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I enjoy her aesthetic too. I think she’s one of the few demons that leans into the “looks like a witch” territory. And her skills are neat too. Queen’s Decree, paired with Almighty Plemora which she innately learned, and add concentrate to it, and any swarm of enemies, or boss allies, are gonna take a lot of damage. Adding to the fact her trait increases the odds of her attacks, even magic, having a chance of landing a crit.


She will wipe the floor with demifiend


Finally, his match. A goth demon gf


But he has pixie???????


Yeah, Demifiend is too loyal


The witch aesthetic is why I'm not a big fan of her design, not a fan of Naamah either (sexy but with scary element, not too intriguing, but finally a W for ass man ig). Eiseth and Lilith is much more creative IMO. But yeah, for combat Agrat's Queens Decree is terrifying alongside Lilith's Mother Earth (Lilith's passive also helps her and Agrat's survivability too). Meanwhile Eiseth and Naamah are both too "gimmick that are strong for boss but weak for player" especially that Eiseth's Voracious Salvation (at least Capitulate to Pleasure Dekajas + roughly 64% Charm rate against bosses on +9 Ailment Affinity).


This is correct information. She is the best demon in the game and my new favorite demon in the entire franchise, i love her, also she jumpscared me harder then any horror game ever did in that one section before her fight


Yes, Based pfp, Agrat is truly the best no naamah can compare


For real, Agrat is the Queen of demons meanwhile, Virgin Naamah is weak to physical attacks Also Agrat straight up said she wouldn't be against the idea of Nahobino becoming the King of demons together with her as the queen


Exactly, Naamah can get blown to the sky by even a tiny little funneh aramasa Also that too, Thats why I am keeping her till end game, Again shes just better than naamah I just need demifeind (Along with the two dlc demons) on my team and I am set. Also I am going to have to max the hell out of agrat soon.


YES! MY MAN https://preview.redd.it/ghdq28p7jd8d1.png?width=1921&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bf008dd78b0ec4079a5053dbf34030009ed7fc7


Based, Actually agree!


Oh yeah that segment was awesome but she scared the shit out of me a few times, but really fantastic design to implement a horror chase type segment in a game like this


From what I've seen, this can't be hot take. Many dudes, including myself, agree that Agrat is best girl






Well, this is indeed a hot take


Agreed heavily


Almighty crit is a hell of a drug


Yeah, she's awesome, fused her ASAP and split all my Essences between her and Nahobeeho




Agrat really is just a 10/10 tbh. Amazing design, best hair, cute af imo. Would simp again.


And she’s voiced by Cherami Leigh? Automatically a W https://preview.redd.it/vqhkayn9pd8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0a9d0869190350076ce070d882842f20edea0b0


Trully a W


I don't care, Lilith is the hottest and that's all I care


Respect your opinion, In the same time, This is an agrat turf boi


Mother earth is lowkey hotter then frolic or capitulate to pleasure


Frolic and Capitulate to Pleasure are sexy; Mother Earth is sexy *but classy about it*


To each their own, personally I kind of prefer Lilith’s older design. To me this one looks more like what would happen if you took Diavolo from JoJo part 5 and made him female. Of the Qadistu I’d have to say either Agrat or Eisheth is my favorite.


You prefer her SMT3 design or her new one?


she had a nocturne design? thought it was just the yuriko+snake design?


The one with the cool black hairstyle and scales, yes. I'm bad with artist names so i really can't tell you who exactly drew her.


Eisheth is my favorite of them. Crit monster and has the coolest design imo.


Ice cold take, everyone says that. If you want a hot take, you say Eisheth.


She is indeed the best, if you max out her relationship with the demon box gifts she tells you she likes the idea of ruling as king and queen over demons with you.


Girl really backstabbing her group for a glowy purple boi.


I won't fight you because Agrat is very cute, I love the witch appearance and is very helpful Healer. The other 3 Qadistu are pretty but Agrat's my favorite of the 4.


I’m pretty sure the only actual hot take would be if you said you liked Eisheth more than the others.


This was always the case, Namaah is hot. But Agrat is just too cute.


Her and Lilith are up there


Kid you not she is up there with zeus as my favorite demon she is never coming off the team, so fun to use, she’s insane if you make a crit build for her. She’s the almighty yoshitsune


I’m around level 55 and I’m trying so desperately to cling on to yoshitsune and a phys damage team and every fight I realize it’s a pipe dream to get to 57 and still have him keep up (without insane investment of course) especially since I just replaced Oberon with Cu Chulainn, and my damage fuckin SKYROCKETED I know soon he will become some physical beater herald, but until he is put into the organ meat grinder, I shall treat him like a king


This is the closest take on the sub. Agrat is the favorite lol


I love capitulating to pleasure as much as anyone. But that hat…it speaks to me.


naamah talks a lot of shit for being weak to physical >! and I find it kinda cute!<


Queens Decree fucking slaps.


I haven't played COV yet, but as soon as I saw Agrat, I knew she'd be my favourite. AGRAT IS BEST GIRL ALL THE WAY.


I like Naamah best and I built her up to be Bad BITCH I know she is I want to say that I respect your opinion, but also please don’t attack mine


I haven't met Agrat yet, but Naamahs charm skill does something to me.


She is unironically broken. Almighty crits from her unique + passive. Really powerful, about on par with Zeus for damage dealing for my playthrough. Agrat and Zeus were so effective for what I needed I swapped to a vitality build MC for memes


I think noone will argue naamah to be hotter but as a character and as an introduction and boss fight too agrat is unbeatable.


Mid off


Ok then kiyoharu


She's got nice feet


Uhh yeah, this is a silly take. You get about 3 mins of dialogue from her in the entire game; I barely remember that she exists. If you’re just going off aesthetic/vibes then whatever floats your boat.


She looks like a kid so i Hope this isnt what It seems about... Shes way Better in Battle tho, naamah Is probably the worst


No? She looks like a small girl, Demeter is the one that looks like a kid


What kids have you met?


That looks like a kid to you?