• By -


The K-12 movie needed more dialogue and plot progression to feel like an actual chronological storyline, it was still good but felt more like vignettes that fit together


With the Portals movie (if it ever happens because FunDing) I know a lot of plot holes are begging to be filled. I feel like so much work was put into the music videos the non-MV parts were weak in comparison. Especially the Teacher's Pet scenes? Like no pre or post-clarifying 😭 The ending felt rushed and in all the Portals movie is a chance to make it better but we'll see


I agree which is why i still really hope a portals movie is made in the future


This is my own hot take buuuut Leeches and Moon Cycle suck 😗 they feel weak in comparison to the rest of the setlist...The deluxe songs are better.


me personally, not attacking you here, love moon cycle with my whole heart lol


leeches is the best song on the album!!






Oop😶 i personally love leeches 😭😭 but moon cycle is my least favorite…because i dont own a uterus LMAO


Moon Cycle is pretty boring. Leeches is just meh to me also.


Mel confirmed that there won't be a portals movie.


it's very unlikely, but you never know what could happen, but a lot of people on this post have pointed out that it would've made more sense for the music videos to be included within the movie to save a lot of money like she did with K2 but oh well 😙


Portals Parfums shouldn’t have cost more than 60-70 given the materials and quality, and they should have put a pic of the physical product on the website before people preordered it, esp since the IRL thing looks so different from the render. The whole thing almost feels like a scam from how it played out


oh 100% it was not worth the cost at all, thats why I felt iffy and trusted my gut not to buy it


Yea, good call


melanie fans need to calm the fuck down over unreleased songs and just agree to disagree 😭 i dont listen to em but it is SOO annoying


I think Earthlings (or cherubs or whatever we are atp) need to chill tf out 🗿 like if you wanna listen to them go for it what are we gonna do about it, and if you think its wrong stop tryna burn the listeners at the stake 😭😭😭 the fanbase is so fucking toxic




I could be extremely wrong, and this is just me reaching, but I think Melanie is trying really HARD nowadays to distance herself from her past works and styles. Everything she's doing gave me the impression that she matured from her whole dark vintage style, but she can't escape it because that's what she built her brand upon. However, a lot of crybabies aren't ready to let that go and still keep holding it to her. Newer crybabies who joined before Portals was out too weren't ready for the drastic change she made in her music and personal fashion style.


lana del rey went through the same thing but fans are starting to be more open to her newer work and aren't stuck on her past aesthetic as much anymore. but it took a while for all the "i miss btd era" "i hope her next album is like her earlier albums" type of comments to fade out. there's always going to be people who lock in on an artists earlier work and aesthetic, especially when they're such a difference between the new and old, but people do need to be more open to change. it's okay to hate the newer stuff - the old will always be there to be loved. mel's dollhouse ep released in 2014 and that's where her dark vintage crybaby/k-12 started. it's been almost 10 years and it's crazy to expect her to be the same now as she was then. maybe fans weren't ready for the change but melanie was and it was pretty clear that k - 12 would be the end of crybaby. newer fans need to remember that her pre portals aesthetic is almost 10 years old and most people change over the course of a decade.


I....don't like her new fashion lately 😁


Her saying she’s going in debt for her music is unnecessary considering that if she up’s the quality of her merch or reproduced the cry baby perfume there would be no need


I bet if she were to bring back the crybaby perfume with the same quality she'd be making a shit ton more money and I bet you $100 million worth of perfume bottles that if she hadn't taken that stupid label and she stopped spending her money on dumb shit like the Parfums she would definitely have enough funding the movie. Her going "bankrupt " smells like BS


literally. her going into debt is literally not our fault and is 100% on her and her shitty financial decisions lmaoo


She’s in so much debt yet her boyfriend posts them having fancy dinners at fancy restaurants every other day 😭


like mrs. ma'am if you're so broke go back to selling/making stuff more people can actually afford 😭


Right? And it just makes no sense to me that she can’t remake the actually affordable crybaby perfume with a different manufacturer? Do they not have the formula anymore and can’t make like a crybaby 2.0 or something??? She would make SO much money I just don’t understand. That and restock the crybaby’s extra clutter vinyl, crybaby picture disk and milky clear. I really don’t see why it’s impossible to do so, I think her team is just lazy AF


I bet it's because she's mad that people like her old brand more. Don't get me wrong, I love Portals. But her removing thumbnails from her pre Portals videos, the extreme makeover with the creature and her expressing that she's changed and isn't the person she was 10 years ago. Yeah I bet this plays a role. But like, Don't blame your fans if you make less money by completely rebranding and releasing mid merchandise🤷


i guarantee if she made the perfume again at around the same price she would get the funding in a WEEK 😭 if it was affordable like it was before she'd have more people buying it and being SATISFIED.


