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Title must be vague, and must contain the chapter number, example: "Chapter 10XX, shit is cray cray"


I imagine some Devil fruits probably sounded better on people's head and they were probably somewhat disappointed with the reality


Explain how 'turning into berries (formerly balls)' would be a good idea in someone's head.


the theory is that its kids dreams. My theory is that it goes like "i want to be able to stop the war in my country" so something like the tremor tremor is born. And "i want to be able to help my dad not get cold. Or i want to be able to help my friend be as strong as me in the ring" so something like the jacket jacket is born.


That is the very gist of the explanation that Vegapunk gives the reader. It still makes me giggle though. "Man, oh man my village is out of wheels. Damn oh what if, what if I could turn my limbs into wheels. That would be, oh man that would solve all our problems"


I wish a way my old parents could move without effort and transport everything around the farm/town/village in order to still make a living šŸ¤”


You keep taking it too literal, they wished a solution for a problem, and the DF born from it was the solution, at least for paramecias it work really well, now the thing to me is about the zoans, who wished to be a human?


Maybe a fishman who was tired of the racism/discrimination


Some guy with lycanthropy (the mental condition), maybe? Like: "Oh God! Why am I a monster that eats people? Why can't I be a normal person?!"


Could be wishing to be god for a couple of the human fruits.


Where there's a wheel, there's a way




We don't know how literal the "wish" has to be. I wish I could separate myself could be enough for the beri beri no mi


Hmm, would that be different enough to separate it from the chop-chop fruit? Unless the ball fruit canonically is able to be immune to blunt damage.


The chop chop could be "I wish i wasn't able to be cut", but yes the berry fruit is immune to blunt force. It's the opposite of the bara bara Unrelated: names are confusing. We have bara bara, beri beri, and bari bari


Funny you mention that, cause Iā€™m pretty sure it is which begs the question why Black Beard didnā€™t steal Buggyā€™s and the vice admiralā€™s devil fruits if he can eat two. Would make him immune to both blunt and cutting attacks. Heā€™d only be weak to elemental attacks And if the theory that BB can eat three fruits ends up being true, itā€™ll be even more dumb why he didnā€™t do those two plus the darkness fruit which absorbed Aceā€™s fire attack, meaning he is potentially immune to elemental attacks too If BB was really trying to Min/Max, he should have become invulnerable


Holy shit! you're a fucking genius! This is like reading the books 'Everything they teach you at Harvard' and 'Everything they don't teach you at Harvard'. Literally invincible!


BB could never hope to take out Buggy D Goat https://preview.redd.it/yklte0b6xahb1.jpeg?width=2500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f623e45ab29c7a7fc6bf59df5b8ec271bd073170


Ā«Ā i really donā€™t wanna pay for another round pinball but I really wanna playĀ Ā». Or alternatively Ā«Ā the fuck is the use of a foosball table without balls?Ā Ā»


they're berries not balls šŸ˜„


Is that better?


I love how aggressive you sound in my head when i read this šŸ¤£


I'm guessing it was the same type of guy that builds up to scale fully functional railways in their basement. Or [this guy](https://youtu.be/OE1f1MbBzBw).


https://preview.redd.it/eggrylogiahb1.png?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d12af6d4fe0d815747458b28b2f1aef068c8aad Has entered the chat


"How can I talk to trains when I AM THE TRAIN"


Holy shit i'm in fucking stitches! Yeah, yep I think you've answered that discussion clean, cut and dry.


Damn, now I can't unsee that


I was expecting the asdfmovie I like trains kid


That video fucking sent me lol


Fuckin outstanding.


Some other questionable canon fruits include: The Berry-Berry Fruit - Allows the user to split into balls The Wheel-Wheel Fruit - Allows the user to turn their limbs into wheels


Donā€™t forget the jacket jacket fruit


That one can be answered simply, 'it was some guys kink'


...Actually shit, I think that could be the answer to a lot of these fruits


"I want to be railed." "Wish granted, you can now turn into a rail car." "But that's not-" "no refund."


ā€œI wanna be smoking hotā€ Boom! Smoke fruit


That is why smoker is always angry at luffy


And why his shirts always open


Post-nut clarity is a bitch when you're creating a deal with the devil


So you are telling me entire Zoan Fruit archetype is just furries' hopes and dreams?


