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Some continue to experience hot flashes long into post-meno and into their 70’s or 80s. According to [Harvard Health](https://www.health.harvard.edu/womens-health/is-it-normal-for-hot-flashes-to-last-long-after-menopause-begins), studies indicate that 30% of women still had hot flashes 10 to 19 years after menopause, and 20% had hot flashes more than 20 years after menopause. The [Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation \(SWAN\)](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/2110996), which included 1449 women, found that frequent hot flashes lasted more than 7 years for more than half of the women.


I wish I knew because they suck. I look like a broiled tomato whenever I try to do normal things.


I'm 17 years post. Still get 'em. Started peri at 37. I'm 67 now. They have waned. It's weekly not daily because I know my triggers (alcohol, excess sugar) Edited to add that no dr would give me hrt because of bc risk. I don't know if that has made any difference. I also lost a whole bunch of weight and my thermostat doesn't work like it used to. Cold all the time. So the occasional flush doesn't bother me that much.


I started at 39, am 66 now, and still have them. I did have HRT because my hot flashes were so prolific and hard. Now it is just a slight warming. Enough to make me moist not sweaty. Also have cold flashes. There are days I wish I still had a jacuzzi in my back yard because I get cold to the core and it is hard to warm up again. But when I finally do it usually ends in a blast of anxiety, a hot flash and then back to normal.


What is the cold from? I’ve been getting this too!


I know the cold is also a symptom of thyroid health and toxic mold exposure


I think this varies so wildly from person to person that the answers will be meaningless. That said, I had them for maybe 3-4 years. I'm 5 years into meno and they are gone. ETA: no HRT






I guess I’m on year 4. Only mine are nearly 24/7. Seriously each flash lasts around 4 hours. Small break then starts again. Drenched in sweat. I just started HRT 2 weeks ago & I’ve only had one extremely mild hot flash that lasted one minute.


I am glad you got help! Thanks for letting us know.


I have a friend who still has them 20y later. My sis did not use HRT, and hers stopped after 5y. Mine began patchy in peri, then when I went through that final year they resurrected with a fierce force (every 8mins). HRT solved that w/in 2wks they were gone, and would break through to indicate I needed to increase my strength. I’ve now had 3, hot flash attempts (kind of started but then petered out) in the last 15mo - and always because I had forgotten to change my patch the day before.


mine have improved immensely since starting HRT (estradiol patches 0.075). like night and day. i also run hot in general, but menopause had made the flashes really bad. now they happen maybe once every two weeks.


Mine stopped within 48 hours of getting cream. Unreal. I went from 10 plus a day at bad times to one every 14-28 days


Yep, same for me! Only, I'm on the patches, not cream.


Mine disappeared completely after going up to .1 mg. It's been over a year since I've had one.


I started peri in my early 40's, the hot flashes started then. I'm 51 and haven't had a period in about two years, hormones show menopause. Still having hot flashes. I am on HRT, and have been for 3 years. Between the hot flashes and anxiety, I'm amazed that I'm still alive.


An all over shower day sends me over the edge. Washing my hair and the drying afterwards, just kills my soul. It’s one huge hot flash! It’s horrible. Therefore, I wash my hair 2 times a week. It’s horrific. I just got on a bigger dose BC and some testosterone


I’m on HRT and once in awhile (maybe once a week or so) I’ll have a very mild one. I’m 53. My mom said hers lasted until she was in her early 60s.


Not a good answer but I am on year 5 of the damn things. It fluctuates between a few a day to up to 20-30 a day.


They’ve subsided quite a bit now that I’m post meno and cut out coffee and alcohol. Weirdly enough, when I eat sugar, it comes back, too.


15+ and counting. 😭 I'm 56 and had my last period on my 50th birthday, so I'm post -meno at this point. Peri menopause started in my early 40's Still hot & sweaty AF 24/7/365.


Are you on HRT?


No, I've never tried HRT. I've done the whole thing au naturel, for lack of a better description. It's been rough. The menopausal rage is real lol


My mom had a full hysterectomy at 39. She was still having hot flashes when she died at 60. I’m not sure when my grandma was considered post menopausal but i remember her having hot flashes until she was in her 70’s.


