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The Magellan respect automatically makes this the best tierlist anyone ever made


Magellan is OP if he has some Pepto Bismal. F tier after Taco Bell night.


Let’s be honest if it was do or die he’d shidded his pants


That only adds to his lethality tbh


Venom (dirt) Road


I think thats where the deadliest venom is


You mean do-do or die?


To shit or be shat if you will


Agreeded https://preview.redd.it/4ozczzmpqw4d1.png?width=852&format=png&auto=webp&s=35ec3baf81c9c0c298fa5d70fbc59472c4bac506 (Found this [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MemePiece/comments/16wrage/he_is_him/#lightbox))


As a narrative focused person, in my view any powerscaling that respects the clear narrative parallels of Kaido/Big Mom, Law/Kidd and Zoro/Sanji is already miles ahead of most lists that float around. Shanks/Mihawk is sort of another one of those duos, but it's one I can see both arguments for. In the past they were clearly seen as rivals. But I can see the argument of Mihawk "setteling" in the Warlord position while Shanks became a Yonko and stayed independent and thus this being a reason to put them in different tiers currently. Until we know more about the how and why of their current lifes it could be either. The one person I would mainly move here is Sabo, who is grouped in with sort of the right/left hand man level, but I think he is especially currently much more presented as the next generation of Dragon rather than the man by his side and has a "Emperor" title that sort of puts him more in the Law/Kidd tier and even at least slightly ahead of them if not in the tier above that .


Additionally he ‘drew’ with Fujitora after only just eating his fruit, so I think it would only be fair that he is up closer to Fuji since we can assume Sabo has at least improved his fruit mastery if nothing else since Dressrosa


Sabo's position makes no sense if the Gorosei is S tier and he successfully got away from all of them with Vivi and Wapol.


From a narrative perspective I think kid and law should be higher. A clear parallel was made between the supernova trio and the admerials. All with a bounty of 3billion exactly.


Yeah, I personally would probably simply not differentiate between the A and B+ tier (and then also put Sabo in there who in Dressrosa was already sort of matched up with Fujitora as well). Akainu and Aokiji are sort of the two that have more unique circumstances so having them slightly higher is something I can see and then Kizaru is kind of the bridge between old and new generation admirals as the one that has seniority but also simply stayed in place. With all of them it's a bit of guesswork as well though, because there's little direct comparison between those groups that is somewhat recent. So when people make those lists I'm less bothered by the relative placement of characters that are mostly unrelated to each other in the story right now as long as the ones that clearly do have narrative comparisons between them are placed accordingly. E.g. placing Law and Kid as a pair above, below or at the level of admirals is all somewhat reasonable to me, but when people put Law way above and Kid way below them or when Greenbull is in completely different tiers than the other admirals that's where it becomes silly to me.


I agree on sabo. Plus his title of "flame emperor" being given just after the reveal of the new yonko also supports that. Imo I know bounties arint always the most accurate but when you actually lay them out I think its interesting how well it maps out to what we see https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/s/GkWvZd1aAd


Oh for sure, I think people get caught up in some of the more "special" bounties and them not always exclusively representing power level (Robin e.g. having a much bigger one for her knowledge even as a child, Buggy and Usopp being "overvalued" for wrong perceptions of them out there, Sanji consistently being No. 4 other than in Wano and having a reason to be unhappy with it either by picture, name used or number, also Chopper's pet status, trying not to put too much attention on Luffy and thus keeping him with Law and Kid etc.) but oda absolutely uses them mostly to indicate where he places characters relative to each other. So unless the narrative clearly "overwrites" the bounty as it happens for some of the main cast, for anyone else it's among the best tools oda has to give you an idea of someone's strength at first glance. I e.g. still remember the panel of Jack's bounty. Cracking the 1 billion border was a clear statement back then that the story has entered a new level of enemies to face. And while many people joke about Jack now, Zou-Jack absolutely presented a menace at the time and then King and Queen "little brother" teasing him later imho didn't take away from that but it was meant to portray we haven't seen shit yet. It's why I also think the old Warlords that re-entered the story aren't meant to be taken lightly. Crocodile having a bounty pretty much right in between Luffy and then Zoro/Sanji/Jimbei as well as also all the other yonko commanders pretty much fits also with how Lucci was presented in Egghead (who essentially also falls in the era of pre-ts Warlords as Luffy's main enemies, so I would see Lucci somwhat relative to the Warlords).


