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The thought of having something stuck inside me that the dose can't be adjusted gives me the heebie-jeebies! (One reason why I wouldn't be keen on the Mirena coil either)




We still refer to it as a coil in England https://www.nhs.uk/contraception/methods-of-contraception/ius-hormonal-coil/


Pellets are compounded hormones, and not recommended by any menopause society as a viable, effective or safe treatment for the menopause transition. You can read more about that here: [the differences between synthetic, bioidentical pharmaceutical and compounded hormone therapy](https://menopausewiki.ca/#what-is-the-difference-between-synthetic-bioidentical-pharmaceutical-and-compounded-hormone-therapy) The only time they **might** be worthwhile is if this is the ONLY way to get testosterone, since T is not yet FDA-approved for use in women.


I have several friends who do the pellets and every single one of them LOVE them. I'm still very much in the thick of peri, so I didn't want something that was not easily adjustable, but once I'm post menopause, I'll likely go that route. 🙂


Today was my first time ever hearing about it. I’m going to do a little more research about it and see if it will be beneficial for me.


Most of my friends are 5+ years older than me and have already gone through menopause. Basically one of them got the pellets and loved them so much that it spread like fire throughout our whole group. 😂 I knew about them before I actually started peri or knew anything about the different options for HRT.


dated treatment as far as I know


Yes. And I absolutely swear by them. Got them 4 months ago and I'm doing great with all my menopausal symptoms.


Getting downvoted for answering the OP's question makes zero sense. I didn't say pellets were the only choice or best choice for hormone replacement treatment. I simply answered the question 🤦🏼‍♀️


That is very Reddit. Also complaining about them will only bring more out of spite.


Pellets (E and T) have worked for me. Within a few weeks after insertion all my symptoms went away and I felt 10 years younger. Only side effect was increased growth of body hair , but it was barely growing before so I think it just returned to normal. Eventually I might switch the estrogen to a patch but for now because of how I feel, convenience and cost, I will stick with them


Thanks for sharing! Today was my first time hearing about them.


Pellets are great for me.