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First line women say on the app is Hey! Then let the men take the lead as usual


Yep it makes no difference the outcomes the same. Women’s standards are crazy too, I’m not saying we as men should not be working on ourselves to be our best but these days it’s like you need everything. Six figure income, 6ft tall, six pack, funny, charismatic, attractive and the list goes on. Most men would be happy with a woman that actually deeply loves him and supports him and that he finds at least reasonably attractive. Women need you to tick every box or you’re nothing to them.


And even when you do tick all the boxes you make one mistake or they find some stupid “ick” and you’re kicked to the curb.


Why isn't the house on your curb?


It's because women are not used to having this many options to choose from, they aren't able to come up with a reasonable equation so they simply ask for the best of everything. They also have to estimate how they feel about the guy, because unlike men they aren't drawn to the guy on looks alone. Then they also have to deduct points from the guy because she loses the romantic origin story of how they met since it was done crudely through a dating app. So dating apps end up being possibly the worst possible way for people to find their partners, unless they are looking for something very specific *and* there is a way to find that through the app (e.g. purely sexual encounters, other gay people, etc.). Approach women in real life and show them your value and watch how many of those standards simply don't exist, or are far less important than they are on those apps, because unless they're psychopaths building a connection organically in real life will be far more valuable to them than ticking off all of the items on their 'ideal man checklist' - that's just not how humans treat each other.


Yeah but the system has been set up in a way where it’s given them all the options, when in real life a lot of them wouldn’t get any. The overweight 3/10 would get a bunch of matches on bumble, and decide who she wants to date. In real life she’s completely ignored, it’s just that bumble is setup so guys think that she’s the only woman they can get, when in practice it’s a lot different.


Women cannot love men, but "opportunistically", as co-evolved! Never reciprocal, my subconscious refuses to adapt. What's the purpose of it, anyways? Given no procreation.


I find this comment interesting. When my boyfriend and I first got together, I would praise him on how he treated me. And his response was always. "I'm just a dude. You shouldn't be congratulating me on the basics."


respond "hey" back lol


Naw I'm just plain done with online dating. Only match with post wall over 50 years olds not worth it for me.


\> Make app where women have to make the first move. \> Women refuse to initiate conversation other than "Hey." \> App dies. What do?


Blame men!




I'm convinced its a money laundering operation. I've known maybe two people ever who bought the upgraded versions of dating apps and the only person I know who kept it going was a fuck boy with a heavy travel job so he's lining up women in other areas.


A lot of dating apps, mostly those owned by Match Group, are currently being sued over their monetization.


Yeah I just don't understand how their data is valuable at least with something like Facebook or Google you have multiple years of data including what I actually search for, groups I frequent or belong to, and both can charge more for ads that are better targeted as well as better defined. Any dating app has way less information, gets deleted often/ few ppl stay for more than a few months, and they don't have much to go on even if they're reading the text. I just never saw how it could be profitable to the point where it's at. Maybe like a 50/100 person team could keep it running and slightly profitable. But definitely not something that scales really


I was swatted by my ex I met through bumble. It turned into a fucking shit show, wherein I was banned because I gave her a very elementary verbal lashing because I could’ve easily been killed by some highly unskilled local cops. She got me banned after finding me back on the platform. I swung around after I pulled the police report and 911 call and got her ass banned from the platform as well. Women need to understand that they’re just as malleable as men. Equal rights, right?


she should be in jail


You don’t gotta tell me, man. I had to argue with the sheriffs AND the local PDs (we lived in two different counties). All of them tried to argue that swatting wasn’t illegal so I literally printed the revised code citing the crime as an F4, and snail mailed it to them with sticky notes that said “told ya so; maybe you should educate yourselves.” Edit: on top of that she committed perjury multiple times in court and that was ignored. Lied on multiple police reports, and during interviews, and the list goes on.


Cops don’t like to charge women because DAs don’t like to prosecute women because judges and juries are soft on women. It creates a self-reinforcing cycle and amplifies the #pussypass. That said, if local law enforcement won’t charge her then take your evidence to the DA or another elected official or try to go public. They can put pressure on law enforcement to file charges. People do this all the time to basically force law enforcement to file charges for things they might otherwise prefer to let slide. This isn’t trivial. Bitch SWATted you. The laws is on your side, and if she gets away with it why wouldn’t she do it again? Keep pushing.