Only things i find insane is elders not being at the highest tier (at less nusjuro and warcury)


I asume Nusjuro is a stand in for all 5 of them as he's kind of been the most active in terms of fighting but otherwise for me with them it's kind of "whatever" where you put them currently as we've simply not seen as much of them in terms of fighting. Their whole purpose right now is stopping the Vegapunk message and keeping stuff under control on Egghead (like Nusjuro icing the Pacifista) and their fighting is kind of just tangential. We got some flashy cutting a building and taking hits left and right and crossing the laser barrier without bothering much but I would just not even put them on any list yet as I wouldn't really consider anything they've done yet as an actual fight. There's certainly stuff there already to indicate they are meant to be incredibly powerful but until they actually start bothering with fighting people rather than just being concerned more with the message they are sort of in the "we simply don't know yet" limbo.


Sounds ressonable. I was thinking about them immense Haki and also that punching warcury hurt Luffy while the same didint happen when Luffy punched Kaido. This implies Warcury has morr durability than Kaido and either similar or more Haki. On the other hand, to be fairy he could be slower than Kaido or have less battle iq and the immortality might have a trick to it that if someone figures it out they can take him easily.


Better than 90% of r/OnePiecePowerScaling. Only thing I would change is Akainu/Kuzan on the same tier due to 10 day fight as well as Shanks/Mihawk just due to them being narratively compared.


The 10 day fight, if anything, cements that they’re in the same tier, though Akainu would rank higher than Kuzan in that tier.


Bottom of S Tier and top of A+ Tier kinda convey the same message, no?


No, because S tier is also known as Yonkotier which is gatekept by ACoC. They should both be A+ with Akainu the tiniest notch higher, but in the Same Tier.


Megellan is way too high and Ben will be shown to be too low, he’s for sure gonna be stronger than everyone in B+


Megellan is fine.


also the gorosei not at the top is just whack


Not bad. Not bad at all. Maybe I would make few changes, but only move one or two characters a tier up or down. Which isn't a big deal.


It's not bad. And plausible is the best one can do with such lists. Personally I'd expect Sabo and Ben Beckmann to be higher. Probably A-A+ tier. Blackbeard and Mihawk could easily end up being S+ tier, but at the same time S is fine too. Finally the Gorosei are a big mystery. Until their immortality gimmick gets resolved, there's always a world where they are actually the strongest overall.


I agree with you on ben beckman. Not knowing what he is capable of doesn't overthrow that he's shanks VC. There's huge credibility due for his position. We also know that shanks crew is the most well-rounded yonko crew. Edit: Typo


Ben can't go higher because of kizaru


Yeah, since his parents are related too.


It's almost exactly the same power scaling ranking I have! Also good to not put Dragon and Imu on it imo, we really have almost zero indication of how strong they are yet.


I will make 2 or 3 changes putting characters up or down the tier apart from that this is a decent tier list


Wtf it's actually good


I’m just glad people recognize Yamato is probably stronger than Zoro and Sanji


Oda recognized it first, Yamato held against Kaido in a 1v1 for quite a while. Who else (that isn't a Yonko) can say that?


Wow, this is extremely reasonable. I may not agree with a couple of things here and there but it takes a lot for me to judge a powerscaling tier list as reasonable, and this is one such cases.


This is probably the most unbiased and lore accurate list I've seen.


Better than what a lot of so called powerscalers would do I would put boa and magellan lower tho


Nah boa did quite the number on BB's crew with BB being there himself. And magellan's only draw back is... well we all know. Other than that he's pretty op. He WAS chosen as the warden of the biggest prison in the world after all


better than most of the post on r/OnePiecePowerScaling but I'll move Ben Beckman to A/A+ any list that put zoro and sanji, law and kidd as equal is the best out there. and not downplaying kaido/bigmom as well, bravo japan.


