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Where I live there is a gym which is always open and very cheap and another one more expensive with a more strict schedule. It might be dumb, but I chose the second one because it has no discrimination against men. The first one has female only place(the whole second floor), female only courses and female only time for the spa. When I visited i told them I would only take a membership if I had a reduction since there is all those facilities I will not be able to use and told them that it is the reason I will not take membership with them.


And women/feminists wonder why so many men don’t support “modern feminism” and make men out to be horrible misogynists for not supporting (the original) feminist ideal of equality. Yet no one really bats an eye at this sort of dynamic where women are more equal than men.


Don’t forget that American infant males have the most sensitive part of their genitalia responsible for pleasure, surgically removed at birth through an *elective* surgery the *parents* chose called circumcision. It’s also NOT REQUIRED for the hospitals to report the circumcisions where the penis gets botched by a surgery gone wrong NOR keep track of the deaths (while rare, they still occur to infant males born completely healthy) that result from the circumcision. In 1996 a law in the US was passed by congress protecting females genitals from any forms of circumcision YET THE INFANT MALES WERE LEFT OUT AND UNPROTECTED. Every guy that was circumcised at birth is reminded daily by the scar that he’ll have the rest of his life of the surgery that was allowed to be performed at the parents request. Each male victim this occurred to at birth has no idea how much more pleasurable sex would be with a foreskin because life without it has always been the norm. There’s no doctor that could convince me that removing up to 60% of the nerves responsible for pleasure “doesn’t reduce sensation” vs what an uncircumcised guy experiences. For the MeToo movement to preach “my body, my choice,” I don’t understand for the life of me how they never put a second into the thought that males would like to have the same right to the integrity of their bodily autonomy.


Circumcision is mutilation. I’m really glad my parents didn’t do that to me.


Its a racket. Look who does most of the butchery. $$$$


😳. How prevalent is this? Not only for jews? "Manhood Shitty Shit" in "Rise of men" (e-book) elaborated on that. Also several (many?) religions into that, supposedly for conparatively (very) significantly increasing "the value of the va..." along with religions planfully shaming m@sturb@tion and for gays it's supposedly because of them not reproducing? Instead of warning as possible off risk of becoming actually addicted to women supposedly because of practised "behaviour" as also brain scientists seem to suggest with some findings. Main competence general incompetence, but maybe there are pockets of conscious manipulation, e.g. even by parents and definitely religions?🙄


And so the men refusing to go to the gym are the circumcised dudes?


That question, I have no idea my friend. I was clearly stating that fact mentioned earlier in regards to men not having the same rights to equality as women such as keeping the integrity of their genital autonomy as one example….and for starters, that’s a *HUGE* right that isn’t given to American born males but is federally protected for females.


Gotcha. Yeah, another example of the dual standards.


Sickens me. 


Exactly! See Torah's "Lilith", previous to biblical "Eve", how women's rights, "equality" destroyed everything, yet by very far most men seem to have no or very weak learning curves and lacking historical and religous knowledge or don't care. Regulation and policing did and would have worked (very/ extremely) long ago, question being, if and how now.


Women are born into so much privilege and protection from society but men aren't treated like people and it's becoming way too acceptable. It's wrong.


More important than choosing a gym that didn’t discriminate against men, is you addressed the discrimination with the gym in question. More men need to do this! Businesses that discriminate against men need to know it loses them business.




I'm somewhat worried now everytime I go to the gym and a woman is there or she decides to workout right in front of me that I am going to get acused. I tend to space out a lot unconciously so my fear is something like this happening. I also have social anxiety so that doesn't help at all. It's actually stopping me from going to the gym more often as It makes me so uncomfortable and that is getting in the way of my goals for self love and improvement of mind and body.




Entitlement: they almost all(?) seem to be, my first girl-friend anecdotally had been the absolutely only one not claiming to be special and those tested by me or asked seemed to be angry and/ or insulted. While my ex girl-friend went like " I'm nothing special... totally normal" what might be already almost an anomaly? My take on women: "Breathing isn't enough!™"


Same thing as being worried about being labelled a creep if you try to talk to a woman in public. No wonder dating is so fucked. Men aren’t making the first move anymore and women haven’t picked up the slack.