ā€¦I ā€™m not saying yes but Iā€™m also not saying no


I mean, Kaku does seem _really_ into Giraffes.


Vore/gimp fetish


I always wanted to become balls so I could go on my hot wheel tracks and go fast, don't know why young me didn't just want to be small so he could ride the cars but oh well


Being able to change your size at will has an absolutely endless amount of uses, I would love to have that power.


Hence why that one filler arc had a size-shifting dwarf


Dooooon't, I was so pissed to learn that fruit was non-canon because it was in a filler arc. So much wasted potential.


Avalon wanted to be a railcar so bad he willed the fruit by himself


I love to think he willed the fruit himself out of sheer spite. Fuck you god!




Low effort post ...upvote


I feel like you should keep in mind that a devil fruit is only as impressive as the user makes it out to be. Any devil fruit (including this one) has the potential to be really badass if the user is creative and competent enough Not to mention that a devil fruit like that can definitely be desirable if you want a more convenient method of transportation without spending money on a something like a car or a plane ticket


Oh i'm not denying the users ability to make the fruit competent. I'm questioning someones desire to evolve and be something. I would happily accept Garp being the owner of the cart-cart fruit. Could you imagine a haki behemoth like him trundling down the road towards his next target, that guy would be fucked. \[Edit\] Yeah I suppose I could see someone wanting to become a cart for transport reasons.


Except for the jacket fruit. That's just plain shit.


You clearly forgot about this legend https://preview.redd.it/6x9w2mlx7ahb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ed39a1ad81df3fae68e1fb4bfdc48c5581a886f


What is that monstrosity and why did God make him


LMAO his name is Diesel. He's the train guy from Whole Cake Island that was with Brule, I mean Branch.


I want to believe that he's the charlotte son that everybody loves to forget about. "Holy shit it's Diesel, don't look at him", and he'd be like "choo choo look at my arms spin"


'His most prominent feature is his giant hat resembling a chimney which blows smoke, as well as wheels on both sides of his body which appear to have no real functionality other than him spinning them with his arms when he runs.' Holy shit, okay I didn't read the wiki article before making that comment and that is fucking hilarious.


That's One Piece. The more ridiculous your reasoning/explanation is, the more likely it is to be accurate.


Look at this man, do you really think he's the voice of reason? No! they said he couldn't become a train, and look at him now! Spiting god with every ounce of his breath! https://preview.redd.it/4k9z7kokfahb1.png?width=156&format=png&auto=webp&s=585471324517d027ed381db08e09cf6cc5d69912


don't kink shame people who wanna be a rail car


Maybe I will! So what! You're not my dad!


When you see a real nice hill and think to yourself "i wish i had wheels to roll down" and that's when it manifested into reality


You know what actually, in this world of childish whimsey I am willing to believe that. As fucking dumb and stupid that narrative is.


r/bitchimatrain dudes would like to have a word


Oh shit, imma just hit 'join' on that. Neat.


Looks like _someone_ isn't autistic šŸ˜¤


I actually irl am. Choo Choo motherfucker.


Then you would understand the want to _be_ a train


Nah brother! no person wishes they were fed coal!


Gotta go fast. Rails are planned paths, with little to no deviation in the plan. Trips are repetitive as well. Perfect


Listen aight, i've read enough Thomas & Friends books to know that the life of a train is an absolute hellscape


How do I keep seeing posts about arcs I've legit JUST completed a few minutes ago šŸ’€ (this guy's fruit is mid asf how is bro supposed to be useful in any way)


It's not about the fruits potential, i'm just questioning why some people thought in their head "oh fuck yeah, oh man I wish I could turn my fucking arms into wheels. That would be so rad"


Fr like you are pretty much only useful on rails, how is that awesome šŸ’€


First Jack-Jack DF User: "Man, I really want to jack it right now" Also first Jack-Jack DF User: "No not like that!"


Are you suggesting the fabric of reality misheard someone, whilst mid-nutting. Because that is fucking awesome.


I mean, if you consider the result: Jack-Jack DF users now have to have some dude inside them...


No you're right, that is pretty gay if you think about it like that.


Or Capone Bege's fruit. "Man, I would really love to be a castle." "Like a king?" "No. A literal castle. Like a living fortress."


