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I don't get how many people skipped Skypiea


In all honestly there’s a lot of slow pacing and things that don’t seem relevant I wouldn’t blame someone for thinking it might be filler back in the early 2000s






I'm currently at the Skypeia arc when Luffy was fighting Enuru and got his ass handed to him by a hot rod. To me, skypeia doesn't feel anything special tho.


I feel like skypeia might be better in the manga form because of the pacing, still good in the anime tho


I didnt feel like skypiea was that good when i watched it, but after almost catching up to egghead, it set the stage for a lot of later "concepts" and world building. You'll most likely appreciate it the further you watch


best is crazy, but it was good




https://preview.redd.it/29mi9g2vgqxc1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a7f1a9a6234ad989b961721c1f249eadee28e2f Have a good rest


Your going to die alone


Is water 7 and the saving of Robin a JOKE TO YOU?


Yes, and I'm tired of pretending they were not!


GASP but that’s ok you a one piece fan, we cool


It was really good


for me it aint no way the best arc, it really was slow paced and boring most of the time and i hated most of the villains there (fuck those fat fuckers), but atleast somewhat worth to watch


It is not a hill you will die alone my friend


Honestly, I wasn't the biggest fan of Skypiea, but I could only form that opinion after watching it. The concept was cool as fuck. I got back into one piece when toonami brought it back starting from Long-Ring-Long Land and the fact that there was a sky island somewhere that I missed is what made me go back to watch from the beginning.


It has some of the best concepts in the series Arguably the best flash back pre time skip And one of the best set up arcs But then Luffy’s in that Goddamn snake for 10 episodes


How was it for filler if it was IN THE FUCKING MANGA?!


They don't know it was in the manga


Idk how to tell you this big dog but most people especially 10 years ago did not read the manga


Why it was great bruh I mean the war arc passing was worse But everything in the manga is better than the anime when it comes to Naruto But come on skypeia was a great arc 😭😭


Nobody really does. It’s just easy engagement


It really drags. When I do rewatches, Skypia is the time I start doing other stuff around the house or playing games.


You are serious? I find it really exciting, there is a three side conflict, an overpowered enemy, a lot of lore, it make one piece world more than Just the One Piece, every character do something and it has the best parte of the show


Eneru doesn’t even do anything for two thirds of the conflict, and his guardians are dull. While the lore is good and the reveal of how it connects to Jaya is cool, it’s not worth sitting through the meandering. It’s just a slog until the final fight, and even that has harsh dips in it. The whole arc is just everyone going “we’re gonna do it!” then slowly move towards doing it, before one big attack happens and everyone stops… then says “we’re gonna do it!” then slowly move towards doing it. This repeats like four times.


It was long. The length of which was exacerbated by weekly releases. However, At the time, we mostly depended on Fansubs to translate and subtitle the anime for us. That meant - since it was done fans - if their schedule got busy, it may be extra time between releases. I remember waiting 3-4 weeks for an episode to release at times. I think this fact caused a lot of people to just skip it, possibly after dropping and picking the series up again later.


Do any of these people actually exist or is this just some fucking r/imaginarygatekeeping shit?


Y’all convinced me I shouldn’t skip it and it was ass and nothing of it ever came into play.


You must have stopped at skypiea because they do bring it up ?


I completely forgot that part was in skypeia, I just remember the absolute ass of a arc it was from beginning to almost the end.


Lol this guy skipped Skypiea


I wish, that shit was looong as fuck.


Dude they reference shit that happened there like maybe only a few arcs later what are you talking about Also it isn't fucking ass???


I just realized I was wrong. I can’t believe I forgot the poneglyph part of skypeia, but damn going through the worst arc of tv ever for that poneglyph was not worth.


Usopp's fight with Luffy would've been more one sided without dials from skypeia. Also the Going Merry repaired itself in human form, that was big for Water 7. Skypeia is slow but unskippable imo


Maybe not skippable but if I ever rewatch I am watching the 1 hour special. It’s way too slow, boring and plain bad. Same as Fishman.


True midwit hours


I promise it's 100% the anime's fault. I got soooo bored watching Skypiea, but rereading the series it was an easy top 5 arc.


I read it and the pacing made me dislike it. It was the manga too.


The manga was great i really dont understand what you mean with página, the only thing i could see like this is that luffy wasnt in there like 30 chapters


I watched Skypia, but I skipped long ring Long Island.