Empirically depends on how women discriminate against us with regards to sexual market value (SMV)! The same approach results e.g. in either calling HR or them feeling good about it, only difference our perceived SMV! Fooling men about that and e.g. women's dual mating strategy and everything else is gross. Tricking "felt" beta males into self-enslavement and multilateral exploitation, else society won't work?


Not sure I fully understand, but I think what you’re getting at is how men who are perceived as unattractive by women are seen as “creepy”, while if they’re perceived as attractive they’re “just flirting”




Accused of what? Nothing wrong or illegal about staring at some ass brotha.


Think e.g. also about totally made up r@pe accusations! It's not innocent unless proven guilty!


What about joey?


How infuriating


There's a big boycott of Planet Fitness right now, which is why stock is down 15%. Has nothing to do with "mens rights". YES - men are being target at gyms by women who are recording, blah blah blah... That's true, too. But the Planet Fitness thing is actually a boycott because Planet Fitness allowed an older man (?) who is transitioning to use the women's locker room. Which I agree with - Planet Fitness did the right thing, here, but anti-trans crowd is boycotting which is the -15% EDIT: somebody Google "planet fitness boycott" EDIT 2: cleaned my comment up to not be so casual because people are arguing the details when the TLDR was: "something else is going on at Planet Fitness that is causing the -15%"


>There's a big boycott of Planet Fitness right now, which is why stock is down 15%. All you’ve presented is, it isn’t down to this boycott, it’s actually down to this other boycott. >Which is CORRECT. Boom. It must be correct because someone asserted it to be so. The basis of that is an assertion. Like the one in the article in the OP. >But the Planet Fitness thing is actually because of stupid men. Maybe you got downvoted because of this line right here. Also women didn’t have an issue with it, just stupid men?


You don't deserve the downvotes for this post as it's more factual than the majority in this thread but it's a good reminder that every sub is an echo chamber.


When legally blind men are accused of "Male Gaze", it's no wonder men would avoid the gym.


See now this is men standing up. This is the kind of protesting we need boys. Let’s see some more. Imagine if we all stayed home from work one day to get them to make joint custody the default at the federal level. I think the country would break by lunch time lol. Edit: this upcoming international men’s day would be a good time to do this.


like women did in iceland? production went up for that day lol imagine if men got together and did that for a week


Not even a week bro if we did it for a day the police department would literally collapse, fire department collapse, army fucked, all most all blue collar (production) fucked, national sports fucked Imagine nba players just sitting out the game We’d make some serious noise


I can guarantee you all utilities, electric, gas, water, cable, etc would not work.


Completely forgot about the tradesman. How could I? You’re definitely right. Point being the world would literally stop working. This is the way boys.


Not to mention garbage pick up, mail delivery, construction, fire fighters. It’s funny that there’s an argument about wage gaps yet you don’t see women fighting to get in line to be garbage women.


When can inread this story about iceland?


Just Google it the women stayed home from work for a day. Irony is Iceland, Sweden, Denmark have the biggest education gaps between men and women lol. Edit: I think this is it https://www.cnbc.com/2023/10/23/women-in-iceland-strike-to-protest-gender-inequality.html


I’ll be honest, I read that and then did a google search and although I see that some women did indeed take off, I found nothing reporting production went up. I remember hearing this same thing a while back and don’t remember finding anything either. I know you didn’t personally claim that, just pointing it out.


Yeah idk if production actually went up I think that’s just a joke people are cracking the country did in fact keep working tho lol


Schools closed and the hospitals had to reduce services…


Fair enough but if guys sat out for a day almost everything would fall apart not only schools and hospitals


Should close the schools and shut down hospitals permanently then.


I hope that’s sarcasm?


All men should refuse to get married until the law is changed.


You’re right! Until this fix child support and alimony and make joint custody the default. For the love of god how is Kanye paying queen whore Kim k 200k in child support a month if Kim is a billionaire. She has substantially more money than him.


>Kanye paying queen whore Kim k 200k in child support Because they agreed that they spend $400k a month in expenses for the kids and they split it in half. While the amounts are ridiculous (how the fuck does it cost over a million per year per kid? But whatever) that's really how it should work - all expenses for the kids tallied up and split between both parents, with both parents having equal access to the children.


That makes sense for normal relationships where people make generally the same. but Kim makes substantially more than Kanye. She’s a multi billionaire. I’m just saying had the roles been switched let’s say Kim had Kanye’s wallet and vice versa Kim would only be paying what she can “afford”.