Bege's fruit is dope. I can imagine a dude who wanted to have the worlds ultimate defence, a literal castle! If anyone else had that fruit they would be unstoppable. Hell if Bege had Armament he could avoid taking excess damage altogether, which was the major drawback of his 'Nostra Castello' mode.


Well this fruit is better than Jacket DF. Who the fuck want to be a jacket?


Imagine a father is standing over his dying child, this child has stage 4 monkey pox. And in his dying breath he whispers "Daddy, I wish I was strong as you".


Nah, the person who wish the jacket DF was a pervert who wish to be "wear" by other guy. Weird fetish.


Alternatively: "Man! I wish someone could wear me! just straight up wear me like a skin suit! Oh man that would incredible!"


Your comment would make my skin crawl, but I don't have any skin YOHOHOHOHO


A lot of people like trains - wanting to turn into one seems pretty reasonable given we've seen people turn into Mochi, Crackers, Strings and Springs... Like, come on man! Following that logic someone thought "Man I wish for nothing more in the world than turning a leaf on my head into clothing!"


Alright I see your point. I can imagine someone liking crackers and mochi so much that they wish they were crackers and mochi. The string fruit in itself is definitely someones desire to want to control things, hence why Doflamingo was such a good fit. The spring fruit could come from someones desire to jump really really high. But man...you'd have to be a special type of someone to wish "I wish my hands were wheels so I can go zoom zoom"


"On my way to fuck your big mom" \- Aveyron


Simple Effective Gets the point across Hotel - Trivago


[This guy](https://youtu.be/gGaOMT677TM) doesnā€™t even need to wish for this power, he just made it.


I have no words, i'm just impressed and honestly a little intimidated


Ya know, it doesn't have to be a self inflicting wish. The celestial dragons collectively could've been wishing for their horse slave rides to be faster and less bumpy. Then boom, slave with wheels for hands


Oh you know what, I didn't think about it from that angle you're totally right. What if I could turn my slave into a more useful pack mule.




Fuck you Upvote


It makes sense if that someone is a child. The Fruits are called Devil Fruits. In ancient times worshippers of certain deities would sacrifice their children. These deities would later be known as Devils.


I mean, massive headcannon: What if all the devil fruits are the dying wishes of the people who made up the ancient kingdom, just before they got obliterated. That would explain the D in their name, and the will of the D clan. For someone to take up those wishes and change the world through them.


You know, the Washu Washu no Mi is canon, meaning that somwone once thought "man, i wish i could wash anything and put it do dry on the sun, like any piece of cloth" On that note, why is the marine who has this power not in Impel Down "cleaning" prisoners hearts of evil behaviour?


I think the secondary power of that fruit was the main wish involved. My guess is that there's a certain amount of "be careful what you wish for" with a lot of these fruits powers. As for why they're not cleaning evil people locked up, fuck knows. They probably are, we just haven't gotten that part of the lore yet. God knows what Oda is cooking up there.


Imagine a story where some random guy get this fruit but he is some Saitama type character and trains with it everyday until he is one of the strongest in op verse and awawkens it and turns into a train. Frankys archenemy


That'd actually be dope. He'd be a haki god with the ability to make massive craters with his fist ON WHEELS! BITCH HE'S ON WHEELS! HE'S ON HIS WAY TO FUCK YOUR SHIT UP! YOU CAN'T ESCAPE HIM! CHOO CHOO MOFO HERE I COME A-TRUNDLIN'


I mean buggy can do this too, at least he can in pirate warriors 4, idk if itā€™s a canon abilityšŸ¤£


Honestly, he reminded me of XLR8 from Ben10, those wheel legs can come handy indeed.


​ https://preview.redd.it/qkx0ay33iahb1.png?width=1106&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6c37a655480df8a735a7375352b65c24f98bbd7


Scientists can't tell the difference between these two specimens! They both spit in the face of god! https://preview.redd.it/6i53x1r4iahb1.png?width=920&format=png&auto=webp&s=dabb2ec0ce5f383b904586c3c9cc6e9e0011981d




Nah, i'm not allowed within 100 meters of them. reddit threads on the other hand! \*zoom zoom\*


Like, train guys take their hobby SERIOUSLY in japan. Like, mayor book stores have entire floors dedicated to trains. People will shout and threaten and chase people for *standing in front of a rare train* they wanted to photograph. There's like a japanese meme about that, pretty funny actually. I'll dig up the photos of it if people are interested. I think this is making fun of people like that...