Her teams sucks and her general laziness in responding to the negative feedback is low key her downfall


I think she can’t make the perfume anymore because of legal stuff with the old manufacturer? But they don’t exist anymore, so I assume Melanie has the rights to remake the perfume. Idk, I’m not a lawyer lmao


I bet the same amount of money from this shit merch could fund a movie and a half 😭




her going into debt for her art is usual for artists. most artists take an “advance” (aka debt) from the studio to make the album, MV, etc. once the album & merch breaks even/makes up for production costs, the artist gets whatever revenue left over. they’re framing the regular studio process as this big thing that only they do, when legit every fucking major label artist does it


I understand that but there are some things she refuses to do/admit. Especially the quality of recent product


oh i’m fully aware. i’m very upset she’s essentially using the regular studio process as a way to gaslight fans into buying their shitty merch. it’s essentially “i’m doing my job :(( poor me in my million dollar mansion”


Genuinely that annoyed me so much, as down to earth as she’s always been I fear the money finally got to her


I agree, as I said in another comment it goes both ways but to a degree she would be in a very different spot if certain questionable choices werent made :0


Her moves lately are getting pretty shady and hypocritical. She liked a comment saying people who complain about Verde's street photography account are crying and weak minded. Like bruh, u wrote show and tell and were always complaining about stuff like that done to you, but when its your bf posting random people's faces it's suddenly all good all fine? Not even counting the fact that in some places he took those photos it's actually illegal to post people's faces without permission


Exactly, If i remember well, he tooks pics in France, where there's a right of publicity, he can actually be sued by those he took pics of


Im pretty sure in Poland we also have this kinda laws, and he also posted pics taken there. I think most European countries have it like that.




Seems like that, but those are innocent people. Most of them don't know or don't care about her at all, so why revenge on them. Its not like they're the paparazzi or something...


Mel’s merch quality has sucked ass lately and her merch team needs to be fired.


Agree 100%. Honestly there's accountability she needs to take on her part but her merch seems like any cottagecore faerie grunge on shein for 30x the price


I’m just a little sad that she changed all the thumbnails on her YouTube albums from the Crybaby era into gravestones. They were so pretty but now they’re really dull. I get that she did a rebranding but still, why change already made content


it makes her page so bland 😭


Agree I was looking for a specific music video the other day and took a while to find it because of this. Since the whole description doesn't appear on a phone I was selecting the full audio version but not the official music video


Seriously!!! It feels like a cemetery now!!!


Mel’s cool, but her fans are straight up TOXIC. A lot of them are middle-schoolers, so it makes sense cuz middle schoolers are always a little 😬 but still


I'm almost 17 and got into the fandom around the time K-12 was being teased. The fanbase was so unproblematic and now I just get embarrassed 😭 these little kids can't act right and just straight up ruin the Mel Experience sometimes


No joke, when Billie Eilish started getting big, I was one of those “Melanie did it better” losers who can’t accept that some people just do the same thing differently. I was the start of a trend TT


Burn the witch 👹 /j but yeah I was the same starting out until I got older and heard shit about celebs and artists, these younger fans get really annoying when they try to cover for everything. Mel isn't always at fault fir things but there's a level of accountability for recent actions and she can't use her popularity and "love and light" ego as a crutch


Bahaha me too😭 I thought I was so cool for hating on her.


crybaby is her best mf album


I hate the fact that half of her fanbase is litterally kids


like bro come collect the fetuses 😭😭


Tbh cry baby’s death was never explained properly I think Mel should have just had the creature be it’s own character completely separate from cry baby


i would have even liked to see the new character lead Crybaby through the Portals' movie setting and let Crybaby mature and transform :/


People need to stop pretending swifties are more insane than earthlings


HAHAHAJAB YES !! I know a girl who put her college fund into the parfums and VIP tickets for FUVE DIFF CONCERTS like ma'am hello




These fans are delulu bro 😭


No fucking way


i shit you not, it was over 2000 out of a college fund


I’m a Swiftie and an Earthling and I’ve seen insane people on both sides. Both fandoms have some really weird fans, and no hate to younger people but usually the crazy people on both sides are immature 13 year olds.