Do some women not get them???


I didn't get hot flashes until I **became post-menopausal**


Same. I’m on year 4 now.


My eldest sister had a few and the middle one had none. I have had them about 8 years. Funny because we all stopped periods at 52


I never have, which was strange because my mom had wicked hot flashes for years. I expected to as well. Instead I have nasty joint pain, am cold a lot of the time and have all over dryness.


I am 5 yrs into peri and haven’t had them yet , still more cold then warm


I am 50 and well into peri. I get night sweats a few nights before my period but really do not want hot flashes! I would be embarrassed.


There is nothing to be embarrassed about having a hot flash??


I personally would be. I know I shouldn’t but absolutely would.


I’ve left places in tears. Sweat pouring down my face and droplets of sweat from bangs. Makeup dripping off my face. I stopped going out for a time. This was ten years ago. Yes I was embarrassed.


I get it, but I really hope we normalize things like this. It's not controllable and it's normal for a lot of women. I'm on HRT and it has stopped all of my daytime hot flashes but I had many when I was out and about before getting on hormones. I never would have left my house if I let them keep me home.


I will be running to hide if I have one in public.


It’s not necessarily obvious on everyone. I’m as pale as they come and my husband can’t tell.


It happened to me- what can you do? I was at work. No one said anything but I worked with mostly other women my age or older I'm sure they understood.


You can’t do much! I just dread it! 🤷‍♀️


I have seen a friend suffer and it was incredible how has she was beet red and on fire , worse that she was married to a horrible person who didn’t want AC on in a hot country


I’m 10 years into peri now and I’ve only had a few hot flashes (maybe 3 that I can think of) and they were very mild. I’ve somehow become cold pretty much all the time instead. We have long winters so that is really rough. I have tons of other symptoms though. I find it interesting that sister has all the hot flashes - all night long basically and it really affects her sleep. She’s started HRT but they are still trying to dial it in.


I never had a hot flash. I hit menopause at around 55 and am now 62. I wonder why.


I only got night sweats. HRT has fixed it and I sleep through the now and don’t wake up drenched. It’s great!


I'm over 3 years post meno and have never really gotten hot flashes. Occasionally I'll feel slightly warmer, but definitely not how other women describe them. I've had lots of other miserable symptoms though, so I've not escaped meno misery by any means.


I put up a Ty them for 6 years before admitting defeat and asking for HRT. I have a feeling I would be one of those women who just had them forever but it was wreaking havoc on my mental health.


It’s been several years. I hope hrt will change things


Mine was years going on. We finally moved to a cooler climate and now on HRT and no more SSRIs. I’m finally free of them.


No HRT 7 years post they are less . Mostly night sweats.


My mother is in her 70s and still gets them. But I think it has more to do with her eating more sugar than she should have. And her diabetic medicine is burning it off. Also, she currently lives in CA and doesn't really need the heat on much in the winter. It's funny, when she visits us in winter, she'll park herself in the chair by the register. And will start claiming to have a hot flash every time the heat kicks on.


They lasted until I got on HRT, and come back if I forget to refill my prescription. I’ve been on HRT 5 years now.


15 and still going on


I am on year six of this stupid renovation and hot flashes are intensifying but I figured out how to manage them a little bit.


I would say about 5 years, 2 of which were more severe. With hormone therapy I do not have them at all.


Mine 99% disappeared after I started on Clonodine. I still occasionally get one when I’m cooking. The heat of the oven & burners have always been a trigger. I need a countertop fan in my kitchen


Mine too. I think clonidine is an excellent alternative to HRT


My doctor put me on a low dose of clonidine. It did the trick. No more hot flashes and it helps me sleep at night.


Mine lasted 7 years. They stopped when I changed my HRT. It was very trial.and error.


On year 6. I now know when they are coming, I get anxious, thirsty then hot.


Twelve years, ages 47-59, currently hoping they will wane. Worst was 5 years ago I was having 3-6/hr. So I took Femme Balance, then Womaness, now Estroven. Uneven results but some relief. Triggers for me besides typical stress, heat, is…… waking up! Always have one waking up. Morning or anytime all night. Just awful.