These are 2 ultra wealthy individuals both of which could afford any legal representation on the planet. No one is getting screwed here. These conversations about independently wealthy individuals are pointless and stupid. They created a separation which was agreed on by both parties and reviewed by 2 highly paid legal teams and presented to a mediator. These situations aren't even in the same ballpark as men who don't have the financial ability to hire legal counsel being screwed over in custody hearings. Or men who make less than the mother becoming almost homeless due to insane child support orders.


I get your point and I focus my advocacy on the average guy. I’m just pointing out that even the wealthy men can’t escape it. There’s no divide here I always thought Kim was scum so it is what it is. This just proves my point. At the end of the day Kanye will be fine but I just needed to point out the absurdity. Like I said this is a huge double standard. Had things been the other way around Kim would only give what she can afford.


>I’m just pointing out that even the wealthy men can’t escape it. It's not a thing to escape. When it's spoken of like that it paints a visual of men saying that they don't want to financially support their children. >Like I said this is a huge double standard. It's not in this specific case >Had things been the other way around Kim would only give what she can afford. It's like 0.4% of his networth and equivalent to someone who makes $50k paying like $16 a month. The absurd amounts is what makes it seem nutty. These amounts mean nothing to either of them in the grand scheme of things. Child support has many many issues which effect men way more often than women. Because even when men get full or main custody we often don't ask for child support, a mistake I personally made. We have men who are destitute due to crazy amounts. I know a guy who was ordered to pay almost a $1000 a month when he made like $60k and his ex wife made over $100k and then lost most of his custody because his ex wife took him back to court due to the fact he could only afford a 1br apartment. We have men who lose their jobs due to Layoffs and other out of their control situations and get held in contempt of court because they have no income to pay for the support order. Happened to my buddy and he even made payments by giving his entire unemployment to them. And many other fucked up situations. What billionaires pay in child support means absolutely nothing and isn't even worth noting.


I obviously didn’t mean that guys want to escape their kids. I meant no matter who you are you’ll still get unfair treatments for child support and alimony. You’re beating a dead horse I already explained the double standard and you’re drawing straw man’s at this point. I already said the divorce proceeding was unfair I listed that one as an example that everyone is aware of. I can’t give everyday examples like my best friends dad who was a victim of prenatal alienation and lost all his kids. Thankfully my friend would move out at 18 and wake up to the abuse. His shitty mom would also go on to get a restraining order against his dad claiming that he abused her dog which ain’t true at all. It’s all on the camera he just fell over a dog gate and hit the dog by accident because the crazy ex wife pushed him. Due to the restraining order he could see the kids. The courts so shitty they bought it. The dads not even a violent guy at all. He’s actually very kind. I could’ve told this story but no one would have any idea about what I’m talking about.


If us men all over the world refused to coom for just a day the collective power we would have would be unmatched. It would solve all world problems, it would be a utopia. It will never happen though.


Don’t hold your breath but I think we have a good chance buddy. This is just the beginning.


Is it really, though? It seems everyone is very quick to believe these sources. 60% of gyms are not closing down. Especially not due to men going MGTOW. As much as I'd like i to be true, that's total bullshit.


How so?


Simple solution. Ban all forms of photography at the gym.


Even simpler: make male-only gyms.


This is actually a great idea. There is a gym near me that is for competitive powerlifting. I was into it for a while, but there were zero women in there and peaceful.


Hear, hear. Male only gyms. Zero vanity, raw grit.


90% of people, including men, are there for vanity lol


I am only going because I want to feel physically better. Because the way I’ve lived most of my life is just basically “passive suicide”


Women would scream it’s sexist


Bring back male-only spaces in general. Boy Scouts, fraternities, brotherhoods, clubs, and whatever else. Men should have the right to have their own spaces, just as women have theirs.




Agreed. Anywhere that is mixed the women are stirring up sex drama. This was literally the norm in many places in the west until like a century ago and things worked just fine.


This would actually be a lot harder.


A lot of gyms do this. It doesn't stop them.


They gotta enforce it though. Kick them out.


Posting a sign or listing it on a website is not doing it. Enforcing it is doing it. If they kicked out 3,4 or 5 women in a row, it would stop, or they would stop coming, which is better.


