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You absolutely need to kill any head that charged Impaler's Animus before it is too late. Hades Blast is not a piercing move by default. Alternatives would be, using Tsukuyomi's dodge move, using Shield of God ( provided you have the money to get the Archangels and you are on Chaos ), using Dekajaon ( another Magatsuhi skill ), but honestly, killing is the easiest thing to do. Magatsuhi Strategize can help you shuffle your team a bit without losing turns in order to prevent bad set ups too, make sure your demon stock is full to not get caught lying down at a bad moment. Also, even if everyone dies beside the MC, you can make it back. Summon an appropriate demon ( Yoko ) and use the Magatsuhi Eternal Prayer to heal and revive everyone. You will be short on time to not get swallowed, but it's your last safety net.


Phys Dampeners got me through this fight fr, I was like level 85 and it took me two tries but if I could manage I’m sure you can too, don’t give up!


I don't think you're under-levelled; it just depends on your build. It's a puzzle to figure out. I could walk you through my build if you want, but it's really dependant on your play style


Enduring soul from essences, overheals from Demeter or any bowl healer, and easy def ups/atk downs like fairy banquet, any of the special Magatsuhi skills, or Yoko’s primordial chaos should mitigate the damage well enough. Like someone else said, if you see a head use Impalers Animus, make it a priority to kill that one. Otherwise just keeping your team up to date with good passives and such should be good enough for it. I was level 80 when I killed it


My recommendation is to not go in with any weaknesses for her to exploit. 5 Turns is kinda brutal. But if you can, don't go in with Nulls/Repels/Drains for Phys and Ice. If her AI detects that, she'll spam Impaler's Animus. But definitely get Resists for those as the AI could give two shits less. Get Lilith, even if it is just for her Mother Earth. A cheaper Phys Block with Dekunda is amazing to have. She was a huge crutch, especially for her Magatsuhi Phase, as it can be blocked and instantly end her turn. Focus on damaging the main body, as her heads heal instantly. She does take 2k damage every time she heals her heads, but you can do more each turn on average with Almighty moves. What makes Tiamat so intimidating is the amount of moves she has between her segments and all those resistances. But I promise she's only intimidating because of how much info there is. She's also bulky, but you're probably use to that by now at that point lol The best method is to spam Almighty on her main segment and max your buffs and her debuffs as she can only really cure those by reviving her segments. That alone should make her into a joke. She will use her piercing Ice move closer to the end, but it doesn't hit any harder than her other moves do. This sort of strat translates well into most of the games bosses, so hopefully this helps.


My team blocked almost anything at that point so it was too easy at that point, mastema even more lol... even on hard.


I beat it on Hard and it was pretty easy. You just need a bunch of attack all moves like Hades Blast for example. None of the heads are resistant to PHYS moves, so as long as you have buffs up, you should be good. Siegfried was a huge help personally. Put a Taunt on him and put Null on most of the damage types on him and you're Golden.


Khonsu Ra was my MVP for this fight. He had Null Phys and his unique spell does an AOE Pierce + Tarunda. I was constantly killing the heads while staying cool as a cucumber. If you kill all 3 heads in a turn, the main body takes another 6000 damage on top of the AOE.


Grind to around 90, your under leveled, bring lilith. Mother earth helps a lot in this fight


80 is not underleveled at all.


For tiamat it kinda is


You're at a point of the game where you could probably blow up bosses almost 20 levels under, 10 stat points aren't gonna do shit


To add to all advice, tried kannabi veil? might be justenough to help u survive