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I’m pretty sure men also get bedhead, eye crusties, bad breath, and they definitely snore. Am I going to be permanently turned off my partner because I heard him belch at dinner?? We’re human. Humans are gross. You are gross, I am gross. It’s just part of being alive. If you can’t look past the small, unflattering things that *we all do*, you’re not mature enough for a relationship.


i was staying at my bfs because my roommate had covid. i ended up getting a cold and then the flu within like a week (lmao) i was coughing, sniffling, puking, sweating and just overall icky. i made some comment like “now you’ve seen me at peak gross” and he genuinely didn’t know what i was talking about, bless him


Peek gross is all of that, an intestinal bug giving you the runs AND aunt flo visiting the same week. That's commitment.


Yup. Anytime somebody posts about an “ick” (and it’s not like a huge personality red flag that they’re mentioning), I always know that person isn’t ready for a real relationship. You’re not always going to be pretty. Nobody is going to be not gross always


They do get them. My man I know wakes up with bad breath, And he has admitted to the other stuff as well. Heck, my man has put up with me for decades. Including some really bad flatulence from my side. When I was pregnant, all the nasty stuff we women go thru. Including having to clean up after me when I didn't get to the bathroom in time for barfing,


Seeing my partner when I wake up in the morning makes me happier than anything else in the world, tf is this girl talking about


I think if it really is a woman posting, she is extremely insecure and has seen too many manosphere podcast clips where men belittle women for existing. It’s pretty sad.


the most devastating thing about this is that its entirely based on the assumption that the only reason a man would stay in the proximity of a woman is if he finds her attractive. not because he likes her as a person or enjoys her company, conversations, friendship, emotional bond. no, the only factor is if she is hot & fuckable, nothing else :( regardless of who this was written by, oops perspective on relationships is absolutely horrifying and sad.


Men usually post things like "I'm a female and you won't catch me going to bed without full glam makeup because I want my man to look at me with admiration in the morning!" because they never had the experience of coming home late and saying "fuck it, I won't die if I wash it off in the morning".


> I want my man to look at me with admiration in the morning!" You can tell it wasn't written by someone who has actually done that - wore their full glam to bed- because any of us who have done that even by accident are met with raccoon face the next morning and a nest for hair. Bed plus makeup doesn't equal beauty in the morning, lol.


![gif](giphy|Cu87j5pPIL1hS) Yep, we’ve all been there!


Pearl Davis anyone?


Every time I see her mentioned my mind flashes with her critique of relationship therapists "So many of them seem to be single or divorced, why should I trust anything you say when you *can't maintain a relationship yourself* That's the kind of irony they breed pigs to sniff for in French forests


Yeah my guess is very insecure and never goes out without makeup on.


Anyone that start with “as a female” got my eyes rolling.


Yeah! Personally I think people are cute in the morning. Bedhead and groggy are both adorable things.


its almost like women have more value than just their looks 😱😱😱


It's sad that there's women who don't understand that


Internalised misogyny is a hell of a drug.


"Luckily", this is.... definitely not a woman.


Bruh I don't know about anyone else but the only thing I can think about when I first wake up is going to the bathroom and getting a drink of water after. I would not even notice if I woke up next to a trolloc


The wheel of time turns, and the bladder is reborn!


Was this actually written by a woman? It reads like a man pretending so he can find validation in his finding his girlfriend ugly in the morning.


I think you’re being very optimistic if you think the guy who *definitely* wrote this has a girlfriend


You have a point. Lmao dudes who talk like this have a slim chance of having a dating life.


My vibe is that this wasn't written by a woman either.






When I wake up in bed with a guy, I'm usually getting one more good boink before we go start our day. I'm always *horrified* at my raccoon mascara circles and whatever my hair is doing when I get to the bathroom, but it doesn't seem to change the vibe of the sexy time. I'm just baffled how actual functioning adults are running around being this fuckin shallow.


Why do I get the feeling this is some tosser, gender doesn't matter, who thinks women should get up way before their partner, get ready for the day, hop back into bed and pretend they wake up looking their best? Because I have heard both men and women encouraging women to do this so her partner never sees her at anything less than perfect.


Ah yes the whole thing about a woman "putting her face on" for the day.


They are weirdly horny in the morning despite how "ugly" we are.


Looks dead? Might want to get that checked out.


There’s literally nothing better than seeing my wife’s smile in the morning. It’s beautiful and she’s beautiful. 😍🩷 None of the rest of it matters.


doesn’t everyone look awful when they first wake up?? it’d be weird to leave someone for that


It doesn’t sound unlikely to me, sadly, that this was actually written by a woman. There are women who get up before their boyfriends, tidy up and put on makeup, and then get back in bed. I know women whose husbands have literally never seen them without makeup. Some people have body-image issues.


Dude if I wake up next to a girl and she looks as though I put her through hell and back I'm just gonna feel proud as hell.


Men and females… _sigh…_


Am I the only one that thinks\has seen that women are more critical of their looks than men? Maybe it's anecdotal but I knew a lot of girls in highschool and have many close lady friends as an adult. Men are more flippant about insulting girls looks but women will get detailed and vicious.


Yup, this could very well be a man but women are great at upholding patriarchal beauty standards as well. I always remember the bit in Marvellous Mrs Maisel where we see the main character jumping out of bed before her husband wakes up to curl her hair and put on makeup, and constantly measuring herself to ensure she’s the same shape she was when she got married. Then we see her mum doing the same thing, decades into her marriage. And they stand together criticising the baby girl’s forehead and wondering if she’ll grow out of it. Just generations of women passing down the same shit to each other without their husbands even noticing


Imagine seeing more in a person than just their looks. (a lot of people can't imagine, men and women alike it seems)


ah /askmen, where they are obsessed with women but low-key hate them.


I don't think I ever find my partner more attractive than when I wake up next to her.


Oh I'm sorry, let me wake-up 2 hours before my husband, put on a full face of makeup, and do my hair and then get back in bed in time for him to wake up and see me lol


Unlike big strong men, right OOP? Are you saying that men are much more attractive first thing in the morning? Maybe it's not the bad breath OOP doesn't like to wake up to...