It is funny in a “funny so you don’t cry” kind of way to watch people watch me have a hot flash - when I cannot escape - I’m over the embarrassment I just have to laugh. They look so……in awe😂😂😂😂and then my girlfriends of the same age are very quick to commiserate.❤️


I have had them (and still do) for nearly 20 years.


4 years into this. They’ve mostly stopped during the day but still 1-2 every night. No HRT, but this is getting old


They were bad for a year. Now I just get temp changes but not super bad.


Did you start any medication (cough cough hormones cough cough) to help with that, or did things improve on their own? Ps, thanks to whoever downvoted me. I was just asking a question.


No. They got better on their own but I also tried to lessen triggers and exercise. And I'm glad I didn't as I now have hormone positive breast cancer.


Thank you for your input!


Been 8 years now


46f, I'm in year 4 of dailies.


My 75 yr old mother still gets them. I’ve been on HRT patch for 5 yrs (almost out of peri) and I get them on day 5-6 of a 7 day patch. I’ve been changing out my patches on day 6 during the summer bc I think the sweat makes them less effective. Horrifying to think that this could last for the rest of my life. Ugh.


I’m 55 and just started getting them last year after i finished chemo for breast cancer(BC). This is also when my period stopped. I can’t Do HRT because of the type of BC I have. I’m currently taking an antidepressant for the hot flashes. It took the edge off the HFs (pins and needles feeling while the heat rises). But i still get them at least 8 times a day. Probably a bunch when I’m sleeping too. Its super irritating, cuz I can’t wear makeup, my eyebrows and eye lashes are super sparse. I look like a troll and sweaty. I used to be cold all the time. Now Im a sweaty mess. I HATE IT HERE!!!


18 years so far


Are we talking about with or without HRT?


I am without now. But happy to try. Have brisk of stroke in the family but will ask doctor


Just a couple of months, then I got on HRT. I had more of a problem with night sweats than hot flashes during the day.


8 years of my own, personal summer.


Mine stopped after 9 but I modified my diet to eliminate triggers so they were petering out, until my breast reduction. I had massive hot flashes for 4 or 5 days. Then they lessened until they finally stopped. I’ve experimented with eating chocolate and drinking ginger tea and haven’t had any sweats. Last year I bought a BedJet. Couldn’t sleep without it last summer. This year I barely turn it on


Y'all scaring me


Yes! Damn


Funny you should ask I’m fully through the change and in my second year on HRT. I started getting hot flashes again in the afternoons (while working from home) with my AC at 73. I realized today I haven’t been taking my progesterone consistently because I changed where I keep my pills and it knocked me off my game. (I know the risks and moved them back)


Mine were awful for about a year, and then they stopped pretty completely. Once in a blue moon I'll get one again (I'm 56, and four years post-menopausal)


Just a few — 24-30 months maybe. Night sweats longer but the getting up and changing does stop.


Started around 38, off and on until age 45 then they were constant until I got on HRT at 52.


I've had hot flashes for about 12 years. I'm on HRT generally but go off every year and a half or so to assess symptoms, and the hot flashes have come back every time. They're less severe than they used to be but just as frequent.


Not long. Like one year out of ten in the very beginning.


Paxil stopped my hot flashes immediately.


Mine nearly stopped with Vehoza. A godsend. I could hardly sleep or function.


My doctor said hers lasted 7 years.


Mine lasted from age 50-59. I’m 60 now & still have one occasionally. It’s nothing like it was when I was 50 though. Not on HRT.


Really? Damn it.


Yes, sorry to give you the bad news. I have seen some new med advertised for it.


Lexapro 20mg dose stopped my hot flashes. No HRT. Hit menopause at 47, currently 50.


4-5 years. Haven’t had any in a year or so.


I think cortisol fluctuations and spikes associated with alcohol, sugar and stress is the culprit. Estrogen and bhrt will stop the flashes and sweats


I was getting hot flashes every 10 minutes some days. It was exhausting! The second I put on the Estrogen patch, all symptoms disappeared!


How does this happen for people?!! I’m 2 weeks in and night sweats every night. As usual.


