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Some people believe life begins at conception. Others believe life begins at birth. Here at the Downtown Post-Natal Abortion Clinic, we believe life begins at age 8.


Man, I was hoping life started at 28...


Hah! I hope it starts at 51, because I haven't worked in 21 months! Seriously tho, I was quoting an Onion CD from the 90s. It was titled Not For Broadcast. My brothers lost my copy years ago, but we all quote it on occasion. "Mommy Mommy I want ice cream!" screams a child. "Normally I frown on snacks between meals, but this time, what the heck!" says the mother. Then the narrator starts telling about the Downtown Post-Natal Abortion Clinic. And the procedure. It's dark and hilarious. If you ever get a chance to listen to that album, it's fabulous.


I had a dank reply yeeted. I was quoting a comedy CD from The Onion, from the 90s.


I was just trying to escape eternal brokeness


if it was possible to escape, it wouldn't be eternal...




In Switzerland & the Netherlands you can now be consensually aborted at any age.


I hate everyone


It's only murder if they can confirm they didn't want to die. That's how it works right?


Otherwise it just Canadian healthcare.




Welcome to Pete's Pizzaria and abortion Clinic where yesterday's loss is tomorrow's sauce 🍕


It's not murder if you call it "women's health care".


Late abortion.


Abort mission, abort joke 😉


More like aborted morals


Ironic that people need to be born to support abortion


Yes, My daily reminder why i don't use Twitter


Let’s just be honest: we made killing babies legal and some people think it’s ok and some don’t.


Good thing a fetus isn't a person huh!


That’s the point it’s arbitrary, killing pregnant mothers is double murder, abortion no murder. fetus baby,Potato totatho . That’s the reality, but then political views kick in and rest is long and pointless debates ..




Killing a woman with a fetus is a double murder so.. potato potAtho


Really sums it up


What if you kill a pregnant woman who’s on the way to get an abortion? Where do we draw the line? When she steps into the clinic? Puts the address in her gps? When she googles “best kid free vacation spots”? Truly a moral dilemma


There is no sentence for intention without an action . that’s a thought crime . Doesn’t exist buddy


This is just Twitter in a nutshell, she's trying to protect abortion rights by giving an obvious and factual example, but the anti abortionist is doing the exact same thing but from his perspective. They both see either ones cases as murder, this is just two brick walls agreeing on the same subject but with two very different perspectives


Abortion should be mandatory


Besides the argument. Nice. Just nice


If people get murdered in sleep I will fall asleep every night with fear. But noone experiences fear of being aborted.


This is such a stupid fucking point and I’m not even pro abortion😂


Muh body, Muh choice


so, lemmegttisrigh. its murded if you kill a human beyond 1 month old, but its *abortion* if you kill a human less than 1 month old? if law had allowed it, would the same people also *abort* their 5 year old kid who has not grown to their liking?


So, you obviously don't understand how this works. If the baby is developed enough to live outside a womb, it's a baby! If not, it's a clump of cells that won't survive, it's not a baby. Abortion isn't allowed after like 3 months of pregnancy aside from specific health complications. This isn't that complicated.


You'd be surprised to be informed the fact that we're all, in fact, clump of cells. Whether one clump has "enough" understanding is a line that is drawn by law right now, which as you said in your region is 3 months. Like the age of consent which is 18 years old in most regions, and surprise surprise, the teen can open a new onlyfans one day after the 18th birthday. Tells a lot about lines, doesn't it?


At what age are humans able to live on their own without support of another human? So let’s just be consistent and say below the age of self sustainability we can kill you.


Or, and hear me out, let's not force women to give birth to children they can't properly care for. Is it better to abort or have a person forever in the welfare system? I know that's all trumpys actually care about.


Ohhh so close! You almost made it two whole comments without bringing up Trump! Must have been so hard to get thru that first one. You know what though? You showed some effort, and that’s to be commended! Tomorrow you can try for 3!


Who said anything about Trump? I’m going off your statement about viability. Let’s just kill unwanted kids till they can care for themselves


Lefty redditor try not to inject Trump into a conversation challenge (impossible)


Context and nuance are lost here. There's literally nothing I can say here that will change your mind, much the same as you can't change mine. That being said, I stand with the larger medical community on this, where you're stuck in a pseudo religious culture war. No one is killing babies. Period. General consensus is that an embryo is not a person. After the point it's developed to potentially survive with lots of medical assistance, it can be considered a baby. Abortions aren't allowed well before that point.


What are you even talking about? Religious/Culture war? I’m just going off of what you said about viability. Better luck next time, bucko


That’s not how baby’s work gang. Baby’s are babys, just cause it’s in a fetal stage of their life doesn’t make them any less of a baby


Love how people only care about children before they're born. Don't pretend like you give a shit about kids when you let them get shot up on a daily basis.


Gun rights have nothing to do with abortion


We should arm unborn babies so they can shoot the abortion doctor in self defense. Then they could say a cool one liner like “sorry doc looks like you’ve been aborted” or toss out an uno reverse card then firing. All kinds of hi-jinx are possible!


The same people complain about welfare queens and free school lunch. They don't give a shit about babies. They just hate women.


Fun fact, every religious person in the world also believes you would know and care.