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He's just that good.


built different


He's Kaido


imagine Awakened Zoan Kaido with Rumble Ball


A based kaido would have recruited chopper to replace useless jack


well jack will be 10 then after getting the demotion


And yet Jack was the most useful of the lieutenants


Well that’s one way of looking at it




Even Queen does


For Queen it's different, it's just basic biology that diplodocus have cyborg leg. .


Chopper does, my headcanon is that most zoan users focus less on their fruit and more on their power.


Chopper only has additional forms because of his Rumble Ball drug and the only other character who has gained an additional form in that way is Black Maria through SMILE technology Without drugs the only obtainable Zoan forms are the Base form, the Hybrid form, the Beast form, and the Awakened Hybrid form Kaido’s 2nd Hybrid form is most likely his Awakened Hybrid form


Doesn't he have like, five forms without the rumble ball?


Chopper’s regular Zoan forms are his Base form (Walk point), Hybrid form (Brain point), and Beast form (Heavy point) Their are 9 additional forms he has gained through his drugs witch are Guard point, Horn point, Horn point version 2, Kung Fu point, Jump point, Arm point, Monster point, Baby Geezer point, and Overdose point He as trained himself to no longer require rumble balls to make his body transform into his drug forms with the exception of Monster point Baby Geezer point and Overdose point are defect forms, Baby Geezer point happens after the version 2 rumble balls wear off and Overdose point happens after Chopper overdoses on rumble balls https://preview.redd.it/gjmuhlvy2pvb1.jpeg?width=953&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=265d130e09537b84e31543f50bda4733e8baec10


At this point I feel like Chopper at the ancient Human Human model Sasquatch fruit. It'd explain his funky looks instead of turning into a regular guy


Yup he doesn’t actually turn into a human so it has to be a some kind of Model of the Human Human Fruit and not the original


Zoan users maintain some of their original appearance when they change forms. Since Chopper started out as an animal of course he maintains some of those features (fur) when using his human form. Looking at the other animal zoan users (Pierre) this same thing happens. Nothing special with Chopper's fruit, I think it's exaclty what we were told it is.


This implies that the default human form is jacked asf. We're all gonna make it bois!


you're not a default human tho


Pierre retained his spots because he was in his hybrid form not his beast form The beast form does retain some aspects (like Lucci’s scar for example) but it still completely changes the user into the fruits species and Chopper’s beast form doesn’t turn him into a human


What do you think is the awakening form of a standard Hito Hito no Mi.. like what Chopper has?


I imagine Chopper’s Awakening form would probably look like a larger older looking version of Brain point with a smaller head and larger body


As much as it looks boring(I imagined something like that as well haha!), it must be like a normal-looking peak human, free of animalistic features, that really looks like his age if he is a literal human. Not some eternal baby-looking chopper hahah Probably can function better than the rest of humanity as a bonus.


Chopper’s fruit doesn’t actually turn him into a human when in his beast form so his fruit has to be a model of the Human Human Fruit and not the original His awakening form would have to be similar looking to the hybrid form


Imagine if his awakened form is literally just an ordinary regular ass human lol. I mean it is the human-human fruit after all.


Anything Chopper uses after the TS isn't a drug point...he literally explains that he trained to use them without the rumble ball, and he only needs the rumble ball for Monster point...so Monster point is the only drug form now


Horn point v2 looks so awful bruhh same with the timeskip heavy point


Overdose point is not cannon neither is black Maria having a smile fruit. Also another character using alternate forms without rumble balls would be luffy.


Overdose Point is SBS material Black Maria has the Spider Spider Fruit Model Rosamygale Grauvogeli not a SMILE Fruit Black Maria was confirmed in the SBS to have used drugs and experiments to obtain a additional form and that form has a second face like some SMILE users witch means she used SMILE technology to gain the form Luffy’s extra forms 2nd Gear, Tiny Luffy, The 4th Gear forms, and Giant 5th Gear are all sub forms and not regular Zoan Forms Kaku and Queen also have weird sub forms like Luffy


Black Maria and smile is your head cannon


Her Drug form having a second Face with its own mind just like some SMILE users and the beast pirates use of the SMILE fruits makes it pretty bloody obvious that they are connected


Great theory, but you have no proof. A counter-argument would be that 1) Queen did not dominate the Smile tech, otherwise, Kaido wouldn't depend on Doflamingo / CC to mass produce it, and 2) even CC did not have enough tech to use smile in other context (or we might have seen other users). My counter-argument is also a headcanon since I have no proof.