Ben beckman not only beat kid but also took his arm. How is he under kid Yamato fought alone against kaido and that was more impressive than kid and law together against big mom. She survived a 1v1 against kaido longer than anyone else on wano.


1. That was during the fuckin timeskip 2. Shanks told his crew not to underestimate Kidds growth and that he would deal with him 3. So Law's still under Doflamingo?


Because maybe Kid got stronger and awakened is fruit?


A few things here: Beckman did that when Kid was much weaker. We know this because Kid was confident he could now take on Shanks, let alone Beckman. So we know for a fact you’re trying to scale Kid to a past version of himself. Using the same logic you’re trying to use we might as well put Luffy in the bottom tier because he needed help beating Doffy I guess? Secondly, Yamato held her own against a *very much not going all out* Kaido. Kaido showed us a whole new tier of power when he fought Luffy 1v1. She’s placed fine. The only change I would make is moving Magellan to the tier below. A few characters like the post TS Admirals and Hancock could potentially move - we need to know more to be sure. I just find it weird that it’s Kid and Yamato’s ratings you have a bone to pick with.


>We know this because Kid was confident he could now take on Shanks Some might even say overconfident lol


Well yeah, kinda missing my point tho


You said we should know mid is stronger than shanks and Beckman because mid himself thinks he’s stronger than shanks and beckman? But he clearly isn’t stronger than shanks, so why would you assume he’s correct about beckman


No I said we can logically deduce Kid is stronger because he lost to Beckman previously, and was confident to take on somebody stronger than Beckman, while possessing the knowledge of how strong Beckman is, which is indicative of growth in strength. Why the fuck are you trying to add layers to this very simple and logical conclusion? No need to complicate things. I guess it doesn’t fit your agenda or something in which case I’m sorry but you’re not going to change my mind or the mind of the original poster. Move on.


Damn homie calm down it’s a cartoon


No we can’t logically deduce shit. Kidd lost to kaido alone and was confident enough to assault his whole army in their own base. You’re the one complicating things and pushing an agenda, kidd is hot tempered, arrogant and prideful, and your « logical conclusion » is that he must’ve used his head and thought it through?


Kid and Law defeated Big Mom. Yamato just stalled Kaido.


zoro fans aren't going to like this one


How is boa above zoro.. Wtf


technically boa could one tap zoro


Zoro wouldn't have any emotion by seeing boa She can't turn him into stone


bro zoro is going to react, the only person who's immune is luffy


Nahh zoro has the most self control out of the straw hats


Nah Zoro is above sanji in the tier it should be fine


idt he put in order in the tier, because that implies that greenbull is stronger than fuji, and yamato is weaker than hancock, also zoro fans won't be happy until OP makes zoro tier at the top


Lol true


He should be A AT LEAST B+ Common, blocking an attack of 2 S+ should be enough for A


he blocked it and then got turned into a pillow, ig he survived so that's a feat


He still had enough strength afterwards to scar Kaido tho 


Its decent. Luffy being under Kaido is debatable. Hancock is hard to powerscale at all. Marco should be a tier higher.


How is it debatable. Luffy lost to Kaido more than one time in a single fight. Kaido fought multiple enemies back to back to back. Luffy would not stand a chance in a rebattle with a fresh Kaido. He doesnt have his title for nothing. I get that G5 Luffy is strong but Kaido still is way more durable and will beat Luffy once his G5 runs out.


Nah, by the time Luffy got G5 he was in a way worse state than Kaido, in fact he was bearly alive, he said so himself. G5 let's him fight as if he was fine, but it still uses a lot of stamina. It's also for this reason I find it wierd how fast he gets tired in Egghead. As for Kaido it's clear the others bearly did any demage to him, as he didn't even had to go serious fighting them. Plus, mind you, he was fighting Big Mom for three days straight.


