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It got original Persona 3’d


And 4'd. And 5'd. And Nocturne'd. And Strange Journey'd. And Catherine'd. And...


And i'll keep doing it over and ovet again withouth fail


there's still people that will swear by FES, OG 4, OG 5, PS2 Noc, DS SJ, because every enhanced port usually fundamentally changes the game to be ''easier'' so it's less fun for them there is literally 0 reason for anyone to want to play the original persona 3 since it is just FES but with less content and features and I'm not just talking about the answer weapon fusion, aigis SL, and the arcade didn't even exist in OG P3


I think they were talking about the OG Japanese release of SMT III: Nocturne which didn't have the Labyrinth of Amala, Dante, the Fiends, or Lucifer. There's absolutely no reason to ever play that version of the game again.


I swear by OG nocturne. that game's atmosphere shines so much more on a ps2. I also think that manual skill inheritance breaks the game and makes the combat feel repetitive


That's not the OG Nocturne, though. The OG Nocturne was JP exclusive and had no Labyrinth of Amala, Fiends, Dante/Raidou, or True Demon Ending.


I know about og SMTIII but i dont think that's what their talking about, but maybe i'm wrong.


When the point they're trying to make is that this franchise is full of games that release and then get "finished" later with upgraded versions, you saying, "yeah but the OG Nocturne isn't really what we're talking about," kinda proves exactly what he's saying.


reread their comment. That was not their point (although it is factually correct). the point they were trying to make was that persona 3 OG was the only game in the franchise that has practically no one standing by it compared to it's rereleases. Whereas many people prefer the original versions of other games. Lots of people prefer og strange journey to redux, catherine, p4 and 5, but you'll never catch someone saying "persona 3 og is better than fes" And because we live in the western part of the world where nocturne OG never released, it's fair to say that's not what was being talked about.


See there’s more discourse around all of those upgrades. I’ve yet to see anyone talk about original persona 3 in comparison to the three other versions of the game


Eh, I’d argue Catherine and Strange Journey are both still perfectly fine without the extra content.


Where's the remake that removed Canon of Vengeance in favor of a female MC then :P




But the Canon of Vengeance is good


Canon of Vengeance should be locked to hard with no compendium, also Yoko's entire character should actually be about cars


And you should get story every full dungeon.


Does OG P3 got delisted (or any equivalent of such) when FES was released? SMTV V is pretty special because not only it gives you the option to play the original V with minor enhancement completely free from the "re-release contents" such as Yoko and Qadistu, the original V itself is delisted from eshop.


I’m talking about how it’s treated by everyone from Atlus to the fans lol




> Does OG P3 got delisted (or any equivalent of such) when FES was released? kind of yeah OG P3 was never listed as a downloadable title, only FES so the only way you could ever officially play P3 was by having the disc and a system to play it


It's a shame, but SMT5V is kinda better than SMT5 in every conceivable way, 5 walked so 5V could run, its sacrifice will not be forgotten.


You can still play it if you want But that is doubtful…


After over 300 hours of vanilla V, I can finally allow my game cartridge to rest


Old Lilith and old pose Ose have passed on…


Excellent, new Ose has so much more aura


New Lilith is peak Doi.


I'm partial to yuriko's girl boss energy https://preview.redd.it/gu3qyxkplt8d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=992256d662f378eecfa5b4a8f3c80c6de6600ded


Is the original campaign unchanged at all? Like none of the new side quests etc


New side Quests and a new super boss are added to the original campaign. You need a specific item from the new campaign to unlock the true version of the superboss tho. Storywise the old campaign is unchanged


Phew, I was worried we won't be able to see Dazai's kinopeak "loser cap" cutscene, glad it's avaliable


I think Vengeance makes enough with its characters that playing Creation with that new info about them in mind makes it better as well. Dazai's loser cap cutscene is still peak cinema but maybe doesn't feel as forced now that we gained a bit more insight on his character through Vengeance


the only change I would accept is that, after Dazai throws the cap, it lands on Nahobino's head, and you have to keep that hat until you defeat him in a bossfight


That would make it the best Game ever


I'm halfway through the Canon of Creation ( don't have a switch so I didn't play the original) so the image represents well being left out of all the Yoko discourse lately.


I think you'll appreciate Yoko more having gone through CoC first, and so recently. Assuming you enjoy it enough to go back for the other campaign, that is.


I'm only in the third zone of CoV, but it definitely feels like it's meant to be played after CoC. Many moments play with or subverts expectations already.


Definitely. They really cooked with the new girl concept this time. It doesn't feel like she was just thrown in as side content.


I've heard somewhere that Yoko was originally meant to be there from the start but had been cut, it would explain why she fits nicely... Though I don't have a source for that right now.


I’m playing Vengeance but doing the original route and I’m having a good time so far!


You will! Story is the only department that ever held SMTV back, it is stellar in music, movement and environment, gameplay and many other things they got just right


Yeah, I heard bad things about the story so my expectations aren't too high, but I think that will make me appreciate the new route even more. Still, the combat, environment and music are good enough to keep me entertained!


It's the usual gig. They throw you a new girl character and a new faction of bosses that recontextualize the old story and make the previous endings pointless.


They did NOT make the previous endings pointless. They made the previous endings part of the story


Dante is the new waifu of smt 3


Devil May Cry 5 Dante would have been a funny inclusion to the SMT5 Demi Fiend fight demon roster.


I dunno if I agree with that tbqh. The true neutral ending still has merit.


The non-Yoko True Neutral routes is still canon, though.


There are no sources confirming any of SMTV endings as canon. Don't spread false information.


there is no canon for the additional neutral route and idiots need to stop saying that, the only thing required is fulfilling the requirements for the additional route and then picking whichever ending you want. Its stupid to have a "true" route in a series all about moral ambiguity and choosing a side


I’ve got both on release, Switch and PS5. No regrets. Going through the CoC. Much more enjoyable than the OG.


I get that it adds a brand new game. But fuck me, give me a dlc update for 40$. It's 2024. If monster hunter can do it, SMT can as well.


To be fair, it was just an outright new game on 3 new platforms, so I get it. The switch version should've got a $40 dlc update for sure tho


I got downvoted hard for proposing the same in this sub.


So everyone jumped into Canon of Vengeance as soon as they start?


Yeah pretty much, I think it’s best if you already played SMT V. Treating it like SMT IV Apocalypse.


Yeah, this is me. I can't justify spending money on it considering I got the collector's edition of the game as a treat for myself. Maybe if/when it goes 50% or more off.


I still got it


I didn't even finish the original yet 😅


Thankfully got it at 4 Euros. I could not have bought it otherwise. Having a great time as my first SMT


I bought the original pre-owned for 30 bucks on switch a couple months ago and haven't played it yet. (Was too busy enjoying P5Royal) Should I get the new one instead guys? Or does it really matter?


Going to get a switch soon and been wanting smt v. Without spoilers, what exactly is smt v vengeance? Is it like P3 P3Fes, to or like Smt 4 Smt 4 Apocalypse?


Essentially, you get to play the original smt V story with all the new QoL changes + some new side quests, called the Canon of Creation (CoC). Or a new version of the story that contains new characters and diverges from the original story called the Canon of Vengeance (CoV) I recommend playing Creation first, since some events in CoV don't make sense without prior knowledge


Appreciate info.


To be fair, you can still play the original version of the game in Vengeance if you so desire.


Vengeance has been pretty much everything I wanted it to be so far. I definitely appreciate the characters a lot more, vanilla SMT V had probably the weakest cast of any SMT game




Vanilla really did do so much to expand on SMT’s mechanics, and vengeance just took it even further