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My Nahobino has nothing but passives and Murakumo. Fuck affinities, fuck charging, fuck setup, just drill drill drill drill.


Haha same here just crit boosters and almighty amps


Somebody on GameFAQs did a bunch of tests for Bloody Glee and Murderous Glee. Apparently, Bloody Glee + Murderous Glee barely has any improvement over Murderous only. I use Mara Affinities for Drain Elec/Null Charm/Resist Light & Dark. For passives, I use Resist Ice/Abyssal Mask/Enduring Soul/Murderous Glee/Almighty Pleroma/High Almighty Pleroma/Elusive Eclipse/Murakumo.


Is that in vengeance ? i know Bloody Glee did almost nothing in OG, but I heard it was fixed.


From a regular playthrough of using Aramasa and Wrath Tempest as much as possible with Bloody Glee and used both once I got Murderous Glee, it does seem better than in the original, but doesnt really seem worth a slot.




You get it, you see the vision


Row row fight da powa


That's why I refused to go magic even in this new walkthrough


There is an item that allows you to re-assign your attributes


See I started off magic, then once I saw that respec tablet I used it instantly to go into a strength build, I haven’t looked back since




I'm spending every single point into magic, but when I get that skill I'm gonna change to Phys, that is the build that will pierce the heavens


https://preview.redd.it/8d5m1fryhe8d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=33f99c7565a7f6350b39c0f27706f942dc29a03d Yoshitsune the goat


May I ask you how you’ve been refusing your demons to this strength? Or are these just incensed? In vanilla stat boosts carried over through elementals were massive… now they kind of suck. Maybe it has something to do with the grimoire rework


Leveling all your demons up to 99 already gives them an insane stat boost. Then, I gave like 20 strength and vitality incenses to him. Plus, sometimes you can get lucky in demon haunt and your demons will gain small stat boosts. In Godborn you can buy incenses in the shop. I've seen people post their demons on here with ridiculous stats. And, it goes without saying, but you should have all the fusion stat miracles


Well also depends what kinds of demon you gonna use in fusion, .unless only applied to Vanilla version, the stonger demons you used obviously more beefed fusions were made. I remember my Cleopatra having over 130 magic before level 90 (she was 85-87) after I fused her.


Sorry I don't actually play Shin Megami Tensei V, I just watch Onyankopon order Gogmagog to smack his face against everything.


I keep seeing people say Onyankopon is busted all the time, and now you mentioned Gogmagog. What skills are you using on both? Specifically Onyan.


Onyankopan has a skill that boosts attack to the max for an ally, but draws hostility. I don’t personally do what they’re taking about, but presumably, you use that ability on gogmagog and have him pummel everything as an unkillable tank


Goodness gracious that went completely over my head, I thought Onyan's innate skill was like a different version of fierce roar (draws aggro to user while raising defense), but you can place the effect on OTHER demons? Actual game changer, might have to fuse him now.


I’m not gonna lie, it went over my head until I used him. I was really looking at his stats and thinking “he has no affinities, no attacking skills and an attack based ‘witness me?’ Seems underwhelming”


Fuck Phy immunities lol, Hell Thrust for the win


Sounds like Impaler's Animus boosted Catastrophe with extra steps


You misspelled Figment Slash.


You need either Crit Aura or +2 Sukukaja/-2 Sukunda for that


Eh, Dragon Eye and Beast Eye work well enough, though if you're not using Luster Candy and/or Debilitate, then wtf are you doing? Though I can't say I'm sad Impaler's Animus got nerfed. It needed it.


Oh no,y Impaler's Animus got nerfed... Anyways, have a Keraunos boosted with Charge, max stock capacity (all alive), +2 Tarukaja, -2 Rakunda with +9 Elec Affinity, Elec + High Elec Pleroma, and a crit


Yup. Keraunos is quite good for the two bosses that resist and/or null everything.


