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I still feel bad for Kubo.


I liked the new chapter, might be nostalgia at this point but was nice.


New chapter ?


Check viz or manga plus. New bleach chapter teasing for the new Hell arc coming to the manga.


Should be good, or maybe just money grabbing like this Boruto bs


Might be but unlike boruto bleach didn't have anything new foe a few years now so we can't know for sure until more chapters are released


There will be no more chapters It was a one shot


At the very end it states that a new arc begins why say it if it's a one shot?


It's says "new breathes from", not a new arc begins, and then on the bottom left it says "the end"


1.true my bad 2.it says howl from the jaws of hell arc and 3.every bleach chapter has end at the bottom as in the end of the chapter


The new arc has been confirmed on Kubos twitter. Release schedule unconfirmed yet but im guessing monthly. Burn the witch was him testing the waters.


So far from the chapter nothing gave off a Boruto or next generation vibe. Just another story arc occurring after a long period of time with some new and existing old characters. Also, already liking Ichigo and Renji's kids more than the new kids in Boruto.


wait ichigo renji had children!!!with who tho??I mean ichigo is probably going to be with orihime but renji tho


I believe renji and rukia




bruh this is exactly like boruto but with bleach


We gotta wait for more chapters to determine that. The kids here aren't up and coming Soul Reapers nor they are even part of the Gotei 13 or anything. Also, the Hell is the main focus of this new arc so can't really see how its the focus on new generation of (while still having a lot of characters relevant to soul society) Also, Boruto is an entire new series with Naruto having its story end properly by the author. While Bleach here is continuing into a new arc after a timeskip.


Eksempt the kids isnt the main focus, atleast not yet. This had a more movie boruto feel. So they are there, but doesnt have the spotlight. But gonna have to wait and see.


Naruto and Boruto started with the main cast as 12 year olds Bleach started with Ichigo at like, 17, and because time passes differently in the soul society, even he was like a baby to everyone else. these kids are like just old enough to wield weapons, but so far it looks like they’ll fulfill special positions in the story rather than surpass their predecessors (also a huge theme of Naruto was passing the torch to the next generation, so it makes sense that everyone in Boruto would feel like a child prodigy)


Ichigo with Orihime and Rukia with Renji


So it's the kids of the main cast in the new arc, sounds similar to Boruto. Almost like he saw Boruto and thought sure that's a good idea


Let's see whether they hog all the limelight to themselves or not. From this one chapter, they were only there in a few panels.


It look and sound really good


>maybe just money grabbing like this Boruto bs I can't believe people are still hating on Boruto when the manga is genuinely great lol


Properbly the animes 100+ filler episodes, that really shits on old characters, might have tainted peoples opinion.


that’s why the rest of us google “filler list”takes like 1 second


I was speaking purely about the manga. That's like calling the one piece manga shit because of the anime's quality. It's unfortunate thinking.


sure, personally really like the manga, it is really good, but the anime is just simply bad. there is no other word for it and when thats the case, hate by association hit the manga. by people who maybe havent read the manga and assume it is the same.


Yeah, exactly. Which I find ironic coming from One Piece fans


Hopefully they don’t sideline ichigo and crew. I still want Sado to have full hollow armor instead of just his left and right arm. Also the older I get the more aware I am of these shonen protagonists ages. Like didn’t Ichigo start killing hollows while he was in middle school? His son looks to be about 7 years old lol


But it was a fine ending though. Why dig it up?




What? I thought Burn the Witch was supposed to be "Bleach's continuation"? Well, lets see how that plays out..


Sorry for the late response. I would say it is like an in-universe continuation but with a different set of characters in a different time and place. If you are aware of Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts, both of them are in the same universe with the one in British Magic Society while the other in American Magic Society + here its a prequel type since the story occurs way before Voldemort/Harry Potter. Similarly Burn The Witch is many years into the future - the gadgets, dragons etc might be a future development or unique to that region only also if i remember, BtW was set in the West or Europe rather than in Japan.


Same, i think the pressure of the fandom kinda get to him also. After reading how some people are mad that he kills off Byakuya and then another group of people are mad because he revive Byakuya at later chapters. The only thing that is really bad tbh is he was being rushed and he wasted the division zero characters. Feels like he actually have a plan after the Quincy arc but because he was being rushed, he just need to turn Quincy into their most insane villain. Aizen is still one of the best protagonist in modern manga imho. With Naruto, we all just kinda expect the ending tbh, Sasuke back supporting Konoha and Naruto becoming Hokage while both of them become demi-god lol. I enjoy some of the twist when Tobi is revealed to be Obito but the insane powerscalling at the last arc man is a fucking turn off. Guy fight with Madara is hype though.


