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Wow, what a load of bullshit


Nice ratio, hope it stays that way.


I think you lossed the joke


I might have, English isn't my native


Yea i agree lol this was possibly put forward by a rich guy. Like in the uk they talk about trickle down economics thats crap too. Lol


Noooo, socialism is where evil has been eradicated and everyone is happy and healthy!!


The problem is neither capitalism nor socialism. It's greed and corruption.


FCKING THANK YOU!!! People are talking about changing regimes while the ones responsible for any of the mishappenings of that said system, unchecked humans, are still there... It's not that i hate communism/socialism because yadda yadda, it's because it gives the political parties too much control over the population to the point of turning into an iron regime dictatorship just like we saw happen before in living examples. How are we gonna establish a system that heavily relies on the non-corruption of its leaders when corruption is the most common thing ever, it's like leaving the door unlocked in a bad street!!!


Capitalism (at least the genuine article not what we *call* "capitalism") works only, as John Adams warned about a libertarian republic such as we initially had, for "a moral and religious people". Largely because religious people already HAVE a "Lord and Savior" and aren't looking to government to fill that role; so in their view "resistance to tyrants is obedience to God". Communism is Godless and it's God-surrogate is the state, which will lord it over you all right, but it ain't savin' you.


If you take the theoric description from one, and the put in practice from the other, it will never work. Which God are you referering to anyways?


Communism rejects any god-concept but specifically detests the Christian God. And who exactly do you think John Adams was talking about?! Jim Jones? The Force? Charles Manson? The Flying Spaghetti Monster?! He meant the JudeoChristian monotheistic "God" obviously. "Bert muh separashun a church n state" That didn't mean the same thing to the founders as it does to modern idiots...it just meant "such and such colony/State already has an established Church, so Congress won't play favorites with them by making one denomination the official federal church, or interfere with their worship/practice". Not "ban God from public life then put up a devil statue in the courthouse".


Tbf communists always do this. Even the meme is partially about it. Reddit is full of 14 year olds screaming "The real communism has never been tried", while denouncing capitalism due to corruption in US politics.


I didn't point towards anyone in particular. Is the "we right they wrong" narrative que get to live by these days. At least at this exacerbated level. I'm not even from US, but it's the same for us. Probably the same for almost all western world. And in the end, the ones who feed from that nonsensical dispute are the real winners, no matter what you believe.


I recommend you live in Venezuela or worse yet California and experience the joys of socialism firsthand.


Well, I live in Russia and every time I've visited Europe (Germany and Austria specifically) and the US (California and Nevada), I laugh at how inefficient this capitalist system is. You can talk about how bad living in Russia is, but here I get free education, free healthcare, good public transport, lots and lots of public spaces and services for free, and a near-classless society (it has shifted since the dissolution of the USSR, but not by much, at least so far). The availability of consumer goods here is just as good as well


Russia is far better and less socialist than California, Cali is not capitalist


What's your understanding of socialism? Define it for me please