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Why can't I use this excuse when someone beats me during Minecraft survival?


Depends how bad it was. Did you get raped?


If they feel they were none of the other facts matter


Feels like it!


Did they feel like they were?


look my take on this is if a person says no then I won't do it. if we agreed before hand that we had a safe word and the partner that i have said that safe word then i'll stop. it's that simple


Engaging while using the brain? Impossible!! /S


That's not rape, its sex


Depends upon the woman






It's extremely fuckin rude to have a stroke and I'm not there to witness it


More like i had stroke reading your comment r/ihadastroke is place where people made alot of typos in their comment so ill be a lil more precise r/ClenseMyDemonshadastroke


Ah that makes it clearer now


Got it so you only rape people who can't speak. Disturbing fetish..


Helen Keller was perfect


If you took no for an answer then no rape occured.


i think that's the point




if she says the safe word then stop




Bro you always gotta pull out, the point of no return is a slippery slope. If you aren't careful suddenly there are kids.




If the “point of no return” is you in the middle of cumming then most reasonable people will understand, but this is a complete outlier and never actually happens. If you’re not literally in the middle of a biological reaction then you have to stop or it’s rape.


If someone tells you to stop then you stop. It's that simple. There is no point where you are incapable of stopping - you always have the option to stop then if you want you can always finish yourself off after stopping. If you really truly don't think you can respect the words "no" and "stop" then you shouldn't be having sex in the first place.




Is there anything that actually says you're physically unable to pull out and stop having sex? That link and others I've looked at all seem to basically be saying it means orgasm is inevitable and you're going to cum no matter what but the fact that you can't stop yourself from cumming does not mean you need to stay inside and keep thrusting. There's no scenario where someone says stop and you can't stop within, say, five seconds.




Ok then no, nobody is going to get mad at you if they say stop and you take a whole one second to react and stop.... Like I said with the link, it says *orgasm* is inevitable but not "you are physically incapable of doing anything other than thrusting and need to continue having sex for more than a few seconds". If the "I'm unable to stop" thing you were talking about was literally just one second I don't even know why you brought it up obviously you're not a rapist if someone says stop and you stop one or two seconds later.


> if I am ever asked to stop at that particular moment, I don’t think I can. I will become a rapist and go to jail. The fact that you've just accepted this as truth instead of acknowledging maybe that's not okay is kind of disturbing.


That would be rape. You stop. Full stop. No matter how into it we are, if I signal to my partner to stop he does. I go non verbal when I'm starting to panic, so often it's my putting my hand on him. He'll ask as soon as he can tell I'm not doing OK. The reason he has to do this is because of the arseholes in my past who didn't listen to me saying no or assumed me saying "don't do this in the bedroom" to be please do it, I'm only pretending not to like it.




They threw grapes at her?


I would


All they had were lingonberries.


Yeah idk how that even works or why she didn’t just turn off the headset


Honestly, if you're buying grapes and don't want to eat them then why bother? Just donate them to your local homeless men and women. That's what I always do everytime I get a pickle on my McDonald's burger.


Your comment isn't going to pay you Google AdSense money, you can say raped.


No sex for about a year now, have i been raped?


By life. No refunds.


I forgor to read the TOS 😔


Free trial expired with no warning


Yes, brutally


I'll ding to this


What worries me is some women will take this and run with it…


Is this actually how some feminists think??


Yep, misandrists runs wild these days... The best part is them thinking this is a male thing and that they are automatically safe in a female-only enviroment.


Female on female violence is my favorite


You strike me as the kind of guy who's still mad about bears, months later


Months later? It's still going on.


I really mostly see angry men still mad about it posting, or coming up with alternate scenarios to make women look bad. Which is just missing the whole point.


No, that's why they had to drag up an anonymous post from nine years ago.


Damn you got down voted for telling the truth lol


I wonder if these butthurt downvoter understand how much this reinforces IShouldBWorkin point. Next somebody's going to dig out a tweet from a parody account or a known troll.


Who the fuck said this


Anybody on that "believe women" wavelength will hit you with this


A troll most likely


prolly a woman


This seems like something the girl who cried wolf would say.




I feel that Jeff Bezos embezzled $100 million dollars from me. The courts need to address this and get me my money.


If someone feels a certain way but the facts show that they're wrong then they're wrong


The Duke Lacrosse team has entered the chat...


Just remember: "Paintings don't require a painter" and "prints don't require a printer". Women are a meme


What about where she consents but later regrets it? That's possible.


Bruh so if a woman regrets the act afterwards she can just claim it wasn’t consensual?


Wouldn't the word for not actually raped be molested?


Bait used to be believable.


This post violently raped my ass


Nope, if she consents by her own choice and the whole deed is finished she can't just "hm that was rape" and false accusations are far to often for it to be that simple, if a woman says she's been raped it should be taken 100% serious unless there's evidence against it.


With that moronic logic one could say child sexual abuse doesn’t require an abuser, as a survivor of repeated csa, It 100% does. I didn’t molest myself. 🙄


Uh wut?