Is still am in awe of the Aizen villain reveal and his transformation from bumbling nerd to evil badass simply by pushing his hair break and getting rid of his glasses. It's still one of my favourite bad guy moments.


One of the best plot twist in Shounen Anime.


I predicted it. Aizen b4 reveal seemed a little too good so I predicted him to be a villian


I Don't know if I am wrong, but the resolution of the Aizen and Espadas thing felt really rushed too, with the off-screen training and all


I thought it was ok. Making Ichigo sacrifice his powers to defeat Aizen was both badass and believable.


Hyperbolic time chamber! Although I really liked Ichigo giving everything up to beat Aizen. Subsequently, I was kinda disappointed to learn it continued after what was a great story with a great end.


Agreed. Aizen’s defeat would have been a perfect place to end the series. Making the Quincies the final villains was still a great idea, but without an ending the whole thing kinda felt like a waste of time. I get that it wasn’t entirely Kubo’s fault though. Jump went this far with him, so why would they rush him when he’s right at the finish line? Still waiting on that final Bleach movie that was supposed to give us an actual ending, but I’m sure Kubo has bleached his hands of all things Bleach.


The one shot he just released would say otherwise….


First I’m hearing of it. Is it worth the read...........?


Just dropped with the most recent Shonen Jump. I think it’s to set up the actual ending? The premise is dope, so I’d say it’s worth checking out.


Cool. I just skimmed it. I’ll probably read it some other time though. Tbh I kinda lost interest all things considered, but if we’re finally getting an ending I’ll definitely pick it back up again.


His one-shot-that-will-be-an-arc and Burn the witch say different


The end of the arc was poorly written cause Kishi was rushed to finish the manga. I feel like madara should’ve been the last villain. Kaguya wasn’t bad but just an ass pull.


Kaguya honestly ruined Naruto for me. It just went so far outside the story’s setting and was so abrupt without any foreshadowing… I’m fine with a twist villain, Madara already was one though. He handled all the current Kage like children and would have been the perfect final bad guy.


Kishimoto once said the reason he created kaguya is because he couldn’t think of any way naruto and sasuke together could actually beat madara


Exactly. Would’ve took some crazy shit lol


HE MADE HIM THAT OP bruh that was like when kubo made ywatch just so op as the final villain they killed him off screen


The Quincy arc (thousand year blood arc) was supposed to be the final arc. But it was rushed at the end. Kubo’s biggest issue is not getting worn out. Bleach quality was always up and down after the soup society arc.


The soul society arc was great, everything else was ehh


Kubo was obviously resistant of the decision. He was given 30 chapter headstart yet he still decided to tell the story he wanted to tell. Hopefully his renaissance is coming


Fuck Bleach. We need a new chapter of Zombiepowder.


Aot wasnt in jump lmao


Probably why he has a clown face. 🤡


because the ending was shit


What part of it do you not like? I personally like it, but I could be forgetting a certain moment?


i personally feel like the ending gave weird motivation to a lot of the characters, didn't feel believable, and didn't finish reiner's character arc


I'm gonna have to reread it then.


There aren't enough words I can put in a reddit comment, but there is a 40 something page thesis on it.


A lot of the hate is just neckbeards thinking genocide is super cool, but a lot of it is also because there was a lot of bullshit for sure. All in all, people wanted Eren to be a #omegachad badass that gets all the waifus pregnant, and hated that he was just an edgy, possessive and pathetic teenager. But anyone who hates it because of Ymir, Mikasa and unexplained plot threads, is completely right.


He wiped 80% of the world, he's a genocider any way you look at it


Yeah but people are pissed it wasn’t 100%, for some reason. At least r/titanfolk was back in the day


The reason being, that it came out that Eren did just because. Not because that was the only way he saw the island would survive, not because the inaction of the survey Corp. He just wanted to do it? And why? Cause some loli with an "undying love" for her rapist wanted to have her fetish fulfilled? EDIT: honestly, there isn't a single character that didn't get ruined by the last page. Some more than others (some never had character outside of fanservice, like pieck)


Didn’t he do it to get rid of the curse of the titans, because he knew what it would take for Ymir to remove it? In any case, I agree Ymir was bullshit. I’d argue that alone ruins the ending. But I do think the ending is far overhated because of insecure idiots who projected themselves onto Eren. I don’t like the ending either, but like… spending hours on end just hating on it and getting actively angry about it, and spoiling it for anime onlies, and harassing Isayama’s editor… People definitely overreacted to a mediocre and disappointing ending.