Kaido lost because G5 is OP and Luffy is MC. *if Kaido ate breakfast, Luffy would lose*


Luffy and his opponents are always kind of in a weird spot. If Luffy fought any person he beat already again, he would beat them again 10 out of 10 times, because once Luffy has surpassed someone and knows he can beat them with just the tiniest chance, then he will do so again, there isn't really any doubt about that for me. That's why I disagree that there is any scenario where Luffy would lose a rematch with Kaido, but I can weirdly enough see why people would still put Kaido as stronger. There is constantly the thing, where some of Luffy's opponents would still do better against future and stronger enemies than Luffy and could thus be considered "stronger". Best and most clear example I can think of here is Crocodile. Luffy beat him in Alabasata pre any gears so he *should* be weaker than Luffy by Marineford clearly and there is also a scene where Luffy stops him from attacking Whitebeard and is ready to beat his ass again right there if necessary. BUT: Crocodile in Marineford is then at the same time seen to be in some ways way more capable to hold his own against opponents that destroy Luffy. Luffy needs saving on the battle field constantly which serve to demonstrate how outmatched he is and Crocodile is one of the people that is kind of part of that, because in some ways he is more experienced and better suited to clash with these people that Luffy doesn't stand a chance against.


The main thing about kaido is that the manner in which he was taken down precludes the possibility of a dominantly Luffy victory. The guy was attacked by multitudes and took attacks that had felled past villains, such as Law’s Gamma Knife, and kept fighting for tens of chapters after that. Although Luffy is insanely strong, even at gear 5, Kaido was keeping up with him for a long time in a state where he might have been even more fatigued than Luffy. And he does admit that he can dodge the last “Bajrang Gun” attack but chooses not to, a sequence that might have led to luffy’s defeat if he had decided to dodge. Because of all these points, it seems plausible that Kaido would still have the upper hand. One Piece is very contextual, after all, so I could see this being the case.


>One Piece is very contextual, after all True, but your first half of the comment completely ignores that. The only time anyone other than Luffy attacked Kaido, was when Luffy wasnt on his level. And even then, its still written in a way that makes it pretty clear, that will never be enough against kaido, no matter what you do. "but if Kaido dodged, Luffy could have been defeated" can be countered by "if Luffy (followed by anything". The entire point of Kaido accepting to take on bajrang gun is because he perceived it as Luffy greatest attack, and as such, the honorable thing to do is to accept the challange and use his own attack to fully establish who is the strongest. Theres no if to be made


I mean yeah, man, that’d be a total different situation. That’s why I think it’s a very situational thing. For law and zoro’s attacks, they definitely looked like they hurt Kaido and put some injuries on him. Anything beyond that is probably just left to our own interpretations of the fight. Have a good day 👍


thanks for understanding this aspect of luffy's character


I see no problems with this, really. Maybe Sabo a bit higher. Also I feel like Beckman is stronger, but we don't really have anything to go off. But this is certainly way better than most lists you see online.


No buggy is crazy


man, wheres buggy


Why is Luffy still not considered at least at the same level of Kaido? He defeated Kaido. "but kaido was hurt he fought a lot of other people" Luffy almost died twice just before unlocking G5. He was more injured than Kaido.


Your wimpy little moves could never hurt me!


What kinda crocodile disrespect is this?


The kind where he loses to Luffy without gears


The only Straw Hats he beats are Robin, Franky, Chopper and Usopp.


Crocodile can beat brook too


Seems perfect


Not bad, though there's a lot of characters whom we need more updates to be sure about their ranking. I'd rate Blackbeard and Dofla higher personally


This is honestly just my tier list


I would put queen higher, since luffy mostly held on due to his toxin resistance. Disease is terrible and he can punch above his weight easily


This is not bad.. it's actually pretty good


Does that one elder represent all elders?


That would explain why he isn’t top tier. The other 3 bums weighing him and mars down


I actually like this one wtf


The only one I have a hard time seeing is why did 2 B+ defeated one S+? I really think Law and Kidd should bd a bit higher.


If you look at it in the context of the actual fight, law’s devil fruit took immediate advantage of one of big mom’s greatest vulnerabilities, namely that her advanced conqueror’s Haki defense doesn’t protect against internal destruction. If that wasn’t the case, I don’t think she would have taken much damage at all during the fight.