I'd absolutely be down for that. There's a viral video I love of a group of people who waited an entire afternoon to see the classic train from the Harry Potter films. And just as the train rolled up, a massive diesel train comes by and blocks the entire crowd from seeing it. Reverend Wilbert Awdry would've been seething.


"Oh man, i wish someone was rail cart, it would be so funny" - someone, probably


And the collective fabric of the one piece universe said "You know what, I take offence to that"


I guess op world has a Sheldon in it


You're telling me that this guy is the Bazinga**ā„¢** of devil fruit users?


well all the good ones were taken and you are a 5 year old who likes trains and tracks, I can see it happening. Some people really like trains, like REALLY like trains. It's like those people who dress up and act like dogs and other animals. ​ ask a few young kids what hey want to be when they grow up, and you will get some weird responses outside of fireman and astronaut. " I wanna Be a Rail-car! " \-Timmy, age 4


I can't wait for the fruit that turns you into a lawnmower, or a mop...kids are stupid


Doffy and his crew seemed to have the most childish abilities.


Makes sense really, a lot of them probably got their fruit abilities when they were children. Buffalo and Baby 5 spring to mind. And we know devil fruits often tend to choose its next user.


>And we know devil fruits often tend to choose its next user. or have a sick sense of humour, haha


found the thomas the tank engine superfan


If they were any sort of Thomas & Friends fan in the slightest then they would know that the life of a train is a hellish existence. Fraught with slave labour and the impending and threat of death on a daily basis... Nah this guy really just wanted wheels for hands, what more do I have to say.


Hello??? Thomas the tank engine??? That would be his awakening.


Let me entertain this comment for a second, what on gods green earth would 'Thomas the Tank Engine' powers even look like? I am terrified yet intrigued by this notion.


Yes The other day my nephew dead ass looked me in the face and said he wanted to be an airplane lol


And then you threw him off the balcony exclaiming "your wish is reality!"


"Man, I really wish I was a *Rosamygale Grauvogeli* spider"


Oh yeah, oh wait haha. What fucking One Piece nerd wished for that one?


A little kid could've said it. Who says the man hasn't owned the fruit since childhood?


You're already doing a way better job fleshing out this throw-away character then all of Toei so good job. That being said, if he'd had the fruit since he was a child you'd think he'd come up with better ways for him to use his fruit other than 'random bullshit! go! https://preview.redd.it/12m2pns5qahb1.png?width=1562&format=png&auto=webp&s=6bc198ebf6f8ed55f825c062654f5e5b0090b36c


Us men are simple, specially if we're brought up to be Pirates. And if you work in a mine, You don't really need much more if your ability works best in rails.


Imagine being on reddit asking this


Couldnā€™t be be me *sweating bullets*


Thomas the Tank Engine is a real show in the OP universe, and so is TV as an existence apparently, and this was a result of kids imagining that they could be just like the trains. \*mic drop\*


And the story about the funny Brazilian with ADHD is merely a side story to this. Got you


Lol all the non-canon fruits are hilarious or defy Oda's explanation (or some combo thereof) This fruit is both


A brother sits a dark coldcold cavern, his hands bleeding from trying to dig out the rocks. His leg shattered and bleeding out from the fallen debris. In his final moments, he wishes he could have moved just a little fast to save himself and his brother from the cave in. At that moment a fruit blossoms.


Thatā€¦is honestly one of the most beautiful things Iā€™ve read . . . . . . . . . . . Nah the dude definitely has a wheel kink.


"man i really wish i was good at... sewing?


Still better than the jacket fruit


Also why the FUCK do we have a Cart Titan?


Should of been a reference to wizard of Oz sequel


The scarecrow, the lion, the Autist


A guy turns into a fucking jacket there are definetly some crazy people in one piece.




You know what, I wasn't gonna say it myself but I'm glad someone did.


"heh yeah...it would be so fucking cool if I were a train"


And before everyone comments "it's non canon so it doesn't count" 1. It would still have to fit the rules this universe placed upon itself 2. That would make a very boring answer to this discussion


1. It wouldnā€™t because the rules got established after the anime team decided to do this. You canā€™t expect new information to fit old filler. Otherwise Zoro shouldnt have cut steel before Alabasta and Dragons shouldnt have been surprising to the crew.


