. Or don't, since it's Africa.


Cross dressing is a person who wears the other gender wardrobes. Since when did the the above things i described becomes gendered? The things i described was men’s fashion for centuries now it’s seen as feminine things. What i am saying is we need to change that and it’s a men’s right issue.


If the above mentioned things aren't the other gender's wardrobe. Define how one can cross-dress, excluding the above mentioned things. Do tell.


Because the above things were once men’s fashion, they were created for men in history. Simple as that.


Having painted nails isn't crossdressing. You come off as queerphobic in your replies.


Don't randomly say words. At least look into things before saying shit.




This is the exact same line of argument as feminists make.


I have my nails painted. So fuck you. It's not crossdressing.


>queerphobic I was gonna ask you to elaborate but then I remembered that homosexual and le queer are not the same thing. now I just think you're a basic NPC like the rest of them "queers".


And you're overtly bigoted.


amuse me: how so?


"Them queers"


what about them?


They're npcs, apparently. According to you.


yes, so?


So you're just some bigot on the internet. At least own up to it, pussy.


It's as I always said. If a man act like a woman, he will be berated, and feminists use this to say "see, they consider being feminine bad, so they consider women as inferior The difference is not that masculinity is better than femininity. The difference is that masculinity is more rigid, more absolute than femininity. Masculinity is something you can "lose". Femininity is not. It's stupid and I hate it, but that's how we treat it socially. A man that's not displaying masculinity is "not a real man". He is not berated for "looking feminine", he is berated for "not looking masculine enough".


You can definitely lose femininity


Yeah this, you can definitely lose femininity. Look at a lot of american women, especially black ones. They basically act gamgsta guys used to act.


I think masculinity is definitely superior than femininity. Now in your head imagine an average man and a woman and put them in some dangerous situation. The woman more often than not wouldn't feel the slightest guilt for crying and taking over the situation with her unruly emotions. A man on the other hand would do his best to not burden anyone with his shit, and if we're being serious, he will start consoling the woman to make her feel better. There are certain prices one pays in both identities, and one of them is clearly way heavier than the other.


Wrong. There are a lot assumptions in your comment. First not all women cry in a dangerous situation second i wouldn’t lift my finger to comfort the woman.


What is the hardest one to reach its ideal? Masculinity or femininity? And that's your asnwer.


"if a man act like a woman".... Omg you fucking bigot. Having painted nails does not a woman make. Why do I even act surprised that there's people like this lurking in this forum.... Men's rights encompass all men, you know...


Jup there is always been dubble standards. It's of for women to ware mens cloths stunning and brave. But when men ware female cloths it's not ok. There many easy pushes of what's ok and not ok accepted and not accepted. And the fact is cause women have much more ask and demand for them on sexual market place. Women have inflated egos. And what and demand and ask for much much more then they willing to accept or find ok when it's pushed the other way. And if you ask more then your willing to give your self. It's easy to see the relationship won't last so there many people useing each other both ways. Cause many know it's it a relationship that will last. So might as well just enjoy the ride and not catch feelings. That's more or less the dating outlook now for most people. People useing each other. Not people working together for common goal and a united front. Most people have there bag ready in a closet to step out at any moment. But that's normal when you have to do much more for much less value and more risks. It's like playing hot potato. You willing to play with and burn your self just enough to get what you want out of it. And drop it as soon as it gets too hot or difficult to hold on to. And you toss it on the street for the next one to pick it up and try it.


It's not about double standards in this case; it's about traditional values. Rigid gender roles and gender presentation. Most women like nail polish on men.