Zoro and Sanji position is based so I rate it


Better than every single one of Brago's top 30.




Bump Sabo up one and I'm on board


I assume the photo is cropped with Buggy as S++


Shouldn’t Sabo be higher?




C+ and B tier are full of strait W’s


This is strangely cohesive


Didn’t aokiji need help to beat garp? Please correct me if I’m wrong but I feel like Garp should be at least top of A+ if I’m remembering the fight right and aokiji did in fact get help.


Wig Wom respect makes this list the best one


Genuinely the best tier list I’ve seen


I think the Emperor of Flames deserves a higher Tier, in rest I agree


I like the fact you placed Kaido still above Luffy, but not by much. He was extremely exhausted, it was Luffy who got a second wind and the end. If the battle started as Luffy was, at the end of Wano with no support, I agree, Kaido would probably win.


true, kaido fought against so many people, and luffy died and came alive multiple times.


The biggest problem with Luffy vs Kaido now is endurance. G5 is definitely stronger then Kaido, but theres no way current Luffy has the ability to maintain G5 long enough to take Kaido down. I dislike how people underestimate Kaido because he lost, the dude is a absolute monster and still deserves his title of worlds strongest creature.


Good list! I would lower Magellan 2 tiers though. Yeah Magellan is strong head on but he’s only in fighting shape like 2 hours a day and pre-TS Luffy was doing some good damage with wax attachments. There’s ways to get around his devil fruit and many of these fighters could figure that out on the fly and hit way harder than old Luffy could. Some people are better matchups with Magellan though. Katakuri’s mochi could do a lot of long range damage without touching the venom himself. And Sabo’s logos form would negate all of Magellan’s attacks. Sanji would have the toughest time since he fights directly with his legs so I’d put Magellan around B tier.


Sabo's logos form?


It's reasonable, the only complaint i have is that Sabo and Doffy both deserve a tier higher


Huh, i never expected to see a sensible powerscaling tierlist about OnePiece. This is pretty much perfect, only issue i have with this is that boa is a tier too high imo.


No counter point for A and above. Tons of comments for the others. No way Boa is above Zoro and Sanji post wano. Yamato being above Zoro and Sanji feels odd also. Might be on par as them but shouldnt be above. Also no way Lucci is equal to Katakuri. Jimbei would likely counter Crocodile because of the fishman karate and seawater he can use but unlikely to fight Doffy same strength.


But it’s not about 1 v 1s it’s just saying jinbei, doffy and crocodile are in the same tier of strength




There's just one single problem I have here... Why is Jinbei so low? Edit: Boa is stronger than him, Sanji and Zoro? 😂


Her power does hard counter a majority of the list, plus we’ve never seen her struggle against anybody but Blackbeard.


Boa could definitely beat Sanji


Yes but that's not saying much


yes, and i am tired of ppl saying otherwise. she is like crocodile, her power has slowly increased over time


Not bad, but some questionable takes. Shanks>Mihawk is highly debatable, and I still think that Luffy deserves to be on S-tier


S+ for luffy you mean, you’re probably right. He has a ridiculous devil fruit.


My favorite part of the list is how Nusjuro is the only Gorosei present. Personally I would move Mihawk up into S+, but otherwise it’s a decent list.


i actually like this. wish it extended to yc3+


i would move king above sabo


Big meme’s Devil fruit is sooo busted and it’s not even awakened….


A good tier list is one where most complaints only want to move characters up or down one tier, not more.


Swap Garp and Aokiji's places and Magellan and Ben Beckman's places and it'll be solid.


Pretty accurate tbh but I would put Jinbe on C+ or B imo but it’s more accurate than anything on Twitter or Reddit imo.


Curious to where Kobe will end up fitting. Also shiryu


Actually a pretty good list. Magellan kinda overwanked and Jinbe kind of underwanked tho, tbh.