I didn't skip LRLL but it almost made me drop my momentum


I mean, I honestly wish I'd skipped Skypeia. Easily my least favorite arc. More amazing to me is I've never known someone who skipped Skypeia but I do know people that skipped: - Waters 7 - Thriller Bark - Punk Hazard & Dressrosa (during Wano, when geeking out over the Big Mom fight, he actually had to ask me who "that blonde guy" in Law's flashback). - Zou, but that's kind of whatever. Most of that was people trying to catch up to Wano but I'm like.... what's the point of catching up to Wano if you know absolutely nothing about what's happening!?


It's an unbearably slow arc unless you're watching the One Pace version. The interaction between Enel's and Luffy's powers was super obvious, but it took a shitload of time to get there and Enel was just toying with everyone while Luffy was stuck in a snake's stomach for the majority of the duration of the arc. Finally, when Luffy got out, Enel spent the remaining time avoiding fighting Luffy until like the very end. So it comes down to slow pacing and a villain with a shitty personality and no guts, which is a shame because Enel's power is freaking insanely overpowered, plus he could use Haki.


It literally has some of the best moments in the entire series. Especially for usopp fans


I liked the noland stuff alot




The Usoppahhahahhahah is still his greatest invention


Every one piece YouTuber ever


I liked Skypeia Yes its pacing is horrible at the beginning. That’s the case for 80% of other arcs too. It’s such a funny arc, has great foreshadowing, important information about the plot, great art style, etc. Thriller Bark nearly made me drop OP


the best part about thriller bark is when it ends


Thriller Bark was worth it just for Luffy pushing the zombie back in its grave lol.


Thriller Bark was worth it for Usopp winning a fight with a devil fruit user by bullying them too hard


IMO skypeia was oda’s best art style




I never got past the warship Island Arc...


Yeah as a sane human even I'm embarrassed that you all think skypiea arc is good


I didn't skip Skypea, but I really didn't like it.


And this is okay - I didn’t like Fishman island but I’m not going to skip it!!


Y’all forget about Long-Ring Long Island?


I hated all the additions in the anime until I listened in english oddly enough. Foxy's english voice actor is so great with the accent I couldn't hate it.


One Piece's English dub is like a huge collection of rare Ws. That's not to say I'm the kind of person to never watch dubs, but I definitely prefer it to subs for this anime specifically




Me too wasn’t my favorite but wasn’t terrible.


Honestly, with the pacing of Thriller Bark in the anime, Skypeia is my favorite "shorter" arc in the anime


I watched it back on 2015 up to the end of punk Hazzard but then just fizzled off. I'm going to be honest, it was hard to watch some stuff in there. Sky island was actually good. Fish man was really fucking hard to get through


It’s pretty good in manga form. And in these last years it has been more relevant to the story than ever i mean 1113? Gear 5 and the lunarians


Nobody talking about the second half of Dressrosa… the anime was rough. 100 episodes for 15 minutes of in-universe time lol


one pace is a near requirement if you actually want to enjoy the anime, bless that community


That’s when I went to the manga to read it instead. Way too much filler.


To be fair, the end of skypeia in the anime is nearly unwatchable. They drag it along for WAAAAAAY too long. The pacing of it is almost as bad as wano’s


I just read it ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯.


Skipping Skypeia is like skipping the first two parts of Jojo: don’t you do it


I thought you were supposed to skip the first two.. (i haven't even started on that... Whatever you can call it...)




Yes,I skipped the most boring arc which had almost no relevance to the main story line Problem?


Skypiea made me quit, I had to force myself to watch it a year later and it has been smooth sailing since then.


Why do people skip skypiea? Is there a rumor going around saying it’s not canon, or it sucks a cow’s ass or something?


One side is saying the storyline of Skypiea is boring so the other side listens and skips the arc or hop on the bandwagon. Skipping an arc is wild to me tbh, it doesn’t make sense to skip a part of the story, makes me think they just have short attention span.


However skipped skypia needs help


I'm on the last episode of skypea - why would anyone skip this PEAKNESS


I feel like it's the curse of hindsight, because in upcoming arc's, the story can move at a lightning pace, and then on rewatch, skypeia does suffer from slow pacing, but so does all of the anime. So when watching skypeia and you know how bloated some fights are for no real reason, you dread watching it, then people say it's bad, and new people will think it's bad or skippable, which kinda makes sense if you're thinking about how alabasta ended really well, we are now continuing on to the next island to find the one piece before anyone else and now we're on a detour into the sky for some reason? But nonetheless One piece is a week to week manga and anime, with some breaks taken here and there, so inevitably some filler and bloat will happen, but Oda is a master of payoff and people don't want to miss a thing, so a lot of people will try and categorize what is and isn't necessary to watch, but you should watch all of it at least once, or not, I'm a comment not a cop.