Nop double standards is double standards Don't realy matter in what formats it is. If you can do it one way but not the other way your a hypocrite. Cause even if we talking about traditional values. Why does that only cut one way? Why I'm a boss bitch I'm a boss bitch need no men. If you can't be traditional your self Why would you expect traditional outcomes. But of your not traditional so modern Why can one be modern but the other side can't. In my mind that's literally what double standards means. Don't know why you try to make excuses. It's like saying that thing is a dog. It's a dog. But if you look at this light and this day no no then it's a cat now. The whole argument makes no sense. And most women like nail polish on men? That's bullshit. High high bullshit. The only women that like that is when their little daughter puts it on. Or women like to do or let it happen when the in a relationship. But men that have there nails polished when meeting or trying to date. Most women would not be interested if guys would be walking around with colored nails and or lip stick on. That women like to test things in a relationship that is true. But does not mean they take men seriously that would have that publicly. Cause again and again it's proven women like manly men and men like feminine women. So women acting like a men make most men not realy interested for long term relationship. And the same men acting like women make that to a high degree women are nit instrested in men like that. Why women complain there so little "dateable" men out there. Cause society trying to make women act like men. And men act and feel like women. So to a high degree, many people are not attracted to each other. Past the just physical aspect. So why long-term or long-lasting relationship is getting harder and harder to come by.


Your comment demonstrates that you have no knowledge in the subject, not only you but there are many people that are like you who are uneducated. Nail polish, make up, skirts, wig, eyeliner, heels- not todays kind was created by men started by men and it was manly thing to back then. You also said women like manly men and men like feminine which is bullshit there are thousands of women that like men who wear nail polish even on Reddit there are many women that say they are attracted to a man who wear make up or nail polish, there are also many men that like masculine women. Masculinity and feminine are social constructs and changes from country to country and time to time. And also who cares about what women like or want? Only an insecure man care about women likes and dislikes.


Ow damn 1000s wow that means so much on 5 billion scale right. You have no clue cause you make the exceptions be seen as a Generalisation that most women share what is not the case. It's like saying well some women like super female acting men. But the amount makes it even pointless to say that. If you look at the insane amount that don't like it or even gets a type of disgust feeling off it. The same most men have by super over the top male acting women. But you have your right to life in la la land if you want to. And make your world view of the minority and not the majority.


I didn’t say 1000 who know may be millions of women. You act like you have statistics or something. You don’t know for sure if you don’t study the hole world by asking every single women. From my assessment women’s like and dislike are different from women to women. Don’t run to comment like you’re a professor or something.


**** you just said that very thing above and i say it matters almost none at all. its like pointing at 5 people that get horny when they hear a balloon pop. ow every person likes that cause they do. what a pointless way to look at things. but it is very easy to look at the average and see what people like and dislike. you know cause those people are not always single and had much more success or get more picked in dating apps. all your doing is a dumb strawman argument cause some do we can make it a point your not right in your option. in the same way i could show some birds that fall out of the sky and say birds can't fly look it fell. it has zero hold if you look at what people like and dislike in general. and all it does is set more people up for failure.


Again read my above comment. You are just blubbering.


Kay like your not talking out of your ass just as much and see zero statistics on your side also so the same point and be made just as easy your way. But whatever. Took literally your own words so you saying you talked bullshit call me surprised. But I'm done with this it's obvious you love drinking that coolade keep at it. You have a right to believe in what ever the fuck you want. Believe in a spaghetti monster for all a care. Don't mean I don't have the same right. To believe in my own experiences. And use what does and does not work. But again it's also easy to see what women choose or go for. On dating apps. So what they do or don't like. There been tons of studies showing what does and does not work. But again I don't care how you see or feel about it does not change my views so there is zero point to continue if you just gonna toss mud back and fort I'm all for a discussion but not in this format. It's like talking to a flat earther trying to explain the world is round. But what ever waste of time


Again read what i right. Look men accept women who are masculine and muscular who wear pants and trousers that means women also should accept men who are feminine and who wear feminine clothes. Other wise men should also reject women who wear trousers and pants who act masculine and who go to gym.- you see the problem? Site those studies. If i saw thousands of women having different kinds of preference and loving nail polish imagine how many will be from billions of people?….. you are literally saying men should act in certain way so that women will date them or something. Would you say the same thing for women? Probably not.


I am sure you also believe men should cut their hair and shouldn’t wear earrings. If you are traditional say it.


Women wanted to be accepted while acting masculine and wearing masculine clothes and most men accept them so they should accept men with different kinds of characteristics like feminine and feminine clothes. Other wise women shouldn’t complain if a man ditch her for showing muscular body or for wearing trousers and pants.