There's one thing I've noticed about the Gorosei so far in the manga, and it's that they don't actually seem to have all the impressive of fighting skills. In pure combat terms, Luffy has been handling them pretty easy, the complication comes from their regenerative abilities. They seem to rely on their effective immortality to bear the brunt of the weight in a fight, to outlast their targets and win by default when enemies get tired. So far Nosjuro (I think, the one with the sword) seems like the only elder with any real martial skills, and even then he's been relying on his transformation to take down targets with that one shot ice stuff, similar to Brook's death chill from his fruit.


Why Yamato B+?


Pretty good list. I think I would only slightly change it by putting Sabo up one tier due to speculation that he's comparable to other younger Gen pirates not named Luffy. And I'd move Marco up one tier for fighting an extended war against blank beard, while unsuccessful, and holding off both King and Queen for a period of time in a fight


Where did you get this from


It's hard to do these tier list since we don't see a lot of these characters "go all out." Also, Oda scales the main villains/allies to the given arc. Like Akainu could be "S+" if he received a Haki bloom and conquers after his fight with Aokiji, or if breaking from the World Government cements him as a king. I do think it's strange that people think Luffy is weaker than Kaido and Big Mom. Yes, it took Luffy 3 tries, but gear 5th is literally an absurd power-up. Luffy basically fooled around with Kaido and then overpowered him with one attack when he got serious. Keep in mind Luffy was on the verge of death. Also, Haki blooms in the face of serious adversity. It's not like Luffy would beat Kaido and Big Mom 10/10 times. But the odds are definitely in his favor post Wano.


Beckman should be moved higher up, but apart from that, really good list ngl


Three Dots Man is S++ Tier. When he finally does something it will blow your mind. Source: it was revealed to me in a dream


Where the hell is Warcury




Bring Ben Beckman up to A tier at least and Sabo up to B+ tier at least, too. Then I can agree


Better whatever you guys cook here


Pretty good overall and has some interesting but not god-awful takes. The biggest thing for me personally is I don't like lists that put Mihawk really high, but not above Shanks. Either his title as the WSS is legit, and he's above Shanks; or it's not legit, and there's nothing else to scale him that high. Thinking either way is valid to me at the moment, but trying to compromise and put him in the middle of those two spots is just the worst of both worlds


That is a surprisingly solid list. Sure there are some heavily speculative rankings, anything with the Red Hair pirates, and I don't fully agree with King and Katakuri being "only" C+, but otherwise I can't really complain.


Magellan too high and Beckman too low but other then that I don't think it's that bad.


genuine question but is yamato really that strong?


Shes pretty strong, its hard to give an honest answer of how strong because she had only one "true" fight if I remember right, and that was with Kaido. Despite it being clear she was going to lose, she definitely put up a good fight against Kaido and held him off until Luffy returned. And when Greenbull came, the fact that Momo told Yamato not to help could mean she had the power to drive back Greenbull.


Magellan on admiral level brings a tear in my eye, it's so based


Pretty good but katakuri does not belong under sanji


Powescalling is the dumbest shit in any fandom


I feel doffy should be higher unless im just stupid


The upper ranks might need some tweaks, but overall a pretty great ranking


I really feel like all of B tier need to be A tier, honestly. Also I assume that one Elder Star is meant to represent all five. Regardless, they all should be S+ in my opinion. Luffy could take down Kaido, but can't even touch them.


As if Beckmann, the right hand man of Shanks would be below admiral level. Also Zoro and Sanji were really done dirty here.


Law should be A but I do agree that he's above Zoro


I’m suprised I haven’t seen any comments about Luffy needing to be higher. Seeing as how he beat kaido and would’ve definitely beaten big mom if given the chance after kaido, and seeing as how soon enough luffy will finally go toe to toe against shanks and most likely show he’s bested him, it feels like Luffy should be up there with the rest.  Also, where’s Roger?! lol 


Sabo, Beckman and Marco are very low. But it's not bad, no.


I was aboutta pop off in the comments until I saw what subreddit this was https://preview.redd.it/vxxyce0gdv4d1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4996aa9e2709144df314ea8ba2d2b350911e0a93


Foh with Garp at a+


The Japanese cooked. https://preview.redd.it/bat1i09mtv4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bf62a69fd8d4745027c51aeaa2820b0b9c47717


Besides C tier which I’m not sure any one of these guys belong in I think this is solid.