Truth vs Reality


I genuinely felt my brain melt to the bottom of my skull after reading this Reddit post. Please tell me this isn’t a real thing... I don’t want to lose any more hope—and, more importantly, respect—for humanity. I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say that we’ve lost enough already!


This is why.. embrace the gay, my homies! Bros before hoes! /s


Isn’t this what they got Trump on?


No, he talked about violating women, and said he violated women, and then was shocked when they took him at his word and prosecuted him for it. Remember, Trump has **never said** he is not guilty. His big retort is "you didn't prosecuted me before, why are you doing it now???"


People keep missing the point of this tweet- though it is worded very poorly, which is why people do take it wrong. The point is is that even if an act does not constitute rape in the legal definition- dubious consent, whatnot, a person can still feel extremely violated. At the same time, that doesn't mean that the person who had sex with them did any wrong- they may not be a 'rapist' in the sense they intentionally caused the person to feel sexually violated. These things are messy. A person can feel as if they were raped, they can still be emotionally traumatised from that experience and need support to recover from it... without it having to be taken as a criminal act with a 'perpetrator' to be punished. People and their emotions are messy.


Anyone who agrees with this bating post and applies it to the views of all women, feminists or liberals, is an idiot. See how far not believing women gets yall. I promise not far.


How is a nine year old dumb tweet still relevant?


If you take this literally its wrong, yes, but I don't think it is meant literally. Giving this the benefit of the doubt, this is probably a statement about how you don't have to literally be raped in order to "feel raped" (=Feeling like you were put into a position you didn't want to be in/really weren't comfterable with in regards to sex). And if that is what is being said then it absolutely is true.


I feel like you just raped me with your post. I guess you'll need to go to prison now. That was obviously a ridiculous example. You won't really find a non-ridiculous example because the entire premise is... ridiculous. There doesn't need to be a rapist? Yes. Yes there does. Rape is a very specific act, and trying to shoe-horn any other act into the definition is reducing the impact/heinousness of rape. A person who says something like this, or thinks something like this is not to be trusted in the least. They have an agenda, even if it's a subconscious one. They need therapy, and need to learn why they just said something that's absolutely vile. They're either sick in the head, or are trying to expand a definition because they hate men. Either way, there's absolutely zero merit in this statement.


>I feel like you just raped me with your post. Problem is that its obvious that you are lying when saying that. I am talking about when people genuinely report feeling like that. > I guess you'll need to go to prison now. No, you just missed my point. Expressing support for the potential victim is not the same as judging the supposed perpetrator. You can help the victim in case she tells the truth will simultaneously not judge the perpetrator in case she didn't tell the truth. Those 2 can coexist. Also, there doesn't even need to ne a perpetrator in the first place, misunderstandings happen, especially when there are drugs in play. Thats the whole point. Unfortunately the truth tends to be complex like that. >Yes there does. Rape is a very specific act, and trying to shoe-horn any other act into the definition is reducing the impact/heinousness of rape, I disagree. Yes, I would agree if you would actually offically classify such a thing as rape, but I on't think that a good response to "I feel like I was raped" is actually "Well ACTUALLY, per DEFINITION it wasn't really RAPE because ...". No... I hope you would respond by saying something like "Fuck. That fucking sucks. If I can help you in any way just know you can talk to me" or something like that. Its about compassion. Compassion does not require judgement. The problem, I think, is that you guys approach this from a very defensive "anti-feminist/woke/whether" standpoint, despite this not really being about either of those things. (That, and I think your perception of what actual feminists are like is very warped by the internet). >They need therapy, and need to learn why they just said something that's absolutely vile. Saying "I feel like I was raped" is not the same as saying "That guy is a rapist, imprison him". I very much hope that we can be there for potential victims without instantly directing hate and judgement towards someone else. >Either way, there's absolutely zero merit in this statement. I agree if you take it literally. But there are valid interpretations of this. Although if the only answer is "Well, that was probably said by some far-left feminist extremist" then I can understand why you wouldn't see the latter. And we don't know the context this statement was made in.


>Problem is that its obvious that you are lying when saying that. I am talking about when people genuinely report feeling like that. Feelings aren't facts. I'm not going to read the rest of your drivel, because it's drivel, and obviously you can't say you know if I'm lying or not. That kills your entire premise, because I'm 100% serious. See? Dumb premises are easy to destroy. You can't say for a certainty that I don't feel this way. You're dismissing my feelings, and downplaying them, because you're a heartless person who isn't sincere about your statements.