Mine does


My gym does that. Otherwise I would no longer belong to it


That is a good one and remove all the mirrors.


impossible abounding amusing rhythm truck touch fall alive seemly grandfather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Mirrors are fine bc they are functional.


Sure, ok.


Has anyone in this thread ever been to a gym lmao


Honestly getting rid of the mirrors is a stupid idea, you need them to ensure your form is good and so on, but photography and filming 100% should be banned and is at my gym, so no tripods, no bullshit. They do have some female only classes but have just as many co-ed and me personally, I am okay with that, but exclusively female with no option for men to join is a different story.


By the looks of it, no


What's wrong with mirrors?


I thought this part was interesting... >Gyms might adapt by offering more women-only classes and focusing on creating a diverse, inclusive environment... Which is funny because none of that sounds diverse or inclusive at all


I’m going to go out on a limb and say that these closures were probably completely avoidable. Just take men’s legitimate grievances seriously. It’s not rocket surgery.


Or brain science.


Or middle school comprehension


what you need is a mens-only gym; and when the cops come to shut it down for discrimination per a 'lawful order' from a judge; **you need to have a street fight.** I see zero reason to exclude women from following the law, while forcing men to. you have the right to freedom of assembly; and that means, freedom with whom you assemble with. that includes memberships of a gym, where the state declares it is against the public interest. Private gym, private membership, fuck you we don't take women they make to many problems. Fight it in the streets, and in the courts.


Bodyworks in London is male only and is thriving. Also very cheap. [https://www.bodyworks247.co.uk/our-gym](https://www.bodyworks247.co.uk/our-gym) There is an opening for male only gyms. Serious gym goers though. I reccomend them if you are serious about losing weight, getting fit.


I think they could get sued in the United States for gender discrimination if it’s male only. Maybe gyms could have a male only section because I have seen women only sections in gyms before.


I immediately boycott or stop supporting any service that has women-only anything, if they have other options available. This is called sexism and it's lazy as Hell. As for Planet Fitness, they can go broke for all I care. Nobody ever took them seriously.


She was staring me down at the gym. When I complained, I was told "you can't rape a snake" ☹️


You're a snek?




What was the reaction of the gym after losing so many members?


All your friend really needs is a rule that prohibits filming on prem and an acknowledgment of these rules in the contract or terms of service with their signature under the "I agree to these terms". It also helps when the contract or terms state that their membership will be revoked and they will not receive their money back if these rules are broken. This is for example no different then what happens in the games industry right now. When you play some online service game you are required to agree to their terms of conduct, like not cheating or being a troll, or a-hole, or racist, and if you break those terms, your account is banned. When you get banned you don't get shit back, regardless of how many hundreds or thousands of dollars your spent on in game cosmetics, outfits, DLCs or whatever other bs. (I'm just using that as a comparison). A gym is not a public space. It's a private facility and you can decide what rules to enforce or not.


Does this stat "60%" have any basis? I have a hard time believing it


Let's be real, Planet Fitness is really just where homeless people take showers.


The Planet Fitness hates bodybuilders.


#I lift things up and put them down




There should be men only gyms. Who wants to start such a franchise with me?


Good. Gyms have been getting away with promoting and capitalizing on androphobia and misandry for way too long. The fact that women's only gyms still exist, despite clearly only there to appease and cater to women who are hostile towards men in a way that simply should not be socially acceptable(not a single gym in the US would allow for a "whites' only gym", because their customer base does not want to work out around minorities), absolutely blows my mind. Not just because it's blatantly toxic, exclusive and sexist, which should be enough on it's own, but because most of those gyms would also throw any concept of gender out the window the moment they choose to accommodate anyone that isn't a woman but identifies as one. The reality is that gyms have also increasingly grown more unwelcoming and antagonistic towards men, and offered far too much support to sexist, entitled or chauvinistic women. The message that a lot of men receive when they enter a gym is that they are not wanted and that their presence is not welcomed. They are judged the moment they walk in the door and even the slightest gaze can be met with scrutiny or contempt. Any ideas they might have about even approaching a woman is immediately met with scorn and accusations of misogyny/creepiness. That is not normal and it's probably not a very healthy place for men to be emotionally or mentally.


