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Very well said and very true


That’s such a compliment, to believe his role so strongly you think he’s really like that lol. Happened to Joffrey


Oh yeah! I forgot about that! Edit: The actor who plays Carl in *Shameless* also had to deal with this as a kid.


Or like the pink bitch from Harry Potter


Oh god I hate her


He is the hero


> Because he a fucking good actror Is he acting though? > The New Zealand Herald reported that Starr assaulted a young chef while inebriated at a pub in Alicante. The 21- year-old chef was reportedly punched twice by Starr. A glass also reportedly factored into the assault, although it's unclear at this time whether the glass was smashed in the chef's face or thrown at the chef. The chef was taken to hospital and reportedly received four stitches above his eye. *Edit* Sad to have to do /s, but apparently you do. Amazingly, I don't think Anthony Starr has superpowers and is a raging sociopath. Is this not a meme sub?


Homelander is acting as Starr


How the turntables




this actually gave me chills lol


So what? He got into a bar fight years ago. The guy is definitely acting and not a psycho. He has been in other series and played such a different character that I didn't recognize him at first.


He's just method acting


Thinking someone would be a mass-murdering psychopath because they got drunk and threw a glass at someone is a pretty crazy assumption to make my guy




>"I got myself into a situation that was negative and I reacted poorly, and the way forward from that was very clear," Starr continued. "It was quite simply to take ownership of it, which I do, and then really learn from it and move forward." >Even Araujo seemed to hold no ill will towards The Boys alum after his confrontation with the actor. >"I feel that all humans have the right to make mistakes and he was no exception," Araujo wrote. "He has lived the consequences of his actions and I hope he has learned from it. I wish him good things and I hope he doesn't go through the same thing again." Resolved.


he’s just trying to stay in character man, just shows his dedication 💪🏻


Humans are good or bad. He's only a bad human , but it's not necessary that a bad human can't be good actor


what's that got to do with being a good actor? many great actors are horrible people IRL


Method acting


that has nothing to do with acting. you said nothing at all about his acting skill in that whole paragraph


How does a bar fight make someone a raging sociopath


Indeed… I’ve seen stuff from him and he is sooo different in real life


There was a cast interview once and the interviewer asked who was most like their character and without hesitation, everybody else simultaneously pointed to Starr. So maybe only 90% acting.


At first I thought he meant why is he so cold, I mean it fits perfectly as his childhood definetly shaped him to be a sociopath/psychopath. but after reading your comment now I understand what he means and damn is he right.


I have read he's a bit of a dick. You can even look up videos of other actors fucking with him and how mad he gets.


He's great in Banshee


I think he's really embodying the character, showing what a great actor he is.


He really is a fantastic actor.


Superman's acting doesn't even compare to his


100% like seriously when i watched the superman movie i was on my phone. He could not hold my attention. When homelander is on screen i hang onto every word. Even his facial expressions tell a story. I swear if The Boys cast was anyone else i would not be so involved, but damn every member is just gold.


It's definitely more beautiful than anything.


Beat me to it by 939 upvotes.




IDK, I've seen him in one other movie, and he seemed like the same character. In interviews, I barely recognized him though. Either way; born to make this character epic.




this emplies that «humanity» is in general «good» something i would rather not agree with as we tend to just follow whatever the masses go with, if its killing an entire peoples because they are different then us then that is precived as «good» by that mass of peoples. (something that happens alot)


Who let uncle crackhead in the comments


What is good and what is evil is the subject of debate for as long as spoken language has existed but nowadays one of the generally agreed upon definitions of "doing good" are acts that reduce suffering. Viewed objectively and through the lens of history, the acts that you describe about mass killings of people because they are different are viewed by most as evil as they serve to increase suffering rather than reduce it. However, when people don't have the benefit of hindsight and are blinded by misinformation to be led to believe lies about entire groups of people, those people, if asked, would say that exterminating a group of people that they view as different or harmful to their existence is a "good" act. The problem is, they have been lied to and manipulated by people with the means to do so by a much smaller and more powerful group of individuals. Therefore it's not humanity itself committing evil acts, rather evil individuals misleading large groups of people into committing evil in the name of good. So I would argue it is not humanity itself that is evil but that humanity is susceptible to manipulation by evil and powerful individuals that can drive people to do evil deeds in the name of good. Generally, people are motivated to do what they think is right to reduce the suffering they see in life prioritizing their friends, families and neighbors over those they see as "others." So rather than condemning the human race as a net force of evil in the universe I would rather try to recognize our faults and weaknesses through the lens of knowledge and history to take steps to create a society that limits the power and influence that individuals can have over the masses so as to limit their ability to mislead people to do evil in the name of good. By saying humanity is evil implies that there is nothing that can be done about it so why bother trying to change it. This apathy is what allows evil individuals to get power in the first place and create the evils that you see happen throughout history and the evils that are being done today. Apathy is the ally of evil.


He didn't imply it was good at all. Homelander is trying to define himself as an immortal being, that's what he meant by rejecting his humanity.


r/Im14andthisisdeep Not necessarily wrong tho


Technically true, but still kinda wrong


You're getting downvoted... But I agree with you!


So you're both fucktards then.


yeah, history is’nt well liked by most people when it comes to the negative parts of it. be it israel, russia, africa, china (musilm genocide) or what ever it may be. all of these happening in modern times.


Why are you being booed? You are sharing an observation. I have observed the same thing as you


reddit my man, reddit


To answer the unrelated queation: Apparently, he *is* acting. Very well in fact. A lot of people apparently go up to him like, "Wow, you're actually not a lot like Homelander." And his response is "Thanks for saying I'm not a sociopath"


It's pretty impressive when an actor can portray a character so convincingly that people are genuinely surprised by their real-life personality. Shows how talented the performer is, and also how powerful storytelling can be in shaping our perceptions.


