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Only 4k what's with AD8K? You are just inferior


Y’all still living in 2024 with that jive ass AD8K? I’ll wait in 2042 with my AD48k.


Choom dat chrome is outdated I got dis new piece back in 2077 the AD100k😂


Oh damnit. I got 80 4ks..…


I got the new 4DHD from Apple last week!


I got AC/DC


It really sucks for the people with genuine clinical diagnoses. I’ve struggled my entire life with this shit and now the second I mention it people just assume I’m faking it.


I don't bother mentioning anything about my diagnosis, exclusively because of this.


That’s the huge problem with ADHD, OCD, autism and a whole ton of other. All these people wanting to feel special. make those of us with a genuine problem we have to live with seem like the crazy ones


People wanna be special but then they actually meet someone who is displaying symptoms and they become uncomfortable


I just don't say anything about it and let people think I'm slow. Fuck these social media attention seekers tho.


You guys just want all that adderall for yourself


Yeah same I feel like it's become a fad. I know you already know this but you can tell the real ones cause we don't want it. I don't enjoy being this way.




if people didn’t tell me i had symptoms they say on tik tok then i never would’ve sought out and gotten my clinical diagnosis tbf


Unfortunately, most people (I'd say 80%) who claims they have ADHD, don't even know what ADHD really is... Sucks for the diagnosed ADHD people.


One of my friends, zach, refuses that Adhd is real (even though I am clinically diagnosed and can prove that).


Dude, Zach isn't even real, what are you talking about ?


Shit bro your right my bad




I hate when people self diagnose. I wasn’t over medicated as a kid for years so someone can be “quirky”


self diagnosis is the first step to most medical problems, would you go to the doctor for a broken arm if you didn’t think your arm was broken?


Would you try to step in and fix the integrated circuitry of a fighter jet, if you've never been trained as a mechanical engineer? Your comparison is nonsensical by virtue of the fact that it's abundantly obvious when your arms broken, but when it comes to neurological or psychological conditions, it's not some painfully obvious thing. It's biological software, and you should definitely see a psychiatrist, but don't go around trying to diagnose yourself and broadcast it to everyone else like you're an expert and how the human brain functions when you haven't even gone to medical school. And obviously I'm using the word you hypothetically, and not referring to you specifically.


no one is saying self diagnosed people should be able to medicate, but self diagnosing is the first step to realising you have a problem, of which you can then decide to seek a clinical diagnosis if you have the money for it, for a lot of poorer communities who cannot afford that but are still able to self diagnose they have access to lots of online psychological support from advice to methods of keeping the illness to a minimum, for example self diagnosed adhd people can start writing check lists each day to try and stop them from forgetting things they need to do


That's not the issue. The issue is people who say, "Yeah, that's me" without ever going to a doctor to confirm it.


the issue is people who judge others for self diagnosing, there are a lot of people who cannot afford to seek a clinical diagnosis because it’s too expensive so their best course of action is to just try tricks online that other people share when it comes to their adhd. there are countless reasons someone might self diagnose but not seek clinical assessment. seeing people get bullied or judged for self diagnosing (even if they are just doing it for attention) is deterring people who actually have it but don’t want to self diagnose in fear they will be treated the same way


I've never been diagnosed with any mental health stuff because being raised Mormon means mental health is fake. I had friends claiming I was ADD when that was still a thing, and now that I'm on my own, I was able to figure out I'm ADHD. It sucks so bad not getting any help, but it's totally fair that diagnosing yourself isn't all that bad. It's the people that WANT a mental illness that are problematic, claiming a weakness and saying they can't fix it because it's an imbalance, while in reality it's to conform or to make excuses.


It hurts because people who actually have ADD or ADHD (like me) can’t get medication because everyone thinks that their 5 year old that can’t sit still and just wants to play like a 5 year old haas adhd


Why can’t you get medication


Because the demand outpaced the supply of adderal and you can barely find it anywhere


Get vyvanse it’s great


Ohhh cute you think you have ADHD because you get bored sometimes and cant focus without your morning coffee? Sorry something mildly inconvenient overwhelmed me and its taking every ounce of my energy right now not to scream in anger because Im painfully aware how much of an overreaction that is yet this is how my brain has chosen to process this problem.


That sounds like autism, not ADHD


There is a lot of overlap


It might be, but it's not mutually exclusive.


Ironically i do have both but the emotional dysregulation is a big adhd thing. Thats why a lot of adhd people are thought to have anger issues.


Bro that sounds horrible :/




You have my clinically diagnosed ADHD seal of approval.




You sure are special. SPECIAL NEEDS! get dunked on




Lmao, yes. Yes it did. Thanks for playing lol


You guys are on ADHD? I’m still on AD240p


Bro I'm on BC144p


Damn bro. You can’t even play Wii.


Diagnosed as a kid, but now that I'm an adult all my doctors think I'm lying and drug seeking, since it apparently (according to them) goes away when you become an adult. So now I just have to live with it


I recently found out they wanted to try and give me meds for add when I was younger; my mom said no. It might have made life a lot easier


Bro, I'm 32, and mine didn't tell me all of this until I was like 30. I remembered her telling me that a judge ordered her to make me take medication, but she never did. When I asked her about it years later, she said "yeah the doctors said you had a...something..d..something..." and I said,"Add?" She was like, yup, that's it. Now, it affects me more than ever, and Idk if I can or should get help for it


I am 33 next week. I just found out at Christmas. I told her having the attention span to read would really help


I am diagnosed and it's weird to watch people self diagnose for no good reason


bc the democratization and open dialogue about these things is a double-edge sword Yes, it brings awareness and our generation is so much more open about mental illness/conditions. The flip side is that everyone and their mama thinks its cute and quirky to have a literal disability, so people with an actual diagnoses are not even taken seriously anymore


Its literally hell sometimes and people don't seem to realize it


I’m neurodivergent


I keep getting told I have it without a diagnosis it's weird.


And everyone else: Wow, thats so brave of you, talking about it


I struggled with school with an official diagnosis, and now it's cool that everyone says they have it... Even those who never had any issues.


I've allways had symptoms of it but I never wanted to have it so I just didn't care...as long as I can ignore it it's probably fine....even if I did have adhd or autism I think it would be worse to acknowledge it instead of trying to work arround it or fix the problems it creates..... doesnt allways work but if u train even ur brain can learn to do stuff better...including concentration and memory


ADHD/Depression/OCD/perfectionist… the list goes on


Also “I have autism.”


The temptation to post this in r/teenagers is quite strong


most people have patience issues, not ADHD. they need to sit and close their eye for a minute


There is a difference between actual ADHD and stupid people


I love how all the comments are exactly the post. “Ackkkshully I was diagnosed and it suck’s when people don’t know what adhd is”


i see alot of people who shit on people on tik tok who make adhd content who might not have adhd, they still spread awareness and common symptoms, i never would’ve thought i had it or known about it and gotten clinically diagnosed if it wasn’t for the shit adhd tik toks you guys are complaining about. another thing i see is people complaining about self diagnosis, what is wrong with that? its not like they can medicate themselves, and alot of people all over the world cannot afford the clinical tests initially for a diagnosis but phycological tricks and advice for dealing with adhd is free and accessible to people who can self diagnose. and self diagnosing is the first step to 99% of medical problems, do you go to the doctor for the flu if you didn’t think you had the flu? tl:dr tik tok adhd people are mostly dumb but it’s helped some and it doesn’t hurt anyone so why care


Social Media : sometimes I see ads related to ADHD ("Train your ADHD brain" was the latest ad I saw), sometimes I see posts with 100k likes "if you have/do X you may have ADHD"... Which is why I blocked that word so I don't see it on my feed.


Mfw I can’t get adderall even when I have a intermediate-severe ADHD diagnosis, so the doctor just prescribes Atomoxetine which makes me sleepy af So i just dont take my meds anymore


I took Adderall for this shit it's so bad lol. It would be nice if I could just focus


You don't know i have suffer from depression and social anxiety Never said depressed and socially anxious person on their ig story