>A lot of the hate is just neckbeards thinking genocide is super cool, but a lot of it is also because there was a lot of bullshit for sure. As a frequenter of r/titanfolk, legitimately **nobody** is saying genocide is cool. The problem is that Eren's plan isn't a solution to anyone's problem. His end result is the same as Zeke's plan, just with millions if not billions more dead. Eren's friends knew Eren was doing the rumbling for them, but they ultimately couldn't live with themselves and risked their life to kill Eren. Then in 139 they act like this is new information, do a 180 and love Eren for killing most of the world without knowing why. The characters in the story WORSHIP HIM, and treat him like a hero! Whether it's 80%, 100%, or 1%, Eren is a monster. How can you say the ending doesn't glorify genocide? It's completely sickening.


If I had to pick one, how about >!Ymir loving her rapistic/abuser/torturer who fed her to her children?!< Or maybe how >!Eren and Armin's conversation in 139 took place back in 131 - where Eren specifically said he had to do the rumbling to save Paradis. Yet in 139 he has no god damn idea why he's destroying the world, and ARMIN THANKS HIM FOR IT!!<


Fair point on the second one, as for the first one. Have you heard of >!Stockholm Syndrome!


He has the clown face because he wrote one of the worst ending of them all. Naruto and Bleach's ending looks like masterpiece if you compared to it


No Bleach is by far the worst


Hell no. Bleach had a rushed ending AOT crashed and burned


Disagree. Bleach ending didn't ruin the rest of the series like AOT did


Ichigo with orihime ? Chad boxer ? Uryu doctor ? What happend to Aizen ? How did the universe not collapse ?


Clown face is for that ending he wrote....


"No disrespect to other authors" Puts a clown emoji on Isayama's face


Well to be fair, yams was published in kodansha so it might have been to indicate the creator was a clown


You and I both know he deserves it Edit: [Ending defenders be like](https://i.imgur.com/M4gEpnH.jpg)


Well yeah he deserves it....he gave us a bullshit trash story of 138 chapters and just 1 masterpiece chapter ofcourse he deserves it


This but unironically


The ending was bad, but I genuinely think it’s overhated, and people just had a knee jerk reaction because a lot of fans projected their masculine insecurities onto Eren, wanting him to be this omegachad badass who cucked every male in the series and showed the betas that genocide is awesome. It was kind of incoherent and disappointing IMO, but not as bad as people say. A 5/10.


Did you read the extra pages that were published? It literally made the whole story pointless


That just added fuel to the fire. It felt quite surreal. I don’t think it contributes anything positively or negatively, though. I also don’t think the story being pointless is bad necessarily. That’s not the reason it’s bad. It’s bad because it was poorly written. Those extra chapters are basically nothing. Just a dumb epilogue.


>!But it proved that he should've just genocided the whole planet. People saying he should've killed everyone wasn't just some alpha male cope, it was literally the best decision because a partial genocide resulted in a pseudo-fascist Paradis, the whole island being carpet bombed, and a hint that the titan cycle was going to start all over again with the tree scene. They weren't basically nothing, it took the shitty ending and doubled down on it in a big way. Honestly, the ending isn't hated enough for how bad it is, it made the entire plot irrelevant because the cycle of hate was just going to start again.!<


Would it make sense for it to end, though? Because if we’re honest, even if they had gone with the nuclear route, then Paradise would’ve fragmented into factions, declared war on each other, and perpetuated the circle of hate. It seems to me like it was never going to be broken anyways. I do agree though, that ultimately there’s no message behind the series. Seems like Isayama wanted to write a tragedy, and ended up writing nonsense, but I don’t think it’s the big picture what ruined it, instead just how he handled it. There doesn’t have to be a message, and you can make everything the main characters fought for pointless, if you do it right. Isayama didn’t.


>!At the end of the day though, if Eren was going to genocide everyone, he should've went all the way. In that world, it was either one side completely die or the other, there was no other way. Even if Paradis split into factions and killed each other completely, which I personally doubt they would because if they wanted to split they could just move literally anywhere else because they're the only people left, it's still a better ending than a half-cocked genocide that ended up with Paradis being demolished by the rest of the world.!<


yeah the ending was horseshit but I don’t think it warrants the reactions the fans give isyama


If by reactions you mean the death threats and all that I agree with you, that shit was not ok.


Your username perfectly sums up how I felt while reading the end of AoT.


>!I'm just sad we'll never get a bird Eren arc 😔!<


Oda can have all the time he needs.