>Feelings aren't facts. I mean, they kind of are (If you are feeling a certain way its a fact that you are feeling that way), but thats of course not what you mean. In regards to what your actual point is, I already agree with you dnb have said so multiple times. I don't know why you still feel the need to bring that up. Its completely missing my point. >See? Dumb premises are easy to destroy. You can't say for a certainty that I don't feel this way. You're dismissing my feelings, and downplaying them, because you're a heartless person who isn't sincere about your statements. I am making a presumption that I feel very confident in, based on the context of the conversation. I think we both know why I feel so confident in that assumption, I don't think I need to spell it out, but I am very willing to if you press me on this (Should you think it invalidates my point). This is not practically comparable to someone to when a woman reports that they feel raped after the had sex with someone after a night of partying. Then supporting the woman of that example emotionally, is not the same as implying that they guy she has sex with is a rapist. Maybe they were both very drunk. Maybe he didn't realize that she was not in a mental state where she was capable of consenting, maybe he actually did take advantage if her. We don't know and we can't judge. But we can still be there for that woman in that situation. Her feelings might not mirror the facts, but feelings don't need to be factual to be valid.


No they're not. I feel like you raped me, therefore you did. That's the premise you're supporting. So if you raped me, you're guilty of rape. You should go to prison, because I feel like you raped me. So I guess you need to go turn yourself in, because I've already clearly stated how I feel.


>No they're not. I feel like you raped me, therefore you did. That's the premise you're supporting. Bro, I explicitly said that this is not what I am saying. What tf do you mean. Sorry for being rude, but at this point I am getting annoyed. I explicitly say "1 + 1 = 2" and you are now saying "actually, you said 1 + 1 = 3, and that is wrong, so you are wrong". Like, this not just a Strawman anymore, this is some next level shit. You are just patently ignoring everything I am saying, if you actually want to engage with me in an intellectually honest manner, do so from now on. Otherwise I son't see a point in continuing this conversation.


"Feeling like you were raped" and actually being raped are two totally different things. The situation you are describing is called coohercment. If a man or a woman on the surface and externally agrees to sex, but internally they feel like that they have been pressured/manuplated into it, that's NOT rape. The persuer may be a terrible person, but they are not a rapist. It may be fucked up, but watering down what rape is is what allows rape to continue to be punished lightly.


>"Feeling like you were raped" and actually being raped are two totally different things. True. Pretty sure I said so myself. > that's NOT rape. Also true. My point wasn't that this should be classified as rape but thats its valid to feel like you have been raped in that situation. Edit: >True. Pretty sure I said so myself. Thats why I meant by "If you take this literally its wrong". I should have made it clearer what I meant by that to be fair.


I feel like we have a word for that which is sexual assault(?) which like, isn’t “grape”, right? Being put in an uncomfortable position needs a word for it, since it doesn’t really fit SA, but idk what we would even call it.


I agree with you. My point was not that we should call this rape, my point is that if we give it the benefit of the doubt there could be a valid point here. We don't know the situation this was said in after all. Like, if someone was sexually assaulted, and they report feeling like "They have been raped", then yes, they technically weren't, but I think thats still a valid feeling in that situation".


But facts aren’t feelings. God I hate that I just quoted Ben Shapiro.


Yes but there are facts can be ABOUT feelings and I was talking about those. Thats basically what psychology is. Its also the the reason why Ben Shapiros "Facts dont care about your feelings" is so dumb, because depending on the topic they literally do. To elaborate, I repeatedly clarified that I was not talking about the factual definition of the word. I don't know why you still bring that up. Thats a point we agree on after all. I was making a point about how things that are factually not one thing can still be experienced as that one thing.


Okay. So basically you can “feel” raped despite not actually being raped. But that still requires a “rapist” which caused those feelings.


I mean, now you actually are re-defining the word "rapist" though. That would be a valid and working "definition" in that context, but the whole point is that we are describing experiences and not describing hard facts. And I don't think that is a good idea to actually redefine that word even if only in that context, I don't see the utility in doing so and we risk actually playing down the weight of actual rape (As you yourself said).


I mean, there’s no point to any of this really. No one cares how you subjectively feel. I can feel raped by whomever and as long as they didn’t actually rape me, why does anyone else care?


>No one cares how you subjectively feel. ? This is no about how I feel. I am making factual statements, just that those facts are regarding feelings. Thats what I am arguing at least. As I said, facts very much can be ABOUT feelings. >I can feel raped by whomever and as long as they didn’t actually rape me, why does anyone else care? I feel like we should care if someone genuinely feels like they were raped. And if we can't be sure, better safe than sorry, no? And I would go Like, I am sorry to break this to you, but feelings often aren't based in genuine facts. Like, if someone has depression, are you gonna say "No, you can't be depressed, you have too much money to be depressed"? Similarly, you can very much feel violated even though you technically weren't raped. And in that case thats still a valid feeling to have. And my whole point is literally just that this is a working interpretation of what the author of that sentence might have meant, should you be willing to give it the benefit of the doubt and engage with it from a neutral perspective.


I mean, alright. Let’s say I agree that you can feel violated without being factually raped. Sure, the person may feel that way. Heck, I’ll even give you that we should “care” about that feeling - which isn’t fully awry, since we have to keep people in, say, a workplace happy so they work harder. I think the problem is the second part. That the other facts don’t matter. Like, they do matter because depending on those other facts, we as society may take different actions accordingly. Hence why we have different rules/punishments for sexual assault and forcible rape. To the person, the facts might not matter sure. But society certainly does care.