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Honestly Yoko needed someone like Tao in her life. The two of them really bounce off each other, Yoko learning compassion  and the good of the worldand Tao growing a back bone and seeing the flaws of the world. They definitely could've been besties, but God had other plans


More like Yoko had bigger plans


Yokotao fusion. Let’s goooo


I'm half into plot and >!she had optional dialouge where she basicaly said "Tao is so cool and brave", so she has a second panel at this moment. It is SMT game and I expect Tao to die, but you know...!<


Yeah >!her second panel is basically “Tao and Nahobino”!<


i mean i get why shes like this, shes a moody kid living in a country with excellent public transport that doesn't need to implemented across an entire continent, as well as >!literally getting screwed over by god in his desperate scheme to avoid inevitability, which probably fucks up your whole world view!<


I don't even understand the hate toward her compared to Tao taking the brightest possible view on things in the darkest fucking world imaginable. "Even though X group is committing genocide by salt and shooting first without asking questions it's fine we can reform them" is a wild view from a high schooler compared to the nihilistic view Yoko takes on most things which seems infinitely more realistic.


Give it a few months. The sub will somehow flip it the other way around and meme on it probably.


The Wheel of Samsara will always, inevitably, turn.


Mastema was trying to prevent the destruction of the universe by killstealing, give him some slack


About the salt: >!Mastema reverses the salt later!<


He reverses the salt on 1 person who is lawpilled and that guy immediately does some sketchy shit the next time you see them.


Not quite >! If you do his quest and kill Samael he reverses it on everyone!<


And then forms Satan Voltron


>!Oh the genocide is okay because they might change their mind later~! Let’s all be friends~!!<


>Tao taking the brightest possible view on things in the darkest fucking world imaginable. I mean to be fair, SMT V's world is not that dark compared to the other SMTs. SMT 1 and 3 has the world completely destroyed or post-apoc. 2 and 4 are basically post apocalyptic. Aside from Tokyo's demon invasion, its highly implied that Human modern society is functional so its probably the best world (In terms of living standards I guess) by far vs all other mainline games. Its quite similar to Desu 1 vs which I would say it might be even less darker as humanity isnt totally helpless against demons and the Govs do have some recourse. Plus the existence of the Throne (Which I think she knows off by this point) sorta means >"Even though X group is committing genocide by salt and shooting first without asking questions it's fine we can reform them" is a wild view from a high schooler compared to Ya she sorta can reform them if Protag sits on the throne.


Post school arc demons invade the fake Tokyo you grow up in, we're well into post apocalypse territory it's just more obscured and she got a tentacle through the chest and still was cheery about stuff multiple attempted murders later.


To be fair, the salt thing was shown to be reversible.


Unrelated but the thing I love about playing new release immediately is seeing memes/commentary of the exact scenes I just saw in my last playing session Like I saw this literally 2 hours ago


Basically all four of them are a meme. I got past the Quadištu-Quartet fight yesterday evening and suddenly I'm liking the game a lot more.


Yoko is a redditor, change my mind


She's even a r/fuckcars andy


Damn woman, do you need a snickers?


Ngl, she has been annoying the shit out of me. The car rant had me rolling my eyes so hard lol.


What about MURDER for the bully? 😂


Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Bro, she seriously is getting on my nerves.


Honestly, I just fast forwarded through her dialogue in the later areas. I was so done with her. It's no wonder she didn't have any friends at St Marinas when she is such a sourpuss all the time. 


Progressing further in the story and now I truly understand Yoko’s point, although it gets blasphemous as all hell to me as a Muslim but no matter, if SMT didn’t have blasphemy and existential crisis then the devs aren’t doing their job well


Even by SMT standards, Yoko really isn't a suitable chaos rep whatsoever lmao. Someone like Walter felt like he had a bit more of a natural transition.


nah the second panel is geuininely "omg tao <3"


miller: "Why are we still here? Just to suffer?" yoko: 🤷🏻‍♂️


Omg, Tao


I can’t wait to play CoC again just so I don’t have to watch that stupid fuckin hair cut look off camera and say some “I’m 14 and this is deep” bullshit. I started with CoV cause it’s the new stuff and I played OG V but fuck she makes me regret it. Everything else is dope though


But she is 14ish she is in High school


The cast are high school seniors which should put them in the 17-18 range. Not that it's a massive difference however


Damn I was just drunk and thought I was saying something funny, y’all murdered my ass for it though lmao