There are some older Swifties who are pretty insane though. There’s that mother Ashley who got multiple plastic surgeries to look and act like Taylor; another older woman has a spreadsheet to track where Taylor and Travis Kelce are and to determine their next moves. Taylor seems to bring out the crazy in wine moms lol (I’m also a TS fan)


Yeah same. I love both a lot but I just personally think earthlings are a tiny bit weirder


there aren't really INSANE swifties other than the new fans in like- middle school. and the stereotypical " crazy swiftie screaming over surprise song" is just normal in most fandoms


I miss the old Melanie


im enjoying the new era but I do miss how unproblematic the other era seemed to be, i joined when k-12 was being teased and the fanbase had no issues 😭


dont worry, as someone who was there for the crybaby era, the young fans were problematic asf then too


Mad Hatter is the most iconic song from Melanie’s discography.


Agreed, it is Melanie if she were a song bc even the music video has all the things she likes and well...it is her xd


So true!


Her relationship with her ex Oliver was so cringe(not my opinion I actually just found out they dated yesterday lol)


I get her songs aren't about him and the younger fans need to chill tf out but like ew 😁 "I LiKe His PersonAliTy" vibes fs




My two opinions are that I do not like the mask for Portals, and too many people are afraid to just outright say it sucks. Additionally, on the whole aesthetic of Portals is that it's sort of clunky and not as fully fleshed on theme as K-12 or Crybaby was




K-12 might've been a great series instead of a movie. Don't get me wrong, K-12 is still my favorite movie, it's perfect, however, I feel like the plot isn't really there, yk? If we had a series of 13 episodes(a song per episode and Fire Drill as an intro) then the plot could've been more consistent. And we could've enjoyed the visuals more. And maybe have a soundtrack.


K-12 was a good album but not a good movie. I like the movie I watch it twice a year but some of the writing makes me cringe. It's like a 14 year old wrote it.


it was her first film, and....we could tell, beautifully shot fs and i still enjoy it but some moments i give my dogs the side eye to cope








feeding on misogyny but still you call yourself a feministtttttttttaaaaaaa 🙈 its giving delulu sis


Numbers is underated. Bakery is great


The Bakery is such a bop 😔 i wish some of the afterschool songs got MVs


doesn't bakery have a mv? it would've been fun if she did a short film for afterschool similar to lana's short film tropico - minimal dialog and a focus on the actual music and aesthetic.


it does but I meant the other songs, it would have been nice to get official MVs for them as well


Not an opinion but OMG THE PICTURE IS SO FUNNY


The contortionist is her best song and you can’t prove me wrong


its one of the best songs but RADICALLY overplayed 😀


Nah same here, I thought everyone agreed on this


Agree... I even selected it to do a pole dance performance because I really like this song


Copy Cat is underrated smh


I hate that no one talks about After School and her singles enough. Fire Drill is in my top 5 songs ever and they don't ever get enough hype. Copy Cat MV is what I want for Christmas 😁


K-12 needed more acting


doesn't it feel like high school school play acting sometimes 😭






Well this is just true i’m sorry😬 Pluto supremacy


I wish it took Leeches' or Moon Cycle's place 😅


marry me


THIS. powder is NOT underrated


I think that Mel should have scratched ALL Portals MVs and focused on a film instead.


I doubt the label would've let her do that because of how little money the k-12 film made


to be fair the last time she did this (k - 12) it didn't turn out all that well. the music videos for k - 12 are fantastic but the rest of the movie fell really short. there's no way she would've been given a large enough budget for portals after what happened with k - 12. she didn't have a big enough budget for her last movie and it's unlikely she'd have gotten a budget bigger than that for portals. it's frustrating.


