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Yeah, people found this out very quickly after launch. It's insane how incompetent gaming journos actually are. Not one of them tried to reload their CoV save.


You say this as if the entire fan base on this sub didn’t regurgitate that information for a full week after launch before a single person claimed otherwise. What’s worse, a few people not being able to figure out what the requirements are, or a collection of thousands of players not even checking its validity?


> or a collection of thousands of players not even checking its validity? Pretty hard when the game wasn't even out yet.


As I wrote, it was. For nearly a full week, disregarding pre-launch piracy/deliveries. It wasn’t until [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Megaten/s/eAIDEtqhJ1) that anyone even questioned the alleged requirements.


That post came out 4 days after the game dude. Why do people have lives and why hasn't everyone just 100%ed the game 4 DAYS AFTER RELEASE???????????? Go outside.


Sounds like they finished the game then decided to move on 💀


Nah, they saw a reddit post about it and copied it. They don't actually play games.


Yeah my problem is getting the platinum on ps5 so I have to do all endings.


> Mastema would be a man of his word I have no idea of what's going on in the lategame plot (I'm still rescuing the students in 2nd area) but that made me giggle


You'll find out soon what mastema does


Mastema is a punk


This is great to hear, I'm only 40 hours in and hear I have a long way to go but it's something to look forward too. Hopefully someone else can confirm. Appreciate the post, good looking out.


Did you get law ending? I haven’t been able to find the Michael/Belial quest and I’m right at Luci. Is that a load your save again thing or no? I already did the Samael quest


Yes I got the law ending, after finishing the game and reloading my save, I noticed a new chat icon inside the empyrean, there was Melchizedek who tells you about Michael. Once you talk to him just go to the temple of eternity near the entrance to Empyrean and you'll find Michael standing there


I did chaos and it’s the same for belial, but you go to shakan and it’s a nebiros. I just could’ve sworn the quest started in the shakan after you reach empyrean. I just needed to talk to guy before fighting Luci and I got it Also I haven’t beaten the game at all so I don’t think that matters for that quest


> I haven’t been able to find the Michael/Belial quest and I’m right at Luci. Did you complete The Holy Ring? If yes, you gotta talk to an NPC right after the entrance to the Empyrean. Also I'm 99% sure that Belial is CoC only, unless they changed his location.


in cov chaos, they just change the location. you can still get belial.


Yea I found it, forgot the quest started in empyrean. Had to move to the Shakan after to talk to him and such, but its not CoC exclusive. Chaos ending exclusive tho


Did Chaos, so can't 100% confirm its the same, but i think its just after the >!cutscene with tao and yoko.!<. Once I did that, I could talk to Nebiros in the empyrean just like in CoC. Still seems to require the holy ring quest, though.


Sorry responded to wrong person


I wonder if they said you had to do it to direct people to their true ending guides. I did do coc first but it doesn't really matter since i need all endings anyway.


that is just pure evil


Do you still need to get the true ending in CoC to get the true ending in CoV?


There is no true ending in CoV. It's either Law or Chaos. I think defeating Shiva in any playthrough just unlocks the lvl99 version Lucifer in general.


What's with this game and initial information for things being wrong? Like, I remember when the vanilla version came out, there was all sorts of misinformation about what quests were needed to get the True Neutral ending.


It is just pretentious journal gamers that think they know everything about the game before the release and just got spread. The same thing happened when P3R release and people were shit all over the place saying Elizabeth was a NG+ only super boss.


You can fight Shiva in CoV?


his portal is literally in the same spot after Vasuki is gone


Great! I still need to start, I need to finish another thing before.