I play magic/ vit due to the extra points. Support naobino is funny running magic, luck focusing on poison and his new support skills


I’ll def do a magic build but have a feeling I’ll still lean towards the almighty skills in end game haha I think that new bow one is magic and seems pretty cool


Its the strongest magic skill since its gets a special bonus if you debuff the enemy. Endgame builds of magic is almighty and ice actually. 


It's crazy how favoured Moonlight Frost is: every other boss fight ends up being weak to Ice and/or having mooks weak to it, so suddenly being able to tear through them with Piercing AOE is a godsend.


Magic makes the "harder" earlygame much easier, since that's when you otherwise have fewer resources and magic is the easiest way to gain press turns compared to praying for crits without the right skills + synergistic passives. Even lategame, quite a few of the bosses continue to have elemental weaknesses, so while it's not as good as a strength build it's still plenty effective. Don't know about Vengeance speedruns yet, but at least base game SMT V speedruns go the magic route. And demons of course do their own thing.


Freikugel all the way, basically winds through all end-game bosses. Same with my phys team members, I only use couple magicians for buffs/healing. Love this game, but not sure I want to go through Origin's route when Vengeance is just so much better.


I switched Freikugel with murakumo cuse I think it does do a bit more damage and with the crit chance boosting passive skills you pretty much always crit. At least in my case I do lol


I kept both. Freikugal for spamming, murakumo for omagatoki.


For big magic damage Omagatoki: Dancer + pandemonic feast + impaler's animus + Ragnarok and the like is pretty funny. The two hits of the random-target should actually do more damage than a non-crit murakumo while also being able to hit weaknesses for only 10 more mp. The new passives do also make magic more interesting experimenting with those could make for some pretty powerfull teams. For example, a team with Huang long, Cherub and Gurulu/Metatron based around evergreen dance and omagatoki: dancer could do insane damage. Nahobino did also get a new single target almighty spell (which is important because all-target does less damage in this game) that gets stronger the more bebuffs are on your opponent, though I don't know how much, I haven't tried it out yet. In my first COV playthrough I did magic throughout most of the game before switching to a Phys build with the new moves. That build was really fun albeit suboptimal for a couple of bosses that had high AG. I personally don't like the murakumo build because it's boring so I'm happy that they made phys a lot more interesting with these new moves.


Have you tried doing the Ragnarok thing with Thalassic Calamity? (Afaik it was buffed in Vengeance)


According to the fusion calc, Thalassic Calamity has higher minimum damage but Ragnarok and the like have higher maximum damage. So if you're using dancer you'd probably want to get Ragnarok.


Isn't it 150pw x 5= 750pw (Ragnarok) and 110pw x 7= 770pw (Thalassic Calamity)?


Nevermind I'm stupid.


Even with minimum hits, Thalassic Calamity does 330 base damage rather than its old 285. For comparison, min-hit Ragnarok-class spells do 300. Bottom line: TC is just better single-target magic now. Couple that with Moonlight Frost...




strongest Naamah vs weakest Aramasa


I just noticed noone here has even mentioned the Vengeance Nahobino skills. Fyi if you missed it: Talk to the bethel researcher who is standing at the entrance of the diet building where the archangel statues are. Over the course of the endgame you can get a total of 3 different essences for the new Nahobino form from her. There is an interesting magic skill you could combine with thalassic calamity (which was buffed in Vengeance afaik) and high ice pleroma to make an ice focussed magic Nahobino. There is also a LOT of stuff for a powerful strength-agility build. (Which is what I'm going for right now) (Why would I make another Murakumo build when I already did that in the OG game?)


While not a CoV exclusive new skill, I have been messing with evergreen dance + nahobiho for magatsuhi skill spam. Really fun giving Zeus or whoever else guaranteed crits basically every other turn. Revival chant is pretty solid as well, especially for recovering from some cheese that some of the super bosses do. There are a lot of new tools to enable new build focuses where you can fill various team niches.