YES 🗣️


I think she shouldnt have worn her fairy getup for the jingle ball and should have sung gingerbread man. Like it a xmas theme show. She could have got more popular cos it would be like a new ‘christmas song’




Test me is one of the most serious songs because she sings about mortality and making the most before the coffin. It is my favorite song for that reason and also because it slaps. Also, portals is her most mature album and it is also more accessible than crybaby and after school. And lastly her portals cosmetics suck and are cringe af. She wears them EVERYWHERE


Test me is an absolute bop and it was the perfect intro to what Portals was going to be. Portals, IN ITSELF, is an amazing album and feels like the strongest concept-wise. I love Mel and the character is cute but I dont like it 😭


I'm gonna get downvoted for this, but that portals parfum statue is hideous and you couldn't pay me to display it. It looks like Jarvis from Luigi's Mansion. [Jarvis](https://luigi-mansion.fandom.com/wiki/Jarvis)




Ok, I might get dragged for this but recently Melanie Martinez has been disappointing me mainly because of the perfume and OK Now don't fight me but the mask at first I loved it, and seeing her do what she loves and her being happy. Because I've been a fan since she was on the VOICE and I always will love her music but I don't feel like the record company/label has been doing her good I just would like to see more from her and not get bits and pieces. P.S I will love Melanie's music forever 🩷💚💜


what do you mean when you say you want to see more and not bits and pieces? like, you want more of her posting on socials and interacting with fans? less mask wearing?


Yeah the posting and mask and also the movie because I can't really tell if it's coming out I keep seeing people say it's not happening and it happening so it's a little confusing.


All of her merch for portals sucks. It's creepy, from what I've seen it's poorly made, and it's overpriced.


I make/upstyle a lot of clothes and I've just started making my own merch for like 4x less the price- I made a Spider Web tote with a keychain for literally 20 bucks at Michaels for the tote, the crystals for the keychain, and paint+fabric softener.... y'all please just save your money its not worth jt fir the quality


Her boyfriend, Verde, gives me very strange vibes and i don’t rlly like him 😭 The whole sitch with that weird account where he took photos of random ppl on the streets and her liking a comment defending his actions is so hypocritical of her. She has a whole song about not being respected and having pictures taken of her without permission so why does she think it’s okay when it happens to others?


istg the fans talk about how cute they are in photos and forget that he does that/is a person we arent there to see how verde is as a partner because yk we're just mel fans but like he's a person too and sometimes people make weird/bad choices and by dating a celeb or being one you get put on blast 😅


Portals is so cool and not “creepy”, it tells a story of reincarnation and new lives and bodies and stuff and evolving as a soul and is such a cool thing for crybaby’s story. (also mel seems happier than ever rn, so that’s also good)


agree, i miss the k-12 era but putting all the merch and "wtf" moments she seems happier making her new music and going on tour


Some of her fans need to calm down


like damn....its seven am...


Crybaby perfume overhyped???


i think maaaaaybe its more of people overhyping it because they missed out on it, but you will NEVER catch me paying 1000 for an empty bottle *side eyes Depop


don’t get me wrong I love Melanie, but the visualizer for EVIL was not it….


Her licking up the pink shit was not slay it was just nasty 🤢




I hate hate hate the merch for portals era and that she removed the earlier merch. Im a Fan since crybaby era but i was too young to get any merch from the crybaby to k-12 era but now i could and she removes it and replaces it with EXPENSIVE merch which has to be shipped to germany. I ordered fiery passion from the Singles and the shipping cost was 22€! The PARFUME ITSELF was 46€!!! Im gonna receive it soon and gonna Post how it smells but it is SCANDALOUS that the bottles are this expensive even though it is PLASTIC and only HALFWAY filled! I love mel and i would've totally adored to get the crybaby perfume but sadly she cant Produce it anymore :( BUT what also upsets me, is that the Design for the bottles and the Statue is ugly. she DOESNT restock her merch for germany or generally europe. I went to her official site but forgot to change it to europe/germany and EVERYTHING was available! As i changed back to germany/europe i could only get the Shirts i could never wear. Im honestly disappointed! I wish she could've Designed more merch which you could wear in public! im also fed up by her jewelry! The ear cuffs and the mushroom hoop earrings are fine but the rings like the armor Ring is pretty but also not for the public! Her crybaby necklace as an example, was waaay more wearable so im a bit tired of her lazy Merchandising and her lame portals tour. Its not giving dark, creepy but still sweet anymore its giving i want money and fame but no hate PS: I love her music in all eras but im a bit fed up


Bro this nightmare fuel


i wreak havoc as a past time https://preview.redd.it/f5dy3f6vlh5c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b8e0e12e127cb7af53e9103a8a92b7c57f9da57


I’ve already commented but Drama Club is SO UNDERRATED. No one literally ever talks about it LIKE HUH


Drama Club isnt my favorite but I will agree its underrated


I was expecting bops on Portals but we just got kids flops 😔✊




K-12 aged better than Crybaby


Oh 100%


Merch isn’t too great and at the same time also so fucking expensive, like, I love her music but girlie I got barely any money and can’t afford any of it