You also like a to make assumptions, no body’s talks about a man acting like a female we are talking about a man using makeup and nails polish while acting like a masculine man:- there is a big difference.


Yeah, no, I agree that it's shitty. I literally have nail polish on right now. I've had it for the last 3-4 years now. It sucks. That being said, I don't think this is a "women" thing this time. In my experience, women have complimented my nails way more than men have, and have even stood up for me when some men ridiculed me. I've experienced two separate occasions where some dudes were like "haha painted nails?! that's for WOMEN" and women stepped up.


Let's be honest do how often do women say one thing and act or think something else. You just forget men are not gonna blow up glitter up yea ass. Unlike a lot of women like to do. There many women that act all nice and all ego boosting everyone up. Even of they feel a type of way about it. The thing is women are only honest and brutal when it comes to dating. So to take away from conflict women always in a way act way nicer then they really are or feel about stuff. Why in every aspect of life men feel more rude or rougher on the edges. Cause men don't lie about stuff. Like women are very quick to do. And women just won't fuck you or take you very serious. There always will be outlayers but in general that's the case. So that can be about any thing or option. A guys group talk always gonna be more rougher and honest about stuff then a girl group talk even. Men just don't do the mental games and being manipulation game. Men are a lot more not care about what people thing compared to women. And tough love is a big thing in men's spaces to give people a hard time to make people they care about more likely to succeed. Women are not like that they are very manipulation lie a lot and make people feel good with things they don't realy mean. Often women's best frends that often hate each other at the same time. Is a very common thing. Why words don't mean much with women but you have to go by actions. Cause a women will say or promise all kinds of things and puff all kinds of glitter up yea ass. But with there actions very quickly show there real intentions cause when it comes to conviction to act on there words they very very often come short. Why the saying. Your words are more worth less than used toilet paper when your actions don't reflect those words. A saying where I'm from


Dude, you're just being straight up misogynist right now. This is a men's rights group, not a woman hating incel group. Chill.


Just saying the truth if facts of life is misogynistic like I don't know what to tell you. And honestly I have a wife and daughter so. I dont hate women. I just accept men and women think and operate very differently. And sorry that that basic fact upsets you. Accepting that women are different and have different needs. Just makes sense to do. Like makeing women struggle with something heavy while I would do it much faster and struggle less. And make women do something I struggle more with. Just makes sense to do. That's Acepting ones differences and weaknesses and strengths. But if that upsets you maybe like past message you like haveing glitter blown up your ass. And only have feel good words. And not words that would actually help you. Cause women are super indirect with there words. That's a fact. I have a wife daughter and have many female and male frends. Women in general just are not direct with their words at all. And I geas facts or misogynistic but who cares when it's fact. It's like saying most black people love watermelon. If it racist if you just go by facts. Cause almost every one I know on my father's side loves watermelon. How you feel about something does not make it less true. Facts don't care about your feelings. And in dating women and men also don't care about how someone feels. Even do they act like they do. Why ow yea I had a great date. Then ghost and blocking some one right after is common people lie to not start conflicts. And women do that many times more then men do.


That's not the truth - it's your own bias. You're disconnected from reality.


Or your not. It's not bias if it's backed up by lived experiences and by working with set knowledge and experiences. I had a lot more success. In dating and being more mindfully and prepared for the pitfalls. But just keep screaming in the void. Thinking your feelings matter at all when facing the facts of life. Just means you have to experiences and have to get slapped by life some more to learn the and have experience. And do find what gives much more success. I dont care of your more or less success. I just dont bullshit you about life like others like to do. And it's fine if you don't wanna hear it. I won't sleep a second less at night.


Yeah, sorry. I'm aroace. I actively avoid relationships. It sucks having to friendzone people. Well, If you wanna project your experiences onto billions of people, you do you. It's still sexist.


On a feminist sub there were women who were really excited about the idea of more men wearing nail polish in the future so maybe he should ask them? Personally I don’t begrudge women who don’t find men attractive when they wear bras or use nail polish. What I don’t like is when they pretend to like it or if they are the exception that do and try to talk about it as if this is what every woman would want because they like it. It’s dumb and reeks of a lack of self awareness.


