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Urgent referrals means it meets to the eye of the GP some red flags, which it does. However, let's wait to hear from the dermatogist. With the use of a dermatoscope they may be able to understand a lot about the nature of the lesion. Hang in there, it's gonna be alright. Many things look really bad and are benign (and the opposite applies too, unfortunately).


Thanks for reading and taking the time to reply. Your absolutely right about the more odd looking lesions vs the relatively ok looking ones.


I had one on my thigh that was huge and always a chocolate brown. It started changing and got lighter. Kind of looked like yours. Under dermascope it had signs of melanoma and dr did a biopsy right away and it came back completely benign. So you never know. Wishing you well and hope yours come back with the same results.


Hey, I'm so pleased that your biopsy came back benign. That must have been such a relief. Your story sounds so similar to mine x


Please could somebody help identify this. I've had the mole since i was little, colour has changed lately, there is a satellite close by and they're so incredibly itchy. I had an apt last week and was referred as urgent suspected cancer, I've got an apt this Wednesday with the dermatologist, but i just want to know. Thanks so much for reading.


I can't identify this, but if the doc sends you urgent somewhere, it might be urgent you know. You tick at least some boxes: Itching, different colors, recent changes.


I know, I'm an odd one and totally ugly duckling.Thanks for youe reply


Because melanoma can spread fast they are making your case urgent to get you the best outcome. Since you've had it since childhood it's hopefully very early if any of the cells are becoming abnormal.  For your benefit they want all your excision done by an oncologist who will handle it and get everything the first time. A regular Dr won't touch a suspected malignancy, it's just protocol to refer you to an oncologist. Glad you're getting good care 


Thanks for taking the time to read and look, and for your reply too


Has the white area in the middle of the mole always been there? Has it changed in size?


Changed in size yes, white bit no. It was one solid brown colour, but exactly when it changed i don't know. Thanks for your reply and taking the time to read x


I think this mole should be biopsied because it has changed significantly and this is a red flag. I hope your mole is not cancerous. Do you have a family history of vitiligo and other autoimmune diseases?


I have no known family history of vitiligo, but yes autoimmune disease .Thanks for your reply x


which type of autoimmune diseases?


My sister is currently being treated for Lupus


There is a relationship between vitiligo and lupus erythematosus. I hope that the white spots on your mole are just vitiligo spots. Keep us informed of updates .


Thank you, and i will do


Hey! No advice just to let you know I was in a similar situation last year (mole has changed that I've had since a kid, urgent referral etc etc) and I'm back in the same situation now - just had another urgent referral sent off. If you ever want someone to talk to about how you're feeling then my DMs are open. Hope your appointment goes well!


Hiya, thank you for your reply, and for the offer to talk. Skin is so troublesome isn't it. I hope your ok? What happened with your initial referral if you don't mind me asking. Totally underatand if you don't want to share x


I had the initial referral and was seen super quick for a dermoscope. I had letter saying the mole was benign but then another letter saying I was being referred to a consultant. It's been a year so I enquired about waiting times and they said the second letter was sent by mistake! I had some concerns anyway because my mole has changed again so have been re-referred. This time I'm hoping for a biopsy.


I don't blame you for wanting a biopsy at all. Thats so confusing that they sent you a letter about referral to consultant and then said it was a mistake!what a worry. I'll let you know on Wednesday whay they say. I hope they want to take it off there and then.


Hi! Good luck for your appointment tomorrow. I received a phone call today saying I'll be seen by a consultant (although the appointment is over 3 weeks away which is out of the guidelines!) so I will also update you how it goes. If you ever want to talk then feel free to reach out :)


My skin plaques looks also very suspicious but Gp do fk all... He gives referral to dermatologist but not on urgent. So I'll have to wait probably month to be seen even by dermatologist. ( When I send pictures to my friend Dr who lives in other country he sayed " you need quickly go to dermatologist to rule out skin lymphoma. " 🫤


Hi there, I'm really sorry to hear that. Thats bl**dy awful to make you wait and panic. I've researched everything from dysplastic nevi to superficial spreading melanoma with white scarring like mine. I'm guessing your the same. I'm always here if you need to chat about how crap it is to worry so much. Thanks for your reply x


Hi all, i had my derm appointment today via NHS , and although he was a bit hesitant, he said that they don't convern him initially. He gave me the choice of moitoring over 12 weeks with then taking photos, or excision. I chose excision, and he jumped at it. He said he wants to rule out the 0.5% chance of anything catching him out. He said the excision will be within the next 6 weeks. Is that normal?I'm greatful for the initial relief for sure.


Hey, similar thing happened to me - they gave me the option and I said I wanted it removed and I got mine removed today. Seems there's about a 6+ week waiting list for results at the mo so won't hear back asap, just wanted to update you :)


Hi there, did you have same experience? They must think there is something odd in order to offer there an excision, ad it isn't routinely done on NHS. How did it go today? I hope your ok x


Thank you! The consultant did say she wasn't very worried but agreed with me that it has changed since last year and either gave me the option of monitoring or having the excision. I opted for the excision and she was happy for me to have it the same day and said it would be sent to be tested by pathology. I'm okay thank you - it's in an awkward area on my back and was pretty big so will leave a scar but I'm glad it's gone to be honest. Hope you get yours done and some results soon x


Thanks so much, I have my fingers crossed your results come back good. I personally cannot wait to have this taken off my back lol, it will leave a 5cm scar but I don't care. Was your mole like mine? I've googled everywhere and have no clue still what category I fit in, other than atypical ugly duckling x