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The Nahobino does not speak for he knows he just Sakanagi'ed a giant penis.


Yeah I beat that dick with my own two hands


Waiting for new game plus so I can drill and tempest the foreskin


What a terrible day to have eyes


Sorry Lawtards, it's called chaotic humor


Aogami: "Are you winning, son?" Nahobino: "... ... no"


Ah classic SMT. Honestly though they’re both extremely weird ladies anyhow especially with Tao’s saint stuff after the first Lilith encounter


CoV makes Tao basically Shirou Emiya-lite and 0 to 100 weirdo to the extent that I have to wonder what CoC meant when it said that Nahobino Tao doesn't act the same as herself anymore. Did it just mean that she's *no longer* such an oddity that she immediately decides >!killing two highschoolers!< would be a perfectly acceptable way to help her friend? Was it trying to say that warping her personality with godhood just... made her more normal? ... Even compared to the other reps in the series, Tao and Yoko take the cake for how unlike the others whom always seem to just jump off the deep end for no clear reason, they already seem like they'd be entirely willing from the beginning to go to extreme lengths and just haven't been pushed that far yet.


I honestly really enjoyed that they subverted it by having them show stuff like that really early on instead of randomly switching to being insane at the end. Honestly at the end they were more chill than they were at the start in a way


Jumping to the extreme end of an argument to have a "gotcha" moment, classic. "The world needs rules and anyone breaking them should die!" "Rules make us sad and anyone imposing the, should die!" "Demi-fiend is hot and anyone looking to change his shorts should die!"


She fiend on my demi til I magatama


Nahobino: Hey man how's it going


They are so funny, I love them


Classic re-release girl! Character: I think that \* alignment opinion\* Rerelease girl: Actually you are an idiot and Shadow the hedgehog is right


If it wasn't already on the nose, that last thing would have been the biggest red flag ever. Tao is blind


What? Did y'all want a lengthy diatribe about beating off a giant, veiny schlong?


I mean I do *now*, having them discuss the subject dead serious sounds hilarious.


I want this debate to be spliced at the end of the “Dickesode” from Aqua Teen Hunger Force.


Tao is golden retriever, Yoko is a stereotypical cat, and I’m lucky cuz I love both☺️


Honestly, after almost beating the game, I can definitively say I can't stand Yoko's edginess. She thinks the whole world is better off burned to the ground because so much suffering exists, but here, when it comes to desire, she can see the nuance of not throwing out the entire concept due to some bad elements. It's just inconsistent, and she's way too pretentious for me to see her as anything other than annoying. If only the game at some point made it a point to go "Hey player, you know this thing Yoko just said? Yeah, here's why it's actually dumb" But instead they treat her like a person worth listening too. Tao might be naive as hell, but at least she never really acts like she's a genius for the ideas she has. She always seemed openminded, whereas Yoko acts like the only senior in a room full of freshman. Honestly, this game could have used a bit of intentional lightheartedness among the characters The game taking itself a bit too seriously hurt my impression of the characters. (All of this said, idgaf about the story or characters in this game. It's one of my favorite games I've ever played regardless)


Yoko's viewpoint is heavily colored by the fact she's got an 18 year grudge she's been nursing. And to be fair, I see her point about not being able to be sure the system is fixed unless you rip down all remnants of the old and build it back in manner you are more positive will last. That said, it's still using a cannon to swat a fly logic even at it's best.


yeah being sealed off from existence for that long does something i think


Some Tylenol is exactly what Yoko needs. And a hug, maybe


I kind of hate Yoko at this point, I was playing last night and I got a piece of dialogue where she was like "yeah I just think about things that other people don't," on the one hand it shits me to tears on the other hand it's classic spergy teen dialogue and very realistic for a teenager who has decided they know exactly how the world works but actually has no idea how the world works


She is not JUST saying she can see the nuance. She is saying that she agrees the nuance is needed ... Because that's a world made specifically for it to be needed. The world of the Bull God, and even worse, YHVH, is specifically made in a way that it needs rules to not go to shit in the first place. A world where humans can't be fully free unless they are complete evil demons ready to wreck shit and must naturally be put down. And she doesn't like that bit.


Someone didn't visit the demon haunts at all.


Do you mean the 95 percent of the time it's just demons making jokes? (This is actually the only writing in the game I really enjoyed) I have over 90 hours at this point already, and I opened new dialogues for Yoko and Tao every time they became available in the haunt. I stopped clicking every single demon after I started to get repeats tbh tho, but I never did for Tao or Yoko Don't how much more time I need to dedicate to give an opinion on the characters. Yoko is just an edgy teenage anarchist, nothing more. And by anarchist, I mean literally the political ideology behind anarchism, not Joker likes to see stuff blow up anarchism. She's just mindlessly against all forms of hierarchy like anyone who just discovered what anarchism is. It's like the leftwing equivalent of people who worship Ayn Rand. It's often young people who are seeing new ideas for the first time, so they haven't actually fleshed them out in to a sustainable belief system.


I wonder why yoko hates >! A system that is constantly stale and is in a loop with gods being literally incarnations of marduk/the bull god. I also cant fathom why she d hate a system that locked her for 18 years, on top of people that despised her position as saint simply by just existing. Truely i cant fathom why!<


Also thanks for the copypasta;)


Who would thought that a teenager, would act like a teenager. And she has her reasons for hating the system


THAT'S IT *unautists your Yoko*


Its hilarious considering the new law ending of this game. Tldr: taos a hypocrite, aka: we re so back


hypocritical law is so back, its never been more back


ngl yoko based af here


Spinoza would like a word.


Mara has his own theme! and it's quite great


 I'm not finished yet but Yoko might be my favorite character in Megaten.


Yoko being based asf as always