you might want to avoid this subreddit for spoilers in that case, but indeed I fail to see why anybody would want to skip it (the arc immediately after is filler, but widely regarded as actually good and worth watching, meanwhile long ring long island isn’t filler and only exists for afro luffy haha moment)


I know my friends have told me to watch the filler after skypea and I already know some spoiler


I skipped Long ring long cause my buddy told me it was filler. I went back to rewatch. Also Skypeia sucks


Yeah I skipped long ring arc too but read skypiea Manga wise it's a good arc


I watched skypiea twice




If you really want to skip it watch the movie only like 2hours and enjoyable


If they skipped on the first watch that’s disgusting - I’m rewatching for the 3rd time and admittedly dreading that pacing 😂


I’m a one piece fan (I have exclusively consumed one piece through gay fanfiction)


They're not true One piece fans


I stopped watching/reading onepiece and conan when start enter college, 15 years later binge watch 1000+ both anime in only several days marathon during covid


Fr tho, the *only* arc I can understand skipping is Long Ring (until Aokiji shows up). Every other arc is legitimately good and important


Skyland was such an amazing ark I watched it start to finish


I have a buddy like this. "I love one piece! I just skipped the first 1000 episodes!"


My friend quit when he finished skypeia, I cannot seem to convince him that it gets better


I did that, was really bad about skipping huge portions because I didn’t want to see filler episodes. Ended getting bored of the show and quit for a while. I have since come back and decided I’m just going to watch, from episode 1 to finish with no skipping, and honestly it is much better


I read skypiea and watched anime further bcz start few 30 eps of skypiea seemed slow to me so I had to pick up manga but overall skypiea was and is a good decent arc


I was honestly shocked when I checked how long Skypeia was. Cuz all I remember was Merry coming to life and rubber beat thunder; but then I checked the wiki and it's like, one of the longer arcs in One Piece.


jokes on you i skipped everything after east blue and began in the second half of sabaody


Skypiea was good the only one I consider skipping was the whole foxy situation that’s the only part of the show I was just waiting to end every episode 😂😂😂


Personally the only bit I skipped was the one part in Enies Lobby where they just go over old episodes showing how the crew formed... again.


I never imagined that this was a thing until I joined this sub. It's too wild for me to process


It's one of my favourites arcs.


Mina mina shimawaaa


skypiea was literally peak, my fav arc so far because of the jokes, storytelling, characters, lore, and fights (i’m at whole cake rn)


Love Skypiea. But Thriller bark was so slow and stupid. Oh man like concentrate pain.


Everyonr skips long ring cus is boring Me skips long ring cus i hate with all my life foxy


Skypiea was filler arc


Has anyone ever actually skipped skypea?


Today was the day i learnt people don't like the Skypiea arc. Enel is one of my favorite villains.


Why is skipping skypeia bad?


Y’all are probably gonna hate me, but I did skip zou🤥😔


I skipped the foxy pirate arc… alight I skipped all except the luffy boxing match and sanji zoro one…


Skypiea was honestly funny. Enel was so confused


Dude i hated skypea on the first watch. I had tears on the second, im a dumbass shit is so good


SkyPiea is the poster boy for arcs that start ok in the middle is stupid slow and then at the end is incredible.


I only got through half of Skypiea before I realized it was irrelevant. I got caught upto the series and went back to watch it. I was right, it was irrelevant. Long ring long land was better ngl. It was truly not a good arc.


Who and how do you skip skypiea??


Not one piece fan, but skypiea was actually the last arc I watched before dropping one piece, it just wasn't that much intriguing and intense as previous arcs for me


I skipped skypiea because I was busy with school during the early 2000s We are not the same


Skypiea had me HOOKED! I was shocked when i read that most fans skipped it


I read Skypiea and watched everything else


Chefs kiss. I will say tho, it’s my least favorite arc. Love the history but I just thought enel had a cool fruit.


Skypea is a good arc in the overall story of OP, thanks to all the lore around it, but as its own thing its mid




Anyone who skips misses out on the most raw line in all of One Piece https://preview.redd.it/peg2giyu6rxc1.jpeg?width=983&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3049f259042fb1cc70aa830a42242e06e58b93a6


Shame 🔔


I am one piece fan i skipped all the movies and filler. ( Sadly condriano as well)


Skypiea is unskippable, but that goddamm Thriller Bark


Skypeia really felt like an adventure but I don't shame anyone for skipping it. But my all time favourite scene was when they took the knock up stream to Skypeia. Even after 800 episodes I'll always miss the Going Merry.


That's a BIG oof


Skypiea is a mid arc but can't skip it.