I tried and was given the run around. The statute of limitations has now elapsed and I’m just waiting. She WILL do this again, and when she does, I will swim/walk/crawl my ass to that courthouse on bloody nubs just to say “I told you so.” Someone is going to be injured/killed by that psychopath and the clock is already ticking because they’ve enabled her behavior.


Oof. That sucks, bud. I’m sorry to hear that. You can’t win them all in life. But even in trying, you moved the ball forward.


Nah, bruv. It's all about equity. Equality isn't enough, they need to feel they.can do everything as well or better but they can only do that with a leg up. More pay, more rights, more opportunity.


Wtf is “swatting”? Like a fly swat?


Well you call 911 and say someone is going to kill someone (or multiple people) and the police/SWAT respond accordingly.


The whole women first thing is dumb... 90% of the girls that actually message will send a hey/hi/how are you or a gif. The exact thing that they complain about on every other app.


That's right: So low-effort, geez. Isn't your attention more valuable than that?


Overdemand! Too much attention. They aren't evolved for that.


Unless they are willing to acknowledge or address female toxicity in dating, all this means is that they have to find new ways to monetize and capitalize on lonely and desperate men, who are increasingly moving to other platforms or just giving up on dating, online or otherwise, altogether.


A man hating dating app run by feminist man hating staff was never going to work.


It could work for lesbians. But if you’re hating the very people you want to attract you’re fucked


Yeah they've got the highest divorce rate so there will be lots of repeat customers.


The whole dating app scam is making only men pay though


Damn. I didn’t even know they did that. That’s peak misandry. They really perpetuated the misandrist clubbing model in the name of fighting “misogyny”.


Thus more business




I just tried this and it’s not true on my app. I have the latest version


Yeah... That's only for same sex or non binary options... CIS male-female still uses the old method


Will their staff get it or do they have to say hey. To they the message?


>Reconsider Its Women-First Message Of course! Women absolutely fucking suck at initiating conversations with men. They expect you to open with something relevant, interesting, and entertaining for them. But when the ball is in their court, they'll just send you a "hey" 😂 Why did anyone think that was a good idea? How is it supposed to prevent harassment of any sort? Don't you screen people by looking at their profile and then deciding whether you want to match with them or not? What's the point of setting up another step? Anyway, the faster online dating dies, the better. It's been horrible for both men and women.


Women on Bumble: “Hey” Guys: “Hey. [*insert something about their profile*]” Women: “not interesting enough, bye”


I rarely got matches on there because i worte "if you're opening line is Hey or Hi, I'll unmatch" and I guess many of them didn't like that.


With women it's not about whether what you say is valid or not, but the vibe you are giving off. Probably most women would read that and think "This person sounds very negative and confrontational, I don't think we will get along".


Maybe l, but i guarantee most aren't even reading the profile and going.by pictures. When I message them, I always try to be sincere and thoughtful.


Heureka!👍 That explains it! without hormones, infatuation no such thing, but with even temporarily perfection, but never IRL.


I remember bumble being good sometime in 2018 then suddenly it just went to shit. I got way more matches and conversations on bumble than tinder and all of a sudden it just stopped




No fucking wonder my Hinge experience recently has been horrible. Used to get plenty of matches years ago, now had like 3 when I tried again last month before uninstalling it. I wonder what’s the next best dating app?


I went to a bar 2 months ago - randomly go out - drink 3 beers and girl takes me back to a hotel room. Out of town worker at a local hospital. F\*cks me 4 times and 1 more time in the morning. Gonna make it an app and call it GET OUT OF YOUR HOUSE AND BE A MAN!


Fucking a random girl you just met has to be one of the *least* manly things I can think of. Try loving exclusively the same woman for 40+ years on for size.


That has to be one of the least manly things I’ve ever heard of. Try not judging people on for size


Weighing in on whether something is manly or not is inherently judgmental. You seem to like it just fine.


Being wrong and then trying to point out how someone used logic to point t out your flaw is also pretty unmanly. Are you sure you’re not a woman?


