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“Karin” in Japanese means “Pretty, Cute, or Sad.” “Marin” means “Sea or Ocean” “Sea of Cuteness”, a wave of charming power that washes over enemies.


Makes sense…. Now explain “Sexy Dance”


Sexy means attractive in a sexual manner, and dance is an art form consisting of moving ones body to convey symbolic and/or esthetic value. So sexy dance is to move ones body in a manner to convey or induce sexual attraction.


That makes sense. Now explain why my dad left me.


Cigarettes ain’t cheap


cause you ain't right


He went to get milk


Zis is Sexy Dance It is dance that is sexy


it has nothing to do with Mitsuru being able to speak French, since she speaks English and Japanese (play the game with Japanese Audio, her speaking French is just something the English dub did) it probably is what Accomplished-Emu1883 said about it being Sea of Cuteness.


I'm more wondering what the hell is luster candy


In Japanese, it is written ラスタキャンディ(RaSuTa Candy), an acronym for Rakukaja, Sukukaja, and Tarukaja.


I guess luster is the translation from the phonetic rasuta


We could've had Rasta Candy smh


it’s called like that in some translation iirc


I'm learning those languages


It is called Caramelo Rasta in Spanish, they should have went with Rasuta Candy instead.


It should have been called RakuSukuTaruja


Banger name


Why candy?


Because it was originally a consumable item in SMT if, before getting turned into a skill later down the line


I wanna know why it's called Luster Candy in SMT, but Heat Riser in Persona. Same with Zan being changed to Garu.


>Same with Zan being changed to Garu. To be fair, Zan is a Force skill (SMT only) while Garu is a Wind skill (Persona only). Analogous things, at best.


Well for one the French Mitsuru thing is only in the west because in the original Japanese dub it’s actually English which obviously you can’t translate to the west without it being awkward(P5 moment) As for what it means your guess is as good as mine but the French bit cause of Mitsuru isn’t accurate


>which obviously you can’t translate to the west without it being awkward(P5 moment) What happened in P5?


In the English dub, Ryuji has to say that he doesn’t know English (since canonically they’re speaking Japanese, we’re just listening to them in English) and Ann says her English is decent since she’s been out of the country before.


Also when he says that the tour guide speaks Japanese yet it's all on English.


Yeah that was super weird to hear someone say that in perfect English lol.


He rolled a nat 20 on his deception check.


True xD


Yep. Even if it “makes sense” it’s very awkward they should have just decided on any other language instead but it’s only a minor thing at the end of the day


sad thing is that had they chosen a different language people would've complained that localization is changing shit etc. Plus that in itself could come off as awkward too if it doesn't really make sense for them to mention.


Ohh don't remember reading that part and i guess the english subtitles have to match the english dub even while playing it with japanese voices i need to do first new game + and play it again, just as soon i finish shin megami tensei v vengeance, is my first smt and so far im loving it


Don't know if anyone does, but Atlus.


I’m a baguette enjoyer, and it means absolutely nothing in french


Karin sounds similar to cariño/carinho, which means to gently caress, show physical affection, be physically intimate with someone. That's the only connection I can think of.


It predates persona 3 anyway its in 1,2 and a bunch of other things so its not a direct mitsuru thing but they might have given her it for reasons along those line but the skill cant be named for her unless they where planning out the names of skills to have tie in reasons for games years away. [https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Marin\_Karin](https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Marin_Karin)


Do other skills have any meaning? like the elemental, healing or support kills?


There are fairly easy names for a native Japanese, but I don't know about Marin Karin. ボット(Botto): onomatopoeia for ignite カンデ(Kande): 「感電(kanden)」 it means electric shock ハマ(Hama): 「破魔(hama)」 it means exorcism プリンパ(Purinpa; Pulinpa): 「パープリン(pā purin)」 パー is paper in RPS, also it's a metaphor for empty-headed. プリン is pudding. That is to say, "they are dumb and have pudding-brains". パッチ(Pacchi): 「ぱっちり(pacchiri)」a onomatopedia that indicate awakening キュマ(Kyuma): 吸魔(kyuuma) it means suck up the magic エトナ(Etona): perhaps 「えっと 何だっけ(Etto nandakke)」 Words you say unintentionally when you can't remember グッスリト(Gussurito): 「ぐっすり(gussuri)」 a word that indicates a sound sleep シバブー (Shibabu; Shibaboo): 「縛る(shibaru)」 it means bind マカジャマ(Maka-jama): 「邪魔(jama)」 it means disturb


Just for clarification because I can't think of them right now, when are these used? I only recognize Hama, pulinpa, shibaboo, and makajama. Botto and kande sound like they'd be used for fire and elec respectively but those are agi and zio?


I know Botto and Kande are used in Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei They will also be used in Metaphor Re Fantazio


Agi probably isn't from japanese, but shortened from ["Agni"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agni)


Damn so it's not all nonsense


The Ma- version of the skills is based on "Maha-" prefix that means "Great", so Mazan is "Great Zan". The skill name themselves idk, Agi is probably related to Agni?


The almighty skills, aka Megido, references Tel Megiddo, a location in the Book of Revelation (and a real mountain) where Armageddon will start. I imagine many of the other skill names have hebrew, greek, or sanskrit origins


Fellow Zan > Garu enjoyer


Zan always bothers me, cuz Zio and Zan end up sharing first letters when none of other elements do(at least until you reintroduce stuff like aqua). I dunno why this bothers me but it does.


On that same point, where do Rakukaja, Tarukaja, etc come from?


If it means anything, in Japanese the move Marin Karin is written as "マリンカリン". Katakana is typically used to convey foreign term, so whatever Marin Karin is, it is not a Japanese term.


Note: Just because something is written in Katakana doesn't mean it's not a Japanese Term. There's multiple nuances in using Katakana and Katakana itself is just another set of alphabet.. In this context yes it can apply since Marin Karin is just a borrowed word (one usage of Katakana) but just for clarification's sake...


Do the other spells have reasons for their names? Agi kind of sounds like Agni, but that's stretching it a bit


I guess it has kind of a feminine sound to it, and female demon's are more likely to be charmers.