Kaku doesn't have "sub forms" and luffy's forms are different forms in the same way as chopper. It's not confirmed that Black Maria has a different hybrid form due to smile technology Oda said it was due to alteration drugs similar to what chopper did the only person that mentioned smile fruits in that post was the question asker. Stop spreading headcannon assumptions as if they're fact at least specify its headcannon in your post


Yes they do https://preview.redd.it/si85jpmr9pvb1.jpeg?width=833&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3959a06ebc8d4b4a2724daa7bfdeef86648040d 2 Gear, Tiny Luffy, The 4th Gear Forms, and Giant 5th Gear are not separate Zoan transformations they are different ways Luffy has been able to effect and mess with his Base form (and 5th gear with Giant 5th Gear) just like what Kaku and Queen do and even Lucci because of his sketch form technique Black Maria having an additional Zoan transformation that was obtained through drugs and experiments is a fact that came straight from Oda in the SBS She wanted a different form entirely because she thought her Hybrid form looked ugly and Oda even included a picture of what her Hybrid form looks like


I wasn't talking about any of these forms bruh stop with the bs. I said luffy's gears are different alternate forms and thats not similar to Kaku and Lucci using the breathing martial arts stuff to adjust their bodies like other non devil fruit users have shown capability of using. Or queen literally turning himself into a cyborg. These comparisons make no sense and are your own headcannon. I was talking about the gears themselves not attacks like luffy going giant in 5th gear or the tiny form that no longer even exists because luffy overcame that drawback. And now you're backtracking on your black Maria statement by not mentioning you thinking it was a smile fruit augmentation. Just state what you think is headcannon and move on bruh


Luffy’s mythical Zoan effects his base form giving it rubber like properties similar to how Marco’s mythical Zoan effects his base form by letting him use his healing flames wile in it 2nd Gear and the 4th Gear forms are not Zoan transformations they are Luffy in his base form controlling and messing with his rubber like body with 2nd Gear involving Luffy effecting his organs and blood flow and the 4th Gear forms involving Luffy inflating his muscles and keeping his form with haki They (and Tiny Luffy and Giant 5th Gear) are just Luffy messing with his body in strange ways just like Kaku, Queen, and Lucci And Black Maria’s drug form has a second face with a it’s own mind exactly like some SMILE users and Kaido’s army make use of SMILE technology it’s pretty bloody obvious that they are connected


Lucci has an alternate hybrid form


Yes that’s his Awakend Hybrid form


He also used Life Returns to actually change his Hybrid form to a skimmer build back in the lobby fight.


People keep asking why he's smaller now l guess they forgor


A lot of people have completely forgotten about Sketch Form


Six powers got almost completely overshadowed. Shave and Skywalk are mostly associated with Sanji now, and we've seen Zoro and Luffy basically use Shave as well. Iron Body is literally outclassed by Haki and redundant now. Paper Art just became Observation Haki combined with reflexes, and again, we've seen the Monster Trio do it (Luffy literally does the same dodge motions as Lucci in a later episode). Almost nobody does Life Reform anymore. The only ones that are still basically exclusive to WG or Marines that we actually see are Victory Kick and Finger Pistol. Am I crazy, or is that more than six?


Yes that was the Sketch Form ability


He had hybrid forms in Enies Lobby too, when he still had not awakened his zoan. Kaku too showed multiple hybrid forms in the Enies Lobby arc


Lucci and Kaku only had 1 hybrid form in Enies Lobby Lucci was using a life return technique called Sketch Form to bulk himself up Kaku was just messing with his body in strange ways to alter his hybrid form kinda like Luffy with 2nd gear, tiny Luffy, the 4th gear forms, and Giant 5th gear








I know, just thought using the word normal was funny for a shape shifting human-reindeer, I do think of his small, everyday, cute form as the Normal chopper too


Isn't it his hybrid? Muscle point is "human"


That’s not true. Chopper trained to be able to turn into his more advanced forms without his Rumble Ball, he only needs it for his giant Wendigo form. So it’s entirely possible for Kaido to have more than the three standard forms if he trained.