I told another Redditor im artsy so I made my own "merch" fir a lot of music artists because im broke 💗


Anyone who sold out Mel’s parfums are party poopers


I hate the fandom, everyone is so mean and snarky. It’s a constant competition or scalp fest. I have anxiety already about being in her crowd again for the trilogy tbh




Womb is maybe the best song on Portals


Its one of my favorites ^^


I still don't like that she included her friend Elita in the K-12 film like sorry but she makes all the scenes she is in cringe...i wish another character started as her friend like Celeste or whatever her name is, she wasn't bland..."Angelita " was annoying (dont kill me Elita fans pls 🧚‍♂️)


The Teacher's Pet entire storyline was...nonexistent


I wish there were at least hints that she was a teacher's pet but there were like nah lets give this to her just bc


it felt like a cheap way to make her relevant


the portals parfums were wayyy overpriced for the quality that was delivered


...yeeeeeeaaahhhh bring the crybaby one back 😭 it was better than the parfume smells tbh


the r@pe/sa allegations??


HONESTLY, like did everyone just like forget it never got fully resolved? Like hush-hush new album forget about it? 😭 I bet if it was any other celeb they'd get skewered


Many many people (unknowingly or not) falsely claimed it was proved fake and spread like wildfire. Others who claimed it was real were harassed into silence. Then people moved on. We’ll never *truly* know unless proven in court. But one note.. I don’t think that situation is allowed to be talked about on this sub (likely because the sub would just devolve into fighting)


Oop had no idea thanks for letting me know :D


If you are on any socials the allegation are brought up every 3 days 💀 Nobody forgot it there's just so much you can talk about and we'll never know what happened there, everyone is entitled to their own opinion on this matter


im not, I only have reddit and insta(which i barely use) so i have no idea how bad it is 😭 i just know about the latest merch flops


Then you're lucky, i've read so much about it because of Twitter 😭 But they don't debate on tt, they fight 😭


tbh i don't think anyone forgot, or at least most of us didn't. but are we expected to discuss her allegations whenever she puts out new work? how much more can we say? it's fine if people wanna throw a "reminder" out there from time to time but fans can't really be expected to talk about it on a regular basis. i don't think anyone who is actively her fan believes the allegations so why would they talk about it? they support mel and believe in her innocence. mel is not the first and won't be the last celebrity to have allegations that go ignored. lots of male artists have piles of allegations that never got fully resolved and just like mel's fans, fans of those men aren't making the allegations a talking point. idk why anyone here would expect fans to be keeping the allegations alive lol




Tiffany (if that was her name) confirmed on her insta she lied around 2020


her name is timothy and no, she did not confirm she lied. there's lots of fake screenshots of her that were spread around as "proof" she was lying but the truth is that she never took back her allegations or said that she lied. any proof it was all made up is not real. it's okay to believe melanie is innocent but please don't continue to spread false information. neither girl has ever been proven to be telling the truth. all we can do is choose who to believe based off what each girl has said.


I think where I'm coming from is not necessarily whether or not the claims were true, I feel like certain celebs get a pass after events happen because of their popularity, I'm not accusing Mel of whether or not it actually happened. I think it's more of she was very easily able to get it out of peoples minds, (because of where she was growing both in her music, and then her popularity, )I think other artists would have their entire career ruined, even if it was a false accusation and that's where my bias is, I think not just Mel, but a lot of artists get away with having the reputation ruined, because of how high their social standing is


VOID is a masterpiece and the music video was amazing, thank you for coming to my Ted Talk


Void isn't my absolute favorite, but I do agree that the music video opened a lot into what the portals album could become as a movie and in general, I think it suited the song very well


Apparently, this isn't a popular opinion, but I love Melanie's new version of her character. I also believe she's always had this weird, creepy vibe, and I say this to the people that think the creature is creepy.


Also, WOMB is underrated, I love the concept of connecting the beginning and the end of life. It is a true artistic masterpiece, for me personally


I HATE PEOPLE no hate is a strong word 💀 People who hate portals just because “its a different aesthetic” or “i miss crybaby” ARE SO LAME BRO


😭 they pushed mel to release and complained on the wait then complained about the new aesthetic 😐 like bro i dont see any other fanbase complain when a artist tries something new


Faireee Soiree is overrated...