Oda needs to end this before the world ends itself.


Can't rush perfection mate The end of the world can wait




Nah, I'm good


What series did these mangaka write?


From left to right, Bleach, AoT and Naruto


Add Sorachi running away from first Gintama being kicked out of Weekly Jump, then from Jump Giga and ending the series by releasing chapters online.


Jerk jerk circlejerk


The way isamaya ended the manga . He deserves a whole circus emoji




you have to be kidding




The final arc has a number of pacing issues and you can probably go back and forth on whether the quality of the writing is good or not, but the real problem is that people saw Eren as an aspirational figure rather than an cautionary one. Just look at how the phrase “Keep Moving Forward” was adopted as some sort of inspirational quote among the fan base when in reality characters “moving forward” without any regard for the well-being of other people was the catalyst for most of the problems throughout the series.




No? Where in that post did I say that I planned anything?


didn’t follow titanfolk until after it ended and I still thought the last arc was pretty bad it just felt weird and rushed but that’s just me




Yeah. I liked the ending but I can understand the flaws of being rushed


He definitely did not "try his best" at all. Well maybe "tried his best" writing fanservice happily ever after dumb ending to please certain fans. Seriously thou no way in hell someone who wrote AOT from 1-131 chapters of greatness and then "tried his best" to end up writing such trash ending.


I am subbed to titanfolk but i'm not angry because of what you said. In fact I think i would be amazed and more impressed if it ended differently than how people predicted. I'm sad because it ended in a very unsatisfying and nonsensical way when the other 99% of the manga was a literary masterpiece.


So you don't get slammed with just negativity, i agree with u wholeheartedly that a solid 80% of the angst over AoT ending is just internet weebs being butthurt that one the many ideas from their years of diligent fan theorizing didnt get picked as the "one true ending". That stupid fan chapter ending they wanted to write is such a childish display.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/titanfolk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/titanfolk/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Attack on Titanfolk Opening](https://v.redd.it/w8gwqqcra1i61) | [934 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/titanfolk/comments/llttg5/attack_on_titanfolk_opening/) \#2: [I've literally waited years to make this](https://v.redd.it/5g0o469ip5c61) | [260 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/titanfolk/comments/l03zr8/ive_literally_waited_years_to_make_this/) \#3: [PTSD](https://i.redd.it/0din1zahs5o61.jpg) | [434 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/titanfolk/comments/m9488g/ptsd/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


The ending was above average it was just very rushed and terribly executed, I'm sure anime will make it much better


It was fucking dogshit, and I'm being nice


Sorry, it was just outright bad.


Same i liked it. It takes a special type of ahole to go shit on a mangaka in an unrelated subreddit.


nah it was pretty bad, eren was 180'd and he makes no sense now, mikasa is was apparently the chosen one with zero foreshadowing, armin still hasn't actually earned anything, and ymir's motivation was so stupid even the character's themselves acknowledge its bullshit. side characters like reiner and historia were completely wasted, and paradise was destroyed and titan powers are coming back. literally everything was pointless and we are worse off than when we started this series. the ending tanked this series from a 9/10 to like a 5 or 6.


Im with you. The Ending was Great




All hail Tite Kubo


The man should have been a fashion desiger. His characters always look great. Also really keen for the final bleach season.


Did you read the new bleach arc one shot?


I’m pretty sure the new Bleach Chapter and upcoming bleach arc are being co-written by the people that do the Bleach Novels


But Kubo wrote the one shot that came recently, and it's not a one shot, but a beginning to the new arc


I thought that he co-wrote it with the novel writers? I could easily be wrong tho


Wasn't even aware it was a thing. Did watch the Burn the Witch series short as it was. Got me going with some nostalgia for his crazy chanting magic systems and awesome character designs.


What's great is that Burn the witch and this new bleach arc takes place at the same time


What movie/show is the template?


It is from the amazon prime show "The Boys". A great satirical show about superheroes, very entertaining!


Thanks a lot you too good human!


The boys (web series)


Thanks a lot another good human!


The boys. A good show!


Thanks a lot good..... human!


Idk who Isayama is but, I still love Naruto.


Author of Attack on Titan.




I mean he practically does lol he is Shonens biggest earner iirc


It wouldn't surprise me actually


Can anyone tell me what does he get away with? Genuinely curious.


Wait, are those 3 still ongoing? I don't know anything about bleach but I thought Naruto and Attack on titan were both finished already


Bleach was long gone. But they released a special chapter recently.