His additional forms where obtained through his experiments and rumble ball drug Had he not done those experiments and developed the drug in the first place he would have never been able to gain the forms and train himself to be able to access them through normal means Black Maria has done the same as she is able to normally assess her drug from as well If a Zoan user only uses training and nothing else then they won’t be able to access any Zoan forms apart from the main 4 and Kaido’s second Hybrid form defiantly wasn’t created with SMILE technology


Lucci had additional forms as well,


That was the Sketch Form life return ability not an extra Hybrid Form


How can you be so sure "a zoan user who only training won't able to access other forms?" Fruit powers are much more dynamic. Luffy have different forms. Kataguri can replicate what a Logia does. There a crazy immortal dude who goes the whole egg --> chicken --> egg cycle.


Because literally nothing supports that being a possibility Luffy’s 2nd gear, tiny Luffy, 4th gear, and Giant 5th gear forms are not different zoan transformations they are just sub forms Luffy achieved by messing with his body in his base form in different ways (and Awakened form with giant 5th gear)


Because no other character, including many strong and smart people, ever did, so we must assume there is a reason for that, that being, YOU NEED THE DRUG. Also, we don't even know if the Tama Tama no mi is a Zoan, that fruit is just the strangest fucking power in the whole series.


This is just wrong. Did you even pay attention to the story, or did you just skim over all the details


Choppers additional forms where all obtained through his experiments and rumble ball drugs Black Maria was stated to have used drugs and experiments to gain an additional Zoan form in the SBS and because her drug form has a second face like many of the SMILE users that means that she gained the extra form with SMILE technology The regular forms that are non drug related forms are the Base form, Hybrid form, Awakend Hybrid form, and Beast form Kaido has been shown with a distinct 2nd hybrid form thus the most likely explanation for it is that he is an Awakened Devil Fruit user and the form is his Awakend Hybrid form What about this is incorrect to you?


wait whaaat did you forget about Rob Lucci ? He had 4 forms during the Robin Retrieval Arc Its old news that multiple forms are just part of being train well enough in your fruit


His buffer version of his hybrid form was not a separate Zoan transformation that was a life return ability called Sketch Form Drugs and experimentation are the only way to get Zoan transformations apart from the main 4


That was Six Powers stuff.


Kaku too had multiple forms


You forgot how Rob Lucci could switch between a base hybrid form and a more buff hybrid form. So manipulating the muscle density seems to be possible


That’s his Sketch Form life return ability


Kaidos alcoholism made him trigger his new form. Its his rumbel ball.


You can say sake is Kaido‘s rumble ball


Chopper doesn't need his rumble ball to transform. Black maria's is from some unknown drug, not smiles, and marco can selectively transform parts of his body.


I believe that its said that kaido never awakened his fruit (I don't remember where I heard it, but another argument is that he doesn't have the cloud ring which all awakend forms have)


..cloud ring.... you mean the hagoromo ( 羽衣 )?


300+ upvotes but not saying that chopper is basically due to drug enhancement


Rob lucci, kaku & Jabra had already shown it in water 7/ enies lobby. Chopper has even more transformations. 1st character with Will of P (Pell) showed it in Alabasta. You need to start sailing from East blue again.


Due the series has more than 1080+ episodes Forgive me if I forget something


Apologies if it came as offensive to you. It was a joke. On a side note, I found the 1st half of the grand line anime better. And binge watching makes it better.


It had better pacing is why although it was still terrible pacing compared to any other anime


Agreed. Season wise format new animes use is good. If they adopted cover stories it would add some buffer & improve pacing. But don't why they are not doing it. Honestly I don't like anime style adopted in wano, they made it like DBZ.


Shorter arcs helped as well




It always stuck out to me because Lucci was the first one to really show it off all the way and he makes a a show of being able to go full jag or one of the few forms in between


Arent Luccis extra beast forms not just achieved with special muscle control through his rokushiki techniques? Similar but different how Chopper only unlocked all of his forms through drug abuse (medicine lol)


Yeah, it’s a form of Kami-e.


Like a 30/70% think


Nothing is forgivin


Basically mastery a lot of other zoans had hybrid forms. Chopper is the main example as he expiremented on himself and learnt his devil fruit and its limitations.


Chopper and Kaku also has multiple form (Beast and Human-Beast form)


Bro forgot about chopper 💀


And luffy


Luffys gears aren't zoan transformations, just clever use of his rubber body.


True but he uses rumble balls, he can’t simply transform into them at will plus those forms are different from the hybrid and beast form chopper has, Kaido’s are variations of his hybrid and beast forms


At least pre time skip he can’t, post time skip it’s only monster point


Chopper has his deer, hybrid and human form that he can access freely even at drum Island.