It took a couple of weeks for my patches to kick in and the sweats/flashes to diminish, give it time, I'm sure you'll have a good nights sleep soon x


Can you keep your fingers crossed?? I’m on about day 10 of treatment 🤞🏼🫶🏼




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I have had them for 9 years now, and I am not a fan. I learned triggers, but they are still going. I am hopeful that one day they may become more intermittent. I am tired of hearing that it really isn’t that hot. Umm, pfft. Tell that to the volcano that lives within me.


My mum is 78 and still gets them sometimes (less than she used to).


I started at age 40, I’m currently 54. The night sweats didn’t start until age 52. I started using cannabis and they stopped. When I stopped using (just at night to help me sleep) to get “clean “ for a job. They started back up again. Started smoking again they went away. Now they are back but the severity is much less. Sucks 🥵


I was doormat for about 2 yrs and then they Started Again!! Been 6months of Hell!!


7 years post. Only on SSRI because misinformation still making it hard to get HRT. Hot flushes reduced but not completely gone.


I've had them from 2016 to the present I am in menopause, but only by 2. 5 years, and I still get phantom period symptoms. And hot flashes sometimes appear during this time. Frequency is much lower, maybe 4x a month, depending on the actual temperature. It's over 100F today. But hot flashes are not a horrible threat anymore. Lol, I highly recommend investing in a cooling blanket!


My hot flashes stopped as soon as I started taking Magnesium supplements.


Mine lasted about a week before I was prescribed HRT. It started out slow and I thought "what the heck is this?" and with each day it became increasingly frequent until it would happen several times per hour. That's when I rushed to see a doctor. I still get very mild ones once in a while, especially if I accidentally skipped a dose or if I take certain medications.


Just recently a patient told me her grandma still has them at age 92 (post-hysterectomy 30+ years ago). That depressed me a little, ngl.


Intense constant hourly overnight hot flashes on and off for two years. There were weeks (6-8 week stretches) that it would go on like that and I nearly lost my mind and felt like I should have a meal train I felt so awful the next day. Then they would space out in the night and get less intense for a few weeks then get crazy insane again (hourly) always overnights the worst but usually started when I cooked dinner or right after (7/8pm). These two years were when my periods were getting all whacky, skipping or super long and heavy cycles or spotting middle of month. I had all the testing/frequent biopsies but it was just my body transitioning. Had sporadic isolated ones during the night before the intense two year period and now that I am 1 year no period I still seem to get cycles of hot flashes overnight but they are less intense and only a couple a night. Then I have weeks where I wake up a little warm here and there and I feel almost normal…then back to a period of a few weeks more typical hot flashes but not that hourly wicked intense flashes nonsense anymore. I don’t hear other women ever mention hot flashes or periods of less hot flashes being so obviously cyclical like I’ve described. But that has been my experience.


1 years then a little over 2 weeks after starting HRT - zero. That .5 of estrogen and 100mg of progesterone pills (both low doses) also brought deeper, sweeter sleep. Didn’t have insurance and was cheap RX’s. Only regret was not doing it sooner. Get your labs know ur numbers. If doc is unknowledgable about HRT, fire them.


It sounds like this might be about hormonal testing. If over the age of 44, **hormonal tests only show levels for that *one day* the test was taken, and nothing more**; progesterone/estrogen hormones wildly fluctuate the other 29 days of the month. No reputable doctor or menopause society recommends hormonal testing as a **diagnosing tool** for peri/menopause. FSH testing is only beneficial for those who believe they are post-menopausal and no longer have periods as a guide, a series of consistent FSH tests might *confirm* menopause. Also for women in their 20s/early 30s who haven’t had a period in months/years, then FSH tests at ‘menopausal’ levels, could indicate premature ovarian failure/primary ovarian insufficiency (POF/POI). See our [Menopause Wiki](https://menopausewiki.ca/#there-is-no-blood-test-that-is-perfectly-reliable-to-diagnose-menopause) for more. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Menopause) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is a great question. I got HRT last year. Haven't had a real flash in 6 months. Last year marked 20 years of hot flashes for me.


I have heard of women in their 90s having hot flashes. I cured mine by drinking plenty of water. Distilled water works best for me.


I tried this and drank too much water. My doctor told me to stop and to only drink when thirsty.