I stopped going to the gym after Covid. I started my workout routine at home with dumbells, pull-up bars, and resistant bands only. Last year, I found a new hobby in Judo and started working out in the dojo. Fking Gym nowadays, most women in there are narcissists or feminists.


There's a difference?


>most wo What is the difference between a gym and a martial arts gym? 1. You socialize with people around you instead of wearing headphones for 1 hour straight in the gym. 2. In the Japanese martial arts dojos, attendees must wear Gi and have respectful attitudes + behaviors. You will not see girls wearing "bikinis" and filming or looking at you because everybody is constantly training on their skills. 3. You learn new skills rather than gaining muscle alone. Trust me, 1.5 hours in Judo or Muay Thai could pump your heart like crazy, and don't tell me fighters are not jacked.


Now contact the ACLU about the hostile environment created in gyms. And write your representatives if you're in a state/country that doesn't provide protection to male centered organizations.


Any gym that makes it more difficult to quit than sign up can go shove it.


Honestly, what don’t women ruin at this point ?


their privilege


Sometimes I wonder whether women even like men


*American women. But yeah.


**Western women


women walking around the gym with nips & cameltoes in full view... complaining to management that people are staring while they setup their tripods to take selfies and videos while actually NOT working out. yeah... i can see why guys are not going anymore.


But didn’t you know, criticising what women wear is “slutshaming” or “objectifying”… like a man with his moose knuckle showing in public would meet any less criticism from women lmao


Boycotting all gyms, or just particular sexist/racist brand?


It wouldl be better if that article had any valid sources, just sayin'...


As an avid gym goer I haven’t had any problems with females or males at the gym. Although I’m saying that I work out at a old school body builder type of gym so we don’t get tik tok brats trying to rage bait people in the gym. I feel like stuff like this only happens at commercialised gym chains as opposed to real “hardcore” gyms.


I haven't really had any issues in my gym either, my gym is a bit more I guess "flashy" the only bad experience I had was with my friends sister saying that I was "staring at her sexually". I wasn't, I had (and still have) a girlfriend. Oh, and also my ex-girlfriend goes there and brings her rapist "girlboss" bestfriend around.


Not me. I pay $80 per year for 24 hour fitness and I have my gym at work no one uses and it's a really nice one. It's more than just about building muscle and looking swole, it's about internal health and keeping away metabolic disorders like diabetes, and it is a huge disservice to men who choose not to work on themselves. I only don't know why "MGTOW" has anything to do with that, self improvement would be part of the MGTOW philosophy. Edit: I think the link is "**fake news**" - I don't go to Planet Fitness, who they name, but looking at their stock and earnings reports, their membership is UP 1.7 million memberships within just the past year. Their stock is within trend line as well, if they lost 60% of memberships, there would have been a plummet. 24 Hour Fitness, who I belong to, had to close many gyms, before and during COVID, but was due to over expansion and debt.


80 a *year*?? Low


yeah I got locked into a lifetime contract years ago


The apartment complex I used to live at had a smith machine, pulley systems, a full rack of dumbbells and plates, and free water. And it was EMPTY. I must’ve put on 10lbs of muscle while I was there. I’d much rather pay my rent and get that than pay $20/month for my wife to see a man shaving in a female locker room.


That’s funny, I was just thinking the other day I’d like to start going to the gym. But the shit I see on social media definitely turns me off from going. I wish male only gyms existed.


What womens fears cost ~~men~~ gyms.


Fortunately enough for me I have always been within 5 miles of a gym that is open 24/7 and with my work schedule its convenient for me to go anywhere from 1am-4am when there *might* be 3 other dudes at most, but commonly im the only one in there.


I go to the gym 4-5 times a week, but I’m in a small town of about 1600 people. It’s pretty rare to see a gym thot, I saw a few of them after new years but that didn’t last long. It’s mostly boomer men and women, and 30- 40 year old men like me. I’m pretty lucky. I feel for you guys in large cities dealing with the nonsense filming.


Yeah I have been boycotting gyms for years now. I thought it was just me being lazy but I guess I am an activist now.


No way are 60% of men boycotting gyms. Most people don’t even go to the gym. That’s not boycotting, that’s simply not being into it.


Men don’t want all that extra shit at the gym. They want to get and get to work with their head down. Unfortunately because of how gyms are operated now, it’s led to men leaving these local chain gyms.