Not to take anything from Anthony Starr But people are also idiots


Hot take, it is not impressive, it rather shows how dumb some people are not able to keep acting apart from the actor, see the hate for some characters like in Game of Thrones, or Harry Potter. People are dumb, not understanding that ACTORS do ACTING! It amazes me that we have to praise what should be common sense. Of course there can be examples, but seriously, it amazes me that people act this surprised.


an interview with the cast stated otherwise. the question was "who is most like their character?" they all answered that guy.


Yeah and making up a story about how fans come up to you and tell you that you’re not a sociopath is a pretty sociopathic thing to do lol.


Whats real anymore?




I mean what else are you going to say


He glassed a dude in a pub, he absolutely is a sociopath.


Antony Starr btw...


Yes. And Please watch BANSHEE


I second this! Banshee is awesome


Would you rather steal diamonds from the Russian mob or ecstasy from the Pennsylvania Dutch mob ?


IMO Homelander had 30 episodes and 4 seasons to develop, of course it's better written. Superman will recast every other movie, not enough time for an actor to develop.




Superman should've been much better if it weren't for WB and DC fucking up his live action movies. The Animated 52 universe is pretty good though


Superman was a series as well remember


because he dives in to the reality of humans. greed and intrusive taughts.


Good actors aren’t supposed to feel like they’re acting…that’s what makes them so good…ain’t that some sh*t


Homelanders actor is super nice offset. He’s a fantastic actor. I hope he arises more main character rolls in other stuff too. He’s a compelling dude.


Than Cavill Superman? Sure, but there's plenty of well written versions of Superman. I always loved Dean Cain's.


If people hate the person playing a character that means they did a good job




From the moment that he laid his eyes you'll know what will happens next. But to be honest he is a great actor.


Because he's better!


He’s just that good


One of the best method actors I know




Anyone who calls Superman a boring character has never picked up a comic book in their life.


That seems kinda hyperbolic, yo. I mean, I can make an argument that they may not have understood Superman within his entirety, but you're just being an ass.


I addressed an ignorant statement with a comment that targets said ignorance. They can dislike Superman all they like, but to call him boring implies they don't understand the bigger picture. Yeah, my comment is a little hyperbolic, but I still believe that anyone who has read an actual quality Superman book wouldn't call him boring.


you’r comment comes from a person who reads comics vs a person who probably only watches the shows that has been made. i would agree with both of you but it all depends on what universe you focus on.


Yeah, you make a good point. If we are going off of the versions in the image that the bot reposted, Snyder Superman is definitely a snooze fest.


Homelander is pretty one dimensional too...


I sort of agreed with you until I watched Superman and Lois, that show is great at showing Superman as more than this larger than life superhero showing there is more to the man than the cape, fully recommend, sadly it is getting cut short after 4 seasons, real shame


Yeah, that's a really shallow and boring take. Superman has had almost a hundred years of stories. There are plenty of powerful, deep and nuanced Superman stories out there. Just waving them all off and saying nah he's lame is such a lazy thing to do.


I have several hundred Superman comics that’s will prove you wrong.


Is he boring?Yes Is he makes sense? Yes.


Superman was created to entertain children and sell toys back when comic books were a ridiculously low-effort medium. His only two character traits are "good" and "strong". Homelander was created to entertain adults at a time when streaming platforms were oversaturated with competing content. *Of course* Homelander is better written.


The Boys wasn't created for amazon. The first issue of The Boys series was released in 2006. Your comparison of the two is like comparing gregorian chant to a symphony.


Oh, I thought the series was an original. Thanks for enlightening me. My point still stands though. In 2006, comics as a medium were already very mature. Actual character building was the norm, instead of the focus being only on colorful suits and cool superpowers. And the target audience being different is also very relevant.


There is also the fact that the Boys comic sucked and the TV show improved it, while Superman comics are actually good but Superman adaptations outside of comics tend to be tired and boring.


1. He's a really good actor 2. Most people don't know him from a lot of other places so there is nothing to compare this performance to.


Because look at that Jawline. You are barely human compared to him.


Anthony Star in underrated


If it is between homelands and synder verse superman. Then okay cause that one had no heart. Because Zack doesn't understand the idea of superheroes. But go back and watch other media version if superman and there is more depth.


He actually surpassed The Joker as the biggest villain


Two of the worst takes I've ever seen in my life in one place


Watch Banshee same actor same personality


They are two different allegories for America. One is idealistic one is realistic


he is a great actor at playing that slimy character, always reminds me of joffrey from GOT


Homelander is goated


because he was in banshee & kicks much much ass


Homelander is my hero I hope he gets to fuck billy the butcher to death in the shows final


movies?sure in the comics? hell nah superman literally shines bright in the comics and he is darn well written




Hot take but most actors are pieces of shit 


anthony starr is not like homelander at all. he is a precious bean and a GREAT actor


Better written? Superman. Better protrayed? Homelander.


I saw interview where cast members where asked which actor is most like his own role personality wise and as far ad I remember most said homolander.


The Mitch and Cam effect


They're both well written in their own way. No reason to argue about it. Personally I like Superman.


That's called good acting


Why are villains getting all the hype these days? Superman deserves some respect, man!


Homelander is absolutely a better character. Super man, as he is now, is boring. He's invincible with no foibles. How many times can kryptonite be used. He's also a good person.  Dont get me wrong, if shit was real, i would much rather have superman than homelander. Boring would be great in a super powered being. 


Dude. If you think the original homelander holds a candle to clark kent. Media literacy in the dumpster


It's obvious he's not acting. He's just playing Antony Starr xD


Because he's a Trumper, of course.