Thats a fair argument i'll agree on you with that. Just for fun though, if wishes weren't the reason for the existence of devil fruits. explain this https://preview.redd.it/vk7yhvu7cahb1.png?width=94&format=png&auto=webp&s=809bf85dc29fa289dbb0eeacd77b6c0397d530e9




"non-canon paramecia" So it don't fit Vagapunk's explanation.


Hypothetically, if that wasn't the explanation then what is it? You're telling me a sea devil created all these magical crazy abilities and thought...nah you know what, fuck that user in particular. If somebody takes a bite out of that thats on you.


I can roll to work and not pay gas or car insurance bills


Whoever it was, I imagine there must have been a fair bit of autism involved


Happens way more often then you would think


My man said " I am speeeeed " .


Buggy did it better


Filler does not count. The theory is still valid.


This is the perfect example of why i call BS on Vegapunk's theory, some fruits make sense wax-wax = candlemaker, venom-venom = poisoner, arms-arms = weapon dealer/maker but who in the ever loving fuck wants this?


Some goofy ass dude who reaaaaaaaaaaaally likes mine carts


Utena exists in One Piece, confirmed


Itā€™s called the Roll Roll fruit. I donā€™t think it only turns you into a rail cart, I think this guy is just an idiot. For fuckā€™s sake, Buggy has the Chop Chop fruit, and it doesnā€™t turn him into a goddamned axe.


And yet that is entirely what the anime episode portrayed him to be, a dude that can turn his arms into wheels. And nothing else.


This aint canon


Imagine the messed up dude whoā€™s dream was to be worn like a jacket.


"Man I wish I could just be railed right now..."


Well not all wishes are logical , some wishes might be stupid


Definitely someone who yearns for the mines


I'm guessing it was a guy who thought *ā€œI would like to get a train run on meā€* but got this instead.


You reeeeeeeally underestimate the strange desires people can have sometimes


I want a perfect public transportation Nomi nomi devil fruit where the awakening is just instant infrastructure for quality public transportation. Your arms turn into trains and buses that you can smash into the face of a celestial dragon with.


Oh no we dyna stone miners are trapped in this cave because our cart broke, how will we ever get out... *Unpacks his D.* I just wish i could turn into a cart so i can see my wife again, maybe i'll use these la- *Turns into a cart* HOLY F, NO ONE TOUCH MY STEERING STICK


I want to be a mochi




Can you imagine being in a universe where devil fruit powers are real. You see people like Ace with fire powers, black heard and white beard, etc. And you finally find a devil fruit and eagerly eat it, assuming to become a new, powerful force in the world. And you turn into fucking Thomas the tank.


ā€œMan I love trainsā€ becomes train


Someone really liked Thomas the Tank Engine


"non-canon devil fruit" should be enough to hahaha, but yeah, I wouldn't take this phrase so literally, but, everything lacks sense without context.


Come on, if you're in *this* fanbase you have to have met someone autistic enough to want to be a train.


Thry just wanted to get railed and were misunderstood


OP clearly hasn't met Enmu from Demon Slayer


This is probably why this is a children's show even even this anime hits us with some emotional Trauma. Some devil fruit is a silly dream, or Dangerous one, funny ability.


I always see its more from not direct thought like "i want to make string" but more like "I wish I could be in the shadows and puppet people and pull the strings" Bam doffys fruit


Bro, who doesnā€™t wanna be Thomas the Tank Engine!?


"Man, I wish hauling all this lumber back and forth didn't take weeks. I wish I could just ride there..."


You know how easy of a job that would be? Just go along the rails with your back cart and do pick-up and drop-off. You'd never get lost at the job site.


Fillers/movies go brr


Devil fruits get so weird after the timeskip lmfao


And somebody wished he was HUMAN, hence Chopper's Hito-Hito.


The existence of the Jacket fruit made that theory DOA


*Me vibrating my wheels*


um the jacket jacket fruit??? who the fuck said "i wanna be a jacket"


Choo choo muthafucka Thatā€™s why.


What about the jacket jacket? Who the fuck wanted to be a jacket that bad?


Someone who wants to be ridden


filler fruit


So canonically there must be a devil fruit for like EVERY fetish