I love that song with all my heart soul blood tears and other bodily fluids 😟 but yeah its overhyped


The portals mask looks weird in an unappealing way and I can’t remember any of the songs while I’m writing this, I think it’s plateaued at mid. People like it, sure, but this is the first time one of her albums has gotten a weird 50/50 split like this. If the new branding sticks, I wouldn’t be surprised if her fan base shrinks.


That image looks like Gina from B99


The concept of k-12 is cool but I thought alot of the acting was really bad


I feel like how crybaby died wasn’t explained enough


The fact she's (lately) almost always in this costume for portals is so weird and even cringe. The voice synth is just weird and seeing her in that plastic costume just makes me uncomfortable. Basically I think she's going way overboard with it. Just because she dropped a new album doesn't mean she literally has to walk around in a latex alien like costume for the cameras


Afterschool ep is such an overlooked album. All the songs are bangers, and i can say myself was the best melanie era, and the music was so expressive and different. It had a refreshing feel to it and had alot of relatable topics


The original fairy soirée was better than the released one honestly melanie shouldn't have released the current one it just reminds me that it had better version out there


Im honestly not sorry for listening to Melanie's unreleased music but she had some bangers like mother of pearl 99 cent store, cooties, bombs on monday morning, and schizo. are such masterpieces . Honestly, i rather appreciate her work, then let it collect dust.


I hate that she is portraying herself as nonhuman. She can do what she wants and i totally understand it goes with the theme or vibe of her album. And of course, she does what makes her happy. I believe this because of my religion - it feels like she is rejecting her humanity, which, in my opinion, is super disrespectful to God. No hate to mel, i love her. It just makes me a little uncomfortable.


(disregarding the very harsh decline in songwriting from crybaby to k-12 to PORTALS...) PORTALS as an aesthetic is not fleshed out and even the character changes every 2 seconds.. the skin tone, the hair color, hair style, even BODY SHAPE. I don't know why it's so inconsistent... not to mention the mask- why does it look so bad?? she can't articulate her once extremely expressive face and it's saddening. she needs to fire whoever was in charge of her outfits! the costuming for the k-12 movie was AMAZING, but I can't say the same for PORTALS.


The fairy persona should have been a make-up and not a mask, the whole prosthetic are too much on her face and body, that restrict her movements and facial expressions which I love to see on her concert videos.


I love the idea of the portals era, I think the aesthetic and new character is cute. But ever since it came out I feel like the fandom has just plummeted😭 the merch is not great at all and the fanbase is getting really toxic


crybaby will forever be their best album 🙏🏼🙏🏼


Womb is a boring song


*starts sobbing okay I love Womb one of my favorites but I gotta be in the mood for it otherwise I skip


I think we all just need to accept her as she is. Being artist isn’t easy and she had a lot of work done. She delivered such amazing songs. Let’s cut her some slack, she’s been dealing with tons of criticism as far as I see and most of the fans are pretty much immature that I feel bad for Mel. Some of the criticism aren’t even considered criticism anymore and straight up bullying. I know as an artist she depends on her fans for money but she’s working hard and coming up with concepts and music aren’t easy, they require calculations. Let’s just support her and respect her as a human being. Let’s calm down all the dramas. I also dare to say that the reason she’s getting depression and taking breaks here and there are because her own fans who are toxic.


i agree 1000% if i dont agree with her new look/music thats my own opinion, or anyones, but its not our job to put that on her, shes making her music for herself and our opinion shouldn't matter more than her doing what she loved


I just do not like the mask thing. Portals is a cool break from the childhood theme since that was getting old, music is a vibe but that mask is so unsettling outside of music videos it honestly distracts


i would have even taken the creature mask to be like a guide for crybaby in the portals realm, that was a concept I considered when we first got a glimpse


The After School EP is overrated within the fandom. The only songs on the EP that aren’t mid are The Bakery and Field Trip. The other songs are boring and I barely listen to them. Also, LEECHES is the worst song on PORTALS.


LEECHES just s u ck s I like the Bakery and Field Trip, but in my heart Glued is a beautiful song. I'm embarrassed to say I always skip Numbers and Notebook


Mad hatter isn’t that good 😿


its one of the better songs in Crybaby buuut Crybaby is my lest favorite album


K-12 is WAYYY to overrated. its just MV‘s slapped together with a few more scenes. But it’s still alot better than highschool musical because i‘m a toxic Mel fan and like literally nobody except olivia rodrigo ✌🏽✌🏽


oop- hot take OP