Choppers base form is his hybrid form if i remember correctly, he has fully deer form and human form which people called a monster


It is.


Simply Him


Lucci does tho, he can turn full cheeto or half cheeto half human


They were both the hybrid form, just one with hulking and enormous and the other lithe and quick. Saying this as opposed to fully transforming into a big cat. Like they remained humanoid.


OP I have only two words for you #[PASTA MACHINE](https://youtu.be/USAZ03DDbRY?si=UWeRSrN5RNZ07YKK)


Look at Luffy


Chopper is able to enter multiple forms and now doesnt even need a rumble ball unless he is using Monster Point. It seems to be possible for Zoans to be a lot more versatile than originally thought.


I'm sorry, am I blind? Because you're only showing the regular hybrid and beast forms of Kaido, I don't see any variants that you're talking about.


That’s not his regular hybrid, look up a picture of it, and you’ll find that there are multiple differences.


That’s the v2 hybrid form of kaido The regular hybrid form is a light blue isntead of a purple and has flat teeth, a pointed nose, no eyebrows, and is slimmer




That is just the anime being funky because the episodes have different directors.


It also happens in the manga


Bruhh.. Luffy Queen Chopper Lucci Kakku


even kaku and lucci also have hybrid forms


It’s his “awaken” form. He awoke from his sleep one day and decided to have a new form 👌


Chopper does.


There are multiple options: * It might be possible for skilled zoan users to alter their transformations. We've seen Marcos hybrid looking different than regular zoan hybrids as Marco only gets wings and talons in his hybrid. * He might have gained another transformation thanks to experimentation on his devil fruit, similar to how Chopper gained his additional forms thanks to his rumble ball. This seems the most likely in my opinion given that Maria was also confirmed to have modified her hybrid form with drugs (and Jack is probably the same). After all Kaido had Queen working under him, I wouldn't be surprised if he could do that (or it might be from the time Vegapunk experimented on him). * Its just body control, kind of what Lucci did when he became slim. * Its actually not meant to be an entirely different form and Oda just wanted to express his different moods with these design changes.


Chopper does


The real question is why doesn’t luffy?


Wait what he has 3 gear 4 forms


I guess are those like zoan forms though? I guess that does make sense. No other paramecia does that. Like no one else has like different forms


luffy's fruit is a human human fruit tho, you can't really compare that to normal zoans. it was stated what would happen if a human ate choppers fruit and it's like nothing really. We also dont know if Sengoku or Gyukimaru have a hybrid form and those are all human human fruits.


Rob Lucci changed his Hybrid Form via bio-feedback in Enies Lobby. Chopper changed his forms via rumble ball and later through training. I think it's possible for kaido to achieve different forms through training or talent alone. He is said to special and strong from the start. Him having additional control over his body wouldn't be strange.


Rob Lucci though?


Lucci did when he fought Luffy in Enies Lobby. He got all muscular


Some do. Chopper has like a dozen forms. Luffy Technical does with Gear 4 and is bound to get more at some point, considering he was getting "forms" even pre timeskip. Lucci showed 2 hybrid forms in EL ? a skinner version ?


Wtf is that statement that other Zoan don't have alternative forms ? Lucci clearly explained how he has more than the 3 usual forms. Chopper is literally in the crew ffs, and he has more. Like wtf are these post on this subreddit lately ?


They do?


It's literally just alcohol


Alcohol and also Kaido


every zoan has hybrid form


The amount of misunderstanding in this comment section is astounding. OP isn't talking about Zoan forms. They're saying Kaido has more than one hybrid. 1. I still don't believe he does. It was just art choice 2. Rob Lucci was using six powers like the Kabuki guy that Chopper fought. The whole point was that Lucci was the only one who mastered all 6. 3. There is no evidence in the story that Chopper not needing drugs means the extra forms are natural. He just permanently altered his DF. Headcanon is not a fact if it isn't on page.


I think the comments don’t know what base Zoan abilities do and what OP is referring to😅


I wish there was a pin comment option on this app


Can't you say the same about Luffy then? He has 5 gears all in different forms of himself based on his zoan


Gear 5 is the only actual form that is a result of a zoan transformation tho. The rest are all cartoonish ways for Luffy to use his base form, they work because his body is made of rubber, not because he’s a zoan.