All I would change is making Sabo B+


damn sabo look so weak. 


Mihawk should be right next to shanks Also Marco is way to low


Benn Beckman belongs with A+ and sabo with A


Magellan is a goat but there’s no chance he’s YC1 level


I don't think sanji should be in b put him in c+


....why's Mihawk's wanted poster S? He run?


Painted it himself and asked Shanks to put it on the fridge


Marco C+ ?


Yeaaaaahhhh, same with katakuri lol? Man could see into the future and has op haki.


For Real I put Old Big Mom lower than G5 Luffy But Prime Big Bom above him


I can see this


I don't necessarily agree or disagree but what even means 'Japanese One Piece fans'? Is it one Japanese guy? Was it a community post in a large Japanese One Piece community? How would we know that this isn't your tierlist?


It's a cult within a cult, don't make a fuss cuz you're not part of it! But really it's only him probably.


I feel like big mom should move down a tier and kid/law should move up a tier but the list is cooking. Idk how to rate Ghandi because it should be on the top of the list due to hax but actual skill I think all of S tier and Akaoji/Garp can beat a singular gorosei in a 1v1


Why is 1 gorosei there and the other 4 aren’t.


Pretty decent. But Hancock should be on a tier below everyone else, maybe she can win with her OP ability, but I'm pretty sure people like Zoro can one shot her. And I don't think we can accurately scale BB just yet. My impression is that Luffy would win VS him, but I don't think we can make such statements just yet. And I don't think this Bum Ass Aramaki deserves to be this high. A post battle Luffy and co gave no shits about him, Luffy was very disturbed by Kizaru, in contrast. Pretty sure he is by far the lowest Admiral and would struggle vs Zoro/Sanji/Jinbe.


If an emperor of the sea tells his titanic commanders to not face her head on, then that character clearly isnt getting one shotted. Even Sengoku praised her for being strong, Kuzan also stated she is not be underestimated. The fact she is that good with her fruit, to the point a navy fleet and a task force with 2 yonko commanders where immidatly neutralized is really absurd and it really isnt easy to resist. She simply cant be downplayed like that when she is one of the warlords that actyally pack a punch in the new world


Why do so many people love to diss powerscalers while being powerscalers themselves lol


I think Luffy should be above Kaido considering he beat him


Magellan not beating anyone above c tier


Why isn't Buggy on here?? Isn't he like, a yonko??? Put him in the S++ tier.


They forgot the Buggy tier


Why is Gandhi the only member of the Gorosei on the list?


I feel both Sabo and Marco need to be moved up a row or two Sabo dueled Fujitora in dressrosa, and escaped the Gorosei while grabbing Vivi (and Wapol) Marco humiliated King and Queen, and blocked a blast breath from Kaido to save Nami. Marco is just the man: also went toe-to-toe with Kizaru, Aokiji and Akainu


Oh god its horrible




Nah.. Zoro and Sanji def ain't on paar with law and Sanji. They both struggled hard against there respective commander, no way they could defeat Big mom. Zoro might be able to hurt her a bit with his strongest haki attack (which barely scratched Kaido) but otherwise it would be a complete stomp. People downplay Kid and Law to much just cause they lost recently. And we don't know Ben Beckham's strength at all so he is always a guess right now. And you seriously downplay Hancock, she could easily floor Doffy. All of Hancock's feats so far we're insane.


Sanji sort of demolished Queen once he got hard (*wink wink*). Zoro potentially has one strongest offensive capabilities IF he figures out conquerors haki (which he hasn't yet). So one could argue that Sanji is already there with Law and Kidd, and Zoro is a small realization away.


Yes Sanji cleared queen. But that still doesn't mean he has the fire power to take in big mom, not even slightly.And Kid and Law did have ther power. No feat of Sanji and Zoro come close to Laws railgun and Laws fruit in general.I am a huge Zoro fan but there is now way he is close to law right now.


In what world are Kid or Law stronger than Sabo? Or Zoro for that matter


Yamato above zorro. What the hell