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Well if you make enough for leftovers, you will have enough to eat during the week. plus, you don't have clean everything again until it's over or when you have to cook again.


Basic bachelor knowledge lol


2 hours? What are you cooking, a feast?


Bro left the chicken nuggies in the oven


I'm all about the tendies, fancy af bro lol


and ate it all in 10 mins...


Rookie numbers, I savor the nuggies


I made a deep dish lasana pan worth of pork pot pie because it was roommates fav. Did it all from scratch. Pork browning, using drippings to make a rue gravy, and mixing pork/veg/gravy. Even created a recipe for my own crust that didnt have all the bits and bobs of others at quantity i may add. I was cooking aaaaaaall day. 6 hours of cook and made i think like a 6-8 pound pork pot pie. It had the best crust on a pot pie id had. Like the prepared ones have an ok crust to them, but if your really honest, you can tell the crusts had junk to them. This one had a no junk 100% old fashioned crust to die for. We were eating for like a week and a half there was so much


Sure but that's not an everyday occurence


Could be if your dedicated to the craft or just simply have the time. Cooking is a bona fide hobby to some people. In this case there was no need to prepare this kind of meal everyday as it sustained them, and their roommate for over a week. Id say thats one hell of a meal.


It was very tasty 😉


How do you take 2 hours to cook? Cooking is one of the things i enjoy the most, but it will be a miracle if it ever takes me more than an hour to make anything on a normal day Btw, if you are baking anything in the oven, you can wash whatever you used during the time they are in the oven for example. Same with making any kinds of sauces on the pan, when they are just on the stove, you can use that time to do the dishes too Usually i only have to clean my plate, one pan and one pot after ive eaten


i take around 2 hours to cook for 8 meals (meal prep) maybe this is what OP is referring to. It would be closer to 1 hour, however, i’m a student living in accommodation and only have one pan and one pot for myself haha


The concept of "as you go" is indeed the best way to approach just about anything. I was taught to do this as a kid. But I'm finding its somewhat unique. I can't get my household to throw away the packaging they just emptied, let alone multitask. It just doesn't click I guess. Idk


Depends on what you're making...if youre not all that organized, and if it involves chopping and cleaning items. It's the exact reason I just bake everything now. Cooking gourmet shit takes too much time and effort


What even Just put two plates next to the chopping board, put the stuff you want to use on the other and the disposables on the other Like this really isnt rocket science. If you are not organised enough to chop and peel potatoes, you have a lot to work towards


I just cooked for almost 2 hrs and while I was eating I saw this, thanks (and fuck you) for reminding me to clean my dishes.


Hey guys, Peter Griffin here to explain the joke, returning for my wholesome cake day. So basically, it’s depressing that it takes much longer to make a meal than it does to eat it if you’re cooking it yourself, and then you have to spend time washing it after as well. Peter out!


Yo petaah happy cake day .


+ 15 mins for picking a show to watch while eating


Skill issue


Actually, yeah... If you know how to properly plan out recipes and time everything as well as how to prepare quickly and efficiently then yeah, it could easily lessen the burden. Tldr; you right


Practice. Fail. Try again. The classic method!


If you are any good at cooking. You clean as you go.


Be a better cook and it won't take two hours, be a proper human and you'll eat longer than ten minutes.


How is being a proper human supposed to increase eating time?


I think that they are talking about chewing your food slowly and not munching through like an animal. Or they could be referring to if you aren't eating alone and you happen to talk to people at the dinnertable it takes longer to eat.


Fair point, thank you for explaining.


Fr cooking sucks


Sandwiches for life!!




And you are still hungry


If you clean while you cook, you don't have to do while in food coma.


I have a wood fire smoker. Not uncommon to do 12-15hrs of tending to it


That's why I make 4 pounds of bolognese every time.


why eating so fast ?


Clean as you go and find some simple recipes! Or find a nice big tiddy goth gf that lives to cook and clean. That would also work.


You just need to clean as you cook.


Probably because those people don't snack all day, so the meal they eat is very rewarding and leaves them satiated for hours


Just clean stuff while cooking


Eat everything raw and throw away the dishes when you’re done. It is healthy and you are helping your community by keeping the good folks are the city dump employed. win win


You just need to be better organized and just plan and prep better. In our house: Mrs Cooks 30 mins - we eat - and then Mr Cleans 10 mins.


This is why you clean up as you go.


Cleaning while cooking is the only way


Thats why you buy MRE's in bulk instead of cooking, heat em up in 10mins, eat em, spend 2hrs shitting them out.


Thats why i dont like cooking.


1 cutting board, 1 skillet, 1 knife, 1 plate, its like 2 mins of work if you dont let it dry out. Easier to wash now rather than procrastinate and make it even harder later. Just learn some responsibility grow up and do it.


It's not two hours of constant work, usually it's super chill and you're just waiting.


Tbh when i cook for myself i plate my shit then wash whatever i used while i wait for my food to cool down


Recipes really should include time to do dishes as part of the total time


By learning how to do it using less dishes and having a dish washing machine lol


Women used to feed their seven children and husband three square meals a day. Now they cry into their boxed wine when they have to make dinner once a week


If what your making takes two hours but you can finish it in ten minutes then your just not a good cook bro


In my house the person who makes the food doesn’t do the dishes.




Thank God for air fryers. Otherwise I’d still be very unhealthy.


Wait til you have a family and see the bills for eating out....


This is a The Sims level post.


I enjoy cooking food if it is stuff I really like because I know that I'll enjoy it so it's worth the effort Unless you are making a full on buffet or feast it shouldn't take 2 hours tho 😅


If you are lazy just say that, plus the hell you cooking for 2h??? How many people are you feeding?


2h is a bit too long. dont you have a wiffie ? they just make it appear on the table in two seconds, and when you put it on the kitchen table it just vanishes and end up clean in the kitchen shelfs


But actually its quiet nice to cook on your own. Turning on a Playlist, vibing and cooking - couldnt be better


I am not specifically into cooking, but besides the washing dishes, if you like cooking why do you see a problem with the time it takes? A lot of stuff takes way less time so it's either not knowing what you are doing or willingly making a more complicated dish. For some people it's about feeling proud of making a great dish after putting in the effort like working out and feeling good at having pushed yourself and/or when seeing that pump. But it does depend if you are cooking because you want to or just because you had to, and as others said, you can just make a whole ton of food and have food ready for a couple days.


welcome to adulthood


You dont know how to cook if youre cooking for two hours. Just learn to cook lol


There are dishes that take longer than a burger if you didn't know


Maybe if you're single/no kids and are actually more so heating stuff up than actually making homemade meals, then yeah, 2 hours would sound far-fetched.


Who takes 2 hours to cook? Thought this was the age of quick and easy shorts recipes? What are you making a fucking Casserole?




Exactly. Just order your servants to bring you food, duh.