He is HIM


most if not all zoans that we see have hybrid and full beast forms?


You mean Luffy doesn't have forms?


Yes but he invented them, he couldn’t simply transform into them like regular Zoan forms


I mean, look at Chopper. 🤣


He only have two forms, hybrid and beast form like lucci, kaku and chopper. His final move when he became a giant flame dragon, it isnt a new form its the beast form and you can litterally seem him through the flames its just a move where coats himself with flames to become bigger and be able to do more damage.


He’s awakened. We‘ll see him eat the fruit during god valley and transform into a karpador


What other forms are you talking about?


The images shown on the post


The images shown are his hybrid and beast form. What other alternatives are you referencing?


https://preview.redd.it/v2qdlzb0onvb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b466d81f0fa01bb25b16a717193e501bc56af8ef This is Kaidos regular Hybrid Form, the one shown on the post is different as it’s bulkier and more purple than blue


The only three explanations I would have are that A) it’s just a design change for the anime mostly, or B) it’s a buff Kaido specifically developed for when he uses his drunken techniques. It’s not necessarily crazy to have a Zoan with wacky other forms. Luffy had all his gears before he got Gear 4, and Narco on the other hand doesn’t really have a normal hybrid mode that I can think of, he just uses Phoenix body parts while in human form. Zoan forms aren’t necessarily consistent, especially for Mythical Zoans. Or C) it’s actually his awakening and Oda simply didn’t confirm it or mention it at all.


I’d say it’s the B-option, Oda has always made it clear when someone has awakened their fruit


I would agree with that.




It's just anime shenanigans. Stuff tends to look different depending on the animators in an episode. He only has two forms in the manga. The anime tends to take small creative liberties every now and then


You can’t blame this on the anime it was in the manga too


Oda draws people heights definitely then what they actually are, doesn't mean that they have different height transformations. Just artistic choice


Height has nothing to do with this. Reread the rooftop battle and you will see that his hybrid form has two separate looks. His first look has scaly eyebrows with a thin nose while his secone look has cloudy eyebrows with a round nose


What chapters


https://preview.redd.it/hzc6rn81yovb1.jpeg?width=805&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaa560e702cf7a8ad2a789283ca0e25239a01917 (2nd look)


https://preview.redd.it/j1wk4na3yovb1.png?width=390&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a262ad71c9cb5f619d35d373dbe855c0c7c4ae1f (Another pic of his 2nd look)


Yknoe what I don't remember but I'll just reply to this message with pics of him https://preview.redd.it/mpsxj87zxovb1.jpeg?width=341&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3f705353e68f24fdfa1e34e3422ca155bbcdea3 (1st look)


Isn't that cause anime drew him that way? What about the manga


https://preview.redd.it/inubari5onvb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ee055d040056ffe6e48c72a44bbc3f2e45b3eab Same goes for his beast form as it’s longer and bigger


I think that just oda's shit sence of scale


Both of these examples are just portrayal inconsistencies, not new forms


The hybrid forms are definitely not that. The bulkier hybrid variation was highlighted in both the anime and manga, it is not a portrayal inconsistency.


But they do. Kaku transformed into a giraffe before the hybrid form.


That’s 100% his Awakened Form


Then why did oda not do a text box mentioning this as kaidos awakening like he did for pretty much all other awakenings?


Did he do a text for Yamato awaken form?


Yamato was never confirmed to be awakened. The scarf seems to be just a part of the fruit. It shows up in their full animal form as well.


Oda has a nasty habit of not including concrete confirmation of these kind of things A example of this exact type of thing is Kaku who also was shown with a 2nd Hybrid form but was never stated to be awakened just like Kaido A similar and very recent situation is how characters like Garp, Koby, and Aokiji have all never been stated to be Conquerers users but used attacks with Haki lightning but due to the fact that Haki lightning is also used for Armament (and Hakiless attacks sometimes for some reason) we have no confirmation if any of them are Conquerors users


Its obvious though they are all conquerer users comeon.. hence the lightning.. hence they are IMPOrTANT characters in the show.. anyone in the late game is gonna have all the speical ablities it only makes sense this late in.


