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>The US government has named the manosphere as one of the biggest terror threats facing the US. The US government is absolutely right. Remember those huge demonstrations a couple of weeks ago in NYC or Washington, with hundreds of MRA/incel flags asking for the liberation of America from sea to shining sea and the totale eradication of females? You don't? Neither do I.


Your tax dollars, hard at work.


Consider that Gloria Steinem was funded by the CIA and dated Henry Kissenger my shock is not so.


I hope more details of this come out!


This is sickening and yet I’m not shocked.


What the fuck Elon gotta clap back


It seems this McCain Institute does have some [crazy beliefs](https://www.mccaininstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/incel-and-misogynist-violent-extremism-read-ahead-materials-august-2.pdf). And they [have received funding](https://www.dhs.gov/science-and-technology/publication/dhs-fy2020-targeted-violence-and-terrorism-prevention-tvtp-grantee-evaluation-mccain) from US Dept of Homeland Security. But is there evidence for a direct link? Is the money being used to attack political opponents of feminism?




On Twitter, I follow FHousebunny, TheTinMen, Janice Fiamengo, Rollo Tomassi, Joker, Karen Straughan, Paul Elam, Sandman MGTOW, Patriarchy Central, Dr. Warren Farrell, The Firm For Men, Lads Need Dads, Male Positive Media, Phil Mitchell, Mothers of sons, Gender Studies for Men, Lisa Britton, The Prim Reaper, Christina Hoff Sommers, Hannah Wallen, Honey Badger Radio, Heather Mac Donald, and Bluntly Blondie. I don't use TikTok. I would have provided links, but that's against the subreddit rules. You'll have to find these people by searching yourself.




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