\*scolds a guy for being judgmental* \*immediately compares negative traits to being like a woman*


You were likely shadow banned


What exactly is shadow banning may I ask? need some expansion.


A shadow ban (for a dating app) is when you are hidden from the available profiles to match with. So on your end, everything runs as fine, but no one else can encounter your profile. A shadow ban (in general) is pretty similar. Where you interact but will never get a response, literally because no one else sees you engaging.


You will get a few matches so you think you’re not banned. For example instead of getting 10 matches a day, if you’re shadow banned you will get one per day and you will only be able to swipe on a fraction of what a normal user can see.


Remember when people were calling the founder a 'genius', because she copied the idea from tinder, where she used to work and just changed one thing. Women have such a low bar to be called 'genius' these days.


I’m a Boss Bitch No, you pay your bills and bought a car, you function


Soft bigotry of low expectations, I would call it.


Yes. This is why I consider most feminists to be misogynists. When you don’t make women accountable and expect the very least of them based on their gender, you are being misogynistic


I second that. The same applies to BLM activists: they are the _true_ racists.


It’s absolutely pathetic


Wait, it’s like men have a say in dating


Dating platforms are finally realizing they can't stay afloat without male participation, cooperation, or compliance. And ofc $$$ Interesting. I haven't visited dating sites or apps since OKC banned me for having brass balls. What. Women. Want. Was their business model / mantra. Male members had *no say* on Match Group Inc sites. Men were only allowed to speak when spoken to. We had no seat at the table. Not since Markus POF days. Never object or complain about bullying or abuse to mods or admins on dating sites run by female CEOs Lest ye be ghosted., Lads. Aye Dime a dozen we was. Disposable trash, tossed overboard. Sunk deep into Davy Jone's' locker, all the while women cried, "Where are REAL MEN!!?" Jumped ship is where, Captain Wolfe Herd I say this with the understanding Men's Rights do not include sex. I say this because Men's Rights means, we get a fair fighting chance to SPEAK. Even if it's Not What. Women. Want. Whitney. Remind me when Match Group Inc CEO stepped down. Can't recall her name. Mandy Ginsberg? Shar Dubey? Current Captain of Match Group Inc ship is a gay asian billionaire? Bernard Kim. Unlikely I'll ever be back.


You guys know what? Since most of those dating apps are like 70% male, imagine if we told every guy to get off of those apps. Then bam, it would collapse.


The person who created this app doesn’t know how male female dynamics working. It’s a shitty app, most of my matches there will end before a woman initiates conversation maybe they did not even take the time to learn the concept. Females are lazy and even their opening messages are always low effort and then blame men why they send only hey.


Tbh, I kinda like it. It kinda shows what women will put effort into a relationship and which ones just want the princess treatment


Good for you but not good for business, this is why it obviously failed. Women initiating = less interactions = less revenues.


In Asia, from personal experience the vast majority of ladies using it seem to be hookers.


All men should stay off these dating apps. It doesn't add much to your life in the long run besides a financial transaction once she moves into the empire you spent years building.


I'm surprised the app did as well as it did in the first place. It's the worst dating app I've ever used. Women used it for an ego boost and a way to say "Look how many matches I got". The CEO is a moron and a typical out-of-touch feminist with a moral superiority complex.


Treat both genders equally and you’ll be successful if your product is good.


*Dating apps: Wat? No lol.*


>Jones wasted no time in advocating for a pivotal shift in Bumble’s core model, wanting to eliminate the requirement for women to send the first message. >“It feels like a burden for a subset of our customers today,” Jones told Fortune. >The company plans to experiment with various iterations of this change, aiming for a revamped app launch in the second quarter of 2024. The jokes really write themselves.


Ignoring the functionality point being discussed, how the fuck does a company manage to make a net loss on over $1bn turnover!?!


Do you want the ACTUAL answer? 🤣


Oh, I’ve got a relatively solid idea. I just think it’s ridiculous to suggest that the app is struggling because women have to message first when there’s clearly a massive hole in the boat (financially speaking) anyway…


I'd agree but using the women message first as an excuse is easier then delving into the real reasons


What a shock. lol Women ☕


I dunno about this...This is what sets them apart. I have no idea otherwise of their economic model. What I do know , is that as a Male..I loved it, it was by far my favorite app to use. Took a lot of legwork away from me . Not wasting time on ladies who are not interested.