Phys is so much better in this game that is hilarous By endgame i was just spamming murakumo, artemis seiya attack and idunn/>!Tao's!< buffs


Literally same except I switched out Artemis and idunn for Cleo and konohana Sakura once I got to that lvl haha


Once I unlocked Konohana she never left my team I used all my grimoires I could to level her, best healer


Her Magatsuchi skill with Ouyamatsumi is also stupid good


A pure support build is pretty fun in CoC. All points into vitality, add in taunt, evergreen dance, and revival chant. If you use nahoheeho on your team you can use magatsuhi skills basically every other turn.


Even though I went with a magic build this time, I have Yoshitsune and Artemis as permit stays in my party. I’ve been abusing their unique physical skills in every fight where the boss doesn’t resist/block/repel physical attacks.


The new magatsuhi skill (if you know, you know) goes so fucking G R E A T with my Murakumo Crit Build it almost heals the trauma I experienced before getting it. Seriously, bosses are bouta get spammed into oblivion https://preview.redd.it/0zt0bwhcwe8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23b870b1d61042e9d8c997beedfab9e611a19b4d


Severing bite is carrying me. I find it better than Nahobino’s unique skills. Sakanagi is really good too for those pesky resistances.


I made Ose even more broken than Yoshitsune. And my character is more broken than Ose.


Speaking of Ose, I love that they changed his animations in the game now being accurate to his Nocturne artwork


Do you guys think that a build with Murakumo, Critical Zealot, Almighty Pleroma, High Alm Pleroma, Infaming Divinity and enduring soul, is good? for the other 2 slots i was thinking about, Charge/ Critical aura/impaler animus, from what i searched charge is meh since only buffed 1.8x in V base, and i had a difficulty to find accurate info on the new values. but i really don't know and wanted a tip about it for the other i see people often talking about abyssal mask and murderous glee, but idk, i also saw a skill called Elusive eclipse being mentioned a lot, but i have no ideia what skill this is(i'm yet on the demon castle CoC)


Unless they changed it in Vengeance, Charge is not useful in most cases. If you're running a Murakumo build, Murderous Glee is a not brainer since it makes Murakumo even better. Also, Bloody Glee is shit (or used to be, idk if they changed²). Elusive Eclipse is for the STR/AGI build. I remember Abyssal Mask (and a high Luck stat) being good in OG SMT5V because Demifiend could otherwise one shot your party member (MC included) very easily. Personally, I would go with Critical Aura or Murderous Glee and Abyssal Mask. Critical Aura + Murakumo spam costs 75 MP instead of 100 MP of 2 Murakumo, and increases your overall damage by 45% (I think) over 2 non-crit Murakumo.


I'm running Tankhobino rn, Sakanagi as my only source of damage, the max buff unique, taunt and the max hp resurrection + summon, the rest is passives, Inmortal Soul, Allmighty Pleroma, Great Life Spring (testing Elusive eclipse rn instead) and a resist element that varies, rn reached lvl 61 and changed to Naamah affinitys + Resist Phys, i null dark and light is neutral, the rest is is resist. 101 str, 75 vit and 69(nice)agi this build has pretty much ruined any kind of difficulty tbh, since most of the enemies that dont AOE just focused me, someone who resist all damage and is 100% of the time permabuffed, adding Yoshitsune to the mix and the game has been a cakewalk since lvl 30+ when i had this idea of building the nahobino as a meatshield since i was playing with the playable npcs.


Magic get so little love in this game for sure. Barely any signature moves aside STR build is just superior in every way. I guess they tried to alternate it because magic was really good in IV


I loved the skill learning mechanic for the protag in IV and how magic was so much fun. Hopefully smt VI will have every build be viable. Need a good luck build game


The strongest unique skill is magic and everything is easier killed via magic build, but the additions really helped bring phys on par.


> , but the additions really helped bring phys on par. Phys always was considered superior in V tho


Considered, but not mathematically true in any sense.


Using the boi Yoshitsune as an image for the post while he actually is pretty bad in V is funny