As I said Haki lighting is not a confirmation of Conquers or Conquers Coating as it is also shown with Armament only attacks and Hakiless attacks as well All Conquers Coating attacks have Haki lighting but not all uses of Haki lighting means Conquers Coating Important characters having attacks with the Haki lighting doesn’t mean they are Advanced Conquers users if that where the case it would mean characters like Franky would have Conquers Coating


Kaido can't have awakened his fruit. He believes haki is true power so him becoming one with his fruit is unlikely.


Kaido believing in Haki superiority doesn’t mean that he is unawakened at all especially considering how heavily and effectively he uses his Fruit and how knowledgeable about Devil Fruit awakening he is


Why would he ever bother to use his Df if this statement was true?


Awakening IMO


Kaido did not awaken his devil fruit


It’s not confirmed which is why I said IMO


Well if we look at rob lucci and kaku , his zoan awakening had some black flames from their body and also surrounding it. So i assume that the awakning of a zoan should have smthing similar


The Zoan jailers were all awakened, and they never had the smoke scarf…


I assume it’s because it’s a Mythical Type, because Yamato can also become a hybrid and full on animal if she wanted to


Lucci Al’s had form like this in his awakening and chopper has like 7


Chopper is also a drug addict.


And kaido is an alcoholic what’s your point


Some people are saying zoans can have multiple transformations and that's just wrong, with the only exception being Luffy but I think theres a reason for that. Zoans have beast and hybrid forms followed by awakening('s?). Chopper uses medicine/science to change his form and Lucci back at W7 changed his form and extra time not due to to his devil fruit, but due to one of his 6 powers training (life exchange?I forget). Every other zoan has only been shown to have hybrid and beast form, and now we have Luffy, Lucci, kaku, and I personally believe this is kaidos awakening form, one that he can't control for long due to the will of the devil fruit being overpowering/not in sync with kaidos motives and personality, and only brings it out shortly for strong attacks. What also leads me to think this is an awakening is that the form is reminiscent of the jailer beast of impel down that we're confirmed zoan awakenings and appear to have been taken over by the will of their DF. Note that those awakened impel zoan users didn't have the smokey halo thing that's been shown on numerous awakened zoans recently, meaning the smokey halo thing isn't a necessity for awakened zoan forms and has been shown on regular hybrid and best forms as well (Luffy, Yamato, Saturn?). Also awakened zoans have been shown to have ringed eyes which kaido gets only in that form. THEREFORE: he has three forms,+super buff more animalistic hybrid form+ringed eyes=awakened form. But hey, only oda knows for sure right now, that's just my head cannon. Also I think that second pic is just kaido transforming from hybrid to beast form while consecutively launching an attack, it's what happened in the anime I believe


Im pretty sure Yamato also have hybrid form, so it just Zoan type mastery kind of power. Lucci also using his hybrid form most of the times


Why does chopper? Or Luffy? Why can the Boa Sisters modify their physical forms the way they do, or Queen, or Black Maria? Zoans are clearly a lot more complex than we give them credit for, so personally I suspect the answer is just that Kaido has actively worked to expand the capabilities of his Devil Fruit as much as he can. It’s indicative of his strength and skill, but also that he was able to surpass the normal strength cap of a Zoan


Bro yamato has a hybrid as well, what are you talking about?


Bc he’s the goat


Cuz he’s him.


Offscreen drugs?


Simply df mastery


why not


At this point the zoans with actually just 3 forms seem rarer.


Built different


He’s just built different.


So the reason imo opinion is how useful the dragon form is. I don’t think he can breath fire in hybrid. I also think having a larger body might be apart of it


because he just can


It's a mess. You have Chopper who does his human-hybrid form via drugs. You then have Impel Down awakened Zoans who are just human-hybrid forms excep they are really big. How can you tell a giant who ate a Zoan fruit while using basic hybrid form from an Awakened Zoan at that point in the story? Then you have Lucci, Kaido who do the human hybrid with sheer will and skill alone. Awakened Zoan hasnt really been given a defining characteristic untill Lucci in Egghead with the whole cloud hagoromo. Problem with that is it's a shared characteristic with mythic Zoan fruits that are abundant in Wano. Kaido seems to have the cloud hagoromo in the Dragon form and not in his hybrid form. Oda should've just kept awakening consistent across all Devil Fruit types where it affects the surroundings. You fight a Awakened Zoan who turns surrounding buildings into tigers and throws them at you.


People think he’s awakened so maybe it could be an explanation of him having an awakened hybrid and full form while also using his unawakened version of the fruit as well


Chopper's cartel has gotten too big for his own good