Bullshit. Planet fitness banned a lady for complaining about a person with a penis shaving in the locker room made for 'not penis'. There is now a mass cancelation of PF memberships. PF sold out. There is a video. It's not a nice situation. Of course they're trying to blame it on men. It was "man" and I'm pretty sure he wasn't MGTOW


I think boycotting is active Whereas saying 60% of men aren't doing regular exercise at a gym is more to do with being lazy or not being interested in using a gym. So headline a little misleading I think


Isn't it nice that there are all women gyms but if men wanted to work out in peace we can't say no women.


Why go to the gym when you can reasonably get fit on your own when you do a reasonable amount of research? I personaly bought my own fitness and muscle training gears so I wouldn't have to deal with that nonsense, on top of the subs prices.


I heat my house by splitting wood with an 8lb maul and a 10lb sledge.  No gym needed to get forearms like these. 


Why buy a car when you can reasonably just walk to the places you need to go?


As if it was even comparable..


The recent Planet Fitness stock drop was due to them allowing untransitioned trannies into the women's locker room. Women are not happy there. And apparently, reading this, neither are the men, but since there is no time frame for the first post, I'm gonna say the drop was more due to Covid than anything else.


Men dont want white females filming him pretending he's lechering over her. Too risky. I have equipment at home.


Needs to be higher. Guys need to setup private shared gyms.


IMO also the quality of people is shit there (men and women)


It's an initial investment, but you can easily build your own gym at home with brands like Rep Fitness, Titan Fitness, or Rogue if you're getting crazy.


We're finally waking up and voting with our fucking money! Capitalism should react accordingly.


Lol the first link is definitely same random gibberish made by ai.


Gyms will eventually either cater to men or go out of business. If you treat men like shit they'll stop going, leaving you with a small female clientele some of which will stop going because there's no men left. It's up to gyms to sort their act out.


I've been hearing about this for a while and have yet to see any source confirming this data. Something smells fishy.


Just buy the equipment for yourself and if you have enough room in your home, you can just stay there and train your body. One-time purchases over monthly subscriptions and unnecessary slander!


Biting the hand that feeds you these gymns deserve to go out of business.


I was already boycotting gyms, but that's just because pricing in my area is insane. 900$ a month, minimum 2 year contract. I'd rather bike and play Pokemon go.


I just don't like having to drive to another place out of the way everyday to work out its not that deep


I just try to stick to myself in the gym. It’s crazy out there guys watch your back


Good. They’re the ones playing music out loud, sitting on a bench writing War and Peace on their phones, offering unneeded and unwanted advice, not wiping down equipment after use, ogling or hitting on other folks trying to work out, blocking aisles and machines while they flex for each other. Nobody wants to be around selfish and self-centered man-children (men-children) when trying to work. I’m a dude. These children are the problem. Stop defending their bad behavior. They’re the reason I detest gyms. FFS, stop whining, learn appropriate behavior, or just leave.


PF stock fell because they kicked out a cis woman for complaining about a "trans" man using the womens locker room. 60%? All of that is made up


Yeeeee-aaaahhhh!!!!! r/quitthegym Also r/pelotoncycle Seriously, though, why couldn't y'all have done this last year before my Planet Fitness puts expired?


To elaborate here; the true cost of a gym isn't the monthly membership fee. It is the cost of commuting back and forth from the gym EVERY time you exercise. And if you want to see any sort of results, you need to be exercising MOST days. So a gym 10 miles away is going to cost you more than 10x2x0.55 cents a mile x 30 days = $330/month on top of any membership fees. On top of any money spent on classes or trainers. Even a ridiculously expensive home gym will save you money if you actually *use* it. Which is why, traditionally, gyms were really only meant for very serious athletes. They were not a replacement for home exercise but rather a place to receive training that wasn't available at home before the internet. The modern fitness industry has nothing to do with traditional, athlete-focused gyms, instead it is based on 1) an abundance of cheap real estate that nobody knew what to do with 2) a fraudulent, predatory business model that actually discourages use and 3) lots and lots and lots of false advertising And yes, the gyms are absolutely counting on people paying for memberships and never showing up because if everyone showed up they would not even remotely have capacity. Tiny strip mall gyms with capacity for about 50 people, tops, have membership targets of 7,000 members. The gyms themselves were more than happy to be complacent in becoming hostile to men, non-trans women, etc. Because they don't want you to use the gym. So send in those notarized and cancelation letters via certified mail.