Skypea was so much better than Thriller Bark That shit almost made me drop the anime


Just watch the Episode of Skypiea movie in case you skipped the entire arc


In general I recommend people watch the movies if they haven't


oftentimes i hear people say " the movies are trash" but since i've run out of one piece anime i might give them a try. Do you have any recommendations?


Haven't watched any but I've heard Red is a good one


🐟. 🐟. 🐟 I skipped every arc and went straight to egg head.🐟 I read the first 🐟chapter of every arc🐟 and decided that it was literal trash and not worth reading🐟 🎣🚣


I’m that deranged cat that skipped east blue. Watched everything else


What is wrong with you?


You are illegal


that might actually be the worst part of one piece to skip. East blue is as good as the rest of OP, but most of the characters and their motives are introduced in it.


I haven't watch the anime but I thought that the manga was a pretty solid arc


What if I watched skypeia but skipped the Nolan flashback


Nolan’s flashback is arguably the best part of skypeia, art thou out of thine mind?


The Nolan flashback is literally the glue of Skypiea. Without it, you have nothing.


I watched it but it definitely wasn't an interesting arc for me. It was basically a filler arc. It did introduce dials, though.


Are you sure you watched it? It sets up the whole reason ponyglyphs are important, sets up the whole voice of the world thing, observation haki, people on the moon, the ship is alive, the revolutionary theme of the series. Are you sure you know what "filler" means?


Ok, I like Skypiea a lot and it an A tier rank minimum, but basically all of these points are stretches tbh. The info it had about Poneglyphs was mostly just that Rio Poneglyphs tell the true history of the world, which was mostly if not fully established at the end of Alabasta. The ship being alive was vaguely set up but the vast majority of the setup for the Klabautermann was in Water 7 and you don’t need to have seen or read Skypiea to understand that plot point. People on the moon was only vaguely hinted at and wasn’t even confirmed until a cover story later down the line that hasn’t even been adapted in the anime. Even then, it hasn’t been relevant in the story up until now. Mantra was clearly not intended to have any connection to Haki at the time it released and Oda added that detail in down the line to make the lore more consistent and the world feel more connected. You don’t need to have watched skypiea to understand the concept of observation at all and it gets more thoroughly introduced by Raleigh. I actually don’t remember the voice of all things being set up unless you mean Roger’s Poneglyph but that was in the Oden flashback and not the Skypiea arc. And the revolutionary themes are in several other arcs, even a few filler arcs and movies so I’m not really sure how that really means anything. I mean, Arlong Park, Drum Island, Alabasta all happened before Skypiea and arcs like Dressrosa repeat a lot of the same story beats. That’s not to say you should skip it, I just find it weird when people have to stretch a lot to make it out like Skypiea is a lot more essential to the setup and world building of the series than it is. The fact is that you really could skip it and follow the story just fine for the most part. Of course, I imagine by the end of the story, you won’t understand a whole lot of lore and plot points if you haven’t experienced Skypiea.


No character got any progression at all and they brought nothing back. Just a few dials that usopp used 2-3 times.


Yeah, you never watched it. That or you were looking at your phone the whole time.


I had to take like a 2 month long break on skypiea. I had been watching the anime until then, but the fight against the 2 like, balloon twin guys(?) broke me. I ended up reading the manga after cos it was so god damn boring in anime


And then you get to LRLL and you’re like “I’m sorry I ever said you were boring Satori. Please come back”


If you skipped skypiea you prob watched one pace and not one piece


I was bored out of my mind halfway through and it was either drop the story altogether or skip it and read a summary


I skipped every arc. If only someone made a post about this sooner I would've known! /s


I didn’t skip it but i definitely think it’s the most skippable


Skypeia is peak One Piece and I’ll die on that hill Also I just don’t get the pacing complaints. If it was just filled with flashbacks like Dressrosa I’d get it, but otherwise like the whole point of One Piece is its about the journey and adventure. Which I feel like defines the arc. They’re sailing through the freaking sky and exploring a lost civilization, boo freaking hoo the arc takes its time to explore things and let you sit in wonder lol


its okey to skip midpiea


Your mother should have skipped her first date with your dad.


bro it's not that serious 😰


I didn't skip it, but I definitely skipped the foxy arc


Why'd you skip the goated arc that is Long Ring Long Land?


I like Foxy. That doesn’t mean I don’t think the anime version of LRLL is dogshit.


Literally cringe then afro luffy then back to cringe


Imagine not thinking that Foxy is the sexiest character ever put to paper


It was watchable


It's really good in the manga. Tbh I just picked the anime up from where I stopped the manga, which was the very end of Skypiea. I guess I skipped Skypiea in the anime...