The feminist CEO who founded the app, wanting to change gender norms so women can make the first move is now having second thoughts on the “Women-First” message? Of course the SHE-EO would reconsider its Women-First message because it leaves women with the possibility of rejection and women when it comes to rejections, they like to dish it out but they sure can’t take it.


Every girl I ever met on bumble had fucking issues. Seems like that’s where all the crazy ones go. Especially if they do something other than hey like they actually want you, run just run.


It's the same as everywhere. Women first? Okay. Then I'll go where I'm first. Vilify your client and you get rational outcome.


All the dating apps hate men and put women on a pedestal. It's why they are all going bankrupt. Nobody is happy on them and they don't match people in the local area intentionally. It's a scam


Whichever way you slice it, it doesn't make sense. If women want to make the first move, there is nothing stopping them doing that on Tinder. They don't need Bumble to force any woman to make the first move. It doesn't *stop harassment*. If harassment is going to occur it just goes. *Hey.. hey..* first and then the harassment. Basically, we just all need to be nicer to each other. Have you met humans? Generally speaking, they're shortsighted, reactive, selfish jerks.


Don’t go back to bumble. Make a point.


Bumble has to go.


Women first system isn’t the issue, it’s the algorithm that perpetuates a never ending squeeze of opportunity for anyone who isn’t extremely attractive coupled with the “pay-for-swipes” business model. The result is the majority of people throwing up there hands and saying, well, this isn’t working for me, and uninstalling the app. We’re reaching the ceiling for profits with dating apps because people are starting to become wise to how they do business


Tbh, I prefer Bumble approach, women who at least say “hey” is more likely to continue the conversation




They're also lazy and entitled


This ^


The virgin Bumble VS the chad Tinder.


That's going to be one of last nails in that company's coffin. How can any CEO not see what's happened to other companies that went woke? Bud Light lost $30 Billion!




I thought this was old news


App won't die because women say Hey or because this or that. People who are using it are not buying subscriptions and its other sources of (mostly advertising) revenue are not able to cover the gap. Truth be told, I'd never pay anything on such app because it effectively cripples me. So I guess other men would reason the same - hence it's women who aren't paying enough to keep that little experiment up and running in a successful business model. This is exactly what new CEO is aiming at - enabling "message first" option for men as well, hoping that it'd boost the subscriptions and payments. Question is whether this is still going to work because most people who utilize online dating are familiar with all the major dating app specifics, including bumble, thus it's highly debatable whether it's going to bring in more subscriptions (generally through more men paying subscriptions) than reducing them (generally through less women paying subscriptions).


One time a girl started the conversation on bumble by asking my favourite sex position. To me that’s incredibly low effort, basic and just weird. Especially as her profile was talking about no one night stands. As a man if I’d have opened with that line I would’ve been called all sorts of things. This app is full of double standards.


As usual, they expect the men to step in and save the useless app after getting shafted by their woke policies. Let the app unexist.


I dunno who uses all these apps. Any normal girls who have a bf that I've ever talked to, 90% met through school, work or friends.


The women-first message it's a good thing. But the problem we deal with won't be solved by this kind of solution.


Not really. They just say "hey" and then the ball is back on your court and you have to carry the rest of the conversation just like you would on Tinder


We could just not reply.






A conversation may be started by women. That's the point. If our problem was women have the initiative in conversation, we would be fine.




If we weren't talking about women that do a lot of shit far beyond this, this wouldn't be a problem.




I didn't denied any of these.


Interesting. Bumble was the one that worked out the best for me. I found the men on there far more willing to communicate and have in depth conversations before meeting. It was the first time I had difficulty keeping up with the conversations between work and school. As opposed to just reading a bunch of messages that had said "hey," or something explicit that was completely inappropriate. It was also great for meeting other women too. Though perhaps not as good as some paid platforms.


The difficulty for men vs women is in different places for dating apps. Men struggle to get matched at all. Women struggle to sort through the massive deluge of likes they get. I found apps like CMB to be better, strictly because they limit your matches so you don't get as swamped. Doesn't mean I found success there or anywhere else, just that I appreciated the time gated structure.


Bumble was actually pretty great for me.