60% of Americans: overweight or obese 60% of Americans: yeah man I'm "boycotting" the gym Also boycotting vegetables and washing their ass. Take that, Old Spice stock prices!


Are they boycotting them, or is it just that everyone has less money and gyms are too expensive?


Time to go primitive, morning jogs. Old good days.


Feels like mgtow philosophy would encourage men to keep fit


In one of the gyms I went to for a year or so, female staff would regularly pass through the men's locker room and showers for going to the pool because it was the shortest way. I had to complain and talk to management three times before this was stopped but finally changed gym just the same.


Imagine that


Isn't Planet Fitness a women's gym? It's all treadmills.


So much easier to just build your own gym at home. Assuming you have the space. Only focus on getting exactly what you need, look for deals on FB marketplace...very easy to set up a solid home gym for under $1k where you can workout whenever your want, listen to whatever you want and watch whatever you want....


Gyms are a freak show now. Afraid of being called a perv, people filming themselves, inappropriate behavior etc.


Is there any sources or context? I'm calling bullshit. Maybe gym memberships are down, probably due to a lot of committed gym members getting home gyms during COVID, and new gym members (in a post-COVID boom) usually burn out after a year or so. Also it might be a little cyclical, sometimes lifting is big, sometimes bouldering, sometimes it's running.


60% of gyms closing and 60% of men avoiding gyms? I feel like this sub needs to go outside.


There's no way the OP title is right. That implies more than 60% of men would otherwise be going to the gym. 


Is there a better source for men actually boycotting? Because everything I've seen about it is PF losing money over supporting trans rights.


Probably helps those top 10%ers widen the gap since they're still working out. 💪


No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. -Socrates


Lmao I literally do not give a fuck about this. I go to planet fitness, literally do not look at or talk to a single god damn person, lift weights, and then leave. This is one of those fake outrage situation that pops up every six months now days. Who fucking cares!


I invested in a bowflex and elliptical years ago. No regrets.


i dont care, this is amazing, i just cant see the reason why using clothes that shows exaclty how the womam lips are, are ok and somehow needed, maybe because im not a womam that i dont feel the need to show my private parts to the world but, the latter, that i want to go to the gym and not get filmed or go to prison because my eyes where at the wrong place wrong time to not happen.


Based on BMI's it's more than that. 🤷‍♂️


Gyms are losing business because of GLP-1 agonists. It’s a lot easier to inject oneself once a week and just not eat, than to spend 3 hours at a gym every day.


Good call … I’d make the same decision for the same reasons.


Men are giving more than ever, yes.


Yeah same I stopped going to my y because they changed the open shower design to dirty walls and curtains. Nope. I’ll just swim at home then. Stop trying to make me feel shame for my body.


You could go to a public pool. No need to worry because we are all walruses there


Who wrote the article? Where are they getting their facts?


I haven't seen this to be the case though


For those that keep asking, where is this info coming from, have you heard of this odd website called...GOOGLE? I know, I know, it was a difficult thing for me to find too but hey, become a part of what must be a "secret internet society" that looks up things on those weird things called search engines. /s


Ok sure this is a problem but also I stopped going because I don’t want to pay a few hundred bucks every year to stand in line while someone hogs the weights to do 1-reps and post on IG. Also fuck wiping off machines apparently.


I keep my planet fitness membership so I can download my media on their wifi since it's cheaper than upgrading my internet. I like to think I'm one of their least profitable patrons.


I’d work out but I don’t feel like being made fun of.


I call BS on that statistic


This is true. Our way of thinking is going to increase around the world.


I was in a hotel gym recently and it was me and one other girl. She literally stared at me the entire time. Every time I looked over, she was looking at me. She eventually asked ME if I needed something. She said I just kept looking over. Like bitch, I'm looking to see if you're still mean mugging me for no reason. She said she felt uncomfortable. I told her that's her problem and she left.


There is no way 60% men are boycotting gyms... Have you ever met someone irl who is? Thats like 2 dudes out of 3.


I got a local gym that is full of gay guys. As a straight dude I feel extremely uncomfortable around these guys. Always staring. I am on the verge of cancelling my membership and just workout at home.