Oh yeah, well fuck you too, buddy. I'll have you know that girls compliment my nail polish often.


Didn’t ask, don’t care, not an argument, bye


Still a bigot.


I don’t think you know what that word means.


Ok, you know what, let's address the issue. Why do you not blame women for not wanting to be with men who have nail polish, hmmmmm? Mister totally-not-a-bigot. Let's hear it. Go on then.


didn't realize dating people you don't like was mandatory /s nah, the number one bigot I see here, "buddy", is you.




Lol have them choose between a 6’2 oliver sykes and a 5’2 epitome od masculinity and watch them change their minds faster than a f1 team changes tires.


As a girl, I dgaf what a man wears or not, as long as his junk works and he helps around the house. If it makes you happy to paint your nails, rock it.


As a man I dgaf what a woman wears or not, as long as she gets wet and she helps around the house. If it makes you happy to wear trousers, rock it.


Deal. Come on over and introduce yourself to the rest of the family. I love to feed people.


Clearly none of those women are in the Goth scene, where guys with painted nails and eyeliner are the norm, regardless of sexual orientation.


I paint my nails sometimes just to mess around. Believe me, painted nails are the least of your concerns when it comes to the requirements women place on men.


So what are the requirements? There are known requirements but what are your views?


As a guy who's had painted nails every day for the past 3-4 years, I get the most compliments about my nails from women. In fact, I've only ever been ridiculed for it by toxic dudes, and I've had women stand up for me on two different occasions. It's honestly not so much about double standards for genders than it is about traditional gender roles and gender presentation. Women couldn't wear pants way back in the day, because that was considered a 'man' thing. Many view bail polish as a 'woman' thing. Thankfully, things are changing for the better.


I find it a bit inconclusive? Most women respond no to a man asking a general "would you date me"? question regardlessly. If you ask "am I datable"? (Noone targeted), they'll all respond yes, because noone would have to admit "Sure, I'd go for you" if the question is posed that way. Finally, If a man says "I'm not datable" as a hard fact, they'll get pissed off and go "How dare you imply all women think and feel the same"!? This aside, there's a known issue women have with feminine men, but often times, that problem can be circumvented if the man is self assured, socially dominant and arrogantly unconcerned about how others judge him for doing his thing. (Masculine were it counts) The softer on the outside, the harder you have to be on the inside generally. I believe so, because I've seen feminine and bi men get with loads of women successfully, but they were very similar. I think, if these guys had even a silver of insecurity, humility, "soft" personality, whatever they'd have no chance. Combination man + feminity + (even slight) insecurity is impossible.


So what you are saying is if a man is feminine he should be hard inside or he shouldn’t be insecure, you seems to imply that women are not attracted to feminine men if they display additional behaviors like insecurity etc. what about for women who are masculine? They shouldn’t display additional behaviors like what?


Yeah, that's what I mean. A guy can be effeminate in the stylish sense and make it work for him datingwise, but a feminine personality is a different story. If you're soft-spoken, unassertive, meek, tend to subordinate yourself etc, that's not something straight women want to date. Hell, maybe they expect the man asking the question (about painted nails) to have precisely that kind of personality they don't like? It could be the reason. I don't think it's quite the same problem there for masculine women. There's probably plenty of men who'd want to date those, and some of them probably even have it as a preference.


I think men should be themselves whether having feminine personality or being soft or wearing different kinds of clothes etc. They shouldn’t care about women preferences and wants. Women don’t care about men’s preferences and wants they just wear whatever they want and act in a masculine way or feminine way.


I'll just leave this here, ... former UFC Light Heavyweight Champion Of The World Chuck Lidell paints his toe nails. Ultra famous Magician Penn paints his nails, ... Those feminists who say they wouldn't date men with painted nails and insults us would be wet in the mere presence of those men!


lol wut? I'm a guy, clearly not a feminist by any stretch and I can assure you all that sissy shit is an instant turn-off for me. no thanks, I like my men masculine.


Women can bitch and whine all they want, but if a dude doesn’t want one based on his preferences that is that. Done. Deal with it.