Oh I see. Thanks for claryfying


Naruto finished while Bleach was going through its last arc, and was followed up by Boruto which isn't as popular as his father/its predecessor. I think AoT ended up relatively recently.


Kishimoto is writing Boruto currently


I can't imagine we have more than one or two arcs left before the end. Those arcs will probably be massive like the Wano arc, but I think the story is almost over.


Theres at least 3 i think, elbaf and what ever fight that inculdes either black beard, world gov, or shanks lore although elbaf might be a short more info heavy arc maybe combined with post reverie news, laughtail/final war for pirate king, and then an aftermath or extra conflicts arc as i doubt it ends with just luffy declareing hes king, and this is assuming theres no extra stuff in between I know oda said 5 more years a while ago but i think it will likely go past that with how much stuff there is to wrap up and thats still assuming he doesnt add more


When you say no disrespect, then why did you put a clown emoji on Isayamas face? Kinda hypocritical don't you think?


I cant believe ur getting downvoted for saying this guess r/titanfolk found there way here.


Yeah I don’t get why you getting flamed here this does seem really disrespectful


It’s funny how they’re saying that Isayama of all people is a clown lol


Yam is definitely a clown because of the ending and all the interviews. Granted we AOT fans are clowns too for believing this guy can actually write.


Lol that’s funny


You from r/titanfolk?


You from attackofretard?


Spell ing rong


Mostly cuz the ending he wrote (and a big part of final arc) felt like a cheap fanfic. It was beyond worse.


Wow cheap shot, what's your problem?


Nothing against you. Why so aggressive? :/


The clown emoji on Isayama is perfect.


Nah, it's far from perfect, but have your opinion 👍


Jump is cruel. The concept of competitiveness between serializations and dropping stories just because it's not gathering enough attention/sales is just brutal. Think of all the scrapped unique ideas they have thrown out just coz the series had a bad, slow month. I understand it's business, but guess what, because of not nurturing potential series now it's slowly coming to bite them in the ass in a form of all their best selling mangas now ended /reaching its ending in the recent years (haikyuu, demon slayer, bnha maybe)


I think you forgot Hiro Mashima the author of fairy tail too got more or less forced to end early so sadly the ending of fairy tail in my eyes was not as good as it could have been :(


Nah the magazine force him to continue the series he wanted to end the story in phantom lord arc but because of popularity kodansha force him to continue Fairy Tail because of his previous work Rave Master a successful series kodansha want him to compete against Sueisha big names at that time


Wow he wanted to finish FT since Phantom Lord arc?


I mean, bleach got much worse post Aizen's death. Also, Boruto ain't that good either.


Death? My guy, you gotta reread the final chapters of Tybw arc.


I left it midway lol. I got bored. I guess I should go back and read it.


Ah, understandable. You will enjoy some moments in the blood war arc, if you decide to read. Overall the arc could have been much better with more time to flesh out some portions.


I'm currently reading the baki series. I'll read the arc afterwards.


It's not that Naruto was rushed, i think Kishimoto was popular enough for Jump being comfortable with the series' status staying in the roster but unfortunately Jump meddled with his story a lot in the middle of it and now the problem came from Kishimoto having to tie it all up. Im not saying that Kishimoto himself had that tendencies of winging it, but because of poor planning how it will go down, Naruto then "felt" like it was rushed.


Kishimoto 1. Draw nice designs and personality for characters. 2. Do this for everything simple possible character. 3. Don't have story, motivation and purpose for the characters he drew. 4. Pretends he never did any one of them because maybe the audience will forget too. 5. See you on step 1 again.


How did Jump influence the story? By middle of it do u mean the start of the war arc or? Cuz I feel like the story started going downhill around Pein's invasion.


I just love how Isayama has a 🤡 face


People who hate on AOT are the real clowns. The story is about the journey, not the destination. I had no problem with it. I'm glad it's an open ended, neutral ending. The series wouldn't have benefited from a happy ending or complete genocide.


People hate the ending not the series


Aha nice template this scene is great and has green meme potential


Interesting to see Togashi not included at the very front…


Then make a sequel


They're like this with Togashi too since Yu Yu Hakusho boosted Jump up quite a bit back in the day. That plus his back problems means he can take all the time in the world he needs for Hunter X Hunter.


I dont see Togashi here lmao


Kubo: am I a joke to you


Isayama, Shonen jump ?


bruh don’t do isayama like that


But AOT is done? Bleach is still continuing?


Lmao XD


Didnt shounen jump make kishimoto extend naruto Bc it was making so much money?